Clickbank For Beginners: How To Make Money on Clickbank for Free 2023 (Step By Step)

this tray here on the screen is a ClickBank award and this is called the ClickBank Platinum award that I got given to me in 2021. what that means is I have been put in a specific club for that year on how much I made on the ClickBank platform and that means that I made between 250 000 and 5 million dollars in that specific year and I made this as an affiliate promoting products from the ClickBank platform and what I want to do in this video is show you how to make money with ClickBank step by step in 2023. now what I'm going to do in this completely free tutorial is I'm going to take you through my three step process we're going to cover the product we're going to cover the content for that specific product and we're going to cover the traffic so you can make money with the ClickBank platform you're going to want to stay all the way to the end of this video I've been making money online with ClickBank and other platforms for many years and I know exactly what you need to do to get started with making money using clickba this is going to be a free step-by-step tutorial showing you everything that you need to know to get started now if you don't know what ClickBank is it's when you find other people's products that you can promote for a commission so you go ahead and get your own custom link when people click that link and make a purchase of that product you get paid a commission so you don't need to have your own product or do any support or anything like that you simply just send the traffic and I'm going to show you exactly how to do that right now so let's jump into this tutorial and I'll show you how to make money with ClickBank in 2023 alright guys so this first step to making money with ClickBank is to head over to a website called ClickBank and when you are on this website you can see all of the information and what ClickBank is about now essentially what ClickBank does is it acts as a cart for people selling products online to draw products and what we can do is we can promote those products and we get a commission so the first step you want to do is you want to click Start here now I'm not going to click this because I'm already logged in but when you click Start here you can sign up for your very own ClickBank account is completely free to do once you've signed up to a ClickBank account you want to head over to ClickBank and then click the marketplace in the top of the menu once you're in the marketplace you're going to come to a page that looks like this and there's some questions that have been answered frequently asked questions and then there's some information now we have these things called categories now what I'm going to do is go I'm going to click top offers just for this tutorial right now and I'm going to show you some stats now these are the top offers that are happening right now on ClickBank and this changes all the time because there's new products coming along into the marketplace quite often now the top ones are usually going to be Health Products because people what they do is they go on advertise Health Products on Facebook and they do very well via advertising but that's not what we're going to be doing in this tutorial I'm going to show you a much easier way now this is called a gravity score the gravity score is important because because it tells you how many people have made a sale how many Affiliates sorry have made a sale in the last I think it's either 30 or 90 days I can't remember it has changed recently but it will say um the the higher the gravity the more sales this product is making and low gravity is not that bad either it really just depends on the particular product but if you can see here this is a gravity of 600 and this is 1000 so that's a massive jump so this particular product is selling insanely well right now so gravity score gives you a really good indication of how popular a particular product is and then here it's got your average um conversion so this is essentially what you're going to make or what people are making on average right now with this particular product and to promote the product you just click promote and then go create hop link and you get a custom link that you can copy and when someone clicks on that link and makes a purchase now remember you only make a commission when they're purchased not when they click but when they purchase you get a commission so let's get started I will show you a very basic easy simple to understand way where you can go and make money right now with ClickBank and also before we actually move on to the next step um I forgot that there's actually categories on the left here so for example we could click on E-Business and email marketing or e-marketing and it's going to give us a products in a different type of Niche and it's all the same all the stats are the same so the what you want to do for this particular method is you want to go ahead into the search bar and you want to put in woodworking now what we're going to be looking for in this one is a product called Ted's Woodworking now Ted's Woodworking has a gravity of 121 which is pretty good but this is called an evergreen product so this particular product has been around for years it's been around for longer than I've even been working online and I've been working online for maybe eight years so this is a very popular product that's Evergreen and it's consistently selling and that's why it's still very popular on ClickBank now what we can do is we actually go to What's called the affiliate page so I'm going to open up the affiliate page real quick and on the affiliate page what it does is it's going to give us tools that we can use to promote this specific product so we can make up to 125 per sale and then it's got all of the information now this is is called an EPC as earnings per click so on average people are earning around about two dollars every single click now they don't get paid for the click but the overall sales divided by the clicks works out to be two dollars and this is US Dollars and then down here you have your affiliate links and stuff and you can get custom Pages as well so this is the affiliate page where you can get all of the information that you need to promote this particular product so the next step is we want to head over to chat GPT now we used to do this without check GPT but because we have chat GPT it's made things much easier for us what we want to do is we want a child chat GPT to do something for us and then it will all make sense once we progress through this video so what I've done is I've asked it to write me a video script with the best woodworking tips now the reason why I said video script is just because it gives me a better format you don't necessarily have to use this in a video it just gives me a much better format to use when I do this and check GPT there's lots of advanced features and prompts you can use I'm not using any of those right now so keep in mind you can get much more advanced with this particular AI software so it's given us six tips here that we can go ahead and use to create our content the next step is you want to go to a website called in video dot IO I will leave a link in the description it is an affiliate link I would get a commission if you signed up now with you can go ahead and create different type of video content using their specific templates so if I go to templates so it really depends on what type of content you're going to be creating we are going to be creating a video with this but um oh look you get a coupon I did not know that so save 25 off our plans with a coupon so put in save 25 if you click the link below what you want to do on this particular one is you want to click the shorts templates these are the shorts here either Instagram reels YouTube Shorts Facebook shorts you can use these type of templates what you want to do is you want to find one with a very simple background because we're going to get rid of the background the background does not matter but you want to have you want to make sure it has like lots of really good readable text and a really clean font that's not overloading the person looking at this so I'm going to click on this Earth one right here and I'm going to go use template and then we're going to use this template now the next step is we need to get some free content so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the search bar right here I'm going to make sure it says videos I'm going to go to the search bar and I'm going to put in Woodworking and what it's going to do is it's going to give us some woodworking content now some of this stuff is going to be free and some of it you are going to have to be on the paid plan so Nvidia does have a trial I'm on the Premium plan so it shows me a lot of these videos so what I can do is I can drag one of these onto my short and I'm just going to go replace and I'm going to go add and it should replace the background I hope yeah so what it's done is it's replaced the background it hasn't replaced the text which is good and we're going to go ahead and play that real quick and get rid of that um audio okay so I'm just going to clean this up a little bit real quick guys because all of this stuff is not needed okay so what I've done is I've gone ahead and I've just put the text in we're going to change the text in a second now that video is not very good to be honest it hasn't come out very good so what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually drag in another video right here um before you do that though I'm going to go add before you do that what you want to do is you want to click add scene so what I did is I clicked add scene and I'll do that again real quick I'm going to go add scene blank scene and what it's going to do is it's going to give us a page that looks like this now what you could do is you could actually do that and you could delete the front one because the front one isn't that good but I do like the text um but with this one there's two things you can do so a scene is like you're editing in different sections of this you could actually um stretch this out to look like this okay watch let's have a look here I actually do like that so I'm gonna stick with that and we already have some music that it's put in but if you do want to find some more music you just click on music now what I would do if it was me I would do five scenes because we have five well six tips but we'll just say five I would do five different scenes now for this particular tutorial I'm gonna just do um because I think I have to keep it under a minute right yeah I'm just gonna do the two scenes for now but what you'll do is you'll do three four or five and you'll shorten it down now the next step is we need to actually go ahead and put the text in so I'm going to keep the um I'm gonna keep this text here I'm going to get rid of the top one I'm gonna keep this one bit of text here um and that video is pretty bad but you can put in another one obviously and what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to my chat GPT and I'm going to copy the first tip use Sharp Tools so this is gonna be tip number one and we're gonna just change this here we're going to go paste in our stuff and I'm gonna you need to format it a little bit better like obviously this formatting is pretty bad at the moment oh it's not too bad all right guys I just cleaned this up a little bit because I thought the video looked a little bit dull on the first uh scenes this is now our first scene here and what I've done is I've gone ahead and added a another scene for us uh just down here so you can see there's a bit of wood coming through this planer here now you can actually see what I've done is I've put um a little square with round edges on the background under the text just to make the text Pop a little bit better now you can do this and you'll find other people that are doing this um make the box like yellow red blue they make it really really bright to stand out um but this is a example of what we're going to be using to go ahead and get traffic so I'm going to actually export this right now so it's ready for us to use but what I would recommend is building it out to I think it's under one minute for the method we're going to use but another thing that I also thought of is instead of just doing write me a video script with the best woodworking tips you could do best woodworking tips on how to build a table best woodworking tips on how to build chairs and you can start to Branch out with your traffic when you're trying to get traffic on specific um things that are getting made in the Woodwork space so you don't have to adjust to this is a very basic generic one but you could actually Branch it out and what you can do is you can look at that particular product um The Woodworking one and you can actually see what type of stuff that they have you can go and search it and on the affiliate page you go click on the affiliate page wherever it is and you can actually go ahead and see what type of plans they have in there so what the woodworking thing is is it's woodworking plans you can see what the plans are for so you can do content based on specific things now you might be asking how do you actually go ahead and get the traffic to this video so I'm going to go ahead and Export this right now and I'm going to do it in 1080P you'll have to do it in 720p if you have the free version but I'm going to export that right now now there's two ways we are going to focus on getting traffic and I'm going to show you a pretty simple way first so the first way and what I recommend is there's a few ways of doing this I recommend going into Facebook groups like woodwork for beginners and sharing some tips okay now you're not going to post your affiliate Link in you're going to share tips and then you're going to post your affiliate link on your profile and so you can say to people come to my profile to see more Tech and you can have your affiliate Link in your profile bio now another way is what you can do and we can use my own um group here to show you is what you can do is you can go ahead and start your own group based on woodworking tips and then what you can do is on this specific page and this page isn't live right now what you can do is you can actually um so you can do it right here you can edit the description and in that description what you want to do is you want to go ahead and get your affiliate link and you can say hey welcome to the group check out these free plans and you're posting your affiliate marketing link now what you would want to do though is you would want to cloak that link by using a link shortener so people don't actually see the entire link because it's very long and messy and it's more trustworthy if it's actually used in a link short so you can go ahead and use something like short URL and you can post it here you can go short in url and it's going to shorten that URL for you so it looks like this and then you would post that into your Facebook description on the on your Facebook group now it's pretty important to not go ahead and just Spam content and spam links you want to build up a community and then also put your affiliate Link in here so those are the two ways I recommend doing it with Facebook groups there's another way that I recommend you do it and that is by going to YouTube and this is why I said we need to do shorts and creating YouTube shorts it's like these ones right here so these guys actually do it where you can have have the video in the middle and then you can have text Above and Below on a color background now you can do this in in video which is what I showed you before and I would recommend doing this way because you're putting out a video and shorts are getting pushed a lot right now on YouTube and they are much more interactive and if you look at this particular YouTube channel now this is a um this channel is a probably a bad example because they have six million subscribers and they do all sorts of different types of content but as you can see they're doing videos on woodworking as well and then this one here he does videos on woodworking now he is actually doing the videos himself keep that in mind sorry about that that video just um started playing but this is an example of how um shorts are going quite viral right now and you don't need a huge channel to actually go ahead and make these videos give you yeah that's how you can go ahead and you know get the traffic but what I would recommend I'm going to show you right now we're just going to go ahead and pretend to upload this particular short because it's very important that you use the right keywords and everything to go ahead and get traffic so what I would recommend you doing this is why I said it would be important to go ahead and do it on a specific topic so I'm going to put best I'm sorry I'm going to put five best wood working tips for making tables now keep in mind right this is really important because what a lot of people do is they will go ahead and do methods like this and they won't optimize or anything like that and they won't get any views and they're like oh this doesn't work we know that this works for other people so you really just have to get all of this down packed and and right and then it could potentially work for you now this is probably the most important part when you're starting creating the videos doesn't really matter when you're studying because getting the views is going to take some time but what you want to do at the start is focus on the optimization first and then later on as you get more views focus on doing more videos and then you also want to do a description of about a hundred characters minimum because this also counts towards your rankings in Google and where your shorts get pushed to and then down the bottom you're also going to want to use what we call tags now you can use video IQ if you want and it's going to give you keywords that you can use and the paid version will give you more keywords that you can use but you just want to put in stuff like best support working tips and just stuff that comes to your mind and it also gives you actually suggestions so best carpentry tips as well you could use um it's actually messed up there because I chose I chose to and I had it on the thing I did tips and tricks the best woodworking tips and tricks best carpentry tricks and things like that all right guys so that's how you can go ahead and make money with ClickBank but remember this also can be used on other products not just the woodworking this is actually extremely popular in the health niche as well where people go ahead and do health tips using Nvidia as well so you could try different types of products to do this on but the point is you need to create the tips and create the community and then start to promote the products alright guys that's how you can make money with ClickBank in 2023 I'll see you in the next video hit that like button and hit the notification Bell so my next video comes out don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you then

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