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this is the easiest and fastest way to get your first 1,000 leads using AI first off we need to set things up if you're new to this and feeling lost about AI or making money online don't worry we'll cover all the basics step by step so how do we start well we need a way to collect people's info who might be interested in what we're offering we call these people leads a lead could be someone who's interested in buying something from us like a service or a product but to reach out to them we need their email address and the easiest way to get that is through something called a landing page a landing page is just a simple web page where people can enter their email to learn more about what we're offering for example if we're talking about AI video creation we can create a landing page that says something like want to learn how to make videos with AI enter your email here and I'll show you how once they enter their email we can send them more information about what we're offering and maybe even a link to buy it so to get started we need to create a landing page like the one I just mentioned if you're not sure how to do that don't worry I'll show you an easy tool you can use for free for 30 days to create your landing page and send emails to your leads and I'll even give you some templates to make it even easier then I'll walk you through how I'm making money by promoting products as an affiliate which means I earn a commission for each sale made through my referral for instance in just 50 days I've gotten 49,000 referrals 172,000 clicks and 282 customers it's pretty cool right right so let me tell you about this tool first things first if you want to get your hands on it head over to First AIT tool.com I'll drop the link below this video too once you're there click on get free course when you do that and enter your info I'll hook you up with the full playlist of videos I've made these videos will guide you through the whole process plus I'll send you all the snapshots which are basically the setups you need to import into your account to automate your follow-ups and use the landing pages I've already made for you after click and entering your details check your email there you'll find the link to grab the 30-day free trial if for some reason you're not feeling it within those 30 days you can cancel anytime but I'm sure if you follow along with the videos and use the tool you'll start seeing leads coming in and maybe even some sales here's the cool part you can even become an affiliate for this tool you'll get your own landing page just like mine where you can promote it and earn commissions I'll show you how to get your affiliate Link in a bit when you grab the tool make make sure to schedule a kickoff call it's free and super helpful they usually charge $300 for it but you get it for free during the call they'll walk you through setting up your account answering any questions you might have and hey if you got a snapshot from me they'll help you import it into your account too so don't skip that call it's really worth it okay let's go over to the tool it's called go high level this is just one of many free different tools I'm going to show you in these videos I use a lot of different tools most of them have free trials if you for whatever reason don't like this tool you can check out the other tools I'll show you in the other videos now let's log into the app by the way when you get into high level and clone my Snapshot you get my page with my training video and everything and you can use that until you want to use your own training videos and everything as well so we're going to go into our sub account now basically when you're in high level the way this works is you have these things called sub accounts a sub account is really just one of your businesses so if you only have one business and you're just getting started you would only have one sub account the only reason you have multiple sub accounts is if you have multiple businesses or you're managing clients if you're trying to do client work as well you could set up a sub account for your clients and you can start managing their landing pages emails leads texts and automations you can actually Bill these clients through high level every single month which is really cool by the way if you get their $497 plan you can actually wh label high level as well you basically get a website that looks like this you can replace your logo and people can sign up for high level through your branded site they get added as a sub account and you can build them every single month whatever you want through high level if you want your own C company that looks just like high level it's literally only $497 a month which is really cool if you're doing client work if you're building websites and doing client work already this would be an amazing upsell for you to start building recurring Revenue into your business but for right now I'm just going to show you how to build your own sub account basically what you're going to do is you're going to go to this bar create a new sub account and then the cool thing about high LEL is there's these different snapshots there's bookkeeper car detailing you can have a fully Automated Business with one click so if you wanted to set up a website for a marketing agency a plumber or any of that this is like an already built out website emails and everything for one of these types of clients you just load that client in here which is pretty cool now what we're going to do is we actually want to import a snapshot let's talk about what happens when you receive the email from us I'll actually pull up the email so you can see it you'll get our snapshot which you'll import into your account this means you won't have to rebuild anything we've done all the work for you once the snapshot is imported you'll get everything our landing pages automated emails the whole things so let me show you what the email looks like when you sign up for the trial with high level you'll receive an email like this it'll guide you through the Steps step one schedule the kickoff call step two grab the free checklist and full course the course explains everything in detail including how to import the snapshot but just to quickly recap you'll click on the snapshot link import it into your account under create sub account fill out the necessary info and voila if you don't see the email check your spam folder and if you still can't find it shoot us an email at support shin.com once the snapshot is imported you'll find everything you need need you'll have a landing page ready to collect emails and a sales page to promote your offer plus you'll have automated email follow-ups to help you make sales so to summarize sign up for the trial grab the snapshot import it into your account and you're all set to start promoting and making sales easy right now that we have everything set up let's start promoting our offer and getting those leads rolling in let's start by setting up our landing page editing it is pretty straightforward with high levels drag and drop features so if you want to make changes don't worry it's easy just click on edit and you'll see how simple it is you can switch between desktop and mobile views add or remove headlines images buttons whatever you like let's say you prefer not to use the phrase the dumbest way to make money instead maybe you want to focus on teaching people how to generate AI videos so you can easily change the headline to something like the easiest way to create AI videos in 2024 then when someone clicks on get free training a popup will appear you can even customize the form fields for instance if you only want to collect email addresses just remove the first name and phone number Fields And if you prefer the button to be blue no problem just change the color to Blue it's all about customization and high level makes it super simple all right let's go back a bit after you finished making changes to your landing page simply click save at the top right corner then hit publish I won't publish this now since I'm happy with how my landing page looks but when when you're done just click publish and your changes will be saved now remember this is part of your funnel when someone enters their email they'll be taken to the next step which is your offer if we look at this page it'll show something like the dumbest way to earn $1,000 a day with AI followed by the training and a prompt to grab their trial now if you want to use this page to remember if you grab the highle trial using my Snapshot you don't have to change anything you can keep the opin and this page is the only thing you need to switch out is your affiliate link to do that head back to your agency from your sub account then click on affiliate portal you'll find your affiliate link there copy it then go back to your sub account navigate to your sites and find highle 30-day trial click on the sales Page hit edit and swap out the existing link with your affiliate link just paste it in there and you're good to go once you hit publish you'll have your landing page with your affiliate link ready to go I'd recommend swapping out the image with one of yourself and if you prefer you can customize the training video too maybe with your own YouTube video now once everything's set up you can start driving traffic to this page immediately it only took us about 30 minutes to set up and you'll start collecting emails and leads right away plus whenever someone watches the training video and signs up for high level you'll get credited for it I need to double check if the redirection is working properly let me quickly fix that there we go go it should redirect them to our sales page after it seems like we hit a snag with the redirection because we haven't added a domain yet no worries I'll guide you through it to add a domain you'll click on ADD domain in your highle dashboard then you'll input your domain URL you can buy a domain from services like squore or God Daddy I prefer squore because in my experience they work better but it's up to you once you've bought your domain you'll enter the domain info into high level you might need to set up the DNS and everything but don't worry it's not too complicated but if you don't have a domain yet there's an easy workaround instead of setting up the redirection you can simply grab the link to your landing page then set the submission action to go to that link this way when someone submits their email they'll be directed to your landing page and there you go that's how you can set up your landing page without a domain for now we'll cover how to get a domain in the next tutorial now that we have our funnel set up let's take a look at the contacts I just entered my info and boom there it is I'm the first lead if I click on my lead I can see all the details and even send emails directly from here you can see that the first email has already been sent this is all part of the automation that comes with the snapshot remember how I mentioned earlier that along with the landing page you also get automated emails well here's where they come into play Let's go to the automation section you'll see a pre-built automation called highle trial this is what's automatically imported into your account account if I click on it you can see the email sequence right now it's set to send a welcome email and then wait a day before sending the second one this whole sequence is designed to sell them on our affiliate link for high level however you'll want to swap out these links with your own affiliate link it's easy just grab your affiliate link go into each email and replace the link with Yours save and you're good to go if you need more help with this you can always book a call with me or my team at digital profits market.com we'll walk you through it step by by step you can see our services on the website and if you scroll down you'll find a booking option just choose a time that works for you and we'll help you out all right let's do a quick recap of what we've covered so far step one we went to First AIT tool.com and grabbed our 30-day free trial to go high level it's important to use this specific link to ensure you get all the automations and snapshots that I'll be sending you step two check your email for the free snapshot and import it into your highle account step three you can customize the landing page if you want but at the very least make sure to add your affiliate link from high level's affiliate program and finally step four go into your automation Tab and high level find the workflow that's imported into your account and swap out the links with your own that's it now you're ready to start getting leads and selling your affiliate offer in the next video I'll dive into more technical details like generating leads and scheduling content but for now you've got everything you need to set up your CRM with your affiliate link and emails in the next part of this video I'll show you how to organically promote your new CRM and your list using automatically generated content on social media no ads needed of course you can still run ads if you want and I'll touch on that as well tomorrow in part two we'll dive into how to get started with this even if you don't have a following or a list I'll walk you through getting leads and making sales as a beginner remember if you haven't already grab the highle trial at first AIT tool.com it's completely free everything I'm doing in this course including the lives and the trial you're getting is free your engagement liking commenting and participating is what keeps me motivated to continue providing this content for free thank you all for being here and I'll see you in the next part where we'll automate your content and start bringing in leads in the meantime get your CRM set up and start working on getting it ready for your business happy money-making and see you next time bye