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so today what we're going to be doing now we're dropping some frames is we're going to be trying to make $1,000 today I'm going to show you how I plan on doing that and for me it's not an uncommon thing to make $1,000 a day we usually pull anywhere between you know three to $5,000 a day and um I'll just show you kind of what we do for that and what we're planning on doing to get to the next level which for me is probably about 6 7K a day um at our high point we were pulling about 10K a day which is when we were doing really really well um but it was also January and January is when you usually see the most money coming in oh thank you you want to be part of the stream she said no all right so um let's kind of go into what the plan is here uh let's share my screen so everybody can see this am I still on the corner here yeah I am okay cool all right are you on OBS yes and at some point I want to show you this setup I actually have another camera up um here you can't see it because it's not hooked up yet but um it'll show the whole setup I just did a full custom build um we got a professional mic we got everything you're going to you would need to do even the even the whole room soundproof so I'd love to show you the setup if you're interested because if you're looking to stream or looking to record videos on your own this would be a very very good setup to have we even have a standup desk this is a standup you can see I can move this up and down pretty nice all right so let me bring open the notepad we also just got the new version of Windows I'm not sure how I feel about it yet doesn't seem too bad but I don't know about this notepad why it's uh it almost looks like almost looks like L now looks like uh Windows developed a little Linux UI did you miss manually editing your Clips in cap cut do you miss what do you mean I still edit and cap cut and actually one of the things I've been doing which is really cool that you can do with cap cut now is you can take these long form videos and you can have cap cut automatically edit them so what I've been doing is I've been taking these live streams and I've been recording them and then what I do is I will um throw them into cap cut and it'll automatically edit everything ums all the pauses all the repetitive things that I say it'll it'll take all that out and it'll turn it into a video all right so let's figure out what we can do to make $1,000 on this live stream today and I'm just going to go over some simple things that I do every day and again if you're doing something similar to this you could probably make anywhere between a couple hundred bucks to $1,000 in a day if you're following the same outline I'm following now I have a little bit more traction just because I've been doing this for a while so have a bigger audience but if you're starting out you can build an audience um pretty quickly with this strategy and it's what I would recommend to anybody if they were getting started it would be what I would do if I was getting started as well and I also um when I was trying to sleep last night I was had all these ideas and I wanted to explore this new idea I had that I think would work really really well especially if you're starting out all right also what do you guys think music or no music is it would you prefer music in the background or is it more is it E I think sometimes it's easier to focus if you don't have music acoustic tiles no these are um let me grab this these are like soundproofing blankets so look at this it's like a little I don't know just a blanket and then everything is soundproofed around except for this back wall which is just a uh it's a uh just a brick wall and then we got these lights we haven't set them up yet but supposed to be taking this apart no music yeah you know I don't know if you guys watch Alex Heros at all but I used to watch him all the time and then he started adding music and all these flashy effects and everything in his videos and it started becoming really distracting I didn't I don't know it was just too hypy for me yes let's try music so this is this new light so basically we got two lights I wish I could show you the setup it's crazy so got a camera here we got two monitors here we got two lights up here we got another camera right here see if I could pull this over look at this this is a camera right here so we when we do a screen share it's going to be facing this way towards all the all the equipment and then we got these two lights one of them just came in today hopefully I didn't break that but this other light or these lights they go on the back wall and shout out to uh Jonathan dunkerly Jonathan's watching he's in the Discord he uh came out from Los Angeles he does the filming for housewives and he helped us set up this whole kind of setup here which is really awesome that he did that cuz I don't think I could have done it without him but let me see if I can open this just trying to show you one of these lights they're supposed to go in the background and then we kind of will have like a a blue light on that side and then a red light on that side it'll look really really so I think I think this is one of them I don't know if they just mount to the wall or how this works Aaron amaran yeah so they're like just these lights here I don't know I I've never but it's like a full setup anyways before we get to off topic the reason why this is so prevalent right now is because I've been spending so much time setting this up that now I'm like okay I can actually work but I don't know I learned a lot while I was doing it we got a lot of votes I wish there was a way to do a a poll in YouTube because then we could just do a poll and see what do people like more music or no music but I honestly don't think it really matters the other thing is if I do music when I go to edit this video after and do all the jump cuts the music's going to be in the background it's going to not sound right so probably better that we don't so uh anyways let's go over to my screen by the way I'm using a stream deck this is kind of cool so if I press one of these buttons it's not going to be in Focus I don't think so right now we're on phas and it's recording and if I click on screen watch what will happen ready switch over to the screen so you can have all these different kind of things on this pad you can even add websites like if I want to go to PayPal I can add a PayPal button just makes things really easy so anyways bunch of cool Tech in Ned out on later all right so let's figure out what we got to make what we got to do to make ,000 on this live stream now just a disclaimer we already made $1,000 today I mean that's usually a common thing for us as I said earlier if I show you just really quickly on Thrive cart which is not all of our payments but let me just show you here we're already at $1,823 in gross revenue and $1,800 in net revenue so ideally from by doing this live stream we'd make another thousand bucks let's talk about how to do that okay if we're following the formula that we've been talking about in our last live streams we would do the formula that I think works for pretty much any industry right now we want to go views to leads to sales to money okay and ideally we want some sort of reoccurring Revenue so we can stack our money so we're not just making this is another thing that people don't really think about I think is U you know everybody wants to make money but they don't realize like okay well how long do you want to work for your money versus how long do you want you know before your money starts working for you right and so everything you do at some point you should be able to either Outsource or automate and give to either somebody else or a robot or like you know something where you're not having to do it all day okay now what is the thing that is going to make us money right reoccurring and there's a couple ways to do this you don't have to make reoccurring on the front end you can actually make reoccurring on the back end and so one of the things that we're doing is inside of our viral AIC cl.com course which if you're not in it you should get in it it's 127 bucks we're probably going to raise the price tonight um because as we add more stuff the price goes up but you get grandfathered in where if you pay now you get all the updates but um inside this course what we're going to do is we're going to show people and this is what we're already doing but what we're going to be doing more of is we're going to show people okay here's how you manually go and make a video here's how you clone yourself here's how you create your own AI voice everything you need to do and then we show you how to automate it just like what we're talking about here views leads sales right and then the way you automate It Is by using our Solutions are products right shiny it's a great way to do that and so one of the ways that I've actually made millions and ions of dollars on the front end right there's two different ways to make money right front end sales backend sales now on the front end you usually want to just sell some sort of checklist some sort of info product I've made literally millions of dollars selling spreadsheets selling free Google spreadsheets and I like to call them air right I sell air because you don't have to really fulfill it besides just selling this the checklist you don't have to have inventory you don't have to worry about a checklist depreciating you don't have to worry about any of that all you have to do is just get people to sign up for for a checklist right and then in the checklist what you do is you walk people through here's how you go and do the thing that I'm talking about right so you're watching this video right now and I'm saying okay well this is what you do now in this live stream it's only like an hour long at the end you're going to go okay well I want to go do this I want to go watch the full process so then you go buy the checklist viral.com you learn how to automate it and then you use a solution that I give to you inside of that checklist and so you can use these check as a way to bring people in but then on the back end you can show them how to automate it hopefully I'm not clipping my voice here let me just check this really quick one second tell me if I'm kind of clipping the voice right now because I just might be a little too high so does that make sense to everybody just give me a one or a yes in the chat if you kind of understand what I'm saying by by selling a front end and a backend product you can show them how to automate it and so it's up to you you don't have to necessarily sell a front end and a back backend product you could just sell a front end right but from what I've found from the courses that I've done and from the checklist that I've sold you can do both right have a lower ticket time fee because here's the thing if somebody's going to pay you for something right and they don't know who you are it's very hard to get somebody to commit to a reoccurring subscription to something if they don't know you okay and so what you're you're better off selling like a one-time thing to bring the person in as a customer to build the trust and then from there what you do is you sell them a reoccurring subscription to something because now they trust you now they don't have a problem paying you Ono and the cool thing is you don't have to sell you don't have to sell your own products you can sell anybody's products right you could go and teach people and and we did this um we had a course called AI profits and what AI profits was it was a big checklist it was like w up being hundreds of videos right and inside of that checklist we basically showed people how to use something called GSA GSA is a um contact form tool and what the contact form tool it does is it sends out thousands or even millions of messages to through people's websites and we showed people how to get clients and sales with this tool now that wasn't our tool right the thing that we were selling is we were selling a checklist right but when people learn the checklist when they went through it they learned how to start setting up contact forms with an AFF product that we got paid for okay you can do that exact same thing you can start setting up some sort of checklist or info product and then you can put affiliate products inside of that checklist and we do the same thing with our our our scary toolbot checklist if you go to scary toolbot outcom here's another example of this we give away a free checklist and inside the checklist it's all of our Affiliates and so checklists are a great way to get people to do something step by step where they're paying you for different things right oh I want to go and learn all these tools and you could take any one of these tools right so let's say you went to scary tools.com and you picked shiny or you went to scary tools.com and you picked you know pictory or any of these tools you could make a step-by-step checklist on how to use one of these tools and you get paid when people go through the checklist and sign up for it you could give it away for free or you could sell it for whatever you want it's totally up to you so it's kind of up to you on what you want to do but the point here is that what we're planning on doing to make money specifically on this live stream is to sell this V ey clone right now how do we sell it views lead sales and then ultimately get um this into an automated process now this system's already set up right it's already set up for our company I have people doing the content for the views I have people doing the landing pages for the sales and the where the leads are going to be going and I have people doing the emails and everything I need to do to sell whatever I'm selling right the the only other thing that I'm doing is just like these live streams which like that's manual me doing them myself right but even even even that I could have I could give to somebody else so what's one of the things that we could do to scale this and make it go faster right if we're already doing it how do we pour more lighter fluid on top of it so that it that it does more and one of the ways that we can do this is by acquiring Brands right if we can go and find real estate that is already getting traffic we can we can make money putting our offers on it right wrap this now this is one of the things I was thinking about last night and this is something that I'm actually planning on doing so we can actually set up robots that do Outreach one of the ways is through GSA um another way is you can use commenting Bots you can use um there's so many different Bots that'll do this um we could even use vas if we wanted to do it manually but we could start reaching out to people and say we could say hey we want to buy your website right and we could find website and Brands it doesn't have to be a website it could be a Instagram it could be a YouTube but here's my thought process behind buying websites right first of all you don't want to buy websites on something like flippa.com because these people are literally trying to get 100x on their website what we could start doing is we could start reaching out to websites and we could say hey we know you're showing up for this right and if we don't know what to start contacting websites for we could use something like shine ranker to give us a list of topics we want to get traffic for and we could say hey we want to buy your brand right so we want your website we want your social media we want your email list and essentially we could combine that into what we're already doing right if we're making x per day let's say we're making already I don't know $3,000 per day 3 to 4,000 and we want to get to I don't know double that well what we could do is since we already have the process running we already are selling things things what we could do is we could just go and start acquiring brands that we think would start bringing us in more traffic and that's sort of the idea that's what I was thinking about now the other thing I was thinking about is that we already do this right it's just not with websites we do it with like Instagram Pages you know um Tik Tok accounts Facebook and so what I was thinking is that if we're already acquiring these Brands we could probably list these brands for sale as well right so for example I have somebody go out and acquire you know Instagram Pages for anywhere between like $500 to $1,000 now it costs money and time to go and acquire these profiles right let's say to get a profile for $500 that has 50,000 followers on it and it takes us a week or two weeks to get that profile and it costs us let's say all altogether 2,000 and I want to make a $500 profit I could essentially sell I don't know a profile for $2,500 and then people could just buy them from our company if they don't want to go and do all the manual Outreach and find these Brands and do everything and these are working Brands I'll give you an example of one of them actually let me show you here but let me know if this is something that would interest you if you'd be interested in just grabbing a already developed brand that you don't even have to do anything except just grab the brand and start putting your content your ads on it um let me aiub we got this one the AI Hub and it's actually doing pretty well all right trying to find it here um am I not going to find it I'm not signed in to Instagram on my computer so I don't know the exact link for this oh here it is so check this out so this profile has 880,000 followers the thing about this way we we we're doing this is we're not going and just buying profiles from or brands from like these marketplaces because most of the time they're doing things to fake inflate metrics right they have people that are going and you know liking their content and you know they're paying for it right they're they're viewing the content these profiles that we're getting we're actually going and messaging all these different people and negotiating with them we're finding real accounts that are actually posting and they're making money themselves so look at this if I go to reals here look at this six 5,700 views 23,000 views 11,000 views these posts are getting thousands and thousands of views and it's content that we're automating I'm not even doing this content somebody else is doing the com content and and and the post some of them get 20 20 30,000 views and they get leads so like theoretically anybody could take an account like this they could take the content that we're posting they could repost it to the accounts and they could they could get leads with it and sell things it's pretty straightforward and that way people would bypass a lot of the you know stuff that you got to do to get one of these going like the hardest part about making money right now is not even going and doing the content or running the accounts or any of that the hardest part is just warming the stuff up if you you could have a way of warming things up at an accelerated rate like getting one of these accounts going you would get a significant incase in leads almost immediately and um again like I think that one of the things that I want to start doing just thinking out loud is start acquiring websites that have social media profiles like this and and just start offering them because right now we've just been acquiring you know Instagram pages but imagine if we acquired full websites with already established traffic already established email lists and and some people will let go of websites for you know 500 bucks thousand bucks maybe the same amount that we're paying for these Instagram pages and again it takes a while right like you're not going to get people buying these um or selling these accounts like the first few messages you send right A lot of people will say well I want know 10 grand I want 20 grand they want all this money but eventually you get people that are willing to let them go for very cheap because there's a lot of people that don't realize how much money they can make with these profiles because most of the people that are getting views they don't know how to convert them to leads and because they don't know how to convert them to leads they don't know how to convert them to sales and if there's accounts that are already getting views like this one look thousands and thousands of views all you have to do is just put a call to action and start selling something sell a checklist sell a you know a tool sell whatever you want as long as it's niche relevant you see what I'm saying here but again the the the the time that goes into it is the hardest part right like whether you're forming up an account or acquiring a new brand it takes time so one of the things that I'm I'm going to start planning on is hiring people to help automate the Outreach now I already have people that can do this but all we have to do is either set up a few computers in the office or set up a few virtual private servers that will go out and automate this Outreach either to websites or um there's tools as well that will go through social media profiles find ones that are associated with webs sites and then and then go and actually extract the contact info and we can automate the Outreach that way as well so there's tons of ways to do this but again like what I could do is I could I could eventually like for example at at the place that um that I'm renting an office from it's underneath the car dealership right and this office could essentially be not necessarily A Car Dealership but it could be a online real estate dealership where we could acquire these profiles and then we could essentially list them on a website and while we're building them and making money off them right like let's say I have 10 profiles that we're posting to they're bringing us leads and sales and they're making money and they're growing what I could do is I could list them I could consign them quote unquote onto the website and if people want to buy it great if they don't I'm still making money off them because they're just sitting there making money right and I could have like this marketplace where we're just flipping websites but I'm also using them to make money in in the meantime well I got to sneeze I don't know this is just an idea that I had um it's part of the reason I couldn't sleep all night last night but I don't know let me know what you think if you'd be interested in taking part in something like that got some allergies so that's probably what I'll be working on today um it's probably going to be a quicker live stream just because I didn't really have any other ideas besides that that was kind of the thing can we make $ thousand dollars with that and I think we could but we'll see um but that's it for today thanks for stopping by if you want me to keep doing these live streams let me know leave a yes in the chat we'll see you next time till I do happy moneymaking see you guys bye