Passive Income Jobs From Home That Earn $100,000 a Year

these are the top passive income jobs that you can start with from home even if you're a complete beginner and all of these jobs can earn over $100,000 a year if you learn how to do them correctly now inside of this video I'm going to show you how I went from making Zer doar whatsoever to making millions and millions of dollars a year and I'm going to explain to you how if you've never earned money online before the steps that I took when I started out and the steps that I would recommend that you take if you are either starting out or you're looking to earn more money online now if you're brand new here don't worry you're in the right place today I'm going to do everything I can to help you get all of the resources you need I will leave links in the description of this video I'll also explain to you uh the thing that we're doing behind the scenes we actually have a full 6E boot camp that actually starts very soon make sure you check that out below this video because I actually have a private mentorship group where I take people through being beginner to expert on Zoom calls private group Zoom calls and I even have a full stepbystep template that has over 200 different things that you can get started with to start selling online but before we get into that I just want you to do me a favor respond with the word yes in the comments of this video if you want me to keep you updated with more free tutorials more free training like this it also helps the video get more more reach so do me a favor just leave the word yes in the description now before we get into this I do want to give you a disclaimer that everything I say in my content is for informational purposes only I'm not guaranteeing that you're going to get any results I'm also not guaranteeing that you're going to be a millionaire or any of that I'm just going to show you the steps that I took and ideally if you put in the right things you put in the right steps and you take action and you become consistent at this stuff you will greatly enchant increase your chances of earning money online but again nothing I'm going to say in this video is guaranteed I'm not saying that I promise that you're going to do uh the same numbers that I did or that I'm doing but again I'm going to show you everything that I'm doing to earn money and you can hopefully learn from those things so let's talk about what's on the list what we're going to be covering and I'm going to give you six different things that you can choose from and these are all different things that have earned me money or people I know money in either the past or even in the present because the idea is that ideally when you start out you want to start providing services to other businesses or other um prospects that you can start generating with what I'm going to share with you here and after you start earning enough money you can start using a lot of the techniques that I'm going to share with you today for your own business and so when I started out back in 2017 when I wasn't really making that much money you can see over here I was doing marketing and doing services for other people and as I started accumulating more and more money eventually I decided to uh stop doing as much client work and I started working on my own business and that's when I was able to start making millions of dollars now I'm not saying you can't make a lot of money with services but ideally at some point you want to start working on growing your own business instead of other people's business but we'll get there in a little bit let's first of all talk about what the number one is thing is that you can start out with which is keyword research now the reason why everything starts with keyword research and by the way this is in our road map template here that you will get inside of our boot camp if you go to the link in the description uh keyword research is the first thing that we figure out for any Prospect or person that we want to start providing services to and what keyword research is is it basically allows us to figure out what do people want to show up for online now just to uh let you know everything in this video all the different passive income ideas are going to be things that you can provide to other businesses as a service and essentially you could even Outsource a lot of these services and you can automate them with some of the tools and the different thing uh systems I'm going to be sharing with you today and so even if you start learning keyword research and you start providing it yourself you start doing it for other people you don't have to do it forever yourself eventually you can hire somebody for very cheap you can Outsource this work um and you can also use tools to automate a lot of this stuff now if you were to just do keyword research off the top of your head the way it would look is that you would figure out okay well what is the prospect that I'm looking to help uh looking to show up for online and so let's say they're a coach or let's say they're an influencer they might be looking for things to show up around whatever they're trying to teach so if you're trying to uh help somebody that's doing real estate for example you could find topics or keywords around real estate coaching and the way you would do that is you would use a tool like shine ranker shine ranker is a tool that I've built I started building about two years ago and this tool uses Ai and chat GPT to basically find keywords and figure out how hard they are to show up for online so if I go over to shine ranker here um which by the way I'll leave a link to this as well you can get a free trial to shine ranker if you want to try it out but if I go into shine ranker and I go to viral topic finder here I can enter in a topic so let's say I want to go for Real Estate or real estate coaching okay now you don't even have to necessarily know who you're going to reach out to in order to do the keyword research uh in advance so like for example I could figure out the keywords first that people can rank for and then then I can reach out to them and say hey I found some really good topics that you can start using in your website on your content on your YouTube channel in your Tik toks and your Instagram wherever you're going to be providing this uh wherever you're going to be having helping them with their keywords or their topics or their content and you can give them this list of topics for free and what I always recommend is that if you're going to be trying to get a client figure out what you can offer them up front anytime that you want to get clients you don't want to just go straight to selling you want to figure out what can I do to get them hooked and so it's kind of like you know with fishing if I were to throw out a fishing line if I don't put any bait on the fishing line I'm not going to catch the fish and so you want to give something so that you can build that relationship because they don't know who you are they don't know if they can trust you they don't know if your services are good and so doing stuff like this all the stuff on this list here are all things that you can give away for free but you can also charge a lot of money for every single month so either way let's go into shine ranker here we got real estate real estate coaching we're going to make sure it's enhanced with AI so that we have chat gptt giv us extra untapped topics and ideally what we want to look for is we want to look for something called a golden keyword a golden keyword is basically an untapped keyword that people aren't targeting very much and so for example a lot of the content I do is untapped keywords it's golden keywords and the way I find them is I go into shine ranker here I see all the different topics right here we got whether or not the keywords and AI keywords so none of these are um if I click by this I can actually see all of the AI found keywords but um over here we have the monthly searches we have the keyword we have the difficulty so monthly searches basically means how many people are looking for this content or this topic every single month and then we have um difficulty so this is how hard it is to rank for the keyword um and show up for it we have the uh commercial value a higher commercial value means the keyword's more profitable it means it's more valuable to the client or the prospect and then we have our different actions here whether or not we want to add them to our dashboard I'll show you how to do that in a second but what I can do is I can go ahead and I can click on update all difficulty and what this is going to do is it's going to figure out okay how many people are actually competing for these different topics and so you can see some of these topics are a lot easier to show up for than others and if I kind of scroll through here I can start finding golden keywords and golden keywords are again really like something that has a high search rate or a decent search rate and something that has low difficulty and what I can do is I can start tracking all of the easy difficulty keywords by going to my dashboard adding a new project I can call it um real estate keywords and then I can add a project URL this is just if I'm doing rank tracking so I'm just going to do for now but this will actually tell me whether or not the client's ranking for the keyword or if they're going up or down for the different keywords but if I go back into here and I click on uh track all easy keywords this will only track the golden keywords and now if I go back in here boom I have a bunch of different golden keywords and some of them are AI enhanced and I can start handing these to the different prospects and say hey let's start doing content for these different keywords let's start um you know doing YouTube videos let's start doing uh Tik toks let's start doing blog posts and so just doing a keyword research service for people is something that people will pay for now remember the less you do the less you can charge because the less value you provide ideally you want to try to provide a combination of these different things together now if you just did keyword research you could actually probably make I would say over $100,000 a year why because so many different people don't know what to Target online they don't know where to get leads they don't know what topics to talk about there's plenty of people doing content and they're just winging it they're just going I'm going to go online and I'm going to start talking about whatever I'm going to start talking about real estate and if you just started helping them choose their keywords and figure out their titles and their topics you could very easily start helping a lot of people with their topic and keyword research and you could charge I would say anywhere between $500 to $1,000 a month just helping people with their targeting now however if you wanted to charge more like2 or $3,000 a month you would start bundling other things in here like for example not just keyword research but helping with something like social media how do you do social media for people and how do you automate so first of all you can see with this keyword stuff it's pretty automated I just found the topics added it to the key to the dashboard and then what I can even do is I can actually start um adding writers into this dashboard and I can actually share this dashboard with people and what's going to happen is they are going to put whether or not the content in progress or not okay so this whole thing is automated I'm not I'm only kind of just showing you a glimpse of it but inside of our boot camp um what I do is I actually show you how to implement all of this so um I don't I don't only just teach you how to find this stuff like how to find the keywords and how to fix them uh uh figure them out but I also show you how to go and fix them and how how to set them up so that now not only are you doing the keywords but here now you're ranking the content now you're doing the search engine optimization for these different things so you can show up either for yourself or your for your clients on YouTube blogging uh you know on Google uh Tik Tok all the different places that you want to you know optimize yourself to rank for and so again if you haven't joined the boot camp I do recommend you join in there because again it's a six we training program the price goes up pretty much every single week um there are replays available if you can't make it in our time zone but you get this checklist and you get the all the different trainings you're going to need to go from um you know starting a a business an AI business as a complete beginner all the way up to being an expert and being able to implement everything off of this checklist so it is very a very valuable thing if you are looking to start an AI business so again check out the link below and go ahead and grab that either way we covered a little bit about keyword research let's talk about the next thing which is video clipping and scheduling and this is actually something that um a few of my uh mentees started doing and they were able to get a client for about $3,000 a month just doing this literally just doing clipping and scheduling and the best part about this is you can use AI for all of it you can use tools let me show you how so what you can do is you could take a a person that's already doing content let's say you take somebody that's doing long form right so if I typed in real estate coach and I found somebody that was already doing long form content let's say we took uh Jackie here but let's say she's not doing short form content right if I look at her channel here she's only doing long form and so what I can do is I can click on this video here click on copy I can head into shine ranker and I can go to the AI video clipper and this tool will actually go and start generating short form content for this person it'll give us like 10 different clips it'll do the captioning everything else and so the cool thing about this is that now you can just take these clips and you can even schedule them out for this person using something like radar and by the way most of these tools that you're going to use not only can you make money on the services but if you set people up on this you can have them sign up for the the different tools on their free trials and when the trial's over and the client's paying for the tool you get an affiliate cut on it so not only are you making money on services but even if the client stops paying you for services and they're still paying for the tools you're making money every single month because you have an affiliate you get a percentage cut of whenever they're paying for the tool and so if you use something like a combination of shine ranker and uh radar you can start scheduling content out and you can schedule it on Facebook Instagram Tik Tok and this is another thing is that if the person isn't constantly doing content on these different platforms let's say they're only doing long form this is a way for you to say hey why don't we get you scheduled out on Tik Tok why don't we get you scheduled out on Instagram why don't we schedule out all your content because you're already doing this long form and let's say they don't have long form long form is very easy to create as well because you could take a list of these keywords that you found inside of shine ranker and you could start using these different keywords for the long form videos you could just ask the person say would you mind just creating a video of you talking just pull out your phone and just talk about 20 of these topics just you know talk about what people should look for when they're looking for a duplex for sale and and by the way you can also transcribe all this content plug it into a Content editor like we have in shine ranker and guess what now this content editor what it's going to do is it's going to take the top 10 pages on Google and it's going to extract all of the things that they're doing to rank so for example how many words are on the page how many images are on the page how many um heading tags all the different things that Google's going to look at and we can take that transcript transcription and just plug it into to our tool and it'll tell us look you need to mention these words you need to have this many headings you need to have at least 500 Words and we can take that transcription and rank them on their website as well so not only that but we can embed their video on our website as well so there's just so many different things that you can do and remember all this stuff kind of works in tandem with the other services you're going to be offering so if you're going to start doing a you know uh video service and you're doing short s well why not do the keyword research so that the videos are ranking if you're going to be doing uh a keyword service why not build landing pages and optimize them with the content ranker so the more you can kind of bundle all these things in together the more you can actually justify charging a lot of money to this person and the idea is that you want to bring them in with something first of value you know give them some keyword research do some free videos for them and do it up front because all of it's automated you see how fast it took for for me to get a few keywords here did you see how fast it was for us to like just throw the video in and get Clips out so ideally all you have to do is just take a few things that you can offer for free that take you seconds to do and give it to the person and so that's where most most people mess up most people just go in they try to get the sale and the reason why they're not making over six figures a year is usually because they're not up uh doing enough value upfront and if you do enough value up front usually you will get a lot of people to the point where you're going to say what I said which is that okay I have too many clients now I need to start working on my own marketing and by the way all of this stuff is stuff that you should do for yourself as well you should do keyword research for yourself you should have your own content you should have your own landing pages you should optimize for Golden keywords you should do all of this stuff for yourself and that's why inside the boot camp we don't just cover how to do this for other people we cover how to do this for yourself so you can start making money on affiliate so you can start making money if you ever want to sell your own course or become you know some big influencer and so we help you not just build other people's businesses but how to become an expert in your own business as well because most people they are beginners in their own business maybe they are knowledge as expert maybe they know what they're talking about but the problem is they're not generating enough leads for themselves and so we want you to be able to generate enough leads to say well yeah yeah I'm going to work with clients or yeah I'm going to you know do affiliate or yeah I'm going to do you know some sort of coaching program that's up to you because once you do this stuff you're going to have the traffic coming in because you're optimizing to show up for whatever you want to show up for all right next we have landing page expert or website expert now what I recommend is use something like high LEL and again I'm leaving links to all this stuff in the description of this video a lot of them have special deals a lot of them have free trials so make sure you check out the links in the description but High LEL is a great platform which we also recommend inside of the road map here and remember if you do this road map you get the road map you can change this over to your own brand change it to your own affiliate so that your clients can sign up for your own you know your uh your affiliate links but high level is a way for you to start building landing pages um start building an email list for people to start building texting so if a client or Prospect doesn't have a website yet or their website sucks or they don't have email or you know they're just not set up to attract customers with yeah maybe they're doing content but they don't have some sort of way to bring people in you want to set them up with something like high level because high level is going to actually let you build a website for them with some with templates so you can go into websites here click on new website and I can almost instantly build a website for anybody let's say I want somebody in automotive let's say I want somebody in beauty and fashion and I can go select you know beauty spa here click on continue and boom just like that I already have a website now I just have to put their content on it and now they can start getting leads they can manage their optins they can manage everything they can measure their traffic and so again it's very very important that people have some sort of you know website or landing page if they don't already and so this is something that you can offer for free look at this just in a couple seconds I already have a website that I can you know go and look at the preview on and and I can send this to somebody and say look how does this look to you do you want this website can we build this for you can we you know can we add content to it can we optimize it for these different keywords that we found for you can we add videos can we do all the stuff that we need to do and so being a website expert just this alone is something that you could charge $2 to $3,000 a month for and remember if you bundle it right you're doing their keyword research you're doing their uh SEO you're doing their clipping you're doing their social media I'm I wouldn't be surprised if you could start selling five to $10,000 month clients I had um an $8,000 month client at one point just doing SEO and so this is such a valuable thing because now you have the ability to build your own website or build other people's website in in in seconds and now you have the ability also to manage a list and all the cool stuff that high level does um another thing that you can do is be a robot automation commmunication expert and what this is is you just go and start working on people's backend follow-up systems and the way you can do that is you can use something like high LEL right so I can go into automation here click on create workflow or I can just go in a current one I have and what this is is it's just like an automated follow-up system right so if somebody turns into a lead let's say they send a message through a contact form or they enter their info or they leave their phone number or whatever they sign up on the website I can set up a full automated system that texts those people and emails them and you know sends them all kinds of special deals and all that kind of stuff and you can do that with in high level for your client you can actually give them a full workflow back-end automation that helps them close their clients or their prospects and even follows up with them helps them get reviews all that good stuff and you can even set this up on on social media where somebody sends them a message you have robots that go and interact with those people and so all of the stuff I do in my business is automated I always tell people never message me on Instagram or Facebook or most places because you're going to be talking to a robot you're going to be talking to an AI and so when it comes to email texting all these different things you can set these things up for people and you can charge a lot of money because most people don't have an automated system they just have some sort of like somebody sends them a message and then they manually call everybody back and so ideally you want to show them the value in having some sort of backend automated system all right I'm going to burn through these really quickly because I don't want to waste all your time here um and again if you want the full six week like imagine this there's 200 points in this checklist right we're just covering the surface ideally you want to join the six we boot camp because the six we boot camp is going to take you through everything there's a reason why it's six weeks if I could teach it all in like 10 minutes on YouTube I would but it takes a really really long time and I have to I have to join Zoom calls so I can I can actually work with the people and you know there's a reason why I don't just do courses there's a reason why I don't just do recorded videos I have found that when you work with people in person or you know in a group you know live environment like on Zoom people learn at a lot better Pace like they actually start to get it it's much harder to teach people where I'm just kind of like talking to a camera here and so that's why I do the zoom calls that's why I do the boot camps because I want to give people the opportunity to be able to ask questions be able to interact be able to you know work with each other and that's why the boot camps have always been such a success why we've seen so many case studies so many people do well because of the fact that uh the group environment and the live environment just works incredibly well so you need to join in because the price again goes up every single week and um I just don't want you to lose your spot because again there's only so many spots inside of Zoom I'm and I'm not making that up I'm not just trying to give you fake scarcity like literally once enough people join we can't let more people in to the actual calls like you can't join so make sure you get in all right last couple ones here we got onpage ranking expert I kind of showed you a little bit about that a second ago um and without diving too deep into it because your time's valuable uh what you can do is you can go into something like the um content ranker here you can you know start working on getting people to rank based on you know certain averages you can use AI chat here to go and you know throw content in here um and you know just start mentioning certain words words and you'll see like if I start mentioning security boom that just went a one out of three if I mentioned Cloud flare and so boom that a lot of what on page means is that you're just trying to do what other people are doing you're trying to understand what are other people doing to show up online and can we meet that average and go slightly above but on page also means that you're you're also helping people fix their entire setup and and ideally like if you have a bad setup meaning your website isn't you know uh crawlable your page speed slow you don't have SSL there's certain things that you want to look for and all of this is in the checklist it's stuff that you're going to learn inside the boot camp but you do want to have the right environment and and this goes the same by the way with social media you know you want to have a certain type of profile you want to have a certain type of Bio you want to make sure that you're optimized to actually Reach people because there are certain settings that if you don't turn them on your profile will not get as much reach you your videos it doesn't matter how much SEO or on page or optimization you know averages all that stuff you do need to have certain settings turned on in order to get a lot of reach and so again it's very important that you do learn those things because without that you could be going and doing a ton of content and just not getting any sort of reach whatsoever last thing we got is marketing analysisc Consulting expert and this is what I actually recommend that you really specialize in out of all of them and the reason why is because if you can just start doing road maps for people like this you can just go run through a 200 Point checklist and say look you need to do keyword reason search you need to do um social media you need to fill out your bio you need to get meta verified like all the different things in here you need to check and make sure your XML sitemap exists you need to have schema markup like there's so many things in here if you can go through and and give the whole checklist to somebody and just do road maps for free I used to do these all the time I actually if you go to my website I don't even think it's up anymore um because I stopped doing them because I got too many people asking for them but I used to that's what I used to do that's how I got to a $50,000 a month agency was that I would just do these free road maps for people I would say look give me your website give me your um you know your social profiles all the stuff that we ask inside of the client intake part of the road map and once I got all those things I would do a road map and I would get a lot of people asking to pay me for money pay me money for my services why because I could go into any business and I could run through this road map and I could usually find all like at least 30 to 40% of these things that aren't correct and and then if I could just demonstrate how we're going to go fix them and run through the road map people would pay a lot of money for me to actually go and fix that for them because they saw the value why did they see the value because the road map is easy to show value if you can just demonstrate that you know what you're talking about and so the secret from going from a beginner to an expert is really just learning to know what you're talking about if you could just learn a basic amount of information and just understand this you don't even have to do it you could just go and sell the road map to people demonstrate that you know what you're talking about and then have other people fulfill it and run the business for you and that is so much easier than having to go and do this stuff all day right like if you're just out there and you're just working on a website you don't know what to do I mean you're so misguided you're just sitting there and you're like I don't know what to do I don't know what to work on whereas if you have a road map if you have a a a a way to show people how to get from point A to point B and you can have other people implement it for literally dollars an hour while you're charging thousands and thousands of dollars a month you're going to be an environment where you can start automating and start creating passive income and start working on the stuff that you want a lot of my clients were in other locations I never had people in person like pretty much ever and so all of my stuff pretty much all I really did is I I automated a lot of it and then what I would do is I would do Zoom calls I would do like a zoom call a month with a client and I'd say you know here's what we're where we're at and almost every single time the client was happy because they were getting what they were wanting they got the road map up they paid for it and I was making a lot of money um but again at a certain point I started investing in my own marketing because you can only spend so much time with clients at some point in my opinion you want to start working on building your own sort of deal yeah you could still have some clients but I think the long-term goal is that you want to start automating your own income where you don't have to deal with anybody so either way um that's it for today if you enjoyed this video and you got to the end please let me know I I love hearing back from you please give me some feedback I I always help tell people you know respond with the word yes just so I can get feedback to see if you guys like the videos but you know if you have a second take a second to write something say like hey gu hey chase you know I love these videos this is what I want to see more of this is want to see less of you know uh talk to me I I would love to hear from you so anyways that's it for today make sure you join the boot camp starting very soon I would hate to see you miss it or uh have to pay more later there's no point in paying more for something you could have gotten for Less so go in the description go to the link below grab the boot camp I'll see you inside I'm really excited to see you very soon until I do happy moneymaking see you next time bye

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