EASIEST Way to Make $1,000 Per Day With AI / Chat GPT (Even if You’re a Beginner)

yo what's going on everyone my name is Alex and if you don't know who I am um I am Chase's rightand man going through a 7-Day series on the checklist as you can see right here um but basically what we're going to be doing is I'm going to go over the checklist in a span of seven days and go over this so that you can get a different perspective on the questions that you ask and all that fun stuff um but if you need any bonuses or anything that um we are talking about in today's video especially this checklist make sure you go in the description and grab that at the first link down below um but with that being said um let's get straight into this let's um let me just open the chat right here so we can get a chat going um and then we will get started uh we don't have a camera day unfortunately because it kind of just decided to break on us so we're going to have to Wing this with no camera um but let's see here just make sure we pull everything up here let's see so we're gonna all righty so what we're going to be going over in this live is we're going to go uh seven days through this checklist right here now with this checklist um there is you don't have to buy any of the tools on here um this is all here for you to actually succeed but you don't need any of the tools here um you can do this All for completely free at first right um so if you haven't already make sure you join the Discord right down below right here um and this right here is going to give us uh it's going to give you access to our community um if I pull up Discord right now you can see that we have a community that is very very active everyone's typing in chat um everyone's keeping each other accountable so I make sure that you get into the Discord server at the top here um but essentially what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to start at the very top right and if any of you guys have a questions in the chat what's going on Traffic Systems AI um what's up Bellow how you doing um but if uh what you need to do right is you need to get a Gmail account now why are we starting with a Gmail account it's because in order to actually send uh followup for your leads you are going to need a place to receive emails and send emails from so um if you don't how how to do a Gmail account you can just hit the tutorial here tutorial here but if you just go to gmail.com and create a simple uh email you should be all set to do that um now the next thing which is what I just went over is going to be the actual Discord of um the the the Discord server right so the Discord server the reason why it's so high on the checklist is because one it is totally free and we have a bunch of people that are holding each other accountable and giving each other wins um to keep people on track right so this is really useful for if you know you think that you need people around you to like help you out um I know an accountability partner is super valuable um it's it especially helped me when I started um but basically you're going to want to get in the Discord server now if you click here it'll send you an invite to the Discord and you can actually go through and join right here for completely free um but with that being said that's the Discord right um now with Facebook we've actually found out very recently that is really easy to start making sales on other people's products um with Facebook right so what we can do is if we actually go into Facebook um and we actually go into groups and different groups that have ai in them and AI products we can go through and let's say we go to um for example our group right here or we go into a different group and we got to start adding people around um people that are engaging in our content right because essentially what we're going to end up doing is we're going to go through and actually post our own content and so we instead of like you know relying on uh Facebook's Organics we can actually go through and add people as a friend and actually when they follow you back and add you as a friend back they actually count as a follower so you can actually grow followers very quickly on Facebook by actually going ahead and friending people that are engaging with other people's content in groups now in order to set up a Facebook account if you just go to facebook.com and click on the right here there should be a login button you can go ahead and create an account with a Gmail and that is exactly why we go through and actually set up the Gmail before so that we can get a Facebook group we can join all the groups um and also we have a Facebook group as well that you can access in the Discord server um but yeah so that's Facebook the next thing you're going to want to set up is going to be the Instagram right now the Instagram is something we're going to tap into a little bit later in this series but essentially the Instagram is going to allow us to post short form content now your question might be why are we posting short form content um because at the end of the day what we're going to be doing is we're going to be finding a tool from this 400 plus AI tools right down here and we're actually going to actually go and promote something um on this checklist now this is a checklist of 400 plus AI tools that you can get paid to promote do you have to pick something from this list absolutely not this is just another service that you can use in order to make money online um but if we go back here we're eventually going to go all the way down here where we're actually oh it's gone but um we're actually going to start posting short form content to get views on our Channel and that is how um Chase and I um are actually making money online doing this um so what you're going to want to do is you want to click the Instagram this is our Instagram right here um or Chase's Instagram matter of fact um and we are just posting content every single day to get views so if we go over here to the reals Tab and the posts actually we can see that these are getting thousands of views and we can use these for leads um but with that being said that's Instagram we're going to go through this a little bit uh more later in the series when we actually go through how to actually create the content through Instagram um but the next thing you're going to want to set up and the one of the most important tools is going to be YouTube now right now we're streaming on YouTube um we are actually um the reason that YouTube is so high up in here because there's two time there's two types of content right you got long-term content you got shortterm content um and the thing is is there's a very big difference between the two now a lot of people will come into the group and they'll be like oh well like I want to make reals and you know that's great that you want to make reals and get reached that way and it's definitely a better way to get thousands of views on on your content um reels can only be up to like 60 seconds right so you can't really sell a tool or get people to buy a tool um if you know you have this short of a video so shorts is more of a way to get people in the door to actually go ahead and then create long- form content like we are doing here um in order to show people what's possible and help you learn about these different tools um but with that being said um you want to set up set up a YouTube channel you want to get your uh your videos out um around 10 minutes would be good but essentially going through and offering these tools um that we have down here now whichever one whichever tool you pick that's totally up to you but you get the idea right you're going to take the tool um and you're going to talk about it and you're going to offer it um on the uh video but after you get all this stuff done the main step with doing this is actually getting the views to do this so um if I open a note sheet here just to explain this a little bit better I don't know why this is opening Facebook tabs weird um but let me just open a note sheet over here bring this drag this in here um the first step right of this checklist and the reason that we have all the socials up here is actually getting views right because views we can actually take and turn into leads right and what this is going to allow us to do is we can turn these views into leads and then ultimately sell the products that we're selling now your next question might be okay so you got YouTube you got Instagram you got Facebook you got Discord all this fun stuff right that we can actually get views on how are we going to turn these views into leads right and so what we're going to do is go into the essential tool set up so from here you have high level right a lot of you guys know high level um a lot of you guys guys uh use high level but essentially what high LEL is is an AIC CRM that is going to help you build landing pages uh build websites build funnels and automatic emails in order to follow up with your leads or views that turn into leads because remember how you're going to turn these views into leads is by capturing people's information so what we need to do is we need to then build a landing page around what we're talking about in order to do that so if I actually open uh the tool right here so if I actually open high level let's actually go over how we're going to do that because I know a lot of people been asking me um how we're going to go and actually make a funnel so if I go and access high level right here let me just go to the login and we go into our account right here taking a second to load come on there we go perfect so what I'm going to go over now for a lot of this is we're actually going to go over exactly how to create a funnel right um because essentially what you're going to do is you're going to be posting content you're going to be doing all this fun stuff um up here and then you're going to have to figure out a way to actually create a funnel and go and turn these views into leads so you can ultimately get them uh in the door to buy one of these things so if we go over here when we actually sign in right here you're going to see that you're going to have an agency View and then we can actually go to one of our sub accounts here and if you don't understand what this means at all make sure you go in the checklist um and go over to high level and there's actually a highle tutorial right here that will teach you everything on how to create a sub account but essentially what we're going to do is we have we have an account right here now we have a sub account which is basically uh all the work done for you already in this checklist so as you see you have go high level this the first link the second link is going to be the snapshot which is going to upload all the work we've already done for you and this is hours of work and then we have a kickoff call where you can actually get on and learn about high LEL for completely free um it's a zoom call very quick um so I'd recommend you joining that as well but with that being said you're going to want to click this snapshot button and actually upload this snapshot um and once you actually get the highle trial because again we have a 14-day free trial that is um really really useful because you don't have to pay for the tool right away right but then again you know once you get those views you don't you don't really need this yet right you you get the views and then you get the um and then after you get the views you got to turn the views into leads by getting a CRM like this right so what we can do is we can import this snapshot right here which is going to import all the work that we've already done for you and you can actually go in here and actually actually add it to your snapshot or add it to your sub account so what we can do is we can go to the sub accounts right here um and we can actually find the one that um we want to add it to you're only going to have one in here once you create a sub account and we can actually three lines this and click add there's going to be an add button I can't add it to this one but essentially you can add it or you can create a new sub account through there so if we actually go well I'll actually show you exactly how to do that so if you do account snapshot you're going to upload it like this and you can actually hit create new account and what this is going to do is it's going to add an account within your agency now don't worry just follow along you don't really have to understand 100% of this uh right away but essentially if we go in here and hit add account we're going to add an account within our agency and actually put information right here so let's just do test because we don't need to do anything special we're going to do test for all this stuff and again nothing is going to be sent to you when you do this um this is just information in cas case you're promoting someone else's business so if we do test oh I just messed it up whoops um let's go back to that snapshots create a new account add account manually go back here and then we're going to do test test gmail.com um and then we're going to fill all this information gmail.com and then we're going to do test test which is fine we can just do Colorado Springs going to fill that all out postal code we'll just do 85 we go and then phone number we can just do 48 Z66 and there we go now we got a phone number and then we can just pick a random time zone and hit save on here now what we're going to do is now that we did that we're going to create a sub account which is going to help us uh convert these views into leads so um yeah I always have a problem with snapshot because um even though I'm logging into my high level when I click that sends me to create a new high LEL account so there should be a login button when you actually do that um and for somebody who said it didn't sound like Chase my name is Alex um I I'm the guy who talks about in all those videos um but we're just doing it so that you guys can you know get an understanding of my perspective because I am closer to you guys um because I've started you know three months ago I've been able to make some money online um and I want to show you exactly how to do all this stuff so now we have a sub account here um in order to switch to it we can just click up here to switch and switch to test because that's one we just made and now we are going to literally make a funnel um right in front of you so that you can actually uh do this yourself so you're going to notice a bunch of tabs over here the way you're going to know you're in the right place is if there's a line in between here if there's no line in between here go ahead and click here and make sure that you click on your sub account um and if not go if you don't have a sub account then go back and actually uh watch how I just uploaded the snapshot but essentially what you're going to want to do is you're going to the first step of this is actually creating a landing page because once you get the views right let's open up our note sheet here you're going to get the views and we'll actually take this down you get the views now you have to capture the information so how you're going to capture information is by building a landing page and what a landing page is going to do and remember this is different than a website right a landing page is something that points someone to a certain product or service or offer in some in some case right and the reason we're doing a landing page is because we want to point them in the direction of where we want them to go right website you have a bunch of about us you know you got a cart you got like products you don't want to have a bunch of SP places to you know click around you want a landing page so what we're going to do is we're going to grab the um we're going to go make a landing page right now by going to sites now when you go to sites here you're going to see a bunch of funnels that we've actually uploaded your account already um as you see right here if we go to video idea funnel this is a funnel that you can use in order to actually capture leads so actually we'll just click into this one for example um just so I can show you and then I want to create one from scratch with you so that I can show you how this works so right here as you can see um you actually have access to the funnel that you actually went through right when you click Shin toy.com um th this is one of the templates that you can actually run through um but essentially it's a title it goes to a button and essentially this is the one that went to spotter Studios so you click they click the button and then it would go to a popup and this popup would have them enter the information and then when we when they click Send here it actually goes to the partner Studio link but the reason that we do this is and is is to actually capture the information because remember they're just a viewer until you capture the information right um but with that being said we're going to create one of these from scratch you can use this one right you can change this up to whatever tool you're creating um but I want to show you how easy it is to create one of these in literally a couple minutes so if we go out of funnels right now and we hit new funnel we can actually choose from templates in here so we can do a blank one if we want but I like to go to from templates because they have some pretty good templates in here right so what we can do here is we can actually click on the elementary smart funnel this is the one that I use um and this is a really good funnel because it only has a title um we can delete the logo up here and it has a video and then a button and the reason I like a video is because let's say you want to send people from short form content um instead of going and sending them directly to YouTube right you can have a video here that teaches them like what they're getting like what's the point what what link are they clicking on all that fun stuff so if we hit um continuing here it's going to add the template it's going to take a couple seconds load and then it's going to load us directly in here now this this is going to look super complicated but I'm going to show you how to change this very very quickly and start turning these views into leads so what you can actually do here is you can actually delete whatever you want so if you actually click on any of this stuff there's actually a trash can button you can also move stuff but for example we don't have a logo we don't want that maybe we want to keep this blue thing maybe we don't right we can go over here and actually delete that if we want boom and now it's gone now from here right the last traffic generation strategy um you will ever need this is good for high level like I would keep this if I was promoting high level right now if I'm not promoting high level maybe I change this up on to something different but notice that um a key uh word in the sentence is highlighted so it grabs people's attention so just pay attention to that when you're creating all that stuff um and then somebody in the chat just said you know you don't need the 297 High LEL package for those templates absolutely not right if you have high level already you can actually upload those templates just through clicking here and clicking the snapshot right um but essentially right um You can do this with the trial right it's completely free for 14 days but then again this is not necessary um at all right you you can you can actually make content without this this is something you do after that right um and actually what we're doing in the Discord server as well is really really interesting for the people that are in the Discord server is if we actually uh pop up right here um we're actually giving away money to people that are actually putting wins in the chat so if we actually scroll up here um we actually have some wins here's a daily win um oh that that's our that's our clone but here's a daily win you know just made 21,000 on um eot 3 which is the grass thing which I'm going to go over very very soon but people post their wins and at the end of a certain period of time we will actually go ahead and pick a winner to win money right so not only do you not have to spend any money but you're actually winning money at the same time um but with that being said um you're going to have this done right so you can do you can change this up to whatever you need to watch the video below to see a traffic doubling case study and learn how you can apply these simple principles to your own website so you can change this up to whatever you want by just by typing in this box um and basically that's it right now here's a video right most of you guys um there's a lot of you guys that have videos already but if you don't um you can just change the link out for let's say one of Chase's videos right you can go to Chase's videos and you can actually go over here when you click on this and you can see video URL we can go over let's say if we go over here to YouTube and we go and find a video that teaches people about high levels so if we go over here and view Channel um we go to videos and then we find let's say it's this video for example we can can literally just grabb the link up here um and actually throw this directly into the link right here right so we can throw this into here and boom now we have a video on the landing page now ideally you do want this to be your own video right you want this to talk about um other things that are below um right here right you want it to be you because you know if you go through shorts and it's somebody and then you go through to YouTube and it's somebody else um and then you go on the landing page and it's chase people we're going to get confused right um you want to keep this um you know you right but obviously this is just a placeholder so you can put in Chase um and then make a video off that but the most important part right remember this is a landing page not a website the most important part is actually going to be the um button down below because this is where people are going to actually put in the information and this is where we're going to follow up with them so your question might be why do we have to follow up with them um well actually there's something called the rule of seven in marketing right so if I search up um the rule of seven uh in marketing right um all it basically States is that a potential customer needs to see a Brand's message at least seven times before they're likely to make a purchase so what your guys are going to realize is that if you were to go and send them to this landing page or send them to an affiliate link right away um you aren't going to make any sales and the reason why why is not because you're doing something wrong but it's because they're not capturing their information and sending them multiple follow-up emails or multiple ways of hitting them up right so as you see here this is not like some bogus thing this is actually like a study right like you would have to see they would have to see your thing your your Channel or whatever your stuff is at least seven times and this goes for everything right so whether they see you on YouTube that's one whether they see an email that's two maybe they see another email that's three maybe they see a short now that's four and they don't really on average make a purchase until the seventh time seeing them so what you can do with this information is you can capture the information and you can actually send them follow-up emails so what we can do here is we can go to the button down here and if we click the button it's going to on the right side change and we can scroll to the very very bottom and change the text over here if let's just say it's not w traffic you can go ahead and change this to whatever you want um and then we have the most important thing which is the button action now the button action this is where people mess up so pay attention right um usually people will do URL and they'll paste a URL in here and they'll say okay I'm going to send them to my my uh tool that I'm promoting right I'm going to send them to one of these tools over here well that's great and all and you are sending clicks and traffic but guess what what if they don't purchase well that's where the form comes in right and we just uploaded one to your account so this is going to be very simple all you have to do is change this link two to an open popup right and then the way we're going to open the popup because remember this is when they click this button it's going to open the popup if we go over here to popup settings on the top left here it's going to open the popup now it's going to be blank for you right which is totally fine because we actually made one for you when you uploaded the snapshot so if we go ahead and hit add row here we can add a row we can add a column and then we can add an element in here and what this is going to do is allow us to pick form right here now this form is going to have you select the form and if you don't upload the snapshot you're not going to have any forms but since you did now you're going to have two forms to choose from if you want to create your own you totally can just click here to a form Builder you can change it and grab whatever information you want but this main optin form is really ideally all you need maybe you put a title up here um if you want but you know this this is the base thing you need right so it's going to capture the first name it's going to capture their email and that's really all you need but what I recommend doing is actually exing this out add an element add a headline and then add um hit the plus down here and then add another column and add an element and add a form and then that way you can have more of a title up here to say Hey you know put in your information for the free checklist right because you want to have an incentive like why are they putting in the information right what are they going to get well they're going to get the checklist that you're going to copy right because essentially you're going to take this checklist you're going to do a file make a copy and you're going to change out these links and then essentially you can even promote them through this you can say hey go through my checklist right go through here get high level right they're going to click on this link they're going to go through your affiliate link they're going to go through many chat affiliate link radar affiliate link um but essentially you're going to capture their information and then send them a checklist and I'm going to show you exactly how that works in just a second but now where is this send here button going to go that's the next thing we need to focus on so when we actually click on this form down here you're going to see this is going to change again right and it's going to say button actions right redirect action now when they put in their information and they put in their email and their first name now we have their information as a contact so what are we doing with that we're building an email list we're building people that we can follow up with and we are building people we can send click to other places and actually make sales for things so what we can do is we can actually click this and now we can go to website URL right because now it doesn't matter where we send them because we have their information so we can follow up with them with whenever they want and by the way if anyone in the chat right now I know we got 49 people watching if you guys have any questions this is the time to ask right um if you are confused on how to make a funnel this is the time to ask your questions um because don't worry I'm paying attention to the chat um with that being said said now you go down here and you put whatever affiliate link that you want to promote right so let's say you know you're promoting high level you can put the highle link here and then essentially it will go to that so let's say we just grab this for example let's just copy this over and actually put this in here and then we can actually go ahead and save and publish this now before we save and publish this you also are going to realize um you got you need a way for people to get to this uh website right here right because remember this is a website um it's a landing page right it's not really a website it's a landing page but there's a domain attached to it right and the domain is going to be located up here it's going to say app.

Goad l.com which I'm not going to lie is kind of ugly right but you can actually connect one of your own domains by buying one it's around probably 1015 for a domain and then and that's like yearly so like you're you're you're fine with that but then again you don't need to do this um until you actually get views um on your channel because you have no one to convert if you don't have any views right so that's that so you can connect the domain up here um there's tutorials online on how to connect a domain um but essentially you can grab this link and the way we can actually check if this is working correctly is we can actually click on this link over here and oh actually we got to save it first hold on let's save it global settings change don't worry about that update SEO don't worry about any of that because we're not worrying about ranking on Google um and then we can actually click here and now it's going to load as our landing page so as you see it that thing just popped up that only pops up if you put your cursor out of here but essentially now last generation strategy you'll ever need watch the video below they can click on this video watch this video right um but essentially they're going to watch the video oh you know here's how you can make money with high level here's how you can make money with spotter or whatever you're promoting um and then you can go and click double traffic put your name so you know we're chase at random you know at gmail.com.com let's just put some random thing in here hit send here and it's going to redirect us where to that affiliate link right but the difference is is we put that extra step in front in order to get people information so that we can send them back to the offer um I'm on the 97 version and I have access to the templates yes you can get access to the templates um just you know linking this description shiny.

Comom completely free you'll get this checklist right here make sure you click the snapshot and you're good um but now you have a working landing page look at that it's been a couple minutes you have a landing page and now you can start making sales right but now we have to focus on the emails right because remember the rule seven says that most likely no one's going to purchase on the first time or even the second time or even the fourth time right it's more like seven times right so what you want to do now is you want to go over you want to save that and go over to Automation and what this is going to do is you're going to see a bunch of different things right here that we've uploaded um like the we have a custom email automations and stuff like this but essentially what I want to go through is give you a base understanding of how to create your own because I'm a big believer on yes we did a lot of this for you but you should learn how to create this yourself so that you can actually create um more email automations in the future right I want to help you understand how this works so you can go and do this yourself and eventually you can break off and we don't have to hold your hand anymore right um because again the the whole point of this Discord group and all the people in here is to hold each other accountable but eventually you know all these group calls you won't need to attend because you understand everything that we're talking about um with that being said if we just click uh create workflow up here and hit we can hit select from recipe or we can do from scratch um we're going to do from scratch right now just so I can show you how this works so what you're going to realize you can drag around this page this is just a big puzzle right if we hold control and zoom out we can actually zoom out and you can see that we have plenty of space to work with um but this is what is going to help us build out the email automation right so the trigger is going to basically be what what terms um is going to send people through this pipeline right so essentially what I like to start with especially for um giving people the checklist is when they put in their information they're going to created as a contact so if we actually back out of here I just want to show you this real quick if we hit contacts you're going to see there's the information I put in right we have our first lead we have our first email on our email list um and now we can go ahead and start reaching out to this email um obviously not spamming them but we can go and reach out to them by sending like an email a day an email every two days whatever we want to do right so if we actually go to automation over here we can actually go over to the one we created so we can just do start from scratch again and now we can do add new trigger now what we can do here is we can add what's called a contact created now contact created right here if we do contact created trigger name is contact created we'll save trigger and now whenever contacts created meaning somebody inputs the information on one of your forms or you know they get added as a contact within your email list whether you do that manually or again they put their information on their form they're if this is going to trigger it's going to send them through here right now right now it's going to send them to nothing because we have nothing here but essentially what we want to do is we're going to add a a uh weight right here and what this is going to do is give a little bit of a delay in order to Not freak them out because whenever somebody puts their information into um a form like that right they're going to be freaked out if they get start getting sent a email a bunch of emails so what this is going to do is it's going to give us a time delay we can do like one two minutes we'll just do two minutes for this one and let's do one minute right we get save action and now we have a wait for one minute now we can actually change this to you know wait one minute right and we can save this and now we can actually see that it's a wait one minute so what's going to happen right so they're going to get they're going to input the information on the form they're going to get sent down here to wait 1 minute it's going to wait them on this step for 1 minute or however long we have it you can literally make them wait for days and then it's going to send them we can send them whatever we want right so we scroll down here to communication if we if we capture their number we can send them an SMS we can send them an email which is what we're about to do we can actually send them a voicemail we can literally call their phone and leave them a voicemail that you can pre-record um which I like to do it's I think it's pretty cool if you have their number um but essentially we can hit send email right here and now we can create an email to automatically send when somebody signs up for our form so why is this useful right this way you know let's say we have a bunch of leads right you don't want to have to go to Gmail and send a million emails every every time somebody signs up for the form right we want to automate this because that would take a lot of time right so what we can do is we can create an email so from name we can do you know your name we do Chase vinify um from email you this is why you need a Gmail is because you should probably send it from your Gmail so you know support shi.com for example um then we can add a subject and we can say you know hey um get your free checklist here right and then now we have a subject now obviously you can add emojis to the end of that make it look pretty um but this is just an example right but here get your free checklist here um and then you can you know link the checklist right here so you can actually go and grab the checklist um that you made by the way because remember you're going to file make a copy you're going to eventually change out all these links so that your they're your affiliate links obviously you're not going to have affiliate links right here but like for example we get an affiliate link right here affiliate link right here we have these these four affiliate links most of these are affiliate links if you look at the end here um but essentially now you have this set up so what we can do is then we can go ahead and share the sheet now one thing I've actually realized and this is something I haven't even told Chase about that people are doing wrong here is when they're actually sharing this sheet is they're messing up on how they share it um if you actually hit share on the top here and you grab this link right here and you just hit copy link you're not going to be able to see it if I actually take this and because what this is going to do is it's going to say this it's going to it's going to say restricted right this is the default it's going to say restricted and you're if you copy the link and actually paste it in or somebody paste it it's not going to let them open it so what you need to do first is you need to share you need to make sure that you do anyone with link so click General access anyone with link make sure they're a viewer and then you copy the link right save done copy the link because if you don't do that people aren't going to be able to access your stuff so for the people that have this already done this step make sure you go back make sure it says anyone with the link and the viewer and you can go ahead and copy this link and you can go ahead and add it to an email over here so if we go over here you know we can do here's your checklist checklist and we can just add the checklist right here boom and then we can say um you know while you're at it you know you know while you're at it join my Discord right and so this is kind of what we're doing right now is then we can do a Discord invite so if we go over here um we can literally if you have a Discord server um or you want a community you can literally rightclick and you can hit um invite people and then you can actually go ahead and invite people to your Discord server by using this right um I can click copy right here um it's hidden obviously but um and then I can add this into here and now people can join um now that that's just something extra you can do that can be sent to people but essentially um you get the idea right so now we can go ahead and Save this right um and now what's going to happen right well very very simple they're going to get a contact created they're going to go through the landing page or let's start from scratch right they gonna let's pull out the not sheet again so you're going to have YouTube you're going to have um Instagram Instagram you are going to have um you know Facebook you're going to be posting to all these platforms possibly Tik Tok Tik Tok is um a a little bit finicky for AI content so it honestly depends but you're going to get views from here right then what you're going to do is you're going to want to turn those views all the way into leads and how you're going to do that is you are going to actually go down and you are going to make a landing page and the reason you're going to make a landing page again is because you need to capture their information because guess what they're just views they're regular views until you actually capture the information that's when they turn to a lead is we can follow up with them that is why um that is what turns them into a lead right so now we can follow up with them and now we need to create uh or actually here we do landing page to you know capture info and then capture info into uh email automation right so now we have views we turn those views into leads by making a landing page we capture the info on the landing page and then we can send them emails about the tools that we're promoting and then we get a a commission based on whatever we're promoting so right here contact created goes down to wait one minute it's going to wait one minute it's going to send them an email to the checklist and then we can exactly put we can put right here you know we could do another wait um let's do wait and then we can do a day let's wait a day and then let's do wait one day just so we know this is a day save action and then we can do another email down here so if we just do email we can send them another email but this time we can get more sophisticated right because remember um they don't necessarily have the product yet right so now we can go through and do an email wait email wait email wait we can keep going down here and making this big spider web of emails that basically say Hey you know have you gotten high level yet have you gotten spotter yet um why haven't you done this you know use scarcity and what you're going to realize is as we go through this checklist um you're going to see something called persuasion let's see if we can find it there we go um this right here uh talks about exactly why uh we do what we do right so for example you use persuasion and if no one's ever heard of persuasion if we just go over to um we search it on Google you guys can see I think it's five five five persuasion strategies scarcity reciprocity uh emotions Authority consistency body language social proof this is there's way too much this is not the main ones the main ones are scarcity reciprocity um it's the why why the heck they're they're over they're over complicating it oh well but essentially the main one we use is scarcity right you know this time's running out guys like you got to get this tool right we're offering this free check list for a limited time we're offering this free bonus for a limited time um but you get the idea right is you need to say Hey listen if you don't start today you're never going to start and I want to say that to everyone in the chat right now like you need to get on this right join the Discord Link in Link in the description go go to shineiy.com get this checklist um go on the Discord um post your wins people will help you out if you have no clue what you're doing um but but get in this really because really realistically if you do not start you're not going to start tomorrow I heard a bunch of people a week a week ago say hey I'm going to start on New Year's um if it was that serious to you and you were that serious about changing your life um then you would start today right and you know a lot of you guys have taken action so the for the people in here that have taken action um we have not seen um as many people take action um in a long time like there's a lot of people that have been taking action lately and uh me and Chase were literally talking about the other day we were like wow people are actually like taking action this is great um but essentially this is where it all starts right post the content um and it's going to suck by the way actually let's go over that right now right let's let's go over to chase right let's use Chase's example you can use everyone as an example right if we go to oldest you can use mine as example look this is a screen share of of his phone right these are all really really bad videos and the reason is is is because you you you're just not good at it yet you haven't put enough hours in but once you put hours you start to get really really good at it right and then you grow a following right you grow videos then you can grow an audience to promote the tools right and we're not only promoting the tools but our priority is to help people out on making money online right we're lifting people up um but yeah so with that being said that's basically the base of highlight right we can go ahead and save this we can publish it and then whenever that happens they're going to get sent wait email wait whenever email and then actually at the end here um I actually like to do a wait for unlimited so if we do days we just do like 99999 and that way that we can actually go through and leave them in this workflow because what you'll notice if you click stat view you'll actually be able to see the stats of who is clicked open delivered all that fun stuff and you'll actually be able to see a logo for which person's on what step right so maybe you put something on the bottom here that keeps them in here just in case you want to add an email down here below later um but you understand the idea so with that being said that's going to bring us to the end of the live today um make sure that you guys go in the very description of this video get go to Shin ay.com get discord.gg shiny right here this is our Discord Community um make sure that you start going through this checklist and if you have any questions at all you know we have a Discord server down here full of hundreds of people and actually thousands of people that are going through and actually taking action right you're seeing the wins you're seeing people take action and you actually seeing this group is very active throughout the day so you know if you ever have any questions go in the Discord server with that being said my name is Alex everyone peace out

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