(+$2,500/DAY) *Extreme* A.I. Money Maker For Beginners Part 2 (Make Money Online With AI Tools)

now in the last 30 days I made 64 000 on this account and as promised in my previous video in today's video I'm going to show you this AI tool which is completely free to use and allows complete beginners to take advantage of other affiliate offers and promote them without any effort and make anywhere from 50 up to one thousand dollars per day and overall make like two and a half thousand dollars per day possibly I'm not saying you're going to make two and a half thousand dollars by watching this video but if you're going to take action on what I'm going to show you in this video you can possibly make two and a half thousand dollars but more realistically you're going to make anywhere from 50 up to 150 or even 300 in a single day now this is one strategy that I'm using myself in the last 30 days I made sixty four thousand dollars with it and I was telling you about this strategy in my previous video but I told you that you would need to create and record videos yourself but I actually found a crazy AI tool that does all the work for you and it's completely free but first we gotta pick up and fill it out so first of all you want to go to like digistore.com digistore24 and you want to pick up an affiliate offer from any of these categories now what is the affiliate Alpha that you are looking for well you are looking for something that is popular in a well-known Niche but if you want to have zero competition you want to check out affiliate offers so this is on digistore you can also do that on ClickBank but you are looking for affiliate offers that when you go to the affiliate pages and this is important they don't have any video ad creatives okay so this one has video creative so I'm not going to be using this affiliate offer because chances are people are using this video at creatives if I go to alpylin I'm going to check out the affiliate page of this one I don't see any affiliate uh okay so I don't see any affiliate resources that would be like videos I only see images so this is perfect offer to go for so in this case we are not looking for any videos whatsoever so there is going to be no competition and you can do this for any products okay because the hard part for beginners When They are promoting products is to actually create create the materials to promote them and the way to do that is you just go to the affiliate page you check out the videos and you can use other people's videos to promote it in this case make sure there are no videos so there is going to be no competition whatsoever now what I'm going to use is I'm going to use this product right here that is called icaria juice because also the sales page is looking decently it has some images it's shiny and it's not just like a blank sales page with just one long video this is kind of like what we are going for like a usual sales page with enough content we didn't have Graphics that the AI tool can get information from okay and this is it so this is what we are looking for now what you want to do is you want to copy the URL of this page not the affiliate link the URL of this page because otherwise you are not going to be able to use it now this is actually the tool that we are going to be using it's completely free you can see zero dollars one minute free credit one slide per render no credit card needed this is very important because most of these tools actually I haven't found any tool like this but most of the AI tools that actually do a lot of work for you they they always always always require a credit card so it's like a freemium you need to put in your card but after seven days you are going to be charged right here you can see no credit card needed now the tool is actually called ela.io all you have to do is just click on try Eli for free to sign up and this is going to generate videos a scale hassle free that are all AI made not videos like this just a little bit different videos we are going to be using because this is like a custom avatar all these things we are going to be using it in a different type of way so you want to just sign up at Eli then on the top right you click on Create and this is going to let you blow your mind because the AI tools have been so far that just by using this free account you can actually make money you just click on Create and click on create a new video and then there are all these options so you're going to have from template AI storyboard from URL e-commerce or blah blah blah blah this is what we are looking for from URL you just paste it right there that's why we are not using the affiliate link because then it wouldn't work and click on select template and pretty much the template that we are looking for is we can create our own template or just select a template that is already done here now I recommend that you're going to play around with it for a while but I'm not going to bore you with creating my own template so I'm just going to go with like template right here it's good enough and that's what AI tool is going to do and now pretty much the video generation is in progress you can see these are the percentages right here how long it's going to take but I highly recommend you are actually going to do this yourself because the video that it's going to create is completely unmatched with any other AI tools and the better sales page you're going to pick up that means that there is content on the sales page the better video uh Eli is going to speed out so this is the AI video storyboard and this is where you can actually edit the things okay because it's going to like uh pull the graphics pull the text from the sales page and put it in this video template now you can pretty much just leave it as it is because it's going to do the work for you make sure just just watch through that so there aren't any spelling mistakes or there isn't something just completely bad or this one right here uh this is like a q a I don't want to have these long uh these long text right here so I'll just delete that part and other than that that's pretty much it I just want to make sure that the the slides are short and straight to the point click on convert to slides right here and this is going to prompt you to also fix it yourself or you can use AI to fix it this is what I like about the tool is that there is like no hassle you just click click click and all the AI tools they will just do the work for you they will figure it out you just be gonna fix with GPT and it's going to generate missing content and missing images missing headlines it's just going to use the AI tool to make the video good so the content that is missing out like right here insert sub header to add more information it's going to come up with something from the sales page or from its own AI mind and Bam would you look at that this is the video that it created in the literature just like I think 15 seconds and if I if I play it it's also text to speech so let me just play it for a second millions of millions of happier lives all by using an exotic powerful blend of ancient nutrients and now you can edit the video you can add stickers I also add music it's a complete video editor but you are not starting from scratch you have this entire content that is pretty much a text to speech AI it's talking and it's pretty much like all done obviously it's not the perfect video but from nothing you created a video that now we can use to generate sales for this product that's called icaria lean belly juice so all you have to do is just go right here and click on render now depending on the account that you have you might need to actually pay for the subscription or pay for some free credit not free credits pay for the credits to actually render this but also the completely free version should be more than enough to create a one minute video which is all you really need to generate your first sale that then you are going to invest into this tool to make more videos and make more money and now that you have the video here is how you're going to turn it into commissions I share with you my exact traffic method on how to get virtually unlimited amount of buyers to your links that means they are not just freebie Seekers or people that are just looking to like for free information they are looking to buy products and exactly how to do that is in this video right here on my YouTube channel it says this is the secret this is the exact traffic method it has 21 minutes but instead of recording your own video or using done for your videos from the resource Pages you can now promote products that do not have these videos which means they are going to be completely untapped because most people are not recording their videos for other programs and you can start making money pretty much even as fast in 24 hours if you're going to use the traffic source that I'm sharing with you right here go to my channel it is completely free 21 minutes and this is the exact traffic Source you can use with these videos and that's it I hope you enjoyed this video let me know what you think about it in the comment section below and also if you're looking for a next video which is going to show you another way of making money online that is highly recommended to you by the YouTube algorithm click right here and tell me if it was a good recommendation or not

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