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in this video I'm going to go over the three biggest obstacles that hold most people back from having success online hey Aloha my name is Tom gtis I'm the co-founder of offline sharks and remote Millionaires and I'm excited to be here to talk to you about what is holding most people back from having success with an online business now not that long ago I was in a well maybe a similar situation as to what you are I was an overworked restaurant manager working 65 70 hours a week I had no control of my time my schedule I was living paycheck to paycheck not able to save any money and I desperately wanted out and so I turned to uh learning how to uh generate income online now today my life is very different I have uh multiple online businesses each of those plaque you see behind me on the wall is from a business that did over a million dollars but how did I get from there to here cuz maybe you've been at this game for a little while you've tried lots of stuff and nothing has worked that's what happened to me I mean I tried everything I tried affiliate marketing uh I tried uh webinars podcasting content creation all social media all kinds the agency model all kinds of stuff I could never get any of of it to work and I see that happen over and over and over with a lot of people out there the reason that you struggle with getting these businesses to work is not what you think and it's not what all those quote gurus tell you I'm going to give you the real reason the number one reason you struggle is credibility and Authority now what the heck does that mean well basically nobody knows who the heck you are they have no reason to trust you so why the heck would they give you any money right let's let's take affiliate marketing as an example with affiliate marketing you're recommending products other people's products and when people buy them you get a cut of the action right well why should anyone listen to your recommendations and then who are you recommending those products to right like you have to build up either an email list a big audience then you have to have trust and credibility in their eyes so that when you make a recommendation they go and buy those things that takes a lot of work let's take the uh any of the other business models you see out there online webinars podcasting any of that stuff if if people don't know who you are if they have no reason to trust you or see you as an authority why would they give you any money right even the agency model right look at the agency model you go out to somebody and you say hey look I can help you with say search engine optimization well great then they want to know well do you know search engine optimization can you do it who have you done it for can I see some of the clients you worked with and it's this endless cycle of well what do you do like you don't have any traction R you don't have any credibility and Authority now early on when I realized that I started looking for ways to overcome that obstacle right and most people will just tell you look you just have to keep pounding your head against the wall you just keep moving you don't give up never quit just keep doing it over and over eventually you'll get some traction and you'll get some credibility you'll build up you build up but man that takes so much time I didn't want to wait that long so I started trying to figure out ways to overcome that obstacle right out of the gate and I have a method I call it the already done method that overcomes all of those obstacles right out of the gate so first The credibility and the authority obstacle well with the already done method it's already done so there is no question of whether you're credible or not whether you can do it or not whether what they're buying is good or not and I'll give you an example if I came to you and said look pay me uh a couple thousand dollar and I'll build you a car you would start asking questions like well do you know how to build a car what kind of car would you build what parts would you use will it be a good car will it be worth the money I spend that's exactly what happens with most uh online type business business right people have all those questions but if I come to you and I said look I have this car it's already built you can look at it you can get in it you can drive it you can zip it around you can do whatever you want and you can see that it's an amazing car and the price I'm asking is an amazing value like none of those questions even exist you don't want to know if I built the car who built like it doesn't matter right because you've got the car and it's a great price that's exactly what the already done method does so it overcomes The credibility and Authority issue right out of the gate makes it a complete non-issue second a big thing that holds people back is the market that they pick right A lot of people when they're going to do an online business they decide to go out and go after consumer so like with affiliate marketing or selling some type of consumer product but a lot of these products are lowcost right and right now with the economy the way that it is with everything going on in the world consumers are really uh tightening up their wallets they're holding on to more money mainly because the cost of living is more their their expenses are up they don't have a lot of disposable income to spend so a lot of the people I know in the online space that are targeting consumers are struggling right now because the consumers aren't spending like they were uh you know just a few months ago it's entirely different but there is one market out there that is always spending money and they spend more money than consumers and that is small businesses think about this to a consumer a $500 purchase is a major purchase right they have to think about that a lot to a small business a $500 purchase is low that's a lowcost purchase cuz so many things that a business buys are super expensive so the price of what's high and low becomes relative so when you have a market a group of people like small businesses that you're selling something to you can be perceived as a way higher value at a higher price to small businesses than you can to Consumers and it can be a lot easier to make that sell there's not as much resistance whereas if you're trying to sell something for $500 or more to a to a person there's a lot of questions they want to know all that stuff businesses not so much cuz it to them it's not a super expensive purchase right now small businesses that is a pretty big market right a market is a big group of people that share an interest but you can even get better by zeroing in on specific small businesses and there are specific small businesses out there that are uh actively and looking for certain things to buy and inside the already done method I will show you how to identify those businesses and go after those specific businesses that will give you the most success and how to sell something to them for around $500 that will make an you an insane profit and make them incredibly happy so credibility Authority out the window Market out the window so what's the last piece well it's the skills right when you've I'm sure in your journey in doing an online business you've been down what I like to call the digital Rabbit Hole meaning you see something and you're like wow this sounds great I'm going to get into it then you get into it and it's like there's one more thing to learn and then you need to learn this like for me when I was first getting started I had to learn SEO I had to learn social media I had to learn how to build website like it seemed like everywhere I turned there was some new skill that I had to learn and that really just slowed me down I was spending hours and hours and hours learning learning new skills but not taking any uh what I call RPA Revenue producing activities I was just trying to learn maybe that's you well look I have a way around that with the already done method because it is already done you don't have to learn anything you can just go out and deploy this and start generating income right away and then as you're doing that I have some specific training that will help you build up your skills and get more comfortable in what you're doing but you don't have to worry about what you're selling or what these small businesses are buying because it's already done it's super professional my team put it all together so it's top-notch you don't have to learn any of that stuff you can just get out there and start generating income right away now look the already done method is uh it's not the sexiest thing you're going to see right there's nothing sexy there even really isn't anything particularly new inside the already done method except the structure the psychology and how I've put all this together making it a true Marketing System that you can just go out and deploy to start generating income right away now right now the already done method just launched or it's about to launch depending on when you're watching this video and because of that we're launching it at an extremely low price less than $30 but it's only going to be that low for the next few days each day the price is going to go up on the final day it's going to make a dramatic rise probably a couple hundred dollar so right now is your chance to grab the already done method at the lowest price possible and get inside and start getting out there and taking action right away plus just for chases people uh we've put together a special bonus package so when you pick up the already done method not only are you going to get the already done method but you're going to get some amazing bonuses that will help you get going have success and get this thing working faster and better uh than any other thing out there so look below this video there's some info on uh the package what's in the bonuses some more info on the already done method my name is Tom gtis I appreciate you watching this video I Really uh appreciate for bringing this to you this I believe is one of the best uh business things out there online and fact if I were having to start over with just the clothes on my back this is what I would do to hit the 100K Mark as quickly as possible and right now you can grab the already done method for the lowest price possible so go down click that button head over grab the already done method grab the bonuses if you have any questions feel free to hit me up and I will see you on the inside aloha