Can You Really Quit Your 9-5 Job and Make Money Online In 2025? (Even For Beginners)

have you ever wondered if it was actually possible to make enough money online to replace your 9 to-5 job what's up guys shifi here in today we're going to be talking about the easiest way to make money online as a complete beginner and the best part about all this stuff is I've nothing to sell you you're not putting any credit card details in and I'm giving you a completely free full step-by-step course to walk through exactly how we make thousands of dollars every single day now all you have to do to claim these bonuses and get started is is actually go in the description of this video and go to this is going to take you to our landing page where you are going to grab the free checklist and then you're going to get the course on top of that it is completely free so make sure you put in the right email here hit send here and it's going to forward you to our Discord server which is actually going to be a group of a bunch of people holding you accountable to do the right thing and actually make money online this is an active group we are active every single day and we are always posting about our wins and the best part about this too is we are paying people to take action you can actually post what's called a win in the chat and when you actually enter a win here you are actually entered in to win $1,000 um on the giveaway date right whatever that is but we are literally giving away money in order for you to take action with that being said what are we going to go over for the rest of this video well how are you going to make money exactly because I just said all this stuff about making a bunch of money but how are we actually going to do it well it's very simple we're going to drive traffic to tools that we can promote to not only make sales for them but we don't have to worry about the Fulfillment we don't have to worry about the support we don't have to worry about any of that and so all we have to do is get them the customers and then collect a monthly reoccurring Commission on that sale so what we actually have here in this checklist is a walkth through step-by-step guide on everything to do including tutorials and timestamps but we also have 400 plus AI tools that you can get paid to promote now as for choosing a tool to promote you don't have to choose any of these right this is just a tool for you to find tools that have good Affiliates and then you can go and promote them but once you find a tool that you want to promote whether you want to find something that you can make money with whether you find something that's really cool that you think other people are going to be interested in the next step is actually driving traffic so what we're going to actually do in this video is if we go to the new resource checklist back where we were we can actually start going down this list right so do we have a Gmail account well you need a Gmail account to send up follow-up emails right because guess what there's something called the rule 7 in marketing and the rule of seven in marketing states that you cannot sell something to someone unless the potential customer has seen the Brand's message it be seven times right on average if you send them to an affiliate link right away you're not going to end up making the sale until they've seen you seven times and I'm going to go over exactly how you can actually get your offer out to the same person's seven times so the first step is getting the person um entirely right so you already signed up for Discord because you're going to sign up for Discord and join our group right here you should probably sign up for Facebook so you can start posting reals for later and Instagram reals for later but the main thing we're going to focus on in today's video is actually setting up YouTube now when you're setting up a YouTube channel this is the hardest part of the whole process right because you're going to start making YouTube videos like I am doing right now and you are going to actually talk on the camera and you don't even have to have a camera right you can start faceless and do exactly what I'm doing and talk about a tool or an offer and why it's actually good so what you can do is you can copy one of our videos so if we over go to our channel right over here and we actually go to our videos you can find a video to copy because guess what if you copy what works you're going to get a similar result so from here you're going to see this video did pretty well this is about a 2X for our channel so and this was around six days ago so what you can do is you can copy the title you can copy the thumb nail you can copy what the video transcript is so if we click into here we go down here and we can actually go to show transcript you can actually copy the transcript if we toggle the timestamps and we can copy everything and literally throw it in the chat GT change it up or we can just throw it on a notepad and actually read off it in a second monitor or on a phone but you get the idea here right if you copy what works you're going to get a similar result and this is what I was actually able to be successful with actually doing on another Channel that I own right so what's the next next steps you got a YouTube channel you're going to make a video right and that's the hardest part to get started and that's exactly why we have that Discord channel so that you can go in there and get encouragement and all the stuff that you need but basically what you need to do is you need to actually start copying what works whether it's from our Channel whether it's from another Channel That's successful but once you go and copy someone that works you're going to get views after a while right this is something you work at and you actually start getting payments from but what you're going to do is you're going to take this and you need to now turn these views into leads now the only difference between the views and the leads is getting their information so you can do constant followup and that goes back to the rule of seven in marketing remember we need to reach out to them at least seven times so how are we going to do that exactly well it's very very simple because now once you go down to the essential tools setup now you have a bunch of tools that are very essential for actually making money online and the best part about this is they have free trials so you don't have to pay for them upfront and yes everything is to toally free and no you do not need this right away right you don't even need this at all there's other Alternatives you have um other tools that work uh well but we actually chose these tools cuz we think they're the best in the category so you can spend all your time doing this and it could be months before you get to this point but guess what you can start making money with your views before you even have to spend a single dime because from here you're going to click on let's say high level and it's going to give you a trial to their program and what high level is going going to do is it's actually going to give you the ability to capture leads now how are we going to capture those leads let's open a notepad here so I can tell you exactly how we're going to do that the first step is you're going to get the views by posting on social media then from there you need to turn those views into leads so how are we going to actually do that well it's very very simple because remember we need to capture their information in order to reach out to them multiple times so what we're going to do is we are going to create a landing page through high level and that way we can actually put a form on there that will capture the information and then set up an email automation that will constantly reach out for us automatically now that sounds really really complicated but that's exactly why we have tutorial timestamps and we have hours of tutorials right over here so what I'd recommend is go through all this stuff and actually go through the meaning of all this stuff by clicking on the tutorials right because once you actually get YouTube running and you start getting a views right you're going to want to start posting reals right so what do you might need you might need radar it's an Autos schedule that will Autos schedule out your content if I go to radar over here um this is just my account this isn't for the shifi account but essentially you can see that all these are short form content that is scheduled out all throughout the month right and it posts automatically now not only that but you might need Min chat because Min chat will actually reach out to all your comments and DMS and send them your links to your landing pages in the places where you want to send traffic because remember we're just going to to be the master of sending traffic right you might need 11 Labs because 11 Labs is going to go and actually clone voices right which is nice because once you clone your voice you might not even have to talk in these videos right so it just all depends what you want to do but we have all the tools written down right here that we use to make money online and we even have tutorials based on everything and we're also doing a setup Hardware section as well but with that being said that's going to bring us to the end of the video today so what I'd recommend you doing right you need to go to get this checklist right we have nothing to sell you we want you to get into this free Discord server and we want you to succeed right that's exactly why we're giving away everything for free that's exactly why we're giving money to people that are actually taking action and what I want you to do is if you have found help in this video make sure that you like comment and subscribe down below and when you comment I'm going to send you a special bonus Down Below on top of what we have here but with that being said uh this is shifi peace out

As found on YouTube

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