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in this completely free tutorial I'm going to show you how to make money online with a very simple strategy and others are also doing this method this person has made thirty four thousand dollars this person here has even made around about 139 000 pounds with this particular method and this business here they have made three million dollars doing this exact strategy now the best thing about doing this in 2023 is we now have a eye Bots that we can use to actually make this easier for us and we can essentially go and create this business instantly so what I'm going to do in this tutorial is I'm going to show you exactly how to get started the tools that you need and I'm going to show you exactly how you can go ahead and do this from start to finish so let's jump into this tutorial right now and I'll show you exactly how you can make money online with this digital product business just a quick note guys before we get into this tutorial I have a completely free course on how to do email automation for your online business if you want to get this free course leave a comment below and I will link you to this course where you can get this for completely free we usually reply with the link within 24 hours let's get started alright guys so what I was showing you at the start of this video is some results and these results are from these stores here so as you can see this one made three million dollars this one a hundred thousand um pounds and this one thirty four thousand dollars and what we can actually do is I can go through and break down exactly what these stores are selling and how they are making their money and I can see exactly what products that is that are making them the most uh sales per month as you can see monthly sales right here now what these guys are actually doing is they are creating these things called clip art so if we click on this particular listing they make about 286 dollars monthly Revenue just from these pictures here and I'm going to show you how you can create these now what we can do is we can go to itsy.com and we can actually have a look and we can put in clip art and we can see what people are actually uh selling now if you don't know what clipart is I'll kind of just briefly explain it to you right here clip art is PNG images that people will buy and they buy it to do stuff like this to put it on frames all sorts of stuff but essentially what people are going to be buying are PNG images from you that have transparent backgrounds so they can use them to do whatever they like with and this is an example of what people do with them now this is the listing here this is a random listing that I found it's a steampunk listing and what it is is these are the little images here and when people get them they don't have a background so this person what they do is they sell a bundle of 24 files and they are PNG files and we can make money with these specific types of files so let me actually show you how you can do that right now I'll take you through the process step by step on how you can create these packs okay and then here's another one right here this is from that three million dollar store I showed you I think and these are cats it's just a package of pictures of cats okay PNG images so let me show you exactly how you can do this the first tool you are going to need is going to be called mid Journey this is a Discord tool and what this Discord tool does is we use it to go and create specific images let me show you exactly how now before you do this you are going to want to think of a niche a particular Niche to kind of stand out from the crowd you don't want to be doing the same as everybody else so the particular Niche that I chose for this example was steampunk rabbits and let me show you exactly what you need to do you're going to the bottom and you put in forward slash imagine and it's going to bring up the Imagine prompt and then you're going to paste in what you want this to do and this is what I recommend you do you do water puck and then what you want it to generate so I've put sorry watercolor and then I've put steampunk rabbit clipart comma Space HD comma on white background dash dash AR 3 e 2 for aspect ratio and then dash dash s1000 now some people will go dash dash V5 for version 5 but I found that it doesn't actually create it makes the images too big okay for some reason so I've stuck with the original version of mid-journey to do this and then I'm going to click enter and it's going to do its work and then I will come back and show you what it's produced all right so it's now producing the image it has a little bit to go at 62 percent now I have actually done some examples for this video that we are going to go through for the rest of this video just to make this tutorial a bit clearer to understand but as you can see we have four Images here now you see on the first image it has text on the background this doesn't matter because we're going to be using a remove background tool so it will move that anyway but all you would do is you would pick one specific image that you like and then you would use that so for example I think image number two would be the best so I'll click U2 and then what would happen is that would go ahead and bring me an upscaled version of that image now we're not actually going to um wait for that what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you one that I already created so this is one that I created once it's upscouted you want to click on it and you want to go open in browser and you want to save this image to your so just right click on it and go save image and then save now the next step is we actually need to go ahead and remove the background this is very simple to do you want to go to photoroom.com this is a free background remover tool or you could do something like canva.com but it would be paid to remove the background and as you can see it now has an image and it's going to remove the background for me now sometimes you might have to try a few times but this has actually done a very good job usually it would take away the clouds sometimes and you might have to do a new image but this is actually done a really really good job of removing the background for me so now this image is ready and I'm going to go download now the next step is we actually you need to start making a pack so you would want to do this for a certain amount of bunny rabbits or whatever you're doing and what I've done is I've got three that I've done just for this example but you want to be doing a pack of like 20 or 25 a lot of these people do 10 15 but you're going to have to do this like at least 10 times I would imagine or more to make a good pack and I'm going to show you how to make the pack right now the next step is you want to go to canva.com this is a website you can use you can do this step for free you want to go to canber.com and then create a design you want to go down to custom sizing and usually you do things like 4 000 by 4000 for higher quality images we're going to do 1080 by 1080 just for this example and we're going to click create new design and this is going to create us a new design now this is how you make the pack it's actually very simple just go add page add page add page and this is going to be each each page is going to be one of your cliparts so if you're going to do a packet 20 do 20 pages and then I'll show you how simple this is to do we're going to go back to page one and this is what I'm going to do I'm going to Simply drag it on okay so I've dragged it on make it nice and big there we go I'm going to go down again to page two and I'm going to grab another one that I did before the video you will have your own one that's been done that you're going to do and there's another one that I've done and you would do this obviously like like I said quite a few times and then we have one more we're going to do three for this tutorial here is another one here I think it's oh no that's not the one okay so there is the other one there I'm going to enlarge that and there we have it I've just made a three page pack so a three image pack usually like I said you want to do like 20 or 10 or something like that but I just made a three image pack and this did not take me long to do these three images it literally took me under five minutes then you want to go to share and you want to go to download and you want to go ahead and click transparent background now this is where it gets a little bit tricky you are going to have to pay for a um canvas subscription I actually do have an unpaid account but this isn't the one that I'm on right now and you would want to click transparent background this is important but yes this is a paid feature but Canberra doesn't cost very much or you can actually go ahead and use other free programs online if you want there are others you can use but anyway you would click transparent background and you want to make sure that's clicked and you want to and paid for and you want to click download and what this is going to do is it's going to download this into a zip file for you as you can see this is down the bottom Untitled design I'm going to open that and as you can see it's got the images in there obviously they would have a transparent background because you would have a paid version of canva but there you go you've just created the pack so the next step what you're going to want to do then is your going to want to head over to etsy.com and get yourself an account signed up now once you're ready to upload to Etsy it depends on what type of account you have so if you've just started your account you want to click on your account and click start selling and it will activate your online store I already have an online store so I'm going to click shop manager once you do that you can start to create a listing and it's very simple to create a listing you just follow the steps so you want to do a title and you want to do a description explaining what it is now this is a digital product so people are not going to be picking it up from you they are just going to get automatically sent to them when they make the payment so you don't have to do any work now I would recommend just to figure out a price is just to go back and see what um everyone else is selling theirs for so like for example this one is eight dollars in my currency so I would do eight dollars in my currency and as you can see these are the descriptions right here so that's what you want to go and do you want to go and create a listing and create your own Etsy store and there will be some small fees that you have to pay I think it's a six percent transaction fee and a 20 cent um fee to actually get listed but as you can see people are making insane amounts of money with this like this person here has over 700 000 sales um in their store which is insane and they are making insane amounts of money alright guys that you can make money online with clipart don't forget to subscribe smash that like button tap the notification Bell and I'll see you in the next video