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over the last 6 months I've been completely addicted to copy trading and I've made a lot of money doing it I've leared a lot I was a complete beginner when I started this I had no idea what I was doing and now I'm making well over like at least $500 a day minimum on my account and I want to take you through everything that I know I want to show you how you can do this as well and you don't need to know anything about trading or anything like that because what we're doing is we're actually copying other people's trade signal if you don't know what I'm talking about I'll explain all of that in this completely free video now I've quickly thrown this video together because I do have to go out soon but I want to go through and take you through everything that you need to know but I want to do it in a way that it's not complicated but it's easy to understand if you're a complete beginner so let's get into this and first of all I'll just show you some results from my account here so th this is daily so 1 2 3 4 5 days here and on this day I did 760,000 us this day 2,800 that was a good day this day 650 this day 2,400 another good day this day 1,65 now I haven't had any red days yet however I have had losses but I've made them back on the day like for example this trade here lost $100 this trade here lost $100 but I still came out $1,000 I think one of these days or there was another one where I made a few hundred but I was actually down 1,000 so I made back like 1,300 or something like that but I've always come out positive every single day so let me explain to you exactly what this is how to get started and everything because right now this is it's literally like printing money I'm not kidding it's insane uh how crazy that says I thought this stuff doesn't work but it does apparently so first of all what is copy trading copy trading is when you're in telegram groups and you're copying other people's signals on something like the gold price silver price Bitcoin or something like that now why would you want to do this first of all most of these people who are doing these signals they are experts in their field so they're experts at analyzing gold pricing analyzing all that sort of stuff like most of it is just supply and demand in the price but these guys are the experts it's taken them years to learn this stuff I don't want to learn it cuz I'm lazy and I just can't be bothered so I copy these people's signals that's what I do to make my money right now and so for example if we take this guy he did a signal here and he had the price to buy in all the take profits and everything we'll talk about in a second and you can see that there's profit here this is his profit from the trade okay and he posts all of this in his group this is just one of the groups I'm in there's multiple groups so that's what copy trading is but it's not as simple as just copying people's trades especially when you're brand new there's a a bit of stuff to understand took me around about 2 months to fully understand this stuff before I started to make good good money with this so let's dive into the details but that's what copy trading is is essentially you're copying other people's trades now if you don't know what I mean by trades I'm talking about um trading on the foreign exchange and we will talk about that in a second but does this make money now I'm going to tell you this does make money so these are some of the groups I'm in and these are some of the this is the money that some of them are making this guy made $177,000 this guy made $13,000 uh these are the guys that posted the signals this one here is actually this guy's here however I saw this guy right here I'm not kidding you it's in this telegram somewhere if I scroll up he made a million dollar in one trade insane so yeah this stuff does actually work now there's a few reasons why it might not work for a lot of people and we'll get into that a little bit later on in this video um because some people might overtrade and things like that but we'll talk about all that stuff at the end so how do you get started so what you're doing is you're trading on the foreign exchange Forex and you can trade like the N um the US top us30 you can trade Bitcoin anything like USD Euros USD andd USD AUD Etc you want to pick one thing to trade and the best thing to trade in my opinion is gold xauusd gold to the US dollar this is what I trade and this is what most people trade so this is what I would recommend you you do if you're getting started you can trade this 5 days a week it's closed on the weekends so we're going to focus this tutorial on the gold price um the first stage to this is just going to be learning because if you have no idea what any of this is there's a few things you need to learn about first before you actually start trading with real money so the first thing you want to do is you want to find some telegram groups to join I'm going to leave a couple below maybe three or four of the best ones at Ian and how these Telegram groups work is very simple they'll have two groups they'll have a free group which will they will put in signals from their paid group but they might put in like two signals a day okay two free signals so if you want you can do this for completely free you don't even have to join their VIP groups but they also have VIP groups now in the VIP groups usually they're going to do like maybe three to five signals a day they're not going to post every single signal in the free group now how do you get into the VIP groups usually it's paid I think this one's like $100 or $200 to get into this one or you sign up to a broker under them and an affiliate and they make money from your trades so they get a bit of a kickback so that's two two ways that you can do it so that there's usually a free group and there's usually a paid group however you can just stick in the free groups if you like they work just fine I'm in a few free groups and I do copy some of their signals the next step is you need to download an app called metat Trader four or five I use four or you can use five if you like but four is pretty good and very simple there's a few things you need to um understand here on metat Trader you're going to have your um currencies Etc Commodities that you can trade and we're going to be trading X um Au USD there's a chart you can watch if you like on the price and it will have all of your signals like when you do buyer orders and all that stuff it's going to have a page with your balance and then it's going to have your trade history for this month I did $7,000 and then there's also going to be a settings page with your brokerage account connected to it that's metat Trader 4 those that's pretty much all the pages that you need to know about um and then sorry there's a page where you can put in orders which I'll show in a second I forgot to actually put that up the next thing is you need to get a brokerage account however I wouldn't recommend getting one straight away I'll explain to you why uh however this is the brokerage account that I use right here it's called vantag markets.com and what you do is you connect this account to metatrader 4 in the settings here and that's what you use to trade so you essentially upload your money to the so you register to vantage.com or whatever and you go ahead and you up you put in your money you deposit your money and you're going to connect it and then you can uh deposit more or you can withdraw your your earnings from this website this is is called a broker and we're using leverage trading so there is a large risk in the stuff but if you do it right um You can make quite a lot of money however I wouldn't recommend signing up to a brokerage straight away because what happens is in some of these groups that you're going to be joining they require you to join one of their Brokers that they recommend so you can get into the group okay so just keep that in mind I would recommend joining groups first if you're going to do the free trades that people do then go ahead and just sign up for something like ventage because it doesn't really matter what broker you use if you do plan to join the VIP ones some of them require you to use the broker that they recommend now the next step that I recommend you do is once you join these telegram groups spend around about a month just or maybe like two weeks two weeks to a month just studying the groups watching them seeing their results because a lot of them will post results on like their daily performances and just see if the groups are right for you one of the biggest mistakes I did is I started trading right away and I had no idea if their signals were going to be good or not and there's a few groups that were not very good for me and I left those groups so just watch them and see what their results are like over a week or two and then if you want to you can start trading with a demo account you don't actually need to use your own money to do this if you want to start practicing and learning now the next step is you need to understand things like stop- losses and take profits so this is the page on medit trator 4 where you can actually put in your orders now this is all on your phone by the way I do this while watching TV while playing video games even when I'm driving if I get a notification I'll pull over and I'll do a trade on the side of the road so you can do this all on your phone so let's just first of all let's just take baby steps real quick we need to understand what a stoploss is an SL and a take profit TP a stop loss so here's a signal here a stop loss is the point where your trades are going to close at a loss and you're going to lose money this is called risk management so what you do is you put in what is called a stop loss so if it hits that stop loss and goes the wrong way the way that you don't want it to go you don't lose a huge amount of money because you have a stop loss in place and you just cut your losses and you go to the next trade of stop losses there to protect your capital in your account so you don't lose a huge amount of money a take profit or a TP you can have tp1 tp2 tp3 tp4 56 however many you like is where your trades close at a profit okay so that's what a stop loss is and a take profit is a stop loss is bad we don't want it to hit the stop loss but sometimes it does TPS take profits these are good this is where we actually make our money and you can see inside the order page here where the whether I sell or buy I can put in my stop- loss so I would just copy this stop loss which is 2595 and then I can put in my take profit and I would do separate orders for each one so tp1 I'll put 2603 then I'll do another one and then Etc now this is buying at Market execution which means I'll be buying or selling at the market right then and there or you can do what is called a limit so for example this is a Buy trade here this guy has got a buy trade and these are the this is a zone so I might want to do three trades at 261.5 that's my entry point I might have not to hit that entry point yet so I could go ahead and put buy limit and I can do three trades at 261.5 and these will be on the market and then when it hits that uh entry price then my um my trade will go live and if it doesn't hit the entry price I can just close those trades off they're not going to lose or make me any money because it hasn't actually Gone live on the market yet they're just sitting there waiting to go live but sometimes these um these copy trades come in a little bit late so you got to be quite quick and you just do a market execution which is just put it in done you might not get it for the exact same price you might change a little bit but um you get it pretty close the next thing we need to understand Is pips and lot sizes so once you understand these two things you're off to a pretty good start this is pretty much all you need to know with copy trading is stop losses take profits and then Pips and lot sizes okay so let's go get into this first and hopefully you understand how this hopefully this makes sense to you so first of all we need to talk about what is a lot size so if you actually look at this here this order form here you'll see this thing that says 0.1 okay 0.10 I can change this to 0.2 0.357 or I can change it to 0.01 if I like which is the this is called a lot size the higher it is the more you could make or lose now let me kind of break this down for you uh if I can in the in the easiest terms possible so this is what a lot size is now I'm going to base this on 10 Pips we'll talk about Pips in the next slide but we're going to base this on let's say we purchased at 2600 and the price and our first take profit is 2 601 that means that we would have moved 10 Pips okay so if our lot size was 0.01 we would have made $1 if our lot size was 0.1 we would have made $10 okay if our um lot size was 0.2 we would have made $20 if our lot size was 0.25 we would have made $25 if our lot size was one we would have made $100 okay that that's what that means so every time the price for example here moves one pip we make 10 cents or lose 10 cents this one here we make or lose a dollar this one here we make or lose $2 this one here we make or lose $250 this one here we make or lose $10 that's how it kind of works so if we actually go back to one of my to my results real quick up here you'll see that um this is not very big but let's just get rid of these let's take take this here expand it you'll see that I had lot sizes of 0.5 0.4 0.
5 0.7 um yeah so those are the lot sizes that I was doing on that particular account now the next thing we need to understand and we're going to get into using a calculator soon is what is called Pips so Pips is the movement in the price so for example if we take this this trade right here so if if we hit our takeprofit one which is 2603 and we got in at 261.5 we would lock in 15 Pips so if we had a lot size of 0.1 that means we would have locked in uh so if we had 0.1 we would have locked in $15 from that one order that we had based on this okay so here's some lot sizes here now keep in mind if we had have hit stop loss we would have at 0.1 which the stop loss is 65 Pips away we would have lost $65 okay however this guy here has a win rate of like 95% so you're usually always going to make money with his trades so that's what Pips are every time the number goes up like so you see here how like there's these decimals 16 each 10 of those is a pip one pip but basically this is how it works 206 to 2011 is 10 Pips and then we just use we use um lot sizes to calculate how much we're going to make but let me kind of try to explain it in a better way we're going to use what is called a lot calculator or risk calculator okay right guys actually just before we get into that I just want to show you like that I'm actually in this and then all of these groups these people are posting their trades every single day so I actually do this every single day just so you know um yeah these are the groups I'm in and they all make good profits so what I've done is you first need to figure out now you're not going to get this exact in fact I don't even really check this anymore but you want to risk a certain percentage of your Capital so let's just say you have a $500 balance on your account and you want to risk a around about 3% I usually risk around 5 to 10 sometimes more but you want to risk around about 3% what you want to do is you want to take the entry price that you entering which is 261.5 in this case or 2598 now the closer you are to the stop loss the less risk you're taking but I've put in 261.5 and then the stop loss of 2595 I've put that into this calculator here and it's told me that if I have an account balance of 500 and I want to risk 3% my lot size is going to be 0.02 31 we we just say 0.02 so that means that my lot my lot size here would be 0.2 uh 0.02 okay however that we don't want to just do one lot uh there's a reason why so if we actually go back to here you'll see that he has multiple prices which is called zones which talk about those in a second but you'll see that this price is closer to 2595 the stop loss so if we purchased it at this price our risk would be a lot lower however it might not hit this price it might hit this price and then um go to our our stop L I'll take profits so what I do is I usually buy a little bit here and then I'll buy more inside this Zone okay so essentially we're going to do multiple lots and you'll see here why I have multiple Lots so this is one this this red here is one trade but multiple Lots multiple trades on multiple Lots because I'm buying in a different prices you'll see here um I bought in at 2662 I sold sorry and then uh5 and then 266 2.3 266 2.1 266 2.9 266 3.5 I'm buying in at different prices and then I've also got different take profit levels so this is what I would recommend you do go ahead and put in your risk let's we can change this to four five or whatever um four sorry and then you just divide this number here on how many open trades you want to have so and now you're not going to be able to check this every single time you're going to do a trade because some of the trades come up quick but you just want to get a general idea so for example let's say I have a lot size so we we did 3% before I want to risk 3% of my Capital 3% of 500 that's what I want to risk $15 0.231 so what I did is I divide 0.031 into three I divide it by three so I only to have three trades okay that gives me a number of 0.0 uh 79 now that's below the 0.1 but it's close so we're going to do three trades at 0.1 now risk is me a a little bit more it's going to be like 3.2 3.3% but we're going to do three trades at 0.01 and that means that we have a little bit more flexibility when it comes to the trade we can close two off early if we want we can close one off early if we're in the profit we can leave the other two there Etc it just gives us much more flexibility when we're doing trades and that's why I have like in this one I had like whatever 10 trades open because I can close three off of they in profit and then I can set the other ones to break even stop losses if I want it's just a way of managing risk much better rather than doing one single trade at 0.231 now if you have a really small account one trade might be the only way you can do it but you want to have at least 500 plus to get started with this but that's essentially what you want to do split it into different trades at smaller lot sizes so you have more control over your trades and then obvious you're going to be doing multiple stop losses as well uh take profits as well so I don't always do all the the take profits I might just do take profit one and two depends you do want to do 3 four five but it just depends sometimes if you don't want to risk a lot of money you might not be able to do the other ones now I want to talk about what is called buying and selling zones okay so let's go back to this uh chart here now let's now this is just off the top of my head let's say for example um just this is a one minute um chart here let's say we have a Zone here uh 2622 2624 let's say that there's a a copy trade that's come up and that's what they're saying to buy or to whatever selling so let's just say that we think that they think this is going to sell off this is the range so if we go back to here this is the range he's telling us to buy golden okay this is the range obviously if it's closer to the stop loss it's better for us Etc uh we just got rid of that thing so let's just say we have a range here we want to buy H sorry we want to sell within this range now we're going to have a stop loss somewhere it could be here okay this is going to be our stop loss because this would be a sell we're going to have take profits down here now if we bought up here we're going to be closer to the stop loss so it's less risk if we buy down here we're going to be further away from the stop loss so there's more risk however the price might never go up to the top of this Zone it's the same with here the price might never re like it might never go back down to well not never but it might not go back down to 2595 or might not get there within this trade so what I would what I do with the zones is I buy I'll buy a couple here in this Zone here and the and the one here and then if it goes up I will layer up I will layer okay I'll do what is called layering I'll put an order in here here here here here I'll do what's called layering and then when it goes down I'll make a bunch of profit and that's why in here if you look at some of these um results here or some of these trades he says enter slowly layer with proper money management because you're layering in these zones okay that's the supply and demand zones now the next thing I want to talk about is risk management and this is quite important this is going to make or break your trading don't get greedy don't get fomo don't do every single trade that pops up and do what is called risk management what does this mean let's say we have a trade going and we purchasing at 2601 or 2600 2699 whatever let's say the trade's going real well and we hit um tp1 2603 okay we we in it we've made some profit let's say we have two trades left okay what you want to do with those two trades is you want to change because you can change the trades throughout the trade you want to change the stop loss to whatever you purchased in it so let's just say 261.5 on the other remaining trades that are open the reason why is because a trade can always reverse and we've already made profits so let's just say we have two more trades left if those trades go back up to 261.5 and we make $0 on those trades and they close out at break even does not matter because we've already made profit on the other trade that hit tp1 now this Al now this also depends on your risk tolerance so for me I'll move most of mine to break even and I might have one or two that are still open at the other stop loss and if it hits that stop loss it doesn't really matter to me because I can afford to have a much bigger risk appetite than a lot of people so I'm not too worried about it but if you have a small account you don't have a lot of money you want to be doing risk management but you're going to learn all of this inside these groups that you're going to join so that's really it guys what I would recommend you do is go into these groups watch and learn what they're doing and you know watch um the trades watch the results and all of that sort of stuff and you can go ahead and make money copy trading it's absolutely insane all right don't forget to subscribe T the notification Bell and I'll actually do some more videos of me live trading soon and you can see how it all works I'll see you in the next video