6 GoHighLevel Features That Make Me Over $1000 daily

for some reason people think you need to sell every single feature that high LEL offers to be successful which is completely wrong in fact amateurs try to sell all the automations social media posting missed call text backs Google reviews and text messages but professionals find out exactly what the client needs maybe it's reviews more leads or something specific like website conversion optimization they focus on the small thing that makes a big difference for the client they ask good questions and show how they can solve that one problem if your client is confused with all the different features they won't see the value they might feel overwhelmed someone who feels you're adding more to their plate won't pay for that because they're already busy they need you to come in as an expert show them how one small thing will help and then later show all the other stuff when talking to the client find out what they need help with if they have seven reviews and their competitors have 70 pull up their Google page and say would you move forward when your competitors have 10 times the reviews or ask how often they follow up with leads chances are they don't do enough this is how you find the pain and offer a profitable go high Lev service to them when I got started I focused on one thing I absolutely lost clients because I didn't understand this when I tried to explain a website to a business owner I went too in-depth I would say we're going to put your contact form here code your images this way use nice round images posted on WordPress and have emails set up they would think wo this is too much many felt overwhelmed and when it came to the price they wanted discounts because they didn't need all that detail instead I should have said this website will get you more customers and convert visitors into paying clients that's what they really want more appointments and less hassle with following up on leads sometimes they just need a simple calendar setup using high level you can install a form live chat and forward people to a calendar that alone could be a $300 per month service if you're ready to transform your financial future stick around because this video is packed with game-changing insights and actionable tips that'll have you on the fast track to success let's dive in and unlock the potential of affiliate marketing together now if you haven't come across high level before it's a CRM that empowers you to manage leads create landing pages and send texts among other fantastic features below this video I'm offering you a complimentary automated system high level along with access to all my automations with these tools you'll be able to replicate the exact processes I'm using so what I've basically done is come up with a plan where I use easy to copy templates for everything to bring in viewers whether it's making videos or writing emails I've got it all set up so you can just copy and paste everything you need to start today is right here no fancy stuff it's all about keeping things simple and straightforward so anyone can get going without any hassle so before we jump into things could you do me a favor drop a yes in the comments your response helps me understand if this type of content resonates with you and also boosts the visibility of this video now let's dive into my account I've worked with many clients and I'll show you the most profitable services for you and your clients the first one is called a Dr Campaign which stands for database reactivation I'll show you an example of a past Dr campaign basically you take a past lead list or customer list from your clients and import them here then send them a text message voicemail and a follow-up message to book appointments without spending money on ads this service is extremely valuable and you can charge thousands of dollars for example one time I ran this for a roofing client and we booked three or four estimates for them to go out and give Roofing estimates so keep it simple and focus on what the client really needs show them how your service will directly benefit them and you'll find more success and from that one job they made $10,000 so it was easy to then sell a $2,000 per month marketing package Plus ad spend this service is extremely valuable and it's nice to get clients to log in and start using the dashboard it's very risk-free and everyone understands it so that's the first service here's an example of a past Dr campaign we ran for a client it still works well for instance we sent a message saying hey contact name it's client's name from their business we're giving away a few Roofing coupons for our New Year's special only four left reply yes if you want one if they didn't respond in 24 hours we drop them a voicemail then follow up with another SMS saying hey did you get our message the key is to have a reason for reaching out notice how we use the New Year's special as a reason you can find any reason to set this up like saying you have extra supplies or offering a special discount it sounds more authentic than just offering a discount without a reason for example you could say New Year's special we're getting rid of old supplies contact us for a free estimate and $1,000 off because we have extra supplies the second service is a reviews campaign we can't show you this one because it involves sensitive data but here's how it works we take a past list of customers and send them SMS messages and emails asking for reviews now if you want you can also give them an incentive for leaving a review every business in the world wants more reviews more case studies and more testimonials it's very powerful and easy to sell to sell this just go to Google and type in their competitors names ask them who their competitors are or just type in their Niche and city you'll see their competitors the top guys probably have 70 80 or even a 100 reviews even 30 or 40 reviews is a good amount if they only have three or four reviews it's an easy sell because it sells itself you can say who would you rather work with are you happy with having fewer reviews even though you've been in business longer than your competitors it's very easy to sell this service everyone wants more social proof and they can use those reviews in follow-up emails on landing pages and on their website it's very easy to tie reviews back into more revenue for the business owner the next thing is the lead Source report all local business owners or really any business owner are extremely busy they don't have time to track where the lead came from when we talk to clients they usually say the front desk person asks how the lead found them and that's how they track everything but then that data goes nowhere when I ask how many website submissions they've gotten in the past 30 days how many people found them on Facebook from Google ads or called from Google my business they have no idea then you can ask how many of those clients did you actually close that's a great question and most of the time they have no idea this service is extremely valuable as you can see we had a client use it properly and we now have better systems in place to prevent duplication they can attach tags and when they do it automatically tracks The Source this is still a good example your clients can go in and track everything manually whether you run ads for them or not you can help them track all of it if they already have someone running ads still offer lead tracking it makes a huge difference for example if a lead comes from Facebook and is worth $77,000 but they get 16 leads from Google worth $500,000 they can see that running Google ads makes more sense this helps them make crucial decisions it's important to track website form submissions live chat and all that stuff live chat if not tracked could mean missing out on significant Revenue everything in this video can be copied and pasted into your account check out the link in the description for a free course next the conversations tab is extremely valuable if I click into this it will be blurred due to sensitive data however the amazing thing about this tab is that you can track all communication inside it this includes Facebook messages Instagram messages and Google my business messages which often get lost clients who reach out to the business owner need to be tracked here they are too busy and their assistant or salesperson is usually too busy to check all these platforms even if they do it might take them days to respond and by then the customer might have gone with a competitor this tool is extremely powerful and clients love it often they don't see the value until they start using it if you tell them you'll centralize everything they aren't that excited but once they use it they love it all they need to do is open the app on their phone check one Tab and see all their messages it's super powerful another profitable feature that works well is automatic lead responses within that same conversations tab as soon as a lead comes in you want to text them right away and notify the client via text this can save clients for example if someone reaches out to a busy plumber an automatic response can save that lead clients see the value because it's important to respond to leads as soon as possible even if they are busy they can start communication with the lead when they call the lead is already familiar with the business because they feel like they've texted them if you're offering appointment booking which I highly suggest build a funnel with a calendar integrate the client's Google Calendar so you can follow up with leads and push them to the calendar this way you can sell appointment bookings to the client instead of saying here are leads for you to text you push an appointment calendar so leads can automatically book on the client's behalf the best thing you can do is book an initial phone call consultation this means the lead Just Books a time to talk to the client now the client can check their phone and see a bunch of phone call appointments think about how powerful this is everyone else is offering leads but you can automatically book phone calls for the client even though it's not an in person consultation offering a phone call consultation is huge the client will love this because they can see I have to call suie at 1: p.m.

And I have to call Joe at 3: p.m. this saves them a lot of time we are testing AI with appointment booking this means AI can have a full conversation with a lead and automatically book the appointment right now we just have automations that say book an appointment here if you have questions let us know and we'll get back to you but with AI we can have a full conversation where we ask specific questions and get them automatically booked booked without sending them to a calendar the AI can ask how does 400 p.m. tomorrow work for you and then book it if they say yes this could be really cool in the future lastly we have the opportunities tab this is extremely powerful because it shows the client everything going on in the business they can see the leads coming in the leads responding and the leads that need followup they can see who booked an appointment who got a quote and who still needs to be followed up with it's all tracked and they can see how much money they're sitting on and how much they haven't closed yet they can be in here have a salesperson in here and monitor progress to prioritize which leads to follow up with this is super valuable and you want to use go high level for your clients in the same way use it for your agents too the same way we use go high level for our clients you should use it for your agency all our client communication happens inside the conversations tab one powerful tool I love using is the schedule option every New Prospect and client we speak with is managed in the conversations tab you can even schedule text messages if a client or lead says text me tomorrow at 2: p.m.

or text text me Thursday at 400 p.m. you can schedule that text to send automatically the most important feature we use is the calendar option every intro call and demo call with clients is booked inside go high level we follow up and send reminders to everyone which increases your show rate more people actually show up for demos plus it gives us a chance to follow up with people who don't show or whom we don't close before the meeting we send them a ton of value case studies testimonials videos and resources this preps them for the conversation not everyone watches all our case studies but even if they click and scroll through they see your legit and get slightly pre-sold this is incredibly valuable it also allows you to track how many demo calls and intro calls you've done Under reporting you can check your statistics to see if you're not closing enough leads or just not booking enough meetings find one or two features that are very profitable for the client and sell them those then you can introduce everything else we talked about in this video identify their main pain point and solve that this might feel counterintuitive there's no school for this no sales training when you sign sign up for high level that's why this is important thanks for watching if you found this video helpful don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe for more great content if you're ready to take your marketing to the next level click the link in the description to schedule a free consultation let's chat about how we can help you achieve your goals don't miss out book your spot now and let's start creating amazing results together

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