I Tried Making $800/Day With Google Maps – Make Money Online

so the other results I got 4 300 all-time clicks 350 people referred my customer revenue is pending rewards zero dollars and paid Rewards as I received some bonus for generating that amount of money in short amount of time so is the final ring after watching couple of videos lately on YouTube of people trying to make money on Google Maps making 100 200 300 or 800 I have found out that I actually made a lot of money from Google Maps myself before using a very simple method that doesn't require any calling at all see the way they made money online and this is literally the fastest way to make money from Google Maps is to literally call local businesses and offer them a service now this is something that definitely works but I love a lot of people don't actually want to be doing this so in today's video I'm going to share with you a new method and I will share with you my own results as well that you can do in a single day without actually calling anybody at all and make over eight hundred dollars for one day's worth of work you might not make the money on a day one but you are just going to be working for one day and you are going to be pocketing and collecting the money over the week now these are the videos that I was actually watching and also comment down below if you would like me to do a Google Maps challenge where I will actually make money in a single day using these exact methods and share with you my secrets because I was watching this and I have found a lot of things that I know by myself could improve when they were doing the methods so comment down below Google Maps challenge if I should do a challenge like this and see how much money I can make by actually calling local businesses showing you how to do this sharing with you my marketing secrets you can actually make money by calling local businesses but in today's video I'm going to share with you a different method that you can use with Google Maps and make way more than just 500 or 200 in a single day without actually calling anybody at all or without paying for any tools whatsoever now first of all what you want to do is you want to go to Google and just open up Google Sheets this is going to make everything so much easier just click on any of these first two links to come to Google Sheets right here now this is a basic spreadsheet now what you want to do and what you want to write here is the first you want to enter a name this is what we are going to be using and then the second you are entering for email and then the third column is going to be keyword okay so you want to create a super simple Google spreadsheet just like this and this is something that you can actually give to your like virtual assistant who is going to be doing this like time consuming tasks for you for like five to ten dollars and then you can end up making hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a simple days worth of work by employing multiple virtual assistants on your behalf so we are looking for name email and a keyword and I'm gonna change the color to make it a little bit more and nicer that's not nice but this is nice okay this is a little bit more nicer now the next thing and also by the way I know this method works but if you're asking me why I'm not doing it anymore is because I've been making money just like this on Warrior plus this is my main business and if you are interested in learning exactly how I make over a couple thousand dollars like four point eight thousand dollars in affiliate commissions without selling anything myself then please go ahead and vote on the poll on a community post that I just posted because I'm thinking about it creating a brand new five day live training where I'm going to be showing you exactly over five days how this actually works I did a couple months ago and people made money just during these five days and also coupled one person actually made couple thousand dollars from the strategies that I was sharing with him if you are interested I'm really interested to see what should be the price tag this is not going to be free and if there is enough demand so please go ahead and vote what price you are ready or willing to pay to learn exactly how I do that if it's 47 147 97 or 197 or you don't want to actually learn to make two thousand dollars per day okay now the next thing you want to go to Google Maps this is what we are going to be using to actually make money this is the entire world there's a lot of you guys from all kinds of different countries but pretty much what you want to search for is going to be some local business in like a well-known City somewhere in on the map okay it can be United States I am from Europe up so I'm going to do it for Europe and I'll show you a couple of examples now first of all let's go like a restaurant restaurant restaurant and let's go in I see there let's go with Palermo okay I see it right here there is Palermo so I will see a search for restaurants in powder mode okay and what you want to do is you're going to see that they are these sponsored ones at the top you don't want to be going for those you are just looking for the ones that are not in top you can see like just right here when I look into the map there is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty Twenty One Twenty One Restaurant but on the left hand side there is just one at the top and three at the bottom on the phone so they're like four one four page four restaurants right here out of 21.

so what I want to do is I want to scroll below these and you're going to see like this one is 4.4 ratings 4.5 4.6 and there are these ones that are like the same ratings 4.6 four point 5 they are not bad restaurants they are just not at the top okay that is the problem and what you can do is simply click on the restaurant what you want to do is actually and you want to copy the name of the restaurant okay so copy the name notebook Market copy this part first of all go to your Google Sheets then add it right here as a name and add restaurant rest around then go to the email we are looking for an email contact so I'm just going to go to their website and sometimes they have an email sometimes they have a phone number and sometimes they have a contact form and I can see the email right here so I'm just going to copy the email I will add it right here and this is a very important step to do because this is how you actually made the amount of money okay a lot of amount of money because if you are going to do this one by one it's gonna take you a long time and you will just end up failing with this method this is how you want to do that and then last but not least you want to copy the keyword that you searched for okay so I Did It restaurant in Palermo and again guys if you want me to do like a live case study of me not explaining the method but actually doing it then comment down below Google Maps challenge I'm really interested if you are interested in this as well now this is just one website one one restaurant you want to do it for the next one as well okay you want to get as many of them as possible in this case 21 minus 4 that's 17 restaurants we can actually get so this is another one and this one already has the name so it's like ah kukuma and I cannot pronounce it at kunkuma restaurant then I want to go to the website again and these restaurants they have usually an email address so you can contact them so let's wait for it to load up and let's wait a little bit and just find an email address maybe at the bottom let's go with not WhatsApp I can contact them on WhatsApp or I can just go to contact it okay so they have a form right here so I'll just copy the link to the form and add it right here and then the keyword is pretty much the same and you want to do this for as many as possible okay so I'm I'm just going to do it for two very simply repeat this step multiple times and do it for as many as possible you can do give this to like a virtual assistant give him a list of the keywords or restaurant in Palermo Milan Paris London Manchester Barcelona or any top cities and he's going to do the work for you now the next thing what you want to do and this is very important so you don't actually have to call people you don't have to sell anything just go to Fiverr go to fiverr.com scroll all the way down and then you are looking for this section right here as an affiliate you want to click there and you are going to be taken to the page where you can start earning by literally selling other people's gigs on Fiverr and the commission plan is going to pay you up to 150 dollars for a five to ten dollar gig so this is how you can make the most amount of money because you don't have to like resell the service as an agency and add a margin to the service you can sell it through Fiverr CPA program and get paid 150 dollars as a CPA commission that's gonna pay you one time for a 5 10 20 or 30 dollar gig in this category so click on start earning now and you just want to sign up for an account enter your details just like they are going to ask you make sure to enter real details because otherwise you are not going to get approved next you want to go to Fiverr and search for Google Maps and you are looking for these citations type of gigs they are usually just like five to Fifteen dollars you can see 15 here five here five here 15 here and you can see they have a lot of high ratings you want to pick up a cheap a cheap gig with high ratings because you can use it when we are going to be promoting this one so what you want to do is right click on the name copy the link address then go to your affiliate dashboard for Fiverr and then on the left hand side go to the marketing tools click on default and deep links and you want to use this Fiverr CPA link but you want to click on Dynamic parameters and LP URL put the put it right here the link to the gig so it's going to create a custom affiliate link for this gig for CPA the CPA is actually the payout you are going to be getting right here okay so we are looking for CPA and the reason for that is because these are the CPA commissions we offer different commissions 15 to 150 dollars so you can see 150 50 dollars forty dollars thirty dollars but that's only for CPA link and this is the link you want to use now you want to copy this link go back to your Excel sheet and just paste it somewhere where you are going to have it when you need it you're going to fill out this entire Excel sheet you're going to add your affiliate link and then this is just copy and paste that you're going to do and now simply just copy my proven script that has generated me thousands of dollars from local businesses so this is the subject you want to highlight the mistakes on Google Maps that they currently have for a local business because two mistakes found on your Google Maps listing let's fix them for any local business that's going to make them open up the email and then the rest of the email out is just like this now these yellow Parts you want to change them so instead of local base you are going to put their their name of the restaurant so I'm just going to copy and paste it just like this I trust this email finds you well my name is you're going to put your name so Eric taggy and then the keyword right here so again we're going to copy and paste the keyword because they know that this is the best keyword for them to be found for a restaurant in Palermo and for this keyword they are below the fold and they know you can actually help them out they will just pay you it's a no-brainer and then right here is where you're going to put your CPA affiliate link so be sure to check out our hundreds of five star reviews for that the reason we want to pick up a well-selling gig with a lot of reviews and then also put it right here and then just change your name you just copy and paste this entire thing you can just pause the video right now rewrite it so it's not going to get saturated put it into your email right here into your Gmail and then send this and if you going to do it for like a couple of these keywords couple hundred local businesses you are going to make a lot of money because you can literally send all these emails today and in the next week they are going to be replying back or just buying this gig on autopilot because it's literally five dollars and for every single one of them you can get paid 20 30 40 50 in commissions for just one of those gigs and by doing this right here I got 4.3 000 clicks I completely automated this with virtual assistance so I can go over the limit but also I used one more software to generate these massive results if you are interested in that again comment below Google Maps challenge I'm going to do a new video I got 4.3 000 clicks 350 people purchased this gig through another affiliate platform then I got 4.3 thousand dollars all time Revenue but there were some bonuses so I overall received 4.8 000 in a paid re boards all time so this is exactly how we're done just go to Google search for local businesses add them in an Excel file and then send them Fiverr or affiliate offers that are going to help them rank their local business that are very cheap but are going to pay you a lot of money and that's it I hope you enjoyed this video now if you'd like me to record this another challenge where I'll be doing this live comment down below Google Maps Challenge and for the next video check out this one right here which is another cool method to make money online for beginners I'll see you there bye for now

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