This is BLOCKING Your SUCCESS (And it’s an easy fix)

the speed of which search content and the creater landscape are changing is overwhelming so does that make you wonder sometimes why it seems like some people are unstoppable the answer is actually quite simple do less not more let me show you how that works I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately actually I think that's probably an understatement we'll say a lot overwhelmed lately I've shared a bit about this before um I had a lot going on and that was before March when Google basically just pulled the rug out from under all of us and now it basically puts all of us in that boat together but I found the answer it's one I knew before one that I made good use of in the past but with all the things I've had to take on I basically forgot it so at the end of this video I no I'm just kidding right now I'll tell you here's the answer it's very simple do less not more more specifically for your business I want you to focus on one thing focus on that one thing at a time and do it excellently but that's not feasible Ricky you're right it's not there always going to be other things that aren't part of that one main thing that just need to get done so how do we actually do it in practicality step one you got to start by finding your one thing now this part could actually be broken down into several steps in fact we could probably have a 2hour long master class on finding your one thing fact I think there's a a book about that um in fact I'll link to it in the description because there is a book about the one thing why this works how to find it but let's simplify shall we to find your one thing I want you to start by thinking about your next objective what is the very next thing you want to accomplish with your business if you've had a Blog and you lost a bunch of traffic you're like well my I want to get traffic back okay that's a big that's a big thing but we're going to need to break it down to something specific because if you're focused on a big broad objective like that I want to get traffic back there's a couple problems one is it's a big thing that can be influenced by doing a lot of different things and if you bounce back and forth between all those different things you actually probably won't make a whole lot of progress on making that thing happen the other problem is that that's an objective that lies outside of your control there's things you can do to influence it but you can't directly make that happen so we're going to have to take the objective that we want to reach and turn that into actionable things you can do so getting your traffic back that's not your one thing that might be the objective we're trying to reach and that's a good place to start so first find your next objective get back my traffic now next we need to break that down to what needs to happen in order to reach that objective well people need to come to my website what are the different ways you can actually influence that will get people to your website one we could figure out how to do Google um and there are things that seem to be working I a lot of the things I'm seeing online I find to be pretty gimmicky and they're just going to lead to the next algorithm update and the next slash in traffic so I recommend a little bit of caution there make sure that whatever it is you're going to do is going to be okay in the long term it's not going to hurt you so that's one of the things we could do work on figuring out Google and make the steps necessary to get that traffic back but what are the other things we could do we could look at other traffic sources if you want to learn Pinterest learn Pinterest and do that as one thing if you're trying to learn Pinterest Facebook Instagram and a bunch of other stuff all at the same time it's too many things so pick one learn it come up with a process implement it and then move on to the next if you need more content maybe you want to build more topical Authority on your website so you're going to do some search analysis and create some really good clusters and then we're going to create all that content great focus on that that doesn't mean only write blog posts all day every day but that's the area of focus and you're to do it until you do it excellently maybe you're going to focus on Outreach you're going to focus on getting interviewed on podcasts and then doing excellent podcast interviews so people want to come to your website maybe you're going to focus on PR campaigns like legit ones maybe you're going to do some Haro uh whatever it is you're going to do learn how to do the one thing do it really well doing a little bit of 20 things chances are you're not going to do anything okay see that we started with objective and now we've moved forward to specific specific things that we can do to help influence that objective and now we're going to take that list of things we could do and we're going to pick one area of focus now here's something to keep in mind I'm saying one thing how long you do that one thing is up to you I mean it may be that you need a day it may need be that you need a week it may be that you need a month if we're creating a bunch of content on a brand new website I'm probably only going to do that for like a whole month but if it's learning Pinterest and creating a bunch of pins yeah maybe I'm going to spend a week or two on that work my way through the Pinterest course in Project 24 and build out my Pinterest profile create a bunch of pins that are going to last me the next two months and wo we're good to move on to the next thing sometimes you'll find a one thing that really is a one day or even a half day one thing where you can really focus and do what we we like to call a cave day essentially where we get rid of all distractions let the people in our lives know we are not available and no just distraction free highly productive work so what is the specific thing you can do to make your outcome happen and pick one and focus on it now as you think through that if you want to pause the video pause the video and actually do that exercise right now nobody does that I listen to audiobooks all the time and they're like now pause this video and go do the exercise okay good job now let's move on to chapter two and why left and they move on and we don't pause the book do the exercise if you can pause it for just a minute but if not whatever come back to it I'd love to hear what your one thing is what is the thing that you're going to do next share it in the comments now just as important as figuring out what your one thing is and having a plan to do it is step two which is figuring out how to stop doing everything else now there are probably some things that you can't just stop doing I don't recommend not checking your email and replying for like a whole month while you focus on one thing so here's what we're going to do step one substep One Step 2 a is I want you to make a list of all those things that you need to do these are the ongoing tasks that the day-to-day maybe they need to be done daily maybe they just need to be done weekly monthly whatever but they're the things that interrupt you from doing what really matters next I want you to group those Maybe by frequency as well as just things that kind of go together like you could do one and then the next and then the next and then we're going to time block and you need to if you're going to time block you need to do it religiously we're actually going to put time on our calendar for doing those things and we're going to make sure we fit it in in that time so just like when we're doing the one thing that's really important and maybe we're going to take a cave day and we're going to close the door and everything and people are going to leave us alone we're also going to dedicate 30 minutes 60 Minutes whatever to those other tasks and we're going to do them together as one big task get them done and out of the way the more time that you spend switching back and forth between tasks checking your email, 1400 times a day it's not going to be very productive jumping onto social media for something real quick and finding you scrolled for half an hour it's not going to be productive and it could be that some of those unhelpful tasks or whatever those things that maybe need to get done but that aren't moving you toward that goal some of those things might be like rest and relaxation it may be that you need to take a little bit of time to scroll on social media fine give yourself 30 minutes set a timer and when the timer goes off you're done one way or another in fact I like it when you watch social media because hopefully that means you're watching my videos now these blocks of time that you spend on these tasks it may be that you need one of those every single day maybe you need 30 minutes or 15 minutes or 10 minutes every day but maybe there are some tasks that you could do weekly and that way you could take your daily little time block and get it down to 15 minutes whatever it is you need to do for your schedule if you're working a full-time job and trying to do content creation you're not going to have a whole lot of time every day to dedicate to this business but could you do some of these other you know whatever not not one thing tasks could you do some of those during a lunch break at your job it can be hard to get in the frame of mind to sit down and write a blog post or do a bunch of social media at your job and maybe you won't even be allowed to do it there but some of the other tasks maybe you could now time blocking is great and we can do a whole bunch of other content on that in fact I have a video in mind that I'm planning to do about time management and time blocking so that'll be coming pretty soon but there are are a lot of ways to to go about this so I'd love to hear from you what are some of the ways that you're using to make yourself more Pro productive what tips would you share with our community here now step two c I think is where we're at step 2C is you might need to get some help it may be that you have enough of these other little tasks that really you're not getting anything else done that could be why your business isn't getting anywhere you're spending too much time doing maintenance tasks if you need to get a virtual assistant you can do it and you can do it very inexpensively go check out Fiverr go check out upwork you can find someone who's willing to work for a lot less than you should be willing to work for and who can do a good job now again we can create a bunch of content around processes for handing tasks off if you want something like that let me know in the comments I really want feedback from you if you can't tell um but you may need to get some help to be able to grow your business otherwise you might be stuck in the same cycle forever and not actually get anywhere all right ready to move on to step three step three is adapt when necessary things change you may have been in the middle of a one thing series and then all of a sudden March Google core update comes along and whmo everything changes okay even if you haven't finished out that one thing find a stopping point figure out what needs to happen more immediately and focus on it do it now we don't just want to be reactive things are going to change around us all the time new AI tools are going to come out um like 20,000 a day um and you can't be on top of everything and so there's a a good balance that we need to strike here and that balance is balancing long-term value like the things that we want to focus on your one thing should be something that supports your long-term vision for what you're going to do with your business but it also needs to be something that's going to help you in the short term we can invest and invest and invest our time in into building out things that will hopefully pay off down the road but sometimes in doing that we get no benefit from it in the short term so figure out what your short-term needs are and pair those with your long-term goals and that's going to help you when things change and you need to adapt make sure you keep that in mind otherwise you're going to find yourself just chasing all these little changes as they come along okay step four this is critical measure your gain there's a fantastic book called The Gap and the gain this is by Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy um fantastic book The cliffnotes of the cliffs notes of the cliffnotes version of this is essentially when we look at what we want our objective for the future we that's a gap right that's we're here here's where I want to be someday that's the Gap the problem with The Gap is unless it's like the goal is very concrete you never reach it and that's because as you improve and your business gets more successful your objective is going to always move forward like a mirage in the desert Perfect Analogy I wish it it was mine but even when you set it in concrete and you say this is the objective when I reach it boom I'll know I reached it because I said it for sure like it's numbers based okay that's fine but when you reach it you won't be satisfied and you probably won't be very happy about it and you won't think about how far you've come the gain is the opposite so here's where you are here's the Gap like where we want to get to and the space in between but here's where we used to be and measuring yourself versus where you were before that gain that's where you see how far you've come and that's what's going to keep you motivated and keep you moving forward it actually makes a huge difference so as you're doing your one thing I don't want you to look forward to some out there objective that's an ideal that you'll never reach I want you to look at where you started so make not today this is where I'm at today I'm going to do this one thing and this is like what I hope to accomplish by doing that one thing but here's where I am today and then as you actually accomplish that thing I want you to look back and see what you accomplished measure your gain as you do that you're going to be a lot happier with the work that you did you're going to feel way more fulfilled and it's going to energize you to do more I found that one of the biggest reasons I have felt overwhelmed is because I'm focusing so much on what needs to happen where I need to get to how I've fallen short that I end up just criticizing myself like crazy mostly subconsciously but that criticism leads to feeling overwhelmed it leads to demotivation and that tends to actually prevent me from moving forward with taking the steps that would help me actually get to where I want to be overwhelm is dangerous because overwhelm will cause you to be paralyzed don't get paralyzed let's not be overwhelmed let's let the anxiety go let's focus on what we can do and this is how you do it you picked that next objective we figure out what it's going to take to achieve that objective we plan how that we can set aside all of the other things so that we can focus our attention on the one thing for the most part we allow ourselves to adapt as necessary and then as we're going measure your gain that's a path to staying motivated all the time and to achieving great results and here's my promise for you by doing one thing you're going to accomplish so much more than you're probably accomplishing right now because you're going to be accomplishing the thing that's actually going to move you closer to your goal thanks for joining me today at income school I look forward to seeing you in our next video

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