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over the last few weeks I started two brand new YouTube channels to prove that you can grow them to get subscribers and make money online and what I want to do in this video is show you how to get your first 100 with your own faceless YouTube channel and then I'm going to explain to you how you can get a hundred subscribers fairly quickly because I know how to optimize channels and here is another one right here where I got a 191 subscribers in the last 90 days now I did kind of drop off on this specific Channel because I do have a lot but we'll go through that one as well and then we have this one here that I started two weeks ago and we've already hit 10 000 views and we've already hit a thousand hours watch time in fact we've actually hit nearly 2 000 hours watch time and when I grew this to nearly 200 subscribers in the last 28 days so I'm going to show you exactly how to get your first 100 with YouTube and I'm going to show you how to get your first 100 subscribers so let's jump into this tutorial but first i'm still giving away access to every single one of my courses what you want to do is smash that like button find the Emoji in this video and then comment below what the Emoji is and you could win access to my courses let's jump into this video and I'll show you how to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube and how to make money with YouTube Alright guys so in this YouTube tutorial I'm going to actually show you real proof where I started a brand new channel and I started this channel uh two weeks ago and it's already at 171 subscribers and I actually haven't posted a video in eight days because I've been busy so this could probably easily be at 300 to 400 even 500 subscribers by now and I wanted to actually dive into this and show you exactly how I got this to 171 subscribers and it's actually not that hard in fact it's very simple to do now let's go ahead and look at the stats here I'll show you some of the stats just so you can kind of understand uh what's Happening Here If we go to our Analytics um you can see we have we're actually at a nice consistent amount here these are the views and these are the subscribers dropped a little bit because I obviously haven't posted and I'm going to start posting again and then this is the watch time here we're actually over halfway of our watch time required to start making money on YouTube from this channel so I will be able to make money uh from this channel once it hits 3000 watch time hours which is really good so we can nearly make money from this channel here now what I want to do is I want to show you first of all how to get started with doing this and I'm not just going to talk on the camera about nothing I'm going to show you everything in depth and then I'm going to show you how you can use analytics to even grow your channel more and then I'm going to show you how to make money so let's get started with how you can do that right guys now I'm not going to go over what Niche to choose or anything like that because I'm going to assume you already have one and you're just looking to grow a YouTube channel and make money from it but the first thing you want to obviously do is go to YouTube and you want to go ahead and start your own YouTube account by going to create account and you just want to put it for personal use and you are going to have to go ahead and create your own Google account once you've done that it will ask you to create a YouTube account which you can do I don't need to show you that because it's actually pretty easy to do but what's important is when you get your channel there's a few things that you want to do so obviously your channel is going to have no information on it you're going to have no videos or nothing like that you want to go ahead and you want to customize your channel and you want to tell YouTube what your channel is about this is actually very important a lot of people don't do this and you want to go to the basic info section now I just put sunken Landers fun but my keyword in this point is called sunkenland you want to put a lot more here than this but what you want to do is you want to fill this out with keywords related to your specific Niche because this tells YouTube what your channel is about and this is very important this is the first step to getting your YouTube channel ready for Content the next thing is you want to go into your um Studio here and you want to go down to settings here and what you want to to do next is you want to go ahead and you want to click on channel and on the channel section you want to you can either leave this if you want you can choose your um country of reference doesn't really matter but when you get paid you are going to want to have to have your country in here but you want to put in keywords so this is the next step you want to put in keywords so my keywords are sunken land survival games and sunken land games that's what the game's called but you can put up to 500 characters and you want to do as many keywords as you possibly can to once again tell YouTube what your channel is about and a lot of people don't do this giving them a disadvantage with their YouTube channel the next step is you just want to go into your advanced settings here and make sure you click this down here and then just leave everything else like it is and just click save and your channel is going to be ready like I said it's going to depend on your Niche you're going to know what keywords to use alright guys now the next thing we need to work on is actually doing the specific videos the first thing you need to think of is a main keyword you'll see that in all of my videos at the start we have the keyword sunken land now this is only really going to matter when you are a small Channel but this is how you grow is by using a main keyword at the start of your title the bigger you get you don't really need to have to do this as much so my main keyword was sunken land so you want to go ahead and find your main keyword the one that you're trying to specifically rank for in YouTube it could be any type of keyword and you want to be putting it at the start of every single video especially when you are a brand new channel and this is going to help you go ahead and rank for that specific keyword or keywords like that so the week um YouTube works is it puts weight at the start of the of the title right so for example sunken land is the first keyword so it's going to put the most of its weight into that specific keyword for the title now once you figure that out you kind of need to start to figure out a video idea for example this one here I did best sunken land starter base design for beginners build guide so my keywords here are sunken land best sunken land again and then beginners is another keyword and then build guide and brackets is a keyword at the end here so you're going to have to figure out with your channel what type of keywords you want to use in your specific title but it's very important that you do that especially if when you are a brand new channel when you're not a brand new channel and you've got lots of subscribers it doesn't really matter um once you get to that point the next thing is you need to go ahead and do descriptions now I would recommend doing much longer descriptions than this I just do I'm just lazy and I do short ones however I say in the sunken Land guide it I will show you how to build a great starter base now you don't have to have all of your keywords in one sentence so how to is a keyword and that mixes with other things in here so how to build down here um and it will all link up together and then I also have keywords down here follow the sunken Lan gameplay so that's a keyword right there sunken land gameplay and build guide to build a base for beginners so it's very important to also have keywords in your description alright guys now the next thing after you do your titles and your descriptions is you are going to need to go ahead and do keywords as you can see here I'm ranked for things like so this tells me um my rank I'm ranked number one for Sunken land build I'm ranked number two here for Sunken land build guide but you're going to have to go ahead and put these tags in when you upload a video so let me upload a video and I'll show you how that all kind of works alright so this is not actually a real video here that for this channel but this is where you put the title this is where you put the description and then you go ahead and you put your tags down here now what you can use for your tags is something called vid IQ and this is vid IQ right here so you can go ahead and check that out I'll leave a link in the description it is an affiliate link now what we need to do is we need to go ahead and think about doing a thumbnail this is the next important thing that's going to get you heaps of clicks all right so with thumbnails you'll notice that I have two different types of thumbnails here I have ones of the actual game and then I have ones that look like they are AI generated and that's because they are now thumbnails are one of the most important things to getting what we call a high click-through rate so if we actually go ahead and we look at our stats here we go to analytics you can do this on specific videos actually I'll do it on a specific video right here and we go ahead and we click on like this one right here for example we can go ahead and we can click on analytics and then we can go to What's called reach and it's got this thing called Impressions click through rate and you want to get this as high as possible that's actually a bad example that one is actually quite bad compared to some of the other ones if we go down to like this one here I think this one's quite High it also depends on the type of traffic you get like search traffic is always higher so four percent that's actually lower but you want to try and get this as high as possible and your Niche it's really going to depend on your Niche some niches are higher than others and some are low so maybe that's why this one's low but I try to aim for like well actually the average across the board is like two three four five so this is actually pretty good but on some other channels here like 10 11 12 even up to 20.
So what you want to do is you want to go to chat GPT check gpt4 and you want to click on this photo realistic app and you want to install this photorealistic app you can find tutorials on how to install this and what you want to do is you want to give it a prompt and I'll show an example here where I've given it a prompt and I've said an image of someone building a base in a video game in the video game rust and build stairs to an entrance and that's actually this one right here okay so you take this prompt this prompt right here and you go to Discord and you post and you paste it into a mid Journey the mid Journey bot and this will give you an AI image that you can use you can see it's right here you can go ahead and use that on your YouTube thumbnails and then what you can do is you can go ahead and do something like a free online Photoshop tools and you can go and put text on it if you want like my ones here so that's how you can go and generate very good looking thumbnails by using chat GPT and mid Journey alright guys so how do you go ahead and make your first 100 on YouTube This is actually another YouTube channel that I have and in the last 28 days it's made around 400 so around about a hundred dollars per week and in the last 90 days it's made quite a bit I think you're around about 700.
so what you need is there's two ways you can make money from this you need 500 subscribers and then you need to upload three valid uploads in the last 90 days and you need 3 000 watch time now if you looked at the start of this video The Watch time on one of my channels that's only two weeks old the watch time is actually 2 000 so it's nearly there and then you can start running ads on your videos but what if you want to go ahead and you want to make money faster you you can use something called clickbank.com and you can go ahead and log in and you can go to the marketplace and you can go ahead and click on offers in specific niches so for example you can go ahead and click on these types of offers here and you can choose a niche related to your specific Channel and then what you can go ahead and do is on the video that use the videos that you upload you can go and put these links in the description they're called affiliate links so I'll show you right here if we go to like top offers and I just go to promote this offer right here and I go to create hop link I'll get a link that I could go ahead and put in the YouTube description and I'll get paid an average of 149 every site every time someone makes a purchase through my link all right guys so that's how you can go and start a brand new channel and how you can go ahead and get your first YouTube channel or your second or third whatever or brand new channel to over a hundred subscribers and that's how you can go ahead and get your first 100 subscribers and make our first hundred dollars worth YouTube don't forget to subscribe tap that notification Bell smash that like button and I'll see you in the next video