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and as you can see here guys this guy's made $160 today $158 today $140 $130 $11 111 108 101 all of these people these eight people right here have made over $100 today and they're actually going to be winning a prize as well so the top person gets $50 2 35 and third 17 and I want to show you exactly how these people are making this money in this tutorial and show you step by step it's insane $100 per day these guys have just made what's going on guys in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to make money with two websites you can use right now and all you need is an internet connection and I'm going to show you how to use these websites step by step from signing up and how to actually make money with them so let's jump into this tutorial and get started you can do this worldwide let me show you how you can make money with these websites let's go all right right guys so just before we get started this company that I'm going to show you that you can make money from they have over 14,000 reviews on trust pilot that's absolutely insane and they have a very good rating an excellent rating and if we actually go to trust pilot you can see that this is a verified company and lots of people are making money with this specific website right now and I'm going to show you exactly how you can do that so first of all what is Honey gain honeygain has multiple ways that you can can actually earn money with them you can do bandwidth sharing where you get 20 cents per gigabyte you can get credits from the daily lucky pot you can get credits from achievements you can make money from referrals as well you can also get credits from content delivery there is quite a few ways you can earn income from this website and I'm going to take you through everything that you need to know so you can get cash and crypto payments they have flexible sharing there is 24-hour support and it is backed by community and if we actually go down here it's got all the information that you need to get started it's got some questions if you have questions but I'm going to show you exactly how to get started and make money with this right now the first step is you want to go get started up here and you want to go ahead and start an account so I've put in my email address and I've put in a password and I'm going to go continue with email and once that's done it should go ahead and log you into the back end and this is what it's going to look like so let's go ahead and go over some of the easiest ways to make money with this what you want to do is you want to go ahead and go download the app and what this is going to do is we can actually go ahead and share our bandwidth and make credits passively on this website all right I did actually forget it's a little bit more difficult to set up on Mac so for this tutorial I've gone and set it up on my PC and as you can see here my PC is connected and what's happening now is I am going going ahead and I'm giving them my data and I'm going to be getting credits for that specific data now you can go and check all of the documents all of the data is used for very good causes it's nothing bad but you are essentially sharing your data with this platform and you get paid for that it's really really cool and if we actually go down here we can see the stats and then what we can actually do as well is we can go ahead and go transaction history so it shows all your transaction history and then we can go ahead and click on achievements and there's these achievements that you can do and you're also going to go ahead and get more credits like confirm email and things like that now I do want to say when you actually get credits to withdraw you're going to withdraw them and they're going to give you the option to withdraw with either PayPal or cryptocurrencies PayPal is going to go ahead and have a 15% um uh fee that you have to pay and cryptocurrency there is no fee so once you've got some credits you can go ahead and take them out now another way to make money with this is to actually go ahead and share a link it's kind of like affiliate marketing well you're going to get a bonus 25% referral fee so if you have like a social media account or something like that you can go ahead and you can get a link to share and then you will get credits from them using the platform as well so that's honey gain this is a very good way to make passive income by literally doing nothing all right guys the next site that we can use to make money is called free cash and if you see down here they have over 87,000 reviews that's a lot more than the last website and they are trusted on trust pilot as well so what we can do is we can actually earn on this website with many different ways actually and you can see at the top here some people have been paid out on PayPal stake and other ways as well and if you scroll down here you can see that they have given out over $88 million and this is the average money earned by um users yesterday which is around about $31 so there is definitely some money be made and they also have a leader section where we can actually go ahead and we can see what people are actually earning so this is today this person has earned $63 this person 158 140 13011 101 so we could potentially be making over $100 per day by using this specific website $90 $75 $75 and it goes down obviously the lower you go but as you can see the top people are making round about over $100 per day using the free cash website that's absolutely insane so the first thing you want to do is you want to go to the sign up page and you want to go ahead and sign up to the website and as you can see I've signed up with a fresh account for this tutorial and you can see that it's going to go ahead and take us through a quick tour which I am going to do real quick and they give you a little something to get started which is a welcome gift and they take you through the process of how this website works so if you want to cash out you simply go to this page here and you can cash out with these different types of withdrawals we've got PayPal Bitcoin stake ethereum Litecoin Dogecoin and a couple of other ways and if we click on earn it's going to actually take you through the process now I do actually have another account on this website but I made a free uh a new one just for this um tutorial so we can go ahead and we could do these types of offers so we could go ahead and download a game we can do this memory game here we can do whatever we want so I'm going to go ahead and choose this offer right here and it's going to say here are the instructions are complete open the game register and play it for the first time and to do that I would get 61 cents for doing that specific thing so that is the description of that one if we go back and we click on maybe this one right here this is another one answer all the qu questions currently and get an instant reward with your short quiz and I would earn 12 cents for that task here's another one right here where I would earn 20 $6 that is to download the game and complete the tasks so we need to install complete level two complete level five complete level 9 complete level 14 all the way up to level 45 and you get more money as you go and then what we would do is we would earn $26 from that there is also this one here which is some sort of this is raid Shadow Legends this is a game if we register complete the tutorial upgrade a hero um all of that stuff there reach level 55 we're we're going to get $237 so you're going to get paid to literally play a video game that's actually really cool and then there's also these offer Partners down here for example you can click on this one right here and it's going to take you through these offers that you can do get started and you will also get money for doing those but in my opinion I would probably rather do the games much more fun and we can go ahead and we can go along here and there's more to do there's daily surveys as well so we're going to get 50 cents for doing this get rewarded for every survey you take very simple and then there is uh this one here we get a dollar for playing a game so that's pretty cool we can go out and we can literally make money by doing some of this stuff it's really easy and what you could also do is you could become an affiliate and you can get an affiliate link and you get that link and you're going to get um earnings and there is commission tears as well where you can go ahead and you can earn money that way all right guys that's how you can go ahead and earn with two apps online right now to make some money the first one's passive this one is not really passive you can make money with this you're not going to make a huge amount of money as you saw on the leaderboards the top people making around about $100 per day and then down below it gets lower and lower as they go all right guys I'll see you in the next video