I Made $4000 ONLY Using Faceless YouTube Videos & I Show You How! (Step by Step)

in this tutorial I'm going to go ahead and show you a case study where I made four thousand dollars online and made money online with this method without showing my face while doing it this is a very common method to make money online a lot of people think it's difficult but I'm actually going to show you how easy it was for me to create this income and I'm going to show you everything and not only that I'm going to show you it step by step to help you understand exactly how this specific method works and I'm going to show you how I made the four thousand dollars using faceless videos and more importantly I'm going to show you how to game YouTube so you can actually get traffic and make the money you are going to want to stay tuned because I know exactly how the YouTube algorithm works I've been testing it for the last 10 years and I'm going to actually share one of my secrets to getting traffic on YouTube so make sure you stay tuned for that now before we jump into this tutorial I'm still giving away access to my courses find the Emoji in this video smash the like button button and then comment down below what that emoji is and you'll go into the draw and we'll pick a winner in the next video Let's jump into this and I will show you exactly how I made four thousand dollars using faceless videos alright guys so what I want to do is explain to you the money side of things before we actually get into more depth of this video so as you can see the estimated review Revenue over the lifetime of this YouTube channel that I've created is four thousand four hundred dollars now as you'll see I didn't actually make that throughout the entire year of this channel so this channel is about two years old now you might be thinking four thousand in two years that's terrible well we actually made some in this period here I think that was like three months we made a little bit here and then we made a little bit here which I've just started to do the channel again now this is because I got busy in life and this has actually just been an experiment so this could have easily probably generated well over fifteen thousand dollars maybe even twenty thousand if I kept the momentum going so this should be a really good uh bit of motivation for you to potentially go and start your own YouTube channel whether it is fully faceless or you use AI or something like that I would highly recommend it because YouTube is obviously one of the biggest well it is the second biggest search engine online so what I'm going to do in this video is break down this YouTube channel and show you some of the stats and then also show you exactly how to get traffic which I think is the most important part of actually doing this type of stuff it's getting the traffic so first of all this is the YouTube channel here and this is a YouTube about gaming now if we actually click on the video here and you look at this video you'll see that my face is not shown in this video at all so you don't need to show your face with these types of videos now you can do this in any Niche it doesn't have to be gaming I just enjoy gaming so that's why I use this example for it for my testing this Niche so as you can see I don't use my own face you could also not use your own voice if you didn't want to either you could use AI the only thing I really had to create myself was the actual content so the gameplay but if we go back to the channel here you'll see that I'm getting 11 000 views this one didn't do too good but we've got 5000 views here 26 000 views thirteen thousand twenty three thousand views so what I want to do is show you how much one of these videos is actually making one of the big ones was actually this one thirty thousand views nearly if we go to the analytics this video alone I think did pretty well from what I remember yeah this has done 41 US Dollars just off 30 000 views that is really good I think that's why 1.4 I think it's I think it's 1.40 cents per 1000 views that's extremely good so how could you potentially get into a position like this let me show you exactly everything that you need to know to get traffic I know exactly how YouTube works I have a Channel with half a million subscribers although we are not really getting much traction at the moment with this channel but that's okay because we're up to our like eight year cycle but you usually become irrelevant at that point of time but anyway I'm going to show you how you can do this and I'm going to show you how to get traffic so let's get started with everything that you need to know so first of all before you actually go ahead and record any type of video whether it's with AI or anything like that you need to think about your keyword or topic okay and you need to have one main keyword and then a bunch of sub keywords I call them so the main keyword for this video is Boulders Gate 3 build that is my main keyword and I put it at the front of the video because it gives it more weight in the title this isn't necessary you don't have to do this but I do think it helps now there is more keywords in the title so pay attention monk build is a keyword now this monk build keyword will also mix up with this stuff as well so if someone searches Boulder's Gate 3 monk build YouTube's smart enough to mash those words together and determine that is a specific keyword then we also have build guide which is another keyword as well and we have best best alone is another very good keyword because that would mean best Baldur's Gate 3 build best monk build best build guide then we can do best Builders Gate 3 Baldur's Gate 3 sorry build guide best build best monk build all of this type of stuff it all combines together and it can take separate things from the title right so you don't have to actually have the whole keyword in in one sentence now if we go down here we have these are the main keywords that people are searching for so Baldur's Gate 3 um builds Baldur's Gate 3 build warlock Baldur's Gate three monk Baldur's Gate 3 sorcerer this is how people have found my channel and what I'll do is I'll show you where I got that information from because it's quite important if we go over to research right here and we click on your viewers searches we can actually see what people have searched to find your content so YouTube is literally telling you what people put in to find your content they give you all of the information that you need so I could go and do more videos on Baldur's Gate 3 warlock or Baldur's Gate 3 monk I could do videos based on these keywords these are the keywords that people are finding my content so it gives you all of the info information that you need it's very very powerful stuff so when you first start your channel you're not going to really know what to particularly rank for so think of one specific keyword then and then you want to take that one specific keyword and you want to see what your competition is doing what type of titles are they doing and that's how you're going to determine your first video is by doing that because we're going to see what is actually working as you can see I just showed up on the front page here but that is what you want to do if you're starting on a fresh Channel and see what your competition is doing and then once you start to get analytics then you don't need to do that because you have the keywords in here YouTube is essentially telling you what to do after you publish like 10 videos or whatnot now the next step is quite important is the description now this is a bad example because it's a very short description but you want to do descriptions in the videos down here because this is also weight as well because you're telling YouTube what the video is about so you can quickly go through this we're not going to stay on descriptions very long because it's very self-explanatory Baldur's Gate 3 Monk guide we have build here which is a keyword we have Monk class that's a keyword can be set at a keyword we have Baldur's Gate 3 is considered a keyword Baldur's Gate 3 guide um spells as a keyword because it could actually mix things up using that monk again class is a keyword a build as a keyword again and so you want to sprinkle these keywords into your descriptions because you want you really need to tell YouTube what the video is about that is extremely important a lot of people really do miss that when they're doing uh ranking videos on YouTube next one is tags so um tags you probably know what these are this is called vid IQ you use tags to also tell YouTube what the video is about so there's like a weight system so the first bit of weight is the title is the most important and then second the description is the most important and then third the tags the tags in like the lowest tier right they're not two yeah I see videos with no tags in their ranking but there's also one other thing that is actually more important than all three of those which I'm going to talk about soon and it's actually one of my secrets to ranking on YouTube but you all but next you want to actually do what we call tags now we're going to jump into time to record video so essentially this is now when you were going to record the video there is a few things that you need to think about I'm going to tell you one secret thing first if you listen to this video real quick see if you can hear this I say in this Boulder's Gate 3 guide I use keywords with my voice or AI software if that's what you're using to put keywords in the actual video so this is actually the most weight out of everything so when you are recording your video you want to say keywords at the start of the video in the middle and at the end and also in other areas just basically throughout the entire video but I found after all of my testing on YouTube is that you definitely at least want to say your main keyword at the start and this really does help with ranking and getting traffic because YouTube scans the video looking for specific keywords in the video itself now the next thing you need to think about and you're not going to get these stats until you actually start putting content out there but a thing what is called average view duration so if you see my top videos here the average view duration is 20 or more or even 30 or more so I've got kind of like a split hair of half thirties half twenties now anything under 20 is doesn't do very well so YouTube's telling me that my channel specifically I need a average view duration of 20 or more so basically what I do is I try and figure out around about how long is my video going to be if it's going to be 10 minutes long I need to try and hook that person for at least two minutes or the the all of the people that come to that specific video so just take these steps right just essentially say to yourself when you're recording the first two minutes the first 20 of the video you need to try and hook people as much as possible and you actually need to do that for most of the video because that's obviously how you get a higher average view duration but what I would say if you are focus when you're starting you're not going to have time to make super high quality videos because you're going to be just trying to get content out so Focus mostly on the first 20 or 30 percent of the video the next thing is going to be thumbnail and click-through rate you need good thumbnails so on this channel that you're watching right now Franklin Hatchet our average click-through rate is around about six to ten anything that is over six does pretty good 10 does very good uh and anything kind of like six or below doesn't do very well on my gaming channel 11 or Plus usually does very well gaming channels have a very high click-through rate but that's because we're doing very good thumbnails and it's for some reason the gaming Niche is just you get way higher click rates so there's not one specific set click click rate uh click click through rate it depends on the niche okay so for the gaming Niche you should be getting at least 10 click through rate or higher or your videos are not going to perform very well and that is and that's and what that comes down to is having a very good thumbnail because that's the first thing people see so how do you do that you can use two things you can use something like canva.com and you can go on create your own YouTube thumbnail like these ones right here or you could use something like mid journey to go and create a i generated thumbnails which I've done for most of the specific Channel that I just showed you but an easy way is just to go to canva.com and create an eye-catching thumbnail so what I wanted to do in this video guys the main goal was to show you proof of how I made four thousand dollars with this channel over its lifetime I could have made much more and all you need to do is know the basics of how to go go ahead and rank YouTube videos and to get traffic it's as simple as that and I've broken it down for you in this video so go back and these are the basic fundamentals of how YouTube algorithm works and most importantly is the number one secret that I I don't think I've ever actually shared this is having specific keywords in the video themselves alright guys hope you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe smash that like button tap that notification Bell and I'll see you on the next one

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