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what's going on guys in today's video I'm going to show you this super simple lazy method on how you can make $47 every single hour now maybe $47 is not a lot I understand but listen if you're going to do it for example for like 5 hours that's over $235 you can make per day and the best part about this method is all you really need is just your smartphone the results are going to stack so you are not getting paid literally just per hour basis but if you're going to do it today tomorrow and also the next day you're going to make a lot more money because you have done it multiple times so you can make also like 60 or even $80 per hour by the end of the 3 days this works anywhere in the world you can get started right after watching this video and make sure to stay until the end of the video because I'm going to share with you two extra websites to actually get instant visitors so you can start generating results as soon as possible without actually paying a cent for ads for I'm going to show you this website which is getting over 5.7 million visitors every single month it's underutilized you can get a lot of completely free traffic from this and make at least couple thousand dollars but then also as a bonus to really overd deliver I'm going to share with you this website which is getting 241,000 visitors every single month but the quality of these visitors is much higher so I know this is like less than 10 times the amount but the quality is more than 10 times so it kind of evens out and they are perfect for the method that I'm going to show you right now but before that don't forget to please smash like on this video I would really appreciate it hit notification Bell subscribe to the channel and comment down below something random for YouTube algorithm so this video is going to get viral okay so let's get started with the method now the step number one for this one is we are going to be using tap map iio okay now go to tap mop.io and you want to pretty much download this application the reason why we are using tap map is because it is exclusive premium CPA Network that has the best payouts pretty much the shortest time to actually get you paid and all this awesome stuff essentially you'll make a lot more money there's premium CPA offers you cannot find anywhere where else and it just makes the method work so so cool now this is the website it's tap mop.io now pretty much to get started just download the application to actually get approved you can go through this link inag money.com slmap just put it on your phone and then use code 8964 to get approved then pretty much this is exactly how the application is going to look like I don't want to be recording my screen phone because I think that's just too much work and I think this makes it a lot more personal so once you have your application open up this is my application that I use just for a couple of my methods you're going to see that if I go to the payments you can see just on this account I already made far $45,000 pretty much just just sitting on the account but what you want to do is you want to go right here to the offers right here and these are all the special offers that you want to be promoting now if you're going to go through them you're going to find that there's a lot of these like Apple product reviewer cash app Lululemon all of these that are really really high quality and premium that means you are sorry not premium exclusive that means you are not going to be able to find them anywhere else on any other CP Network and also the payouts are just uh un unmatched okay now what you want to do for this method specifically that I'm going to show you you want to select these work from home type offers so either Google or also Apple product reviewer and you just want to select like three to five of them work from home YouTube uh these give giveaway is not for this m it let me just find another one so we are going to go for another one hold on a second currently uh I think at the bottom there's going to be a lot of them usually at the bottom there's a lot of these work from home offers YouTube video editor then work from home Netflix all these offers now pretty much I'm just going to use as an example the top one Apple product reviewer so I'm just going to click on that and you're getting paid email for email submit $5 email submit which I think is just Cor crazy you can get paid this amount of money and you can see these are the requirements this is what you can and cannot advertise so pretty much you may you may use word like claim get or receive but you cannot use download and a follow back or free win or one or incentive okay so you want to make sure you are using these kind of like metrics now what you want to do is pretty much for this method you want to grab your AFF link this link right here and then put it into your laptop okay because the thing is we we I like to use the I like to hold on it doesn't work for some reason my desktop doesn't work come on I need to do it just like this uh pretty much you want to get your links and you want to get them into your laptop because I think the method is much easier to do on your laptop than it is on your phone but you cannot access the application on your on your uh laptop okay so just get these links copy them and then put them into your laptop and you're going to continue with the laptop now pretty much that you're going to have your link links ready I'm just going to use these ones that are right here like Google jobs or work from home YouTube or also I'm just going to write very quickly I'm just going to write very quickly the Apple product uh reviewer which is pretty much the same link 8964 but it has like a different code at the end so I can actually use it right here for this exact video example because the way I'm going to show you how to set this up is going to just be completely crazy okay so 77 sorry 771 and delete these parts and and then pretty much Apple product reviewer okay just like this so this is the one that we are going to be using now pretty much next thing what you want to do is you want to go to this website now this website is called card.co just Google card.co this is going to be our landing page builder because you want to create some kind of landing page now you can use the bio link the ha link but this is like a secret Source I never I don't really usually show it in the video because it's like kind of like timec consuming to show on the video it's not like that that shiny but but it makes the conversion Sky through the roof or blast through the roof just big okay not small big conversion big it makes it really big okay for the lack of my English but anyways you want to use c.co so once youate create your account it's like a completely free I'm not affiliated with it also I would love to promote them but they are literally $19 per year I don't make any money off of that so I cannot even like use my affiliate link because what am I going to get paid like $10 per year so just create a new site and pretty much the side that we are looking for is going to be and I will show it to you right in a second when I'm going to find that the template that I like to use for these kinds of methods is going to be this one right here the next big thing you want to use that one and pretty much this is what you want to use so there are all these little uh windows that we are going to be using and then this this is the last one just delete these ending parts and don't preserve anything so delete delete and also delete this one and delete this one as well so just like this and then pretty much this is what we are left with okay so the intro and then these two little uh elements or whatever and now pretty much what you want to do is also delete the image but you also can customize it according to your own but I'm just going to give you like a general way of doing that and pretty much you want to call it the not the next big thing but you want to call it the best work from home offers for 2023 sign up to start making money from home and pretty much that's the top section then this section is going to be the every single offer I will use it for two of them for the sake of the video just to show you an example but you want to add more of them okay so here is my document now what I'm going to use is I'm going to use the Apple product review so first of all I'm going to copy my affiliate link or CPA link then go right here and right where it says details I want to click on the button and pretty much click here to sign up and then the URL is going to be your link okay so this is how you do that and pretty much it says uh Apple product reviewer and I will just write it here Apple product reviewer just like this this and I believe it said $17 per hour okay so I will delete this part and also I will delete this part just like this and make this one text slightly smaller so it's going to look something like this and then also you need to add an image now pretty much just go to Google and search for a shiny Apple products that you can actually download go to the not shopping I wanted to go to the images and pretty much Apple products and I'm just going to find like this one yeah this one looks very cool just right click and download it or any other yeah this one looks also very cool yeah this one is actually better so I just download this one you want to upload it click on accept and then again this is like the really like a design hack you click on the image and then you're going to go to this brush icon and then the width you can see the width you want to make it as small as possible and at some point it's not going to change you can see now it's changing but also when you go to the smallest one it's going to give this resolution that we are looking for like a thumbnail one so this is the resolution okay and this is pretty much it Apple Pro reviewer here to sign up and then the same same thing you could do for the next one so for example work from home YouTube again I'm just going to copy this link go back to card click on the button I'm going to add my link and pretty much work from home YouTube I'm going to add no videos and $17 per hour because obviously it's not about creating videos this little thingy and then pretty much uh I will just write it here as well so work from home YouTube without videos okay so this is what I'm looking for delete this part delete this part then go back to Google and search for YouTube for example and we are looking for some YouTube very good cool uh picture and yeah this one looks very cool so this is the one that I will download and I will upload as well so just like this and pretty much accept it and again the same exact hack go to the Little Brush icon and just uh the width make sure it's small okay it's already small and this is all you have to do okay so this is the page now make sure you're going to add like three to five of them so instead of just one or two conversions you can actually make three to five of them which is like instead of $6 you can make $30 per person and this is crazy crazy good now what you want to do is click on Save right here and pretty much add little title so the best I'm just going to copy this one I'm just going to copy that one put paste it there paste it there and work from home 2023 and click on publish once it's done wait for it to load up and now our crazy great looking landing page I'm kind of like overhyping this but check this out this is what you created it's all these mov Parts all these things are going to make sure you are standing out from the crowd you are getting those great conversion rates and you are just not using some ugly Google sites I like to show ug I like to show Google sites on my videos because it's super easy to do it for beginners but whenever I show Google sites you can swap it out for card and it's going to convert much better but I don't want to show it up in every single one of my videos okay now the next thing what you want to do is just go to kbot and I will show you the easiest way to get traffic just search for what will you design today and just search for for work from home hit enter and it's going to give you these beautiful looking templates now the one that you want to go for is pretty much any of them because listen all of them look good but just make sure you're going pick up something that's free that doesn't have this little Crown so you don't have to pay for it and you can just download it right away there's plenty of them just make sure you're going to like a like a this resolution like a square one this is the one that I will use myself it's pretty much square resolution okay just make sure it's kind of like square-ish doesn't need to be exact Square just like square is because you don't want to pretty much H like this little huge one also if you want to you can use any of these recommended that are right here because again those work very well I'm just actually looking on this one and this looks much much better okay seven ways to increase your income because we are looking for something like this so I'll actually use this one okay this one right here and this is like very good for Instagram Carousel but we are just going to be using one single image okay now you go here and pretty much what you want to write here is going to be the one of the jobs that you are promoting so our page on card is this one right here so pretty much work from home the best work from home offers for 2023 and pretty much I'm going to use Apple product reviewer $17 per hour and I want to make sure I includeed in this post so pretty much what you want to do is you want to delete these details that are right here like these little Pages we don't need that these details are okay and pretty much I'm just going to add there work from home not work but work from home just like this and then I'm going to write there Apple product testers okay needed I'll just put it right here then I'll make this one like little bit smaller just like this so it's going to be yeah something like this but this is very important part that you want to include first one you want to search for like Apple product and you want to make sure you include the main okay so not not Apple products like from Apple hold on okay I cannot find anything here that would show me the what I'm looking for so I need to go to Google but you just want to find pretty much Apple logo or something something like that or actually I never tried Apple logo so Apple logo yeah it just G it just gives me apples okay I don't want Apple but I want this thing okay so pretty much Apple product tester and again you just want to download any of these or you can just copy and paste them as well so I'm just going to go with like apple yeah this one it looks very cool so I'm just going to right click click on copy and I believe you can still do this and just paste it right here and Bam this is what I'm looking for just like this and put it right here and then pretty much you want to write there again the Now High ring now High ring make this a little bit smaller like just like this and also change the font size font uh family to something different so now High ring and make it smaller just like this and then you want to add a circle so you go to elements you add a circle and this is where you put the price tag or the amount and I believe it's $17 per hour on the on the tap mop application so again again I would just duplicate this one and write there $17 hour and this is something you want to include make it smaller and make it bigger okay so I just make this one just like this 17 hour just like this okay so $17 per hour and that's pretty much it that's all you really need just simple image like this and the best part is then once you have this ready you just create multiple of these so for all your offers so this is for Apple product reviewer and you do the same for YouTube so you change it up for like YouTube logo so you just search for YouTube logo and you add this logo and again not Apple product testers but uh you work from home YouTube without creating videos and again $17 per hour now hiring and then this is the only image you want to download so you click on share and you click on download and not all pages but just page number one okay I sorry I will just deselect all of them and use the first page and you want to download it and click on download and now that I downloaded I want to show you these two websites that are getting 5.7 million visitors per month and also the second website which is getting 241,000 visitors every single month now the first website is actually called mi.com pretty much mbe.com 5.7 million visitors every single month and there's 54% of them from United States this is where the affiliate offers are for so you want to make sure that the traffic is coming from us and pretty much this is the website just go to me.com and this is like a Facebook but without advertisements and stuff like that and just go to groups right here and you want to find all these make money online groups and then pretty much just post there something super simple that's going to look something like this looking to work from home we are hiring we are looking for people who want to work from home and earn $17 per hour whatever the amount is going to be on the CPA Network make sure you are making it congruent because even if you put there like $17 and the app is going to say $25 which is more it's like it's not the same thing they are for here for $17 you want to make sure it says it on the app maybe I made a mistake I'm not sure what it was saying I was recording the video but you want to make sure is the same and then pretty much put there more info in current op positions put the website and then upload the image from can okay now make sure that this one is pretty much for this is for testing Apple products and you want to make sure that image is also for Apple products and then you just post it like this and Bam this is the post okay so Apple now hiring $17 hour work from home Apple product testers needed and pretty much this is the website they are going to click on that you can see there are no interruptions they're going to come here they will see the first one right away click here to sign up that's a CP offer you will get paid for that and also they are going to check out other ones sign up to multiple of them and that's how you can make it so like $6 anywhere from $ 30 to even like $50 depending on the amount of CPA offers you're going to put on your page now that's the first website the second website you can also do this too is on parlor.com you go to parlor I will just go there right here parlor.com the second website is called parlor.com now this is something that you can use right away I don't want to saturate it so I'm not going to be making mention the name anytime right now only for the hardcore Inc money fans you can just go to the website you know what is the name you didn't miss out on it and it's going to be completely unsaturated okay it's getting 241,000 visitors every single month but they are all from United States and they are really really high quality just do the same exact thing you're going to do on Mii and you're going to get amazing results and that's it if you like to see exactly how I make over $1,000 per day check out this video right here it's going to explain it and also check out the master class we are starting in few days from now so yeah you want to be ready before we get started and I will see you there bye for now