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in today's video I'm going to show you this brand new method on how you can easily turn the $5 into $300 in pure profit this requires absolutely no skills no experience and the best part about this is you are not going to be doing any of the work yourself I'm going to show you how to easily Outsource a super profitable but kind of time consuming work for extremely cheap and every single time that you're going to pay like $5 for the Outsource you are going to make anywhere from $1 100 up to $300 in pure profit make sure to watch until the end of the video as I'm also going to give you all the done for you copy and paste scripts that I've been using myself which have been working very well for the past couple of years and just use them for easy profit but before that don't forget to please smash the like on this video subscribe to the channel hit notification Bell and comment down below something random for a YouTube algorithm so this video is going to be pushed to even more people today I'm going to show you a super simple method on how you can easily turn just $5 into over $300 without actually you working at all you can see that using this you can get paid all these bonuses $100 bonus $400 bonus $100 bonus $200 $500 bonus $30 for every every qualified account connection not even a paid sign up $30 for every qualified account connection all you have to do is just get like 10 of them and you're going to make $300 but also if you're going to get 10 of them you're going to see you'll get an additional $100 bonus and the best part about this method is you don't have to do any work at all I'm going to show you exactly how to automated and just use like $5 that you are not paying for any traffic at all and make over $300 just by copy and pasting a super simple script that I'm going to share with you at the end of the video that made me over $1,000 minimum bare bare bare minimum in affiliate commissions and it works crazy over and over again what's going on guys ER here back in my laptop and pretty much let's get started with the method also before we get started don't forget to smash the like subscribe to the channel hit the notification Bell and comment down below something crazy for YouTube algorithm and I'm going to show you exactly how you can turn easily $5 into $300 per day easily okay now first of all I'm going to show you exactly this program but first I want to show you exactly how to actually turn those $5 if you go to Fiverr and you're going to search for a virtual assistant you can actually get a person to do a lot of timec consuming boring work for you get it done exceptionally well for just $5 you're going to see there all these virtual assistants pretty much charging $40 $10 $10 but there's a lot of them that are charging your $5 for a 1 hour of work and if you're going to do this for like 1 hour you can easily make $300 but most people don't want to do that and would rather pay someone $5 to do this so what I'm going to supply you at this video is exactly how to just purchase any of these gigs and get paid anywhere from $100 to $300 exactly what you send them and the exact method you are going to be doing once they do like 95% of the time consuming work okay so first first of all what you want to do is you want to go to Google and search for like partner stack and pretty much just sign up for the program right here this is like an affiliate Network for different programs where they can also be promoted and you can make money by doing this so just sign up for an account and then in the marketplace right here you are going to be searching for add Zuma okay this is the program that we are going for because it's going to be paying you $30 per qualified account connection qualified account connection is a completely free account connection conect Ed to a valid Microsoft ad account so you can simply just get paid for people who are going to be connecting their ad account to the ad Zuma okay they don't have to pay for anything at all all they have to have is just pretty much some some ad spend on Microsoft ads that's going to make sure they have qualified account for every single connection you are going to receive $30 now I've already connecting my account on this account pretty much my dummy account for videos but you're going to see if you go to the links where you can actually promote it just go to the links you're you're going to see that the basic link pretty much if I'm going to visit it uh let me just copy that and visit it it's going to take you to this page now this page is kind of like uh I don't know I don't really care about it it's like kind of basic but this is the thing that you need to search for again go to Google and search for ad Zuma voucher okay this is the little hack just search for aduma voucher and you're going to see the first search result is going to tell people exactly how to actually get $125 in Microsoft ads when they are going to spend $25 now they don't have to spend anything at all CU I will show you exactly how to get people that already spend their amount of money and when they are going to just click on get started or somewhere around here let me just find it like get started or something like that and they are going to just connect their account they don't have to pay for ad Zuma they just connect their account literally to this completely free service which is going to help them track better Microsoft ads you are going to get paid $30 so you don't have to actually sell anything you are literally just getting completely free connections they don't even have to create their account they already have that and I will show you how to do that but first you need to create your special affiliate link because you don't want to be promoting um this affiliate link no no no not this one the previous one this one I believe not this one where is the dummy link uh I think this one is it the actually one yeah this is the one okay this is this is basic you want to be promoting this but how to actually promote this you just go to Google search for this page then copy the link to this page go back to Partners tag and click on create a custom link this is like an advance feature that most people are scared of doing but it's actually super easy to do so click on create a custom link then call it like $125 voucher again $125 voucher customize your link $125 voucher tutorial just like this and then set up link destination and on create a link and Bam now you have your link and whenever is going to someone click on that they are going to land on this page instead of the basic page which has like no selling points at all and now that you have this link ready to rock and roll all you really need to do is just send some traffic to it now what I I want to show you is going to be exactly the payouts for at Zuma and pretty much this is like the payouts that you are going to be generating you can see it's $30 for qualified connection so when they are going to just connect their account their Microsoft ad account to the ad Zuma you are going to get paid $30 then 69 for every single purchase then also you're going to receive a $50 bonus for the first five qualified account connections and a $250 at voucher so all you have to do is just get five of them and you are going to make $200 cash cash and $250 at voucher because 5 * 30 is $150 plus $50 then $100 bonus for 10 accounts $400 bonus for 20 accounts and you can easily claim all these bonuses with the script that I'm going to provide you in a second and with a $5 that you are just going to pay the virtual assistant to get you it for so the next thing you want to go to Fiverr and you simply just want to search for virtual assistant okay search for virtual assistant and you're going to find all these different virtual assistant now you simply just want to find that has like a lot of good ratings like this one right here for example 181 ratings five stars from $5 so you just click on that and he's a level two and pretty much it's like one hour this is like five hours for $25 or 12 hours for $60 if he's going to be working 12 hours on this you're going to make a lot of money like $1,000 or sure and you can just simply Outsource the entire timec consuming work to him but the thing is most people don't know how to do that now you can also do this work yourself but then it's a little bit more timec consuming but if you have just $5 I highly highly recommend you're going to do this because you're going to enjoy the feeling of just making money on like almost autopilot now first of all what you're going to send him once you're going to purchase it I think I don't have to go through the purchase process you just buy it and that's it then you're going to send him these details and this is very important so details about the job goal collect email addresses of local businesses from advertisements advertisements on first first and second page of Bing okay this is the search engine where you can actually use Microsoft ads the reason want to use advertisements is because these people already paying for ads they have the account ready everything all the pre-qualifications are check check check check check and they can just connect their account with just one or two clicks do a Zuma bam you make money that's the loophole then you just tell them the instructions search for local businesses from the list included in any big city in US list included as well us is important because uh I think it's only is qualified for the United States find and collect names and emails of the local businesses from the first and second page of [ __ ] but only from advertisements the thing is the advertisements are showing on the first and also the second page all these people have the account are paying spend more than $25 so if they connect their account bam you make money they don't have to pay for anything at all and they will are they are going to receive a voucher as a bonus okay so that's the reason want to do that organize them in Excel sheet include the local be name email address and keyword you used to search for for it okay this is very important the keyword is something we are going to be using then there also I'm going to give you the local businesses right here I will give you the access to this document so you can just send it to him so bakeries coffee shops plan nursery and then pretty much top 100 cities in the US are right here so you can just Google them okay and then once he's going to deliver this all you have to do is once you have this exra sheet is just send them this email you are losing customers would you be interested $25 add voucher then you include hey local business name this is why you need the name I noticed your business is not showing as number one when I search for and the keyword okay this is very important because that's the keyword they are actually paying for and if there it's not showing up number one they'll be like okay why is it not showing and the thing is sometimes it doesn't show as number one it shows as number two but this is the angle number one and they're like how can it not show up I'm paying for it to be number one and it's like number two so it's like very good angle and then this might cat you all of customers then you are going to pitch them the $125 voucher but you don't give them to them you don't give that voucher to them so they need to make sure they are going to message you first and then you are just going to reply with your special affiliate link that's going to tell them right here that if they are going to just connect their account they are going to receive the voucher and that's it now because they are already spending money when you spend $25 is like nothing to them because they are going to spend it either way they'll get a bonus and you are going to make money for every single qualified account connection and that's it I hope you enjoy this method guys let me know what you think about it in the comment section below it's super easy and I think anybody can make 300 up to $1,000 in pure profit by doing this but also if you like to see how I make $1,000 per day with marketing then check out this video right here which is going to show you exactly how to do that and I will see you there bye for now