3 Types of Snippets: Which is Best? #shorts

getting your content featured at the top of the Google search engine results page it's everything that we want right and the easiest way I've found to do that is to win a Google featured snippet Snippets are these really cool little pieces of information that concisely answer a user's question the search query that they typed in there's three different types that you can win just with blog content the first is a paragraph style snippet it's literally just a paragraph under 320 characters that answers a question concisely but thoroughly the second most common is the list snippet this usually appears as a list within a blog post either as a list altogether or even broken up throughout the blog post as long as it's clear to Google that these items are in a list the third type is the table type snippet which is the least common but extremely powerful you can create one table and literally win dozens of search queries with it by answering all of those questions with the data in that table now to learn more about Snippets and how you can win them and get your content featured at the very top of Google make sure you watch our full-length video I'll comment below with the link

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