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and for every single video that you're going to repost and it's just going to get like 14 likes you are going to earn 10 so you just go to this file these are all the done-free videos you just download them and you just re-upload them on your brand new account you don't even have to have any followers you don't have to generate any sales whatsoever you can see this video I posted three hours ago and it already got over 26 likes which is the requirements and I already received the amount received I received 134 Euros which is kind of like 140 dollars as a payout to my Paypal account and I literally reposted this video just three hours ago and it got the requirements in less than 10 minutes now pretty much the name of the website that will pay you for just reposting video is what's going on guys in today's video I'm going to show you literally how you can get paid ten dollars every 11 minutes just by reposting videos without any social media following without any followers without generating any sales just by reposting videos and getting couple of likes listen this is a crazy opportunity that I just made 134 or actually Euro's weight and it took me just a couple of minutes and I was just testing it out and I made over 134 Euros which is like 140 dollars this works for anybody and if you're going to see until the end of the video I will show you the website that will pay you if you're going to repost their videos I will show you the fastest way to get started now before we get started don't forget to please smash the like subscribe to the channel hit notification Bell comment down below if you like to make ten dollars every 11 minutes just for rebuilding videos and let's get started okay guys now the first step right away let's just go to PayPal you gotta sign up for a PayPal account this is where you're going to be receiving all the money you gotta have a PayPal account this is how they are going to be paying you out because otherwise this is just not going to work now pretty much the website I'm just talking about is a completely brand new website that is just getting started and there is this very very lucrative opportunity for anybody to make a lot of money just by reposting videos this is how it looks like you simply go to this content generator and you're going to find this link for Google Drive when you're going to click there you're going to get access to all of these done free videos that you can just download and repost they're updating them every single day they are adding even more and this is just content you can actually download and re-upload and pretty much you are getting paid just for views or likes that this post is going to receive see you can do it on Tick Tock and you can also do it on Instagram I did it on a couple of different accounts and I will show you the easiest one to get started with so pretty much I did it on Tick Tock and if you're going to see if you're going to just create a Tic Tac account you should have a net Link in your username that's what I did and once you have done that they are just going to pay you five dollars for this action and then when you're going to be posting the done for you content every single post that is going to receive 14 likes and more it's going to make you ten dollars and this is a very good strategy because they are actually making money from you posting the videos because it's promoting their website and the 14 likes is kind of like on the edge of a dying video and a successful video so if it's going to get over 14 likes chances are this video is going to make them more money from the free reach that you are getting them and just for getting 14 likes you are going to get paid 10 now I don't know how long this is going to last but it should definitely join as soon as possible because this opportunity is not going to be here forever and if you're going to get started right now you can make thousands of dollars using this website now these are all the tools that you are going to need the PayPal is actually for the payment so you gotta have the PayPal you can also use cash app but I pretty much use PayPal you can also have Bitcoin uh cryptocurrencies but again I just use PayPal because with this website is the easiest one and then you gotta have a Discord now pretty much the link to this website is going to be in the first link in the comment it's called netlinkuniversity.com if you go to Google and you're going to search for netling University you're going to come across this page right here now what you want to do is you want to click on it and you want to sign up for your account now this is the reason why this is such a great opportunity is because it's not free so most people who are freebie Seekers and could do this method are going to go away and people who can actually afford a discounted price which is currently just 30 dollars per month are going to take this opportunity and are going to make the money back very very fast it's just 30 dollars per month it's gonna go to fifty dollars I think it's gonna go even more after that because this is such an untapped opportunity and it's just 30 bucks so what you got to do is you want to click on the join now and then you just want to go through this process and you pretty much want to pay for the account that you're going to get access to now pretty much Netherland University is a complete like University or Academy of a video training where they are going to teach you affiliate marketing and YouTube automation for extend crypto ecam stocks all these different skills that you can use to make money online but currently this opportunity where you are just promoting them by be posting done for your videos is the biggest Money Maker you don't have to generate any sales you don't actually have to drive any conversions you are literally getting paid just for the engagement on your videos because this is going to signal to them that your videos are getting traction and you are promoting their website now once you're going to make the payment you're going to receive access to your own account and pretty much this is how it's going to work and this is all you have to do to easily make over 100 just by reposting videos you're going to see you're going to get access to this Discord server pretty much this is what you're going to get access to now you want to go through all of this but what I'm going to show you is exactly how to get paid just by reposting videos is you're going to go to the affiliate program you click on sign up right here and what you want to do is Click right here on this Thrive card link and this is where you are going to create your affiliate account now if you're going to be promoting netlink they are also going to pay you 40 percent come mission on every single person that's going to join through your link so not only they are paying you to promote their website they're also paying you commissions from any sales you're going to generate like the traditional affiliate marketing but they are enticing you to do this by paying you for for just doing it you don't have to get the results in terms of sales which you are going to get but you don't have to get them to actually get the payout I didn't generate any sales and I got 134 Euros just by reposting the danfory videos I don't know why this is so crazy but I'm sure this is not going to be here forever so you better join right now because it might go away then once you're going to have your affidary link what you want to do is you want to select either Tick Tock or Instagram now for tick tock what you got to do is you need to have 1 000 followers on your Tic Tac account this is one of my accounts that I rebuild just to test this out if it actually works you can see I have 1 000 followers I have the link in the bio I also have their link the search their name in the username and I was just reposting the Dan for your videos now I reposted the first one and it got like zero views I didn't got anything at all and I was like whoa these videos are Shadow band it doesn't work then I posted one of these videos the quote video and it got 311 reviews I was like okay then maybe there's something going on then I posted another video with the quotes it got 298 views and then I posted their video eight views I was like what's going on then I posted another video seven reviews I was like come on what is going on these videos are not converting now I understand what they are paying me the money so then what I did was I paid then I pretty much posted a video with the quotes once again it got 374 views and I was like something must be happening then I posted another video it got eight views and then I posted one more and that good 500 views so I was like okay I just had to warm up the algorithm to actually get the views and this is going in the same case for you the First videos they are going to get zero views for a couple of days but if you're going to keep being consistent your videos are going to just Skyrocket this is one video that I posted literally three hours ago and it already has 26 likes which is the requirement to actually get the payout now it got the requirement in actually less than 10 minutes but I just posted it three hours ago and I didn't record a video like right away so you can literally make ten dollars in less than 10 minutes of posting these videos like the process took me less than 10 minutes with the results as well it wasn't just like I took 10 minutes to post it and then you got the views in like 24 hours it got the views in less than 10 minutes so if you're going to warm up your account with 1000 followers and you just repost their videos you are going to make money with this there is no exception why anybody cannot make money with this if you're going to join so you can see you just need to create your Tick Tock account to have a net Link in your username for this you're going to receive five dollars do you want to get 1 000 followers which they are going to show you how to get in Discord as well on Tic Tac and then pretty much for every single post you're going to post you and it is going to get over 14 likes organically you're going to receive 10 10 and there is no limit how many posts you can upload once you're going to get these requirements you just want to fill out this Google form you're going to enter your paper address you're going to enter the videos that got the views and they are just going to send you money and this is just on Tick Tock you can also do it on Instagram now the cool part about Instagram is you don't actually have to have 1000 followers to put your link in the bio you can just create a brand new Instagram account and you can see it right here create Instagram account put net Link in your username so something with netlink just like I have right here netlink profits so it's like PR fds and pretty much make sure to put your affiliating in your bio and this is going to just earn you five dollars so just brand new account with zero followers you get paid five dollars and pretty much once you have the account created just again copy and paste the videos from right here from this done for you content generator on your Instagram account and whenever you're going to get 14 likes you are going to receive 10 and also for every 60 organic followers you're going to receive you are going to receive a 15 bonus now pretty much this is why it works so well is because this is a paid opportunity for just 30 dollars per month but you can literally get couple hundred followers just make the money back the likes you are gonna get the likes on the videos and you will make your money back and anything after that is profit the reason why this is a paid opportunity is they want to gatekeep who is going to join and they only want to work with serious people so if you have like 30 bucks to join I highly highly recommend you're going to go for this because I'm not even sure why I'm sharing this because this is such a good money maker and I'll be posting my results later on as well I just made 140 approximately from the videos that I was submitting and uploading on my tick tag accounts on my Instagram account just to test it out but literally I wanted to share with you this success story of this account because it didn't get any views at the beginning whatsoever then it started to get views and actually my last 10 video took me less than 10 minutes to get the requirements so if you're looking for an easy way to make money online check out the netling university it's going to be the first link in the comment make sure to let me know how much money you're going to make with this one and also let me know if this is the easiest way you ever made money online because if you're going to join you are going to make money with this and that's it I hope you enjoyed this video let me know what you think about it in the comment section below go ahead give this a try I will post my results later on once again and for the next video check out this one right here which is going to another highly recommended way to make money online for a complete beginners