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and if you take a look here guys you can see that they're making $3,500 to $555,000 per month with this method that's absolutely insane I just showed you some insane earnings and in this video I'm going to show you how to make money with chat GPT and AI video technology doing the exact same thing for completely free and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take you through everything you need to know step by step what I'm going to do is show you how to make these very simple AI animated videos and you can see that this channel here has 1.3 million subscribers and they are making money every day with these videos let's jump into this tutorial and I'll show you exactly how you can make money with AI for free let's get started and I'll show you exactly what you need to do all right guys the first step to this method is you want to go over to chat GPT and create account so either sign up or log in and we're going to use this to create our story now if you actually look at this channel here and there's other similar channels as well that you can check out they have a lot of ideas basically around animals like 10 favorite animals American Bison verse moose White Rhino vers hippopotamus and you can go and check out these specific videos like I'll click on this one for example and you can see the type of stuff they doing it's like animations with words that have kind of over the top of it now we don't have to actually do the words but we can do a voiceover and stuff like that and that's what we're going to use chat GPT to do so we're going to base ours around animals and I'm going to put into this please write me an educational video in a safari setting describing what a lion tiger and monkey Mony that is supposed to say monkey that is my bad monkey um R and the features they have I've missed about that as well and then I take out the animat bit and the features they have now I've actually already done this but I'll let it do it again just in case it gives me a better version all right so this is the version we have narrator and then we can also notice that down below the n and brackets is what the narrator is so we're going to actually be using this to do our voice over the next step you want to go to website called 11 labs and you can use this for free to create the voiceover that we need what I'm going to do is I'm going to come back here and I'm going to copy this here we're just going to use this intro for now but obviously you would do multiple for like different sections of the video and we're going to let this generate we're going to use Rachel's voice here but there's different types of voices you could potentially use and we're going to see what this comes back with all right so that's actually very good so it works very good especially for a free software then what we need to do is we need to go ahead and create a background that's we're not going to obviously copy this but is an animal theme so similar to something like this what we want to do is we want to go over to canva.com and what I would recommend you do is put in YouTube template the reason why is there's no reason um for this but it's just to get the size so if you just want to get a random size a good size that we can use this is um 250 so this is a 2K image we're going to go customize this template cuz if you don't know the image size you want to use this is the best way to do it so we have a 2K um background here so that's 2K right there that we can use then what you want to do is you want to go up to here and you can put in things like zoo animals and you're going to get these backgrounds that you can use and you can just drag them onto here and we can actually make these animated now we're not going to use this specific background because I actually already have one up that is perfect for this and this is the background here now I'm going to delete the stuff I don't need I don't need any of this text I don't need any of this here I actually don't need any of the animals right now because we're going to add them back in later what we do need to do is delete all of the animals and we just need a background for now and what you want to do is you want to go share and you want to download this background to your computer and then we are going to go ahead and use it in another area now keep in mind I have downloaded this at 720p just because that is all you can do on the free version with canva and that is perfectly fine you can roll with 720p but if you want more resolution you're going to have to get yourself an account now what we need to do is we need to go to a website called leap.com and we can sign up to an account here so sign up to get your account here once you're signed in go and upload the image we just downloaded I'm going to drag it onto here and now we're going to actually make that background completely animated so as you can see the trees are moving and we can go to animation style and we can kind of make things difference we can go horizontally we can go in a Wide Circle we can go vertical up and down we can go perspective or we can do circle now I'm going to go horizontal for this specific video we can actually change the length of the animation as well so we make it longer which is what I might actually do we can do the amount of motion we'll do a little bit less and that's going to be our video now this is just a tutorial so you would go ahead and you would actually edit this make it better and stuff like that and you could dive into the advanced editor and do all sorts of stuff here now I'm going to go ahead and download this I'm going to go export all right the next step I would recommend you do is just to choose a random video template in canva just so we have a video template here and just delete all the scenes because we're not going to need the scenes from this specific video because this isn't the video that we're going to be using the next step is you want to go ahead to file and you want to go ahead and import your um animated video that we just created now you see that I've done that so I'm going to go ahead and drag this onto here and we're going to actually expand this out a little bit and we now have a scene now you notice that it's only 4 seconds long what we can do is we can actually duplicate that by copying and posting and we have now duplicated it 1 2 3 4 5 6 times the next step is we want to go over to elements and I'm going to put in something like remember we are going doing things based on lions monkeys and something else I think rhinos or something let's take the lion for example I'm going to go into canva here and I'm going to put in I'm going to go to elements and I'm going to put in lion and it's going to give us some lines that we can use now we're going to go see all and we're going to try and find some graphics we're going to need a like a little cute line for example but I want one that's kind of facing either left or right so we can get an A great animation that we can use so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use this line right here and I'm going to put this onto the page now what I want to do here is I want to actually drag it back a little bit and I want to click on animate and then I want to click create an animation and then I want to drag the line across the screen like this and this is going to animate the lion coming into Focus as you can see right here that looks really good what we can then do is we can go back to elements and we can add in other animals in the background for example like this zebra and we can make this a lot smaller and we can just add it so it looks like it's in the in the background there and we can also add a little monkey if we wanted to kind of in the tree now these are going to be static they're not going to be moving but our main focus is on this Lon right here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to cat GPT and I'm going to take this here which is the first narration which is the first narration about the lion I'm going to go back to living labs and I'm going to paste it into here and I'm going to go and generate and then I'm going to go and put that voice over into our animated video all you need to do once you've done that is click the little download button here I'm going to go back to canva and I'm going to drag this into our scene all right so let's just see how this goes first up we have the mighty lion lions are known as the kings of the Jungle so obviously I missed that up I put some of those animals in the wrong place so it didn't really uh look very good but we can put this animal here for example and the line can come across and then what you would do is you would repeat that process for every single animal so you would obviously copy and paste this background and you would do it again on this but for the next one we will be doing something like a tiger as well and so let's just quickly have a look at canva and we put in tiger and you can see that we have these different types of tigers that we can use uh we'll go to see all and we'll use Graphics here these all of these different types of tigers that we can use cute tigers tigers sitting down and maybe we can put a wiggle on this tiger so let's just take this one away let's go ahead and put this tiger here sitting on the ground and we're going to go and hit animate and we're going to just put like um some sort of Wiggle so there you go the tiger is going to wiggle and we could go and put our voice over over that specific background now to fully edit out this video guys you just want to go ahead and do this for every different scene with every different animal from your creation that you've made with chat GPT or if you wanted to you can use something like open shot to fully edit the video and give you more options if you like that is up to you now once you've done that and you've got your video ready all you would do is you go ahead and create your own YouTube channel similar to this and you would upload videos that are optimized for YouTube like for example you'll see that these guys have these titles in here and they're going to have stuff in the description and then they're going to have stuff in the tags as well so they have a description right here and then they have tags right here based on the video and that's how they go ahead and rank their videos on YouTube and I'll leave a tutorial Below on how I rank my videos on YouTube so that's how you can make money with animated AI videos I'll see you on the next video