Get Paid +$25.00 EVERY 10 Minutes DOING THIS! Make Money Online 2023 Easy!

what's going on guys in today's video I'm going to show you how you can get paid 25 for every 10 minutes that you're going to do this very simple copy and paste method this is a great way to make money for any beginners who are just getting started has no skills no experience and also has no money to invest because all you really have to do is just use these free tools free website and then I'm going to show you these two completely free traffic websites that you can use every single day to get free visitors and actually turn them into the cash now just before you get started don't forget please smash like on this video subscribe to the channel hit notification Bell and comment down below what is your very powerless video and let's get started with the step-by-step tutorial alright guys now pretty much with this method what you can make is like 25 every 10 minutes now it comes to be like six times per hour so if you're going to do this for like an hour if you're going to multiply it by six that's almost 150 dollars you can actually make with this method per hour completely for free without generating any sales without actually selling anything yourself or getting any sales yourself now it's actually super simple there's so many niches and it's not going to get saturated anytime soon and all you have to do is just follow what I'm going to show you in this video so first of all what you want to do is you want to go to CPA grip and you want to use this CPA Network because it has couple of tools we are going to be using then if you don't have an account just click on register and it's going to take you to this page when the cloudflare is actually going to load up so let's wait for that okay so obviously I'm recording the video so it had to take a little time to record to actually verify me that sign up now you want to enter your first name you want to enter your last name your company don't need to do that or website for website I highly recommend you're going to enter your social media profile any social media profile that you have you might not have any followers might not have any like posts as long as it's looking legit that's what you want to put as a website and then pretty much the important part is going to be the publisher type you want to select website slash instant or the GPT and then pretty much where did you hear about this just tell them you are coming from the YouTube channel link into money there has been tons of people that got approved just by telling that so you want to make sure you're going to do that as well and then make sure to check those three boxes tick tick tick as usual just to make sure that you are not going to be filling out these offers yourself you are not going to be using vpns or proxies or trying to like get around the system okay do not do that otherwise your account is going to get terminated and you are not going to get paid out now once you're going to sign up this is where you're going to actually land and you can see like these are all the people that are currently making money on CPA grip as well and for beginners I think this is very motivating because you can see that there are people currently making money on CPA grip in real time like this day pretty much Gilly Boy made 2.75 rimuru made fifty dollars uh remove room roommate 39 then a well Mario 65 pretty much Scarface all together made nine point two thousand dollars and if you're just going to go through this you're going to see that there's a lot of people who made hundreds of thousands of dollars or using this CPA grip account like one account and these methods that I'm pretty much sharing with you so you can pretty much just scroll through this and yeah just eight hundred dollars one thousand dollars yeah there's a lot of people sometimes there's people like big players who are sharing their hundreds of thousands of earnings and sometimes they are just like small fish you know like 14 cents or anything like that but just like this community I think it really makes a lot of sense just to sign up right here because but also we are going to be using these tools so what you want to do after that is pretty much go to the not offer tools but monetization tools and you want to go right here to URL slash file lockers okay now this is cool thing about the CPA grip is that you can actually create a tool that's going to kind of like force or incentivize people to complete a CPA offer to unlock some content okay so pretty much if you're promoting a CPA offer you can do it directly or you can just lock a content and they are going to complete the CPA offer just to get to the content that you are promising and this is a cool way to make money so this is what I'm going to show you how to do with a specific Niche and free traffic to for every 10 minutes that you're going to do this you are going to get paid 25 dollars now create a new URL Rock locker and make sure you're going to go through these terms of service uh because this is something that you gotta follow because otherwise if CPA Group found out what you are promoting and they can find it out very easily if you do not deliver what you promise your account again is going to be shut down so we're going to agree to the terms of service and click on continue and we are going to be using go to the templates we want to use this capture Locker okay captcha or human verification or something that's pretty much not really a download okay so currently there is no any other template so you want to use like this capture Locker or just this human verification any of these is going to work okay any of this is going to work and the next step before we actually create it what you want to do is you want to go to YouTube and you want to search pretty much something that's going to be very interesting and that people are going to be watching so one Niche I will show you unlimited Niche ideas you can find on YouTube they are pretty much even more popular because this one is something that most people are going to be going for but I want to share some an example and then at the end of the video give you even better examples so just search for like crazy things about the universe and pretty much once you're going to find it out you want to go to the filters and sort it by view count just like this and also make sure that the filters is set to this year so currently you are going to have like the view count videos this year which is only going to show you the most popular videos for the past year okay and pretty much you can just go ahead and pick and choose something that's going to like get your attention Okay that's what something you want to pretty much find out that's going to like get your attention and it's going to make a lot of people actually click on it okay so something I'm going to pretty much use is yeah this video for example from Voyager James Webb Telescope detected something chilling at the edge of the universe okay what you want to do you want to right click on it copy the link address and then you want to go to Google and you want to search for thumbnail Grabber and this is a tool that's going to get you a thumbnail of the set video just go there and you want to paste your URL and hit enter and you're going to find this you uh you this thumbnail right here don't go for the first one you want to go for this one because this is without the Red without the black bars and the next thing you want to go to canva and you want to just do just a very simple edit just go and create a design and we are looking for YouTube thumbnail resolution this is super simple to do I will show you the exact thing to get there and then just copy the image and paste it right here and want to make sure you're going to resize it just like this and then pretty much you want to go to the elements section on the left hand side and you want to search for a red circle okay hit search and you want to get one of these that is actually free because I don't know why they are paid ones but I want to grab one of these and pretty much you want to make sure you're going to put it somewhere that's going to like get attention Okay so something like this and also we can use this one as well so it's going to get attention just like this and then you want to get the red arrow just search for red arrow and we're going to just use one of these Graphics this one looks very cool I'm going to minimize it and put it like right here so it's going to point to this part and also I'm going to use another one that's going to point to this part okay and this is very important because this is what's going to get the attention for the image okay and one more thing we want to add is we want to go to again elements and you want to just drag one of these Square elements through the entire thing you want to resize it just like this make sure you're going to put a black color on it and then pretty much the transparency set it to like 60 ish so it's going to pretty much be transparent but people cannot really see it that much but I see these red arrows and in one last element you want to search for is going to be play button okay and you want to get any of these play buttons and you want to get any of these play buttons that are going to pretty much get your attention that you actually would actually click on it and just make sure they are looking like nice and I know the video and make sure they are actually going to be white because then they are going to pop just like this now that you have this image you want to share it and you just want to click on download as a PNG whatever just download it and I'll show you what to do right now then you want to go to Google sites just Google Google sites go go to the first search result go to the first one start a blank website then you want to delete the headline and we just want to add a text box then you want to copy and paste the video title that we have gotten from YouTube paste it right there and just like this and I will show you exactly how to get traffic to this website in just a few seconds because without the traffic you want to make any money okay just like this and then pretty much edit image so I'm going to upload it and put it to the center okay make sure it's going to be in the center and pretty much make sure you get one more text box click here to watch the video and add it right like like this with the arrow sign to the center as well just like this and let's make it a little bit more bigger for example like 18 or actually even like 24 would be nice and now we have this uh much simple website now what you want to do is go back to CPA grip and we pretty much want to lock this video so you right click on it Go copy link address go to CPA grip go to General and pretty much the locked URL is going to be right here and pretty much complete the captcha below to continue to the free to the free video so this is all you have to do and you can click like James Webb Telescope video okay and click on Save just like this and now you pretty much want to get the link of this one and you want to copy that and you pretty much want to add it right here so highlight this part add the link click on apply and I also like to change the color to this one because I think this is much better suitable for a link so this is something you want to do and then also click on the image and you want to add a link there as well because most people are going to click there as well and then click on publish and you can call it whatever you want so James Webb Telescope and click on publish and now I want to show you these two websites on how to actually get free traffic okay because now you you have this website and pretty much whoever is going to come to this website if they are going to click on this part or this part they are taken to this captcha they click on another robot and for every single completion you are going to get paid and this literally took me like 10 minutes and for every single page you are going to create like this you can easily make 25 using the website I will show you right now for the traffic now there are two websites for the traffic the first one is going to be and this is where you're going to also upload the thumbnail we have designed right here is going to be Pinterest so just go to Pinterest and you click on create a pin right here and you're going to upload the same exact thumbnail we have downloaded and you're simply going to copy and paste the same exact thing right here and you're going to add a headline you're going to add a description and then you're going to add a link to your Google site and then when you're going to publish it uh pretty much I will just create a board for example like crazy things about universe and click on create this is going to publish it but this is the first web side I want to show you the second one which is going to be more specific I can make like even forty dollars for for 10 minutes of work but this is like a booster so I will see my pin and this is what we have created super simple and people pretty much people are not going to click on this one or on this one they will be taken to this page they see these red arrows they're like what is this chilling at the end of the universe click there and that's how you're going to make money and now the second website which is also like unlimited source of niches you can just go to this website which is called or me or they want to go to browse groups and you just want to go through all these groups and find some that have a lot of members so if I go to the carrier building there's like 982 131 uh not a lot of but if you go to for example like if I scroll down or if I go from the top uh if I go to for example like science where is that group right now or space actually you can see there's like 45 000 members right here 4 000 members 7 700 792 but like 45 in just one group okay so this is where you would pose the same exact post and just to get more niches you just go through any of these categories and see if they have a lot of popular groups so history has it as well ancient history abandoned castles then you go to like uh transportation and not a lot let's go with like uh uh cooking for example there's thousands of members here so you could find like crazy recipes you again create a website just like this that's going to have the same exact layout and you just paste it into the movie groups as well you can go to like medicine uh not a lot of people here unfortunately let's go to like biology there's thousands of members here so all these niches you just create videos and pages about that lock them using CPA grip and for every single one of them you can get paid like 25 to 50 dollars just by posting them in these groups and that's it guys I hope you enjoyed this video let me know what you think about in the comment section below and for the next video which is highly recommended by YouTube algorithm click here and we'll see you there for another cool money making method bye for now

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