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well hello and welcome to income school um if you're like why didn't I know that this live was going to happen especially for those of you in Project 24 and um income School insiders I usually try to give you guys a little bit of a heads up it's because I just decided that this is something I wanted to do today it's been a little while since I've gone live and I just want to be here to take whatever questions you have there's a lot going on obviously in the blogging space there's a lot going on in online business in content creation and there's a lot of unknowns and that being the case um I thought it was important that we take some time to just have some Frank and open discussion so today I don't have a specific agenda I've got about about an hour here and I am just going to take your questions so it always takes a minute to get this thing kicked off I guess I probably should start with something just while all of you are joining right now um I'll start off by saying oh hey we've already got I've already got a question thank you sarves for asking your question um I guess just to but just to kick things off a little bit um obviously there's a lot changing obviously Google uh is not giving good search results um there's there's just a lot and so we're having to look at other ways to get traffic and that's where the questions are starting off today and so let's go ahead and dive right into those so sarves says have you tried Facebook traffic any course on it I haven't taken any courses on it I don't have a specific course on it yet mostly because I'm kind of still working that out um I should what I need to do is I need to find someone who's really good at it and see what I can learn from them quickly and then build upon that that's usually what I do I mean I'm not I don't figure everything out 100% on my own I don't think any of us do we all start from somewhere um usually someone else's experience that's one of the beauties of humanity is that we're able to pass information onto others in written form um through stories whatever it may be and because of that we can all build upon what been created before so um so I'm working on that for Facebook we have Pinterest we've been doing YouTube for a very long time and um have some thoughts around Facebook and some thoughts around Instagram but that's something that I still haven't really nailed down for project 24 or to share with you so more on that in the future all right um the was the was there once okay when you put a lot of words together it's it's like where does one word end and the other next word start so the was there once says what do you think of local SEO for building websites one thing that I think that we often times I guess we keep two separate from like it's not as distinct as we think it is so local SEO business content creation like as content creators we often especially in the blogging space we often think of ourselves as like oh I've got a niche website or I'm a blogger um one of the things I've done for years now is when I have an opportunity and I'm talking to somebody uh usually it's an in-person sort of situation and they ask me about what I do and I start explaining it they're like oh yeah I need that for my business and a lot of people with local businesses are like oh yeah I need to be doing this and even today I'm actually seeing a ton of value in using what we know about content creation and SEO and using that for any type of business whether it's local or um on the internet you know uh you know or or just a widespread business something with uh uh like a chain that's in a lot of different places so if you want to use local SEO to grow your website but your goal is to just get General traffic to a website like I have a niche site about installing pools and so what am I going to do I'm going to write some content specific to a specific region or a specific city um answer all the questions about what it costs uh who are the best installers all that kind of stuff for that City I and use that to grow my website just to that's not necessarily a local business it's just like an information website I think that can work it's something that we did a bit with our site suggested by locals.com where essentially we're answering location specific questions and we were having writers do that who were from those places and it worked um the only thing is you don't ever end up with like a super Central Focus so if your if your content is really applicable broadly but you're going to use local SEO um and try to show up in local search just all the different tactics that we add on for local SEO um you could be really limiting yourself like creating location specific content I think sure but if you're going to you know create a Google listing in a specific location that's not like your location where you are or where you have a specific service or anything like that at that point you you're probably limiting yourself more unless you're going to have locations in a lot of different regions or whatever like that so I can I can see some good reasons to do it and I can see some limitations that it could cause depending on how far you go down the local SEO path um zahed says how to rank fast as a newbie honestly um don't depend just on Google we have a member of project 24 who posted a couple months ago in the community that they already had 30,000 month monthly um I think it was sessions but it might have been page views 30,000 in less than 6 months and it was completely from Pinterest we've found great success doing some very similar things with um with YouTube depending on what Niche you're in and kind of what really like your approach to the content finding the right platform where those people are and honestly like even if Google hadn't completely screwed up because of the way things are going with AI and I think fewer people over time going to Google for all of their answers people are jumping on social media I mean for years now people have gotten most of their news from Facebook YouTube now we're adding into that Tik Tok and Instagram like as a news source um and frankly on those platforms you can get like traditional news outlets but you can also get you know opinions from commentators of all types uh everywhere from you know actors to newscasters to actual politicians to some person in their basement who has an opinion and but that's where people are getting their information from so if we're not going to the TV to watch the news anymore and now we're not even so much going to Google to ask it one to get our news but also just to ask it the questions that we have then where are people and that's what we need to always be thinking about is where are people and how do I get my content in front of them there so if you're in a niche where it's really visual um and people are kind of just on Instagram perusing and they come across it and that's where they get their information you know then that's where you should be now what I'm finding is that when people want more depth of information than they can get just from um like an AI quick response a lot of times they're going to video like you're going to do a search and then even if you did that search on Google or Bing or wherever you're often going to end up in a video you can also end up on a Blog you can also end up on Pinterest there's a lot of different other places as well but video is very strong and that's one of the reasons why I think YouTube is a strong platform to be on so that's how I'm going to rank quickly is figure out where people are in your Niche and then create that content for them there having your own website and your own content on your website to send people back to is also very powerful because that's how we really convert that's how we really can make a great income and have our own business and our own brand all right um sirant says Google is killing the small websites in India so many people came out of the blogging as full-time profession what's the future of blogging blogging I think is maybe Forever at this point going to be a piece of what we do um you know a really good Pinterest strategy really relies on having content somewhere to send people now sometimes you can send people directly from a PIN to a product if that was the user intent they're looking for ideas and now I have a product so let's say I have an Etsy store or a Shopify store I use Pinterest essentially to advertise to point people to my store that's an effective strategy but for most of us content people Pinterest like that's just the superficial where people look for ideas and then you point them to a website having strong blog content to back that up makes Pinterest easy um like really really easy that's what we're doing right now for a lot of websites um I think I think the days of just writing blog content only and not worrying about anything else they're not over but they're going to be really hard now as we adapt as we find people where they are as we're willing to take those extra steps like you said a lot of people in India have left blogging right um so are a lot of people around the world and as other people are leaving that's leaving kind of more space more room for the people who who are going to figure out the next stage so it's a big opportunity and eventually people will flood back to it once we've really solidified like oh this is what's working now suddenly everyone will flood back to it but the people who are on it first are the ones who have the biggest opportunity because we figure it out before there's a ton of competition um vanica says I'm so confused and not sure where to start no experience what would be the first three things I need to do the first thing you need to do is you need to decide what like what it is that you want um if you know I want to get started I want to create an online business I want to do content specifically like okay what what is your purpose your topic if your goal is I want to make I want to make money and I'm interested in like business and content I don't really care what topic it is then that's fine you're going to go kind of do some research and figure out what are some good strong Trends going on but if you're just like you know what I have a lot of knowledge and experience on this topic I really love it I want to create content about it but I don't know what to do well you're already a step ahead because you know some you know a topic you know something about it um which is really valuable by the way for Content creators to actually know something about what they're talking about um it hasn't been required for several years now but it's becoming required again um figuring out what it is that you want though that's key um if what I want is to create content on a specific topic so that I enjoy it but I also want to make a living at it then great the next step is where are these people um you know what just go on different social media platforms and just see where the content is and where the views are if there's big Facebook groups if then you know that there's a bunch of people on Facebook if um you know you can find a lot of content on Pinterest and they're getting a lot of views then you know there's a lot of people on Pinterest so just kind of see where those people are and from there we can figure out exactly what content to create and where to put it um for most people I'm still going to recommend go build a website it gives you a next level of legitimacy above and beyond most content creators um all right trust Patrick referral Network says I recently found you through do going down the rabbit hole I built a website 15 years ago and through a few mistakes I find my business struggling not really sure where to spend my time um backlinking is that really um no is that really the answer our website's National we used to generate hundreds of leads a day now it's hundreds of months hundreds a month not backlinking industry participation industry Outreach is a better approach than just building links okay so what that what that means is finding ways to participate in the industry so that you build up your online credibility and you strengthen your brand um we can do that a lot of different ways we honestly one of my favorite things to do is to just reach out I'm going to do a YouTube video on this really soon and show exactly how I go about this but just reaching out to people with a podcast in that industry and just scheduling a time to sit down and talk to them for half an hour and be on a podcast episode um honestly there's very little I think that builds your credibility more than having other people interview you as a a subject matter expert in your industry um you get backlinks that way but you also build actual credibility with an audience even if those individual audiences are small um but there's other things like that there's um you know Haro just went through a big kind of change in how their whole system works and there's other sites that are competitors to Haro now that will kind of link you up with other people who are looking for an expert to quote and vice versa you can quote other experts and start collaborating more with other people in your industry I think we're going to need a lot more collaboration as well how do you get people to your site from YouTube if we're if we want to send people to the website we have to give them a strong reason sorry this is from t-shirt quilts um we need to give people a reason to so in a video if you're just like oh and by the way I have a website go check it out nobody's clicking people are on YouTube they're watching videos but if you're making a video and you're doing some sort of tutorial instructional content and then you say on my website though I have a really good resource for this I have a pattern for this or I have like there's some additional free thing they can go get on your website even if it's just information but it's it's just put together in a way that really supplements the video so if they're trying to do what you're showing them in the video the website's going to really help them then you just link over to that and you just tell them in the video this is like something I have on my website for you that works really well we've seen many times um just really good traffic from videos and you don't have to do a new resource in every video um occasionally what we'll do is we'll put together a really good resource for the industry and it's something that we can reference in multiple videos and then that one page becomes a really good sort of Hub people come to that and then on that page we'll link out to other resources and other articles on the website and next thing you know um you're getting traffic to a lot of different places let's see U eamin says what do you think is the main requirement for AdSense approval for a new site well one of the biggest reasons I see websites get um denied AdSense approval is because their navigation structure you create a new website you put a bunch of articles on it you make the website look pretty and you don't take the time to um to figure out a good menu structure if you have several categories on your website and they're what shows up in the menu but um you know each one of those categories only has or or some of the categories only have two or three articles in them they don't like that it looks like you just don't have very much content on the other hand if you have a bunch of categories and each one has a bunch of articles in it but they see the same article show up in five different categories it just looks like you're trying to make it look like you have a lot of content on your website they don't like that either so that's one of the things that I've seen get good websites with good content rejected for AdSense now um there are certainly other things too they'll talk about content being thin and it when they say that they're not necessarily referring to each article like this article's thin and superficial sometimes they're looking at that like the entire website is kind of thin we're only covering the surface level of the this Niche and you don't have any real depth and so if you go through and and actually build out some content clusters where you have some content that's really like the superficial stuff that everybody's going to ask but there's not a whole lot to it but then you you dive a little bit deeper and get into the more you know the stuff that like the people who make it past the superficial and are like oh I I still want to learn more but these are my questions now if you cover more of that too now you have some depth of content and and they like that so I'd say before you apply for AdSense you probably should have like two or three categories of blog content on your website two or three different subtopics within each one you should have a minimum of seven articles and they should be unique from each other before you have AdSense approval I wouldn't put any blog post in more than one category um and I would just make sure that of those seven articles some really cover sort of the more deep um questions that people are going to have um other than that just the more legitimate your website will appear I mean if you say this website is owned by and you have a name of an organization you know and that organization exists you know in your like wherever you live you've registered your business properly or whatever that's that kind of stuff's going to help um if you're completely totally and completely like um Anonymous that's going to also make your website look less legitimate so there you go um uh Mikey stocky I'm probably going to have to scroll ahead here pretty soon but I'm trying to get to like all of these if I can says let's see I started using website request from my Niche site to prompt me to make a Blog in response to the customer request I just wondered how long will this method take to get natural traffic um let's see so when people make requests on your website or when people ask questions you use that to um to prompt you to make uh blog content about that stuff I think that's great um how long is it going to take to get natural traffic well if you're again if we're just creating the blog content from those questions that alone right now we just don't know especially because users haven't all caught on yet that Google is giving garbage results like every time I mention it to someone by the way they're they're like like oh that's interesting I hadn't noticed and then next thing I know they come back to me a few days later they're like you're right like everything I Google it's just Reddit I'm like yeah try it being you're going to find all those blog posts that you used to find that answered your question really well they're not on Google anymore they're not showing them to you um and that's that's basically the Crux of what's going on right now for bloggers and that's why we're struggling um so again if we find out where these people are and then you take those questions and you create small um like Social Media blog posts if you're in a kind of a professional space just go put a post on LinkedIn instead of writing out a whole blog post answering a question write a little bit shorter LinkedIn post just right there boom write a post put it out on Facebook too write it in a group in a community on Facebook that is filled with people that are interested in your Niche just like hey I got this question the other day and I thought I'd share my response with all of you here's the question boom here's my answer and post that on social media you can also post that same answer on your blog um and maybe go into more detail and link to it from those social media posts if you want to um but just creating engagement in that way and I'm seeing this happen a lot I'm seeing this on YouTube people not even just like we make videos and stuff but then people will write almost like a shortened blog post as a community post on YouTube and you know what I find myself when I see those sometimes if it's engaging and if it's something I'm interested in I find myself pausing and reading through it um and that's stuff that I never would have gone and searched specifically to find the answer to that question but when I see it I'm like oh yeah I have that question too anyway there's uh a lot of different ways we could do this um Neo says is it possible to make 10,000 month per month within a year on a new site yes possible is it likely to happen for most people especially if you're a beginner no I think it's really unlikely to happen especially if you're focused on just a website um again I think one of the shifts we need to make is we need to think of ourselves more as a business than just a website so we need to think of our product as more than just here's information um information is a commodity other people can put the same information on their website and next thing you know like you're not like you're very replaceable so we need to start thinking of ourselves a little bit more like okay I'm a business what is it that I can provide and if it is information then like can I provided information in a way in a form that will make it more unique that will make it more valuable for people um but then at some point a lot of content creators especially the ones that you want to make $10,000 a month or more um usually at some point we're coming up with some offering Beyond just affiliate links and you know I give you free content you watch some ads on my website um taking it a Step Beyond that and thinking of it as a business and we don't have to know what that's going to be when we start there are some people here who have a business and they want to use content to drive traffic to their business if that's where you're at like if you already have a business and you're just trying to get more traffic this is easier it's hard for people who are like well I want to create content and for for me to get them to the point of creating something that they can then sell um oftentimes feels like a bigger step it's interesting um but yes very possible but probably not if you're just thinking I have a website and I'm going to create content and that's my whole business um Sheik says for a WordPress website hosting will name cheap easywp a good option um I haven't ever used name cheep for hosting for domain name registration totally fine name chep's fine um for hosting if you're looking for like the most inexpensive option you can find that's good um I like hostinger we're working more with them now we honestly for like super cheap hosting we used to say blue host over time I feel like the quality really has degraded um so hostinger is about um kind of about the cheapest option I'd recommend and they have very inexpensive to more expensive options I use for basically all of our websites I use cloudways but that's just because I can scale very quickly very easily on my own um and like when you're first starting it'd be cheaper to use hostinger when or and probably name cheap as well um but as your website grows most of the shared hosting companies they have like it's a leap from you know from my website needs this basic plan and the next thing you know it needs the next plan up and the next thing you know you're paying $150 a month to host one website and you're thinking how did that happen for that same website over on cloudways I'm paying $50 a month so for for when your as your website scales cloudways has been my favorite um so let's see wasil says what ad companies are best for beginners my personal advice um in terms of AD companies to place ads on your website for beginners there aren't a lot of options if once you can get approved for AdSense um you could do that and just put AdSense straight on your website you could use a zoic um for that one you really do need to take the time to kind of learn the tools and I think they're doing a better job of onboarding people so that you understand what the options are they do have a lot of pretty Advanced things that will make you more money than just AdSense um video players and just all sorts of stuff that um that you can use to kind of optimize the income on your website so I think that's better than just AdSense um but most of the other options aren't really available to you there I do really like media Vine um I've used rapv in the past I haven't been as tied in with them for a while so I don't know how awesome they are but they were really awesome before but they require just a lot more traffic now Medi Vine did recently open up a new I think it's called Journey um it's a new opportunity that you can get into earlier than their normal one and it's a little bit more self-directed um typically media Vine's been very Hands-On super helpful and very they're very involved in helping you on your website um but in order to be able to help people when their sites aren't as big yet they've opened up another option so I think that's where I would go once you can um so that's there you go Laura says what's your best strategy for Niche selection these days frankly like if it's a niche that you have any confidence that there's an audience for um there's other people doing it um the best Niche is the one that you know something about and that you can be interested in and excited about um like we said content creation is kind of a commodity these days um I mean it always kind of was but now it's just so easy to create content and so easy for people to use AI to create content that unless you're willing to dive in deeper than just the superficial level that a lot of bloggers have been writing at for the last several years unless you can dive in deeper than that in your Niche you're probably not ever going to stand out and not ever have much success so pick a niche that you either know something about or that you're excited enough about that you're willing to go through the Journey of learning more um that's my number one criteria for for that so um see Bart says hey there Ricky what a journey it's been built an aquarium site to $3,800 a month uh crashed to almost zero and have been a project 24 member for the whole ride Bart thank you for being here for the for that ride um yeah that's uh man it's incredibly frustrating and and just shy of that full-time rder Milestone huh um first of all good job building what you built the the cool thing is that that is a great foundation so the content that you had was clearly good content so what can we do with that content can can we repurpose some of it through social media platforms through Pinterest um to start regaining some traffic back and not depending on Google I think that's probably where I'd start um anise says hello mister I say hello anise um hus says I just joined is SEO dead SEO I'm not going to call it dead but if you just have an SEO Focus you're probably not going to be successful as a content creator and that's because search engines are changing so much and are honestly kind of moving especially Google it's hardly even like a search engine anymore you type in stuff but then it just like starts recommending all sorts of things and I don't know and it's not even giving you great answers to the things you qu you ask but we're kind of moving more and more toward away from search engine and more toward an assistant to help you with everything and I think we're getting to a point where like you're going to be able to just um we won't be typing stuff into the search bar so much anymore we'll probably be interacting with um Google in a different way um through voice commands and stuff like that maybe typing as well but it's going to be less like using a browser and typing in a search and so I think if you're just focused on trying to optimize for search engines you're probably not going to have a lot of success we need to be thinking like marketers we need to be thinking like business people um that's not going anywhere and content creation is not going anywhere okay so it's changing but it's not dead is blogging dead no blogging is not dead but we need to change because we've been really dependent on search engines to get people to our blogs we need to build a a brand we need to have a reputation with this with our audience um and I think just blog content right now isn't really very effectively doing that now there may come a time when you know Google and other companies start recommending certain blogs again where you know people might start following a blog like like they did in the early days um right now we're not seeing that happening people are following social media accounts people are following YouTube um channels but they're not really following blogs so yeah SEO is not where I would focus my main efforts but says I grew out Pinterest I'm also trying to build out a new site I think ads were the common factor among all sites that got hit ads may be but it's weird because plenty of websites that didn't get hit had ads and there were plenty of websites that did get hit that didn't have ads so um or that didn't have many ads it's and they weren't all on the same networks it's really tricky um but yeah there's a I I would definitely Focus I think part of the issue is that that so many content creators have focused on I give you information you click on my affiliate links and see the ads and because of that and there's so much content in that space I think that Google just kind of deprioritized all of it and it seems stupid honestly um to do that but it it's it's where we're at right now um whether or not it'll stay that way who knows but I think the things I've seen among websites that didn't really get hit was they were websites that built up a stronger brand and and they don't just exist just on Google um they they are in other places and they do have followership like I mean the traffic on the income School website hasn't really changed but that's because I'm not depending on my informational blog post to drive all my traffic and um because of that if you search income School related stuff income School ranks uh we're right there at the top of the serp for lots of things um but it's because we've built a reputation uh and people specifically search for income school for things and if you can have a brand then that's that's what's going to happen for you too all right um TR sth says how good is word ads compared to ads sense I've never used word ads AdWords is a Google product I'm not sure if that's what you mean and they're two different things so AdSense is um they put ads on your website and you earn money because Google displays ads on your website adword is I buy ads to show on the internet on other people's websites on the search results page um based on certain keywords so when somebody searches for this I want my ad to show and I pay for that so that's a different product now if there's a word ads product it's not one I've ever used and N says really like the idea of writing and blogging but why people will read my blogs instead of asking chat GPT now uh mostly because chat GPT doesn't really actually know anything so chat GPT is dependent on um no Pepsi didn't sponsor this Q&A I just saw that question from hmus um nope um if you want to like join me and take your have your beverage of choice with you feel free I'm this kind of informal so um nobody sponsored it but if Pepsi ever wants to sponsor it there you go so this one that one was free Pepsi never again all right all right so why would people choose your blog over chat GPT chat GPT I mean you can kind of go down the rabbit hole with chat GPT but I guess one of my big things with AI as the source of information is AI is going to take the sources out there and it's usually going to kind of try to take the average of them and it's not really going to give you an opinion unless you really push it for one and that opinion is not going to be based on any actual experience because it's got to take like all these different sources and if it's finding that this thing is contradicted by this other person and like it doesn't know what's true it just knows what other people have said um and so if you have a Blog you can take your own personal experience and you can say you know here's what I understand to be true these are the facts around it but also here's what I experienced and here's what I would do if I were in your situation like you can do that kind of stuff that and chat GPD can't because chat GPT doesn't actually know what it's like to experience anything it just has to kind of read between the lines so AI is always going to kind of have to pick like one thing based on not experience but on just whatever its source material says humans have real lived experience and people want to hear from other people that have had experience so that's by the way where we need to focus our content is not just answering fact-based questions because AI can do that that's why you actually need to know something about your topic and have some experience in it um or be willing to experience your topic for your content because if all you're doing is giving fact-based answers well AI can do that chat GPT can do that but chbt can't experience anything all right um Jason says I've been stuck on idea Niche selection any recommendations to break through um the main thing is don't don't be overthinking it too much uh if you're doing nothing because you're stuck then it's worse than picking the quote wrong Niche if you're trying to figure out which one's going to make you the most money again it's really impossible to know I I mean to some extent you could say oh yeah this is a huge topic with lots of interest and not a ton of competition versus this is a topic with little interest and lots of competition or you could say this is a topic that people pay a lot of money um so if I can break in there there's a ton of money like if you can break into the finance space like there's a ton of money going around but it's also highly competitive so I mean it's just always trade-offs so I would just say don't overthink it and choose whatever is going to be of most interest to you because you're going to have to stick through some tough times as you're creating content because with content creation you're you're never going to get a an immediate result it's not super fast it can be pretty quick but it's not super fast but it is an opportunity where you don't need to make a whole lot of investment there's not a whole lot on the line cuz you're not putting money down to make this work you're just putting some time into it and you know and you can make a great income back from it if you are willing to stick with it so two something you can stick with um also recognize that there's a decent chance if you're like most people I've worked with you'll pick a topic you'll start working on it and in six months you'll realize I picked a topic I'm not that interested in or I've learned a whole lot in these first six months this would work a lot better if I had picked a different topic and a lot of times people will start something new a little ways into the journey because of what they learned so don't overthink it it's better to actually do something than to just be stuck okay um let's see Eun says my websites due for approval Google approval but they wouldn't um look at any feedback they gave you if they gave you any feedback if they said the issue is and they don't give you much but sometimes you'll get like navigation that's one I've seen a lot lately or they'll say thin content like anything that they gave you you need to go research what that means to them just do a Google search what does that mean to them and then work on resolving that issue um nope nope says I I read that no penipe at first it's like nope nope will you be creating a new course that will adapt to the changes in Google algorithm we're constantly updating and I'm working on new content for our blogging system specifically a lot of what we already teach still where I would start if you want to create written content for a website most of what we teach is still what I would do today search analysis is changing a little bit the way I would pick the topics to write about it's not quite the same as what I would have done before but then I would take I would much earlier on I would start utilizing other social media and doing industry Outreach so I wouldn't I wouldn't create as much blog content before I started doing other stuff so really it's kind of it's more like the order of things and how much of each thing I do before doing the next thing that's what's changing not so much like what makes for a really good blog post it's really not changing that much um other than I'm saying it's okay to share your opinions and um and use more personal experience and stories and stuff like that within your writing because that's what's going to be more novel about a human writer versus AI um but beyond that like what makes for good blog posts it's not really changing um most of what we teach like it's still the right stuff it's just that you don't want to do it all by itself anymore so when people ask me that I'm just like I really do I really have put a lot of thought into what needs to change not that much mostly just we can't just do one thing and the thing is that in Project 24 it's not just the one thing it's it's never been just the one thing in fact in our blogging system we tell people to do Pinterest we tell people to do YouTube we tell people to do um other social media and we actually have a spot where we tell you stop writing content and go do Outreach a lot of people skip those steps um because they get comfortable writing blog posts it's not that the process doesn't work it's that you got to do all the stuff or at least more of the stuff than just writing uh harsh says people nowadays writing content using chat GPT would like to know your views if you want to use AI to help you great I use it to help me come up with ideas it helps with the creativity because there's only so much mental energy that we can expend on creativity every day before we're done it's and so now um because of chat GPT it it helps me come up with new ideas it also helps me if I take a topic and I ask it to help me outline it helps me identify aspects of that topic that I wouldn't have just come up with out of my head or even based on some cursory research um especially when I'm writing articles based off of my own personal knowledge and experience um I'm just going to sit down and be like oh well here's the things I feel like I need to cover based on what I know and when I ask chat GPT for an outline it points out a few different things that I'm like oh yeah that's a good idea people would want to know about that you can have it do that you can have it do some writing for you but I wouldn't just lean on that I would make sure that you add those human touches those personal anecdotes those stories the opinions those kinds of things that chat PT won't do um but using it to help you and to speed up your process great I think that's fantastic um let's see Saleem says suffering is high ranking keywords for my blog please help me um yeah nobody's doing a very good job ranking um for keywords today because Google's just chosen Reddit Kora Forbes and a few other websites and and strongly branded websites so what do we need to do we need to not depend on Google too much but we also need to build our brand the stronger the more that people search for you specifically the more your content across your entire website will rise in the rankings so um if people come to the internet looking for you because they found you somewhere else because you have a brand like I said earlier people come looking for information about income school like income School those words that's a keyword that I rank for because it's my it's literally is my business and when somebody puts those two words together it's usually because they're looking for me if you can build that sort of a brand then you can write other content content where people aren't searching for your brand specifically but they're searching for answers to questions that you have answered on your website and your website can rank but if you're just kind of a no-name information website very transactional people would come read a blog post leave and not even know what website they were on if that's been people's experience with your website so far then you're not really ranking at all on Google right now you still are on being in other websites but not on Google so we we've got to focus on building that brand and that stickiness so that when people do engage with our content they like it um if someone does end up on your blog post they should like it enough that they want to bookmark your website it shouldn't just be like oh cool thanks you answered my question it should be like wow that was really great bookmark that's that's going to do a lot more for us we we can't be thinking about let me create a transactional piece of content that maybe kind of helps someone answer their question we need to make sure that we are going above and beyond and that's why I'm like I'm not as worried about writing hundreds of blog posts I'm worried about creating really good resources for people that help solve whatever problem that they have when they come to the website um or when they go to the internet to search for an answer um aspect wall art says I have a wall art e-commerce site with 160 plus home and Home Decor articles can they take away from the e-commerce side is they're not totally related they're not going to hurt the e-commerce side um and they don't have to be totally related in fact if you have content that drives people to your website in general like that's a good thing and it builds the authority of the site if it's like super unrelated from your e-commerce then you know maybe that's an issue but for the most part like if it pulls people into the website but 80% of your articles don't really have a strong tie to push people over to the e-commerce that's okay there's a chance that especially because your content will have to do with the other content and you link internally from one article to another so that somebody who's reading one article at some point you say I have more information on that over in this other article as people engage with your website more then um you know and they go from article to article those people are the ones who are going to eventually come across something that points them over to your e-commerce store but also just the more traffic to your website in general the more people they going to see especially you'll have like something in the menu that's like like my store you know like it's going to bring more traffic to your store than not having that content especially if we can get people to actually come to that content which is the biggest issue right now um Sunny op says what is the what opinion on quote type site like that provide wishes and message I don't know I don't see it if you just have a website that's just quotes and messages and wishes and stuff like that I mean most of those quotes exist in multiple places on the internet um and they're usually better they're going to do better on a site that has some of the history and stuff like I just don't see it I think if you're going to do quotes and stuff do it on social media there's not a whole lot of reason to have a website about that um I don't know that's my opinion on it there was a time when you people would go to the internet to look for inspiring quotes but now with all the social media platforms out there people can just kind of get that in their daily feed um Adrian says have you guys tried making more than one site but in the same Niche with different but similar content to perhaps increase readership with slightly different needs we actually have um we had an outdoors website a dirt biking website a c a camping camper website and at one point we almost combined them all but then decided not to um but we had overlapping content like we had there were times where we're like well and this was kind of the cool thing about it it's like well for the camper website we know that these particular articles get a lot of traffic so we know those keywords are valuable what if on the outdoor website we wrote an article on the same topic like to like different writer um they go and independently research the the topic and they write an article but on the same keyword or the same search query then we could potentially rank number one and number two for the same question um because we'd have one site ranking number one the other site ranking number two and I don't care which is which um so we've done some of that and I don't see anything wrong with that it's there's a lot of a lot of work to create two Brands and to manage and maintain those and again today since we're not seeing as much return on investment of our time um for just writing blog content like where we need we want to have a social media presence and so many other things um I probably like my main strategy would pref preferably be to pick one thing and just kind of go all in on it um one website one brand and do all the socials um because I just think if you spread yourself across multiple brands at this point you're probably not going to be able to do all the other stuff that you should do to to make it as good as it could be so that's my feeling on it but we've done it it was pretty effective um helped us I mean we certainly knew the niche really well and we knew all the keywords and stuff so um anyway so not a bad thought especially if you have um other people that are working with you on these projects Simon Crow says I use Bing now seems like Google on a mission to destroy themselves don't get it at all yep I switched I made a YouTube short I was a little bit we'll use the word cheeky um with Google because I figured out that even because I use Google Chrome a lot because I have too many like Google related Services we this is part of the problem is they created an infrastructure that we're like stuck with so like apple I'm stuck with apple Google I'm stuck with Google on so many different things and so but I changed my default search engine on Chrome to be Bing and I just feel like hopefully Google sees that people doing that and I hope it just kind of like kind of stabs them a little bit that they feel that you know someone over there at Google's like ah dang it like there's another one I'm sure that they don't care about any one but if they saw that Trend happening I would hope that someone would be I don't know having a meeting all about it like gosh there's so many people now that are leaving that they're still using Chrome but they're they're choosing being over Google anyway um basically super says hi can you explain how to use author schema like Kyle rof suggests yeah um it's pretty straightforward some of it may be being done by your WordPress theme for you already but um and if you're using like rank math or um what's the one our developers are using another SEO plug-in um that seems to do I think oh it's SEO press um that does a lot with schema there's some things that none of them do that you would want like a schema plugin to do or you could just manually do it with there's some websites that where you can just go generate the schema markup and then you literally just put it in an HTML block um but basically what you're doing um in fact let me just let me just show this for a second um I'm going to share my screen check that out getting fancy so I'm just going to Google I haven't changed my search engine on my desktop yet I need to do that I'll Google schema markup generator and see look they're still ranking um this technical seo.com does it good job of it um so then it says what kind of markup do you want to create and I say person so this this is the schema that I would put on an author bio page okay so in your article you'll have a little author by line um little author bio maybe at the bottom of the page and ideally we want to be able to link from that instead of having it linked to um that author's uh what do we call that archive page essentially it's just a list of all the posts they've written on your website instead of linking to to that I'd rather have it link straight to an about the author bio page okay um and then on that page we're going to generate person schema and we'll write their name um a URL to their website if they have one um if they don't have one fine uh a link to a photo of them so if you have a photo of them on your website somewhere or on their website somewhere grab the URL the actual link that would take you to that photo put that here you can list out their social profiles you can say oh they have a Facebook an Instagram a YouTube um and so then down below it's going to ask for the URL of each of those if they have a job title and they work at a company great um and essentially what that's doing is it's generating this script here I can copy that script and then on that page where we have their author bio I can literally just create block um a Gutenberg regular old block and instead of it being a paragraph we're going to choose we're going to change it to be an HTML block and you're going to paste in this script what that's going to do um is it'll show nothing on the page so there's yeah it won't it won't show up at all but it'll be in the back end and Google will be able to see that now a valuable rule with schema is schema is used to confirm to Google information that's on the page it's not intended to be additional information so anything that you put here in the schema you should also have it on the page so you should have a photo of the author you should have their name you should have links to their social profiles but essentially with the scheme of markup you're confirming that hey this link on that page look I'm showing you again the same link I'm telling you this is the social media profile link for Twitter for author with this name with this photo like you're tying all that together and packaging it up so Google can see it very easily um and so that's where like schema markup isn't totally necessary because you're putting that information on the page and Google can figure it out for the most part but by marking it up you're just making it easy for Google to take it and use it it's really valuable for recipes so Google can see like oh this is a recipe that customers have reviewed at five stars and they say it takes 40 minutes to make and oh here's the list of ingredients and it's it's on the page but it's also specified clearly through this markup it's specified for Google this is what this information is you can show it in the search engine that way now you can show that oh look this has a star rating um so anyway that's that's basically what's what that's all about all right and we're back um spiritual radar says glad to see you live the question question for you is has the concept of blogging dead I see Services based sites um are now or you can business type websites are dominating all over and forums so yeah I again I won't say dead but at the moment if you have just a Blog based website it's only that for the most part you're not doing very well if you've built up a brand if you have other business offerings um and and really even if it's still just an information site um like you can still be doing really well today but usually those are for those sites that have built up a brand also off of just their website so that's where we need to go today blogging the principle of blogging is very effective I mean all of these websites that are ranking except the forums but like these business-based websites that are ranking for Stuff service websites that are ranking for stuff they still have content answering the question a lot of them are still using the blog functionality of their website and it's working really well but if you just have a Blog and you look like you're just an individual that wrote some information on the internet Google's decided yeah we're not going to trust any of that anymore and that's where the that's where the problem is I think it's a great question um okay some of these we've kind of answered uh keyword research honestly like pick your subtopics break it down from there to honestly you can use AI use chat GPT use Gemini I don't really care which one and just say what are some common questions people are going to ask um about this topic and really I'm not worried about the search volume all the numbers you can find for search volume are wrong all the tools are wrong they're always wrong um plus I want to make sure that I don't just cover a topic superficially so I'm going to build clusters answering a lot of related questions and diving into a topic a little bit more deep um so really like keyword research can be a lot less structured than it used to be you don't want to just write about anything you want to make sure that you're answering questions that people are likely to actually have you know nobody cares that you know if I write an article that's just like my thoughts on this movie that just came out it's like nobody cares what I think about that movie at least not until I have a strong following but um but I could do one that's just like I could be answering questions about the background of certain characters from the movie um kind of why things happen in the movie or what like there are a lot of uh websites with information about that kind of stuff um I can make content about movies that are upcoming like when they're supposed to come out and there's a lot of people covering kind of that newsy stuff related to movies but so we need to think about questions that people are likely to actually ask on the internet but I'm not worried about competition or search volume I'm mostly focused on creating a helpful resource that's it um you can often create one resource that answers a lot of questions so in in that case I'm thinking of it less as an article and more like just a helpful Hub that I could send people to over and over and over again um and we've we've created a lot of that kind of content as well um we've talked about Ai and blogging um actual Kevin says can you talk about current ad blocker Trends versus ad revenue from websites um I don't know that there's a strong Trend with ad blockers there are a lot of people that use them I think most of the people using them have been using them for a while um there's like a group of people that's like adson websites shouldn't work because everybody uses ad blockers and they don't realize that most people don't use ad blockers so if the number of people using ad blockers is increasing then maybe I don't know but I don't know what the actual trend is I just I don't see that being the biggest impact right now honestly like ad revenue is a lot more driven by the economy and how much companies are able to spend on Advertising um way more than consumer Behavior around um adblockers let's see abishek says we only got a few more minutes here before I got got to call it but um ABC says I'm in a travel Niche but now I want to change it to a movie review or something like that my website name is very generic so should I delete all my old content and start posting new content I don't think I would if I'm switching completely from travel to like movie reviews like that's a huge change even if your domain name is pretty broad um that kind of looks to me and Google doesn't like this and probably no search engine likes this but Google has explicitly said um when you use old domains to because they have some Authority they have they've existed for a while um but then you put new content on it that doesn't match what was there before at all um that like I don't know that makes it look like you're trying to manipulate the algorithm it makes it look like you're trying to just pick up on the Old Link juice or pick up on like if you delete all your old content then any backlinks to your website they're all now dead links and they don't point to anything and they're going to be completely irrelevant to the current website and essentially all the link juice is going to be pretty much worthless um especially because it's it's going to be so irrelevant compared to what the website's about now I think I would just start a new website and if you have this existing website in the travel Niche and you got a bunch of content on it it's not hurting anything to just leave it up um unless the cost of hosting and registering the domain if that's prohibitive for you then fine I just give up the domain let it expire um and take it down take down the website you can if you've already got the hosting set up and everything and you're just like oh I don't want to go through the hassle of recreating this you could delete all the content um and keep the same WordPress install but then I would probably change the name of the website and I think I'd probably still get a new domain just because I wouldn't want to have that history now if it hasn't been that long and your content is mostly not even indexed then that whole discussion is kind of pointless go ahead and just change it all right take a couple more um hron says Google ideas to plummet every small Publisher's traffic and reduce the valuation so that a lot of big media sites can buy it for cheap Mega deal for media sites maybe so I don't know I don't know if media sites want to buy all the small we sites I think it's more likely that all the small websites are just going to shut themselves down all right um Le says I started a Blog um the beginning of the year published almost 25 articles didn't receive any organic traffic yet is that normal normally like in the past I would have said by now you should have some traffic right now this year's been nuts and that frankly is kind of normal my advice advice would be start start Pinterest if it fits your Niche at all and other social media um normally I would tell people try to get to about 30 articles and then let's go do some industry Outreach let's go participate let's go find some Facebook groups to join um ideally under the name of your brand like if you can create a Facebook page for your brand and then join some groups that will allow pages to join um and just go participate answer people's questions and be helpful and find out what people are asking and then go create content on social media and maybe on your website too that answers those questions we talked a little bit about using social media to answer user questions um earlier in this live stream um I would I would start doing a bunch of that I'd start just go go participate in the industry and start making some social media content and um maybe take a little bit of a break from publishing for the next little bit and you're going to start seeing the questions that people have and that's going to give you ideas for Content that's probably going to be more helpful than the Articles you write if you're just kind of focused on writing that's probably the biggest change from the way we've taught that I would change going forward in Project 24 is like we can get out of our little content writing focused bubble we can get out of that a lot earlier and start doing some of this other stuff it doesn't doesn't mean you have to stop writing but uh if you have to pick between one or the other I'd say 30 blog posts spend some time in the industry um then you know start creating a little bit more content based on what you're learning in the industry from other people what questions they have and but now it's more of a like create content participate create participate create participate and just kind of keep that going rather than just kind of head down writing blog posts for months on end all right I think have to call it there's still plenty of questions coming in um okay I just scrolled all the way down to the bottom um and Roxy says have you tried to make Pinterest or Facebook as your main traffic Source on uh cook for folks Pinterest is not the main traffic Source but it's now become I don't know probably about 20% of the traffic to the website and um it's growing so yes on that website in particular um we're moving we're trending that direction at becoming the main traffic Source we're actually still getting a fair amount from search not just from Google as well as other search engines um on my project double time website pant preparedness I am actively doing Pinterest now as well it's not quite as pinteresty of a topic but there's still a lot on Pinterest and I'm a lot earlier on on that one um I don't think Pinterest will ever be the main traffic Source but it will be a traffic source and um maybe even a solid one but that one I think my main traffic Source will be YouTube so all right that's it for today thanks everybody for joining me um as always it's a lot of fun and I hope I answered uh as many of your questions I hope a lot of you at least got some questions answered um all right we'll see you all again another time