(A.I. TRAFFIC LOOPHOLE) Easy $1,000/Day Tutorial To Make Money Online

what if I told you that there is an algorithm hack out there that guarantees near instant traffic wherever you want and the best part is it's completely free so what I'm going to show you in today's video has a potential to make you up to one thousand dollars in a single day without paying for anything whatsoever I'm going to expose this algorithm a free traffic hack that anyone can use right now and other people are using effortlessly to generate thousands of dollars in profit without paying for any advertisement without even having a website or without having any experience in this whatsoever all you have to do is just follow what I'm going to show you in this video take action on this in the next seven days you can utilize this to make over one thousand dollars in profits literally just buy yeah I will leave that later on I'll show you how to do that but before that don't forget to please smash the like subscribe to the channel hit notification Bell and comment down below if you like these hacks just like this one or not and I mean it please because when I'm coming up with new ideas for my videos I like to go through some of my videos and if they get lot of views I know you guys like them so if this video is going to get a lot of views likes comments I'm going to be sharing more hacks just like this so you can make a lot of money without any effort at all alright so let's get started now let's go to digistore.24 and let's go ahead and go to the marketplace section now pretty much what you got to do is just create an account this is how it's going to look like when you don't have an account I'm just going to switch it to English and you just want to pretty much yeah I already logged in I should log out and register now this is some bug that's happening in my browser but anyways this is where we are going to pick up our product now the one that I'm going to go for is just going to be the top one and the reason for that is when I'm promoting affiliate products I'm looking forward to very very important things first of all I'm sending somebody else's product so I want to make sure that the product is very good and it's actually going to help people because I can be selling whatever I want but if it doesn't help people they are just going to request a refund and I'm not gonna make any money and also you don't want to be selling crappy products second thing that you want to look for is that the product actually converts because there can be a lot of very very good products but if the sales page is bad you are not going to generate any sales whatsoever one easy way to fix that is just go to any Marketplace and you're going to store the products by popularity and it's instantly going to show you the best ones I'm just going to switch to United States dollars and let's go to buy popularity or also I need to switch to euros to go for a product that I wanted to use so let me just refresh this one more time and then all these products that you see right here are pretty much like home runs because this is the number one product and it wouldn't be number one first of all if it wasn't converting and second of all nobody will be promoting it if people are just buying it and then refunding it you know so this is one way to go about it now there's a lot of products out there but I'm going to show you how to do this for example for this one right here that is called home doctor now this is a brand new product that is also another aspect to look for if something is brand new people are going to be buying it just because it's brand new and this is exactly what I am talking about right here if you check out the canceled ratio cancellation the rate it's only 2.8 percent that means people are not requesting refunds because the product delivers on all the promises and they are satisfied with it so this is a very good thing and also you can feel good about promoting this product and that is the first thing that you want to do is that when you are promoting a product you don't just want to force people to buy it because they can always request a refund and yeah that's not a good thing to do so this is what you want to do then click on promote now and I'm going to get my affiliate link right here so homedoctorbrook.com book F Eric taggy so now I have that now let's go ahead and check out the sales page I need to see what is on the sales page so I know how to actually utilize this algorithm hack to get a lot of free traffic to this page without actually paying for it because we need to make sure that we actually know something about the product and the way to go do it just go to the sales page if there is a product that doesn't have anything on the sales page just move on to the next one because it's going to be a little bit more difficult now this is some kind of a home adapter practical medicine for every household that's very unique I never seen that actually before so let me just yeah go ahead and go through this one so there's a lot of how twos and a lot of cool things that we can be using now the one that I'm going to be using for this hack to demonstrate this is this one right here 10 medical supplies you need to have in your house okay so this is the first thing that I am looking for so this is the one that I will go for it's just a benefit on the sales page that I can use now the next thing and this is where a lot of people are just going to select this but this is where you want to just spend couple more extra minutes this is literally going to take you like 30 to 40 seconds but if you're going to spend one to two minutes on this it's just going to make you a lot more money okay don't save these seconds in this case because this is going to be your money making machine so you want to copy some of the benefits from the sales page so this is a 10 medical supplies you need to have in your house so I'm just going to copy this then I'm going to go to chat GPT and I'm going to right here please write me 10 medical supplies you need to have in your house and you can see Chad GPT is just going to write the entire thing right here now what you are looking for is that there's a lot of information but also not plenty of text it needs to be easy to read and this is a perfect example of that there is a short paragraph right here and then there is like the first aid kit and then a little description of that thermometer a little description of that pain relievers a little bit of description of that as well and this is the key if Chad GPT is just going to give you a long piece of text you are not this is not what we are looking for all you have to do is just tell it to write it shorter more conversationally and just keep the paragraphs very very short because this is going to be the thing that we are looking for okay so this is exactly that now the next thing you want to go to Google Docs and this is very important you want to go to Google Docs because Google Docs actually support emojis so what we are going to do is we are just going to copy this entire thing and don't don't include the last part and you want to put it right here just like it's going to paste it hold on let me do it again okay so now I have it like this now this is just a basic text okay in this day and age people are not going to read this even though it's easy to read as I said so what you want to do is go to this website that's called not like this but it's called pili app Emoji let's go right there and we are looking for a couple of emojis that we are going to include in our text to make it a lot more readable and a lot more digestible okay so I'm going to add like this heartbreak so having Essential Medical supplies at Home is important for addressing minor injuries sudden illnesses or emergencies okay okay so that's where I'm going to add a little break and that's where I'm going to add a heartbreak like emergency here are 10 medical supplies you should consider having in your house so for that I'm going to look for something that's going to be like a medical supply I know there should be some Emoji related to that one so let me just find it right here okay this syringe right here so I'll just copy it and paste it right here and then the best part would be to add a custom emoji for every single one of these but it's impossible to do so so what I like to do with this method is essentially just grab the numbers or just grab the hand emoji that is just pointing to that paragraph and that emoji is right here you can find it the right one right here and make sure it's actually pointing to the thing and if you're going to just customize it this way you're going to notice that it's much easier to actually read this because you are kind of like enticed to read the entire thing because there are emojis now I know it's not a lot but this is exactly the part that people Skip and they don't end up making money what they do is they just copy and paste this entire thing and ah I can do that no you always want to add these Emojis with this method make it more visually appealing because in this day and age there's so much content so much Tech so much videos that if it doesn't look good nobody is going to be watching that so this is extremely important point when you are going to be doing this method now the next thing all we have to do is just go to canva and we are looking for not Pinterest we are looking for a phone video okay search for a phone video and we are looking for like the layout of a phone video hopefully it actually found what we are looking for and then go to all filters and let's click on the free one right here and click on apply and now what I'm going to select is going to be one of these that actually has a very good background so something like this but this looks like it's not really a video so let me just correct my mistakes so video tone and a video on phone let me just find that and we are simply looking for something that's going to be just a resolution like this so make sure it's free click on that and click on it customize this template essentially you can also go with these resolutions but it's like I want to make it easy for you and I know you are not going to remember the resolutions so you are going to remember the phone video and you can see there's plenty of them right here now this is it and now comes the hacking part so please make sure to pay attention make sure you have done this part right here and then make sure that you are going to do this part right here as well so you want to delete this one you want to delete this part and you also want to do this part and you want to make the video just like this now first of all the duration of the video you want to cut it to be around uh five to six seconds long you can see 6.1 seconds right here this is very important okay now the next thing what you want to do is you want to go to the text and you just want to grab the subheading and add it to the center okay so this is very important and also as I see this really depends on the background that you are going to be using in this case the text kind of like Blends in with the background so what I'm going to do is I will just delete it and I'm just gonna go right here where it says background and I just want to add like a dark background and then I want to go to the backgrounds and I either run to find something that's going to be a little bit more darker so the white text is going to pop onto it or I'll just go to the elements and just grab it right this and resize it accordingly select a color it can be either like the color of the background which it adds automatically or just go with the black color like this and then lower the transparency so it's not as colorful as much but it's just going to make the white text pop so something like this then go to the text and you want to add a subheading and now we want to add our hook so let's go back to the sales page and it says 10 medical supplies you need to have in your house so this is something we are going to copy and we want to go back to canva and now you're just going to paste it right there and make it just like this however this font doesn't look that good okay it looks kind of weird so we don't want to be using the canvas ends the one that you want to go for is going to be one that looks for example like like Times New Roman you know like these little ones with those things so this is the type of font that we are looking for okay so make sure to go with something like that at and if I'm just scrolling through this you can see a lot of them are just pretty basic like you don't want to go with the area one you want to go with something like this like Alice for example okay this one looks actually very good so 10 medical supplies you need to have in your house and then one more thing we want to add an effect and you want to add a background and yeah that's it or you can also change up the color of the background to Let's match the color of the yeah that's not gonna work so let me just change a different color let's use the orange one let's actually use the green one it adds a little nice contrast with this one okay and now if you're going to play it this is what we have created just right now okay so this is just the basic thing that you want to do however now the video is 6.1 seconds what you want to do is you want to drag the timeline that I have right there keep the video 6.1 second but one second from the end so we have 6.1 so I will go to 5.1 as an example I'm going to cut it by using the S key okay so you just put it there and click on S on your keyboard and now what I'm going to add is another text but just to this part where I'm going to add read caption okay read caption and I also want to add if this actually has it the animation of this actually being written or something like this yeah exactly the wipe one okay so read caption and now our entire video is going to look like this 10 minute two supplies you need to have in your house so people are waiting and then it says read caption and that's it this is the video that we are looking for you want to click on share and then you just want to download this video and this is just one of the videos we are going to get for the instant traffic so now we pretty much have this video right here then we have this very nice looking description that is going to be easy to read but we don't have any call to action so what we need to do is we actually need to add call to action to this one because so far we are not making any money from this at all so go to the bottom and this is what you want to do this super simple super subtle but all you have to do is just this don't be aggressive with this one because then you might do not get any traffic whatsoever you want to write here for more tips check the book on my profile more everyday advices like this can help you in important situations now this is literally just you telling that for more tips they can check out the product in your profile and then little description about the product so more everyday devices like this can help you in important situations so this is going to be your description now now we have this video now here is description how do you actually make money from this and it's actually super simple just go to Instagram and you want to create a profile okay just go to Instagram it's completely free and you want to create your profile this is just my dummy account that I always use for demonstrations and then you want to add your affiliate Link in the description right here into a link tree okay that's pretty basic you can easily do that but now you want to be posting videos just like this and this is what is going to get the algorithm to get you plenty of traffic because people are going to be watching videos just like this it says 10 medical supplies you need to have in your house they are waiting to see them and then it says read caption and now they are going to see this caption it's easy to read but it takes them long time that is the important part it needs to be long in terms of like the information content and stuff like that but easy to read so they are not going to instantly scroll they are going to go through this and that's going to tell the algorithm like hey this video is something that people like and it's going to show you to more and more people and when they get to the end if they are interested they are going to check out that book now this is not the highest converting way of getting them to the book but this is going to get you so much volume now you literally just need like 30 people to buy this book and the price average is more than thirty four dollars and that's way over one thousand dollars in a single day that we can make and this is the exact example how people like this are doing it and they are getting thousands and thousands of views on these riddles like for example this one right here if you're going to see he just says Instagram changed their algorithms and now he says read the caption and that's it and now the video plays please place he adds the value right here into the post and that's what actually makes people be on this video and give it extremely high watch time so this is one of the easiest ways of doing that that's why we have this really nice caption with all these emojis some people are going to be reading this they will be reading it they will stay on the video for a long time and it's going to get pushed to even more people make sure to give this video a thumbs up if you like it and also for the next one check out this one right here that is recommended by YouTube algorithm so hopefully it's a good one

As found on YouTube

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