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what's going on everyone Chase with shifi here and today I want to make a video showing you our complete system for creating videos with shifi scheduling them out generating thousands of leads every single month and the reason I want to do this is because I think there's a lot of people that use our tool or maybe they don't use our tool but either way they don't understand how they can actually make money or generate leads with the tool and I want to give you just a complete update on everything we're working on and everything you should know in order to be able to become successful with AI video so this is going to be a little bit of a longer video but it's going to cover pretty much anything that you might wonder when it comes to AI video and using shifi and automating your lead generation so first of all I want to talk about just like some basic basic stuff that you should know about shifi so shifi if you're not familiar with the tool it's an AI video tool that helps you automate your videos online so you can type in a script you can click generate and you can start generating videos that get tons and tons of views and this allows you to generate leads because the content that you're going to be creating is going to be attracting people on social media to want to buy things from you or get more information about the things that you're talking about in these videos and in a second I'm going to give you some examples of videos that we make I'm going to show you the videos that we post I'm going to show you what works for us I'm going to give you recommendations on what will probably work for you and one of the things I want to also mention is that our tool is still relatively new so while we've been out for close to a year now we still have bugs every now and then and if you ever experience any problems with the tool if for whatever reason you're credit aren't working or if you're not able to use the tool for whatever reason don't worry we're here to help our team is dedicated to making sure that everything works correctly for you and again if there's any issues it's not because we don't want to fix them it's just because um every now and then we have different things that we have to fix because that's just how software is made anytime we do updates anytime we um different things within the tool to make it better or optimize it usually something will break in the process and so if you're um struggling or frustrated with the tool for whatever reason please send us an email because we want to fix it for you and um again it's not because we don't care if if you're using the tool and it's not working it's not we it's not that we don't want to fix it it's that we want to fix it we just not we're just not aware of the problem so if you can tell us anytime there's something wrong it really helps us out cuz then we can go fix it for everybody else as well and if you ever need our support you can always email support shi.com and we will be there to fix it all right so to get started let's just talk about what is involved on shiny's website so shi.com first of all we are in the process of building a new website um just because we're not on a Content management system right now we're just on um a hardcoded website and we'd like to be on something like WordPress uh just so we can do a little bit more with our content like blogging and all kinds of cool stuff but um just telling you everything here um so if you scroll down you'll see our different pricing plans so we have a doar for 30 days build 27 monthly afterwards we have 99 and $4.99 so let's talk about the different things so if I click on these you can actually see what these are so $1 for 50 credits per month um50 50 credits let's talk about credits first of all so what is a credit so a credit is basically um how much it costs to generate us a video now right now if we were to turn on everything right turn on all these settings and turn on music and whatever else and click on generate it'll tell us to make a basic video it's one credit 1.75 credits okay now if I have accuracy on though it's going to actually be a little bit more after this I'll show you that in a second but accuracy all that means it doesn't mean that the video is going to be necessarily more accurate it just means that there's going to be more image prompts in the video and the amount of credits that you are going to use depends on the size of the video so if I click on this right here prompt editor and I just copy and paste this like a hundred times what's going to happen is my credit the amount that it's going to cost to build this video is going to cost more right so you can see I can also see the um estimated video length 1 minute and 32 seconds so I can just keep doing this now you can see I can I can make a really long video it's going to cost more the reason why it costs more credits is because if you want to make a 20 minute video it's going to cost a lot for us to go and make that video for you because we have to pay for all of the different processes that is required to make that video and now here's the thing you don't need a lot of credits necessarily to be success uccessful with AI video um in fact we recommend just doing like 30 second videos 30 to 40c videos with our tool because first of all it's going to cost less credit but second of all um most of the leads that we get are with these really really short videos you can see this one's only about 33 seconds and these videos get thousands and thousands of views in tons and tons of leads and um again they're only 30 second videos okay um and so something like this you can see it cost a total of uh one credit 1.72 credits okay now with the light plan um you can see it is uh $1 for 30 days and for the light plan you get 10 credits to try out and then when you get the rebill it's uh 27 a month for 50 credits so you can see um you know that's a good amount of videos that's about 20 to 25 to 50 videos probably um depending on the length for about 27 bucks so it's I I would say probably about a dollar video um now you can get an even better deal if you do the 99 um where you get 250 credits which breaks down to about what then it would be about 50 cents a video um and then also you can get the yearly plan uh which is $.99 and that's basically what is that per month that's like $40 a month so it's almost the same as the $27 month plan except you get 250 credits per month for the next year and the cool thing about these plans by the way is that when you buy them and let's say we up the price you you keep the plans at the current price so we have people from um when we very first started that were on our uh original plans I think it's like 297 um for the year and so if you want to get locked in at this price I would get get that now so that way you can become an early adopter but anyways that's the pricing plans not here to necessarily sell you just wanted to show you kind of like what these meant um if you go to the homepage and click on get started it says enter your email and then it takes you to the light plan um and the reason I'm showing you this is because if you want to be an affiliate of shifi um this is how you can actually go and sell our product too with um with your own link and again I'll talk about that later but that's the basics to the pricing and the credits now the question is what should you get started with and it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish right obviously you want to get leads you want to make sales you want to make money but um you know what do you need to be able to get started with that and so ideally you need more than just AI video right you also need to be able to post your content you need some social media Pages you need everything in order to well everything that's required in order to start getting leads and so the thing I would I would recommend is if you're just seeing this video you haven't got the dollar trial yet or maybe you got the dollar trial um and you want to do more videos just follow along I'm going to make it very simple for you so I can show you what's working what's not working and I'll show you everything you got to do so get the dollar plan um just to get started uh try it out so you're going to get your dollar plan now one of the things I'm going to tell you by the way is you need to make sure that when you get any of these plans whether you're reing you can Reby credits on the site by the way whether you're reing credits or you're buying the plans or you're upgrading your plans just know that you need to make sure to put in the email address that you're going to be using your account with so if you put in a different email you're you're not going to get credited and this is one of the issues that you know some of our problems or some of our uh users are having is that they'll go buy more credits or they'll go subscribe to a different plan and then they'll use a different email and not realize it and then they'll be like why don't I have credits why don't I have you know the upgraded account it's because they use a different email okay and then also another thing I want to mention is that if you do upgrade from like a dollar plan to the yearly or the monthly make sure you let us know because we're we don't have a way to recognize that you upgraded yet and so um if you get the dollar plan you're on here and then you upgraded the 99 please just let us know and we can switch the plan for you cuz right now again we don't have a way to automatically upgrade and then PR rate and that kind of stuff it's just not something we have built in yet so either way use the right email and then when you're in you're going to log in and then you're going to be here in shifi okay so up until this point we just talked about the pricing we talked about the credits now inside the tool there's really only a couple main things we have ai chat here which is chat GPT so this is where you can you know use chat GPT to talk about whatever you want uh you could say I need you to tell me why money is important and then chat GPT will tell you why money is important okay says shiny AI but this is just chat GPT now the other uh tools we have are the AI image to video because right now we're using images to make videos we don't have a way to make video to video yet meaning that um um all of our videos are made out of like a combination of images and eventually as we get um better Tech right like when Sora comes out or we can um start turning images to video then we'll have actual videos in these videos if that makes sense but right now it's just images okay but they still work great for getting views and leads so don't worry um and then we have the transcriber this is if we want to actually go and transcribe content um so we can grab the transcription and remake that content okay we also have a new AI Gallery um that we are about to publicly release on the actual site and so what this is is we have videos um that you've generated here and then images and then what we're going to do is we're going to actually be putting these on the website so that you can actually get more views and likes on your videos through our actual site so as you create content um let's say you make a video about your business or about whatever you want to promote these videos are going to start being index which is really really cool um because then people can actually see them and then um ideally as we get uh more and more images and um videos we can actually reduce the price of these credits needed to make videos because now we don't have to generate each individual image every time we can actually choose to have Library um that we Source our images from so we don't have to keep generating them so that's kind of cool um in the settings tab here we got account um all this other stuff in here um we've kind of disabled uh the only thing that you can really do in advanced is the voice for 11 labs and what this means is that if you want to enter in um this is a separate tool here if you this will allow you to just um clone your own voice into the videos um but I recommend just getting started don't worry about this just use the vo pre-made voices in here um because I think they work fine okay so let's just talk about making a basic video so what I recommend because there's so many different types of videos you can make right you can make um AI videos you can make top website videos you can make real estate videos like you could make videos about whatever you wanted and I'm going to show you what we're using that works but again do whatever you want um because this this can be applied to pretty much anything now there's two different ways to make videos there's idea which I frankly don't really recommend you do the idea because idea means that you're going to type in let's say make me a video about a dog and then when you click on generate this is going to go and make you a video based on whatever chat GPT recommends so you might get a really weird video and so instead of doing that um maybe head over to like AI chat say I need a video about a dog and then it gives you a you know some text and then you just put that into the tool here script in the script right um but I would much pref I think you're going to get a much better outp put using the script here using just entering your own words of what you want the video to say then you would entering an idea and just kind of gambling okay so here you can see we got the output it says like this is the video here um now the thing that's interesting about this is It's kind of giving us the outline and we really just want text that's all we want so if we wanted to make a video about a dog we would just want like a short story right so let's just do story about a dog okay so we got a pretty long story here um if we're going to be doing a short video we probably only want like this first part right so we back go back to image to video plug that in you can see it's about a minute and 15 seconds just this first part and so we'd have to make it a little bit shorter if we wanted a short form now however if we want this to be a long form video we can we can keep this whole thing here if we go back here click on this grab the whole story we could enter in this whole thing and we'd get like a 3 minute video and instead of doing like a a cell phone video or a Tik Tok Style video we can do a landscape video and this would make us A long form video but again if you're trying to get leads and you're trying to make sales I wouldn't recommend doing what I'm showing you here um I'm going to show you exactly what we do and I'm going to show you how to replicate it because the thing that we're doing is actually very simple and it's something that can be applied to pretty much any industry so really quick in order to show you this I want to head over to Facebook so you can can post content pretty much anywhere right Facebook or short short videos on Facebook YouTube Instagram Tik Tok doesn't really matter but hands down the best place I found a post right now is on Facebook and specifically Facebook pages so if I head over to Facebook here you can actually see if I click on this little profile up here click on see all profiles these are all profiles that I've made that we're posting our AI content from that's made with shifi and some of these Pages get a lot of views and some of these pages are are pretty new like only a month old so let's click on one of these Pages let's click on this one and if I go into it I can actually look at the analytics for all of the videos and look at this if I look at insights here just in the last month 354,000 reach and and and most of that is views on all these different videos look at these are all these videos made with shiny um and so this is a a relatively new page uh and I have multiple Pages like this that are that I I make I start posting content to and then look at this no views no views no views and then boom they start to take off and you might be wondering well why are they taking off like this all of a sudden most of the time they start taking off because um once you get to a certain amount of views you get a lot more reach um sorry once you get to a certain amount of followers you start to get a lot more reach now you can see actually on this page I did run a little bit of ads just because I was trying to get more followers more quickly because it seems that once you um get to about a thousand followers that's when you start to like really organically start to grow the page um but let's just go to another one and again these are all completely Anonymous pages that I'm making here's one this one has zero ads look at this 96,000 reach and again all AI content okay AI videos so before we talk about what kind of content we're posting in there though let's just talk about how to make one of these Pages because it's actually really simple so what I do is I go up here to the top right and remember like I said I would I would focus on Facebook before I focus on any other platform because I found that this is where you get Mo the most reach so um all you have to do is you go to Facebook click on the top right click on create public page call it whatever you want you know call it AI person doesn't really matter category doesn't matter bio doesn't matter um just do like blog or some social media agency um and then what you're going to do is ideally you're going to create a few of these profiles because you can go and do this multiple times over and over so I can go to I just created one page right if I go down here there it is AI person I can go create another one click on create again and I can go create like 10 pages look at how many pages we have on here like this is this is crazy okay and you can even schedule out to all these Pages at once I'll show you how to do that in a second as well but um ideally you can post to multiple Pages at a time now what is the type of content that you want to start posting now again if you're in AI or in you know the make money online Niche or you know lead generation or SEO or any of that I recommend showing people top five websites top five tools top five whatever and the reason why is top five is really really repeatable so I want to actually show you some of the videos we're making that are top fives and then I'm going to show you how we're making these but by the way all of these videos that we're making are things that apply to any niche right so let's say you were targeting real estate you could say hey hey these are the top five Real Estate websites or top five um ways to make money with real estate um and so for short form content just having these list type posts seem to work extraordinarily well so let's just play this video so you can hear it this one was again generated with shiny you can see here there's already a few engagements on it six comments and these are just again leads um people that are interested in what ever we're talking about or whatever we're selling let me just play this for you so you can watch it scary tool bot.com most people do not know that you can get paid to promote over 400 plus tools with this Secret website shiny.
Comom this website can generate viral videos for you no one will know it was AI doing the job the last website will show you how to send over millions of emails unanimously the receivers will be shocked want to know this website reply with the word yes in the comments okay so video is a little bit silly um you know we're trying to go this scary angle or whatever but um I want to make a few notes in here so first of all inside of this web uh inside of this video um there's a few things you'll notice so one of the things is that um in some of the pictures like this one the the text is incorrect right it's not the actual website or it's just random gibberish a lot of people get really confused by this why is the why is this all mispronounced it's because AI isn't great at spelling yet inside of images okay um and so if you see something like this and it bothers you it doesn't really bother me because it takes more work to fix than it does to just get the leads with it um but it actually doesn't take that much work cuz I can show you how to customize it um but it's not really that big of a deal because you're going to get leads whether it says the right words or not but um you can uh always regenerate these um and it's it's it's something that it's just part of AI right now and at some point all of the spelling will be correct in images but right now it's not so don't freak out if you see this it's not because the tool doesn't work it's just because AI isn't always the best at spelling now um this video again we just posted it so it's only at like six leads you know probably a few hundred views but um these videos that we make we make basically the same videos over and over and over um some of them will take off they'll get thousands and thousands of views so look at uh let's go to this one look at this 9,000 views 11,000 views 11,000 views so crazy amounts of views on complete completely Anonymous pages and um I want to show you how we're doing this uh and how you can generate these videos because it's actually very simple so one of the things I always say is copy what I do not what I say and um the way you can actually do that with shifi is you just take one of these videos you copy the link here like so you head over to shifi go to the transcriber paste the link in here transcribe and then this will go and transcribe the um the video right so if we did a video that got 10,000 views all you have to do is transcribe the video recreate it and then put your websites in it and so what are we doing in these videos right so first of all we're doing these top five websites but inside of these we inside of these top lists we're adding our own website so inside of here look check out these scary websites you never knew existed number one is scary tool bot.com so this actually goes to a checklist of different tools that you can get paid to promote and then the way you get the checklist is by entering your email and so what we can do is we can get people's emails this is a lead right when somebody enters their email in here that's them becoming a lead for us right so that that gets tracked inside of our CRM so now we have that person as a lead right and so you can go and do the same thing you can create an opt-in page and or for an email list right and you can send them to some sort of checklist like this and then you get them as a lead and so in each of these websites that you recommend you can get people to enter their email so that you get them as a lead and if you don't want them to enter their email if you just want to send them straight to an affiliate link you can do that as well well meaning that you can get paid just to send people to different websites that you can actually get paid to promote and I'll show you how to do that in a second but I'm just showing you kind of how this works right so every single website you do like let's say we go into here you could you could own let's say instead of scary toolbot you could own best AI websites.com and so that's the first website they go to and you get them as a lead when they enter their info most people don't know that you can get paid to promote over uh whatever tools the next website is shi.com now if you wanted to be an affiliate of shiny you could have you know bestv video tool.com and you could send somebody there and then you can actually do something called a redirect where it redirects to shinfy after and you get credited now one thing I want to mention by the way did you see how the transcription said shiny with an i um the problem with our tool still to this day is that when you create video um and you're doing top five websites you don't want to keep captions on because the captions will usually not pronounce the videos correctly um and so when I go and generate a video here let's say I take that script that I just got um from the transcriber um I don't want to turn on captions because it's probably going to spell the website wrong in the caption so what I'll actually do and this is what our team does is whenever we create these videos click on generate um and we turn on accuracy in animations just cuz animations makes the image just move around oh I accidentally made a landscape I should have done portrait so instead what you can do though if you're worried about the captions being off with the websites which again sometimes they are you just click on download take the download plug it into something like cap cut which is a free editing tool and what I would do is just do the automatic captions so you can click on text up here Auto captions create and it'll create the captions for you and you can customize them and do whatever you want from there um and then also if you want to use your own animations right let's say you don't like the way these kind of scroll around um you can generate just images with the uh animations turned off and then you can do the animations yourself and something like cap okay also another thing I want to show you um sometimes the tool will generate images that are in landscape mode but they'll be like upside down like this uh so one of the things you can do is whenever you create a video you can go into customize here and then you can change the image prompts right so um I can click on edit and then change out the prompt and then I can regenerate the image so that it's the right um ratio and and again remember these are just small things that the tool isn't always 100% accurate right it doesn't always have you know text that's 100% accurate it doesn't always have perfectly um aligned images like you know 9 by6 Dimensions but these are all things that we're working on and a lot of it actually has to do with prompting um so if you want to make sure that it's in the right dimensions you do like 9 by6 image and it'll increase the chances of that image being the right um dimensions and I actually this is something we're going to be adding into one of our updates as well um just making the prompting better automatically but either way when you create one of these uh videos right you have the top websites um you can take the video that you generate you can download it and then you can start posting it on social media and posting is pretty simple if you you want to just post straight through social media just straight through the app you can click on real drag your reel in like so click on next upload and then that's pretty much it now there's other ways that you can do this as well you can use something like radar um you can use also many chat to automatically respond to comments and send people DMS but um we're not going to get into all of that today I actually recommend uh we have a boot camp that we're starting it's a six we boot camp because there's a lot here right um join the boot camp at Soaring riches bootcamp.com I'll leave a link in the chat or in the um description but I would really recommend that you join this because this is going to walk you through step by step everything you need to do um scheduling the content out doing all the responses in many chat um you know hiring people to that you can Outsource these videos too um but yeah I just kind of wanted to show you some of the main stuff here so that you can get started if you have any questions and you want me to go deeper on anything let me know but this video is actually getting already pretty long so I'm going to end it here um but that's it for today thanks for stopping by we'll see you the next one