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all right so when I check out my account and this is pretty much where I have my other Dev mob account as I have two of them currently if I check it out and see what I have made overnight if I just click on this notification you can see the last one has been actually let me just uh focus it correctly last one was like 32 minutes ago but you can see there's a lot of more of them five dollars five dollars six dollars you can see they've been getting they've been pretty been generated the entire night as I was sleeping so if I just scroll through them there's plenty of them because one thing I don't delete them because they just look very nice but also it's like I can just you know use them to show you that what I'm showing you actually works so I don't I'm not gonna actually delete them but these are notifications let me just go into my account and I go to the today's Revenue hopefully if I'm going to actually uh refresh it it's going to show some different numbers so let me just do that very quickly okay did not because it uh it refreshed already because we just got started and pretty much today 36 dollars yesterday was like 191 dollars and when I go by Revenue right here and I select the revenue you can see that not not clicks come on you can see that I pretty much made this amount of money every single hour so I'm not saying it to brag but literally just to show you that what I'm showing you right here is something that I'm using right now it works and pretty much this is the way to do that now this is the problem I'm going to show you exactly how I was pretty much able to make uh all these conversions but this is the problem and this is going to differentiate people who are going to make money and who are not going to make money so listen closely first I already posted this method on my channel so I'm not going to re-record it again I will show you the method so if you are going to tell yourself like hey I already seen that then it's not going to help you second and this is more crucial is I'm going to show you exactly what to do but if everybody is going to do it all at once it's going to be become saturated so here is my plan on how you can make money with this method completely for free so somewhere during that tutorial which I will show you in just a few seconds from right now I'm going to show you the exact method step by step how to do it but I will also include a little secret which actually is going to help you make a lot of money this is going to be hidden and it's going to be there for a short time the only way to actually access this is to watch this video from beginning Until the End commit to it and that way you are going to get unsaturated secret to make money online that works right now that 99 of people are going to skip through so yeah I'm giving it to you completely for free all I'm asking is just you just watch this video from beginning Until the End watch out for a secret make sure to use it as soon as possible and you'll make a lot of money all before I do that don't forget to please smash like subscribe to the channel hit notification Bell and comment down below but don't reveal the secret comment down below for YouTube algorithm so I can help make even more money you even more people so yeah everybody is Happy okay step number one what we need for this method is you need to sign up for a PayPal account because this is how you're going to get paid again I need to change the language to United States because I'm not from there so pretty much you just go to PayPal and you sign up for a free account by signing up now just quickly for beginners if you don't have a PayPal account this is what I pretty much tell all my students is to just go with a personal account because they are going to ask you just personal questions if you go with the business account they are going to ask you personal questions and also business questions just to get a fast account set up so you can withdraw the money and start using it right away just go with a personal account then click on get started they are going to ask you for a country and then they are going to ask you for a phone number they are going to send you a code you are going to put a code into PayPal then just enter personal details and then you're going to have an email address where people can send you money through PayPal now next step for this method is you want to get a monetization now one of the easiest ways to monetize this method you can do it with the affiliate marketing with ClickBank with a warrior plus with tap mob or with any other CPN Network work affiliate product whatever you're going to choose is going to work so so well but I highly recommend you're going to be like CPA grip or tap mop these CPA networks are unmatched with the amount of money you can make without actually generating any sales like these offers right here are going to be paying you like two dollars two dollars two dollars the only reason you are looking for with this method is you want to get the offers that are very easy to convert so even if you're going to go for an offer that's only going to pay you like 45 cents that's okay you don't care about that you will have plenty of traffic what you really care about is the conversion rate because the traffic is not going to be doing something extreme so even if you're going to be promoting for example like this 12 offer if it requires like to download an application and complete the step people are not going to do that so you might think like okay I might promote this offer with this traffic Source but this is not going to work this 81 Cent is going to work this two dollar is going toward this 97 most likely this is like a yeah it's a very simple submit if I'm going going to check it out I will just show you right here this is how it's going to look like it's going to work no problem just first and last name email address ZIP code and you are going to get paid just 87.97 which is per 97 cents dollars would be very cool 97 cents but the thing is that you're going to get plenty of traffic okay as I showed you uh right here okay I'm gonna make it quick so go to the offers and you want to pretty much promote this offer you can see it's been making me 222 dollars 750 cash okay this is the uh the CPA offer you want to be using I've been making money from other ones as well but this is the this is the one that works the best 750 cash us this is the one make sure to use that mob this is the best CPA Network ever seriously just go ahead and use it 750 cash you can see that this account on this one link I got 88 000 clicks using this traffic Source I know it works not all the clicks all the links are actually made for the traffic Source but this one the 10 000 one is made with it and also this 88001 is suited because it's clicks it says clicks okay so that's the first step next thing you want to go to a tick tock and you just want to sign up for a free account I'm just going to block notifications for the sake of the video you want to just go to ticktock.com and just sign up for an account now you can either use phone or email or username or simply just connect with Google Facebook Twitter apple or Instagram and you're going to have an account ready to go now once your account is ready this is actually my dummy account that I was testing a methadone before and you can see I've been getting like thousands of views this was just from a video before you just really need to have an account ready okay you don't need any followers the only thing again just add like a profile picture you can't even add a bio right away because you need to have a personal account and thousand followers now pretty much what you want to do I'm just going to mute all the not this one what you want to do is just go to discover and you just want to go through a couple of the couple of the videos okay now pretty much you can go through the explore page what you are really looking for is you can just go find and you want you just go to search and you just want to find like a funny video now because I'm on a video and I'm recording this I'm going to go with something PG rated so let's go with funny cats hopefully there's not going to be anything random there but pretty much now what you want to do is you want to click on the video I'm going to on on whatever the the sound and pretty much now you want to click on the share icon right there and for this video it's not going to work we are looking for this duet okay we are looking for the duet the reason it's not working for this is because most likely this person actually used the method already so let's go with another one again click on that go with the red now for this one it doesn't work as well let's go with another one and you can see with this one it actually works now click on do it and now you don't have to show your face for this okay you can see I'm showing my face right now just click on the little on this one right here if you can see click on this one right here the the portrait and it's going to do it just like this okay so you can see I'm actually on the video right here now pretty much what you want to do is you want to tilt your phone just like this and you just want to repost the video now don't talk during the video I'm talking because I'm recording the video tutorial for you guys you don't want to be talking you just want to do it this way [Music] okay let's just do it that way do you want to click on yes and okay okay with your duet screen okay okay and pretty much it's saying you can see that it's going to be replaced with my uh green screen but because I'm not there it's just the original video now if I'm going to go on next then I'm going to put their duet with adorable pet and I'm just going to leave it there it's going to hijack the authority of the original video I am going to get the views I'm going to get the followers and also I'm going to get thousands of people to actually view my video and click on my links which are going to be in my bio and now the content that you want to be stitching and reposting is motivational okay search for motivation and you want to go with the most recent videos just search for motivation check out the accounts and they want to go to that account and then you just want to start remixing the latest videos that get the most amount of views so out of these I would post this this and this because this has very good amount of use but if I check more or I see that for example this has only 52 I wouldn't post this so only the content that has the most amount of views you can see 217 that is okay no no okay Okay no Okay and let's check out more this one is awesome 1.2 million and yeah so only quality motivational content and the cash offer and what you want to do is simply add couple of more hashtags now the hashtag strategy is just go with the very vague related hashtags and go with like five maximum so you can see there's already two of them so you want to go with like a funny cat a funny cat then let's go with like funny video because that's what we use to actually find it and let them go for like laugh okay so very very rake uh very big uh hashtag so the video is going to push to all the directions because now we are hijacking the original video putting it over our Channel and getting all the traffic as well and this battery will all legal ethical because the person can disable the duet to actually not do that and yeah also pushing the original video because we are interacting with it and then we just want to click on post now what this is going to do is this is going to post a video on your channel on your Tic Tac account and you simply want to build like an audience with these videos in a certain Niche now you can do it it works super well in motivation Niche business Niche uh all these like uh how to wake up at 5am Niche on all those motivational videos you can repost most of them build a huge fan base and pretty much promote like a high ticket product which can pay you anywhere from like a thousand to two thousand dollars and that's pretty much exactly what you got to do now if you want to see exactly how to how I monetize these videos on Tic Tac and also on Instagram and make sure to subscribe because I'm going to be posting video about this very very soon and if the video is already posted it's going to be right here so click here to watch it if it's not there then subscribe like comment and I will keep you updated bye for now