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what's going on everyone my name is Chase Reiner and today we're going to be talking about an automated system that allows you to post content while you sleep that's already created for you and this content gets leads and sales I'm going to show you a few people that are actually using this content to completely automate their sales system so if you're brand new here you've never made any money online before you don't know how any of this works don't worry you're in the right place I'm going to show you step by step everything you need to do to get started and I'm going to give you a bunch of free resources that you can start with as well as a few paid resources if you want to spend a few bucks so first of all if you haven't already make sure you check out the step-by-step checklist that I've been building it's a free step-by-step checklist you can get it at shineranker.com and all you have to do is just enter your email and go grab it right now and this checklist will walk you through everything you can see I'm adding tons of new videos almost every single day to this and again if you just go to shine ranker enter your email like this and go to the checklist right here at the bottom grab a free checklist you can get started today with the checklist and start going through it you can also grab a dollar trial to our tool I'll talk more about our tool in a second but definitely if you want to get started for free go grab the checklist right now all right so let's talk about first of all the results we're seeing with the system I'm about to share with you and then let's talk about how you can get set up with it so there's a few people on Facebook right now that are using this system and the reason why we're going to talk specifically about Facebook today is because Facebook is one of the places where you can really post a lot of re-purpose content like that means duplicate content and I don't mean completely duplicate right like you can go and add your own variations to the content and make it more unique but it it seems to me and and seems to the people that have been using this method that you could just keep posting the same videos over and over and get views so let me show you this this is a guy his name's Romy Santos uh he owns a tool a Facebook page called AI toolbox you can see has 28 000 followers and all romy's doing is he's scheduling out content that I've created in advance for him and and for anybody that wants to use the system and look at this a day ago this video was posted this video has been posted multiple times on my Facebook page on my Instagram on my YouTube on my Tick Tock and look at this 106 comments here and the cool thing about this is all of these leads are going to roami with this page and he doesn't have to be responsible for creating any of the content I've already done it for him okay uh there's another Facebook page called AI or make money online with AI they have about I don't know 60 000 followers doing this and I don't know how long this is going to work I don't know if Facebook's gonna start penalizing duplicate content soon I just know right now it works which is super cool um and I'm going to again show you how you can get set up with this pretty quickly look at this 64 000 followers and all they're doing is reposting my content here okay so I'm going to show you how you can build an automatic lead system like this that gets comments that gets leads and I'm going to show you how you can basically schedule out content like this in advance you can see here we have a tool that will actually just go and post content for us every single day and I can select as many social media platforms as I want if I want to do 10 Facebook pages 10 Instagram Pages Pinterest all that I can actually just import content into this tool and I can start scheduling it out okay now if you don't want to learn this whole system by the way because it is a little bit complicated when you first learn it uh we're actually offering a done for you setup as well and this is what I was telling you earlier if you would like the paid option if you want to grab the the done for you set up I'll leave a link below this video and we'll just go and we'll set all this up for you okay we'll connect uh your account to all of our automations we'll set up the content so it'll just run on autopilot for you we can load in hundreds of posts at a time that I've already made for you in fact if you look at my Instagram Channel we have about a thousand I've made about a thousand posts now and a lot of those posts have more than a few thousand views some of them even have millions of views on them and so these are posts that are already proven to work okay now the cool thing about this too is that when you pair this with the tools we're building inside a shine Rinker you're going to get pretty much blown away I think because you're going to see how you can not just post content that I've made for you but you can post your own content in an automated way as well with shine ranker so how does this work okay so step one what we're doing is we're taking an Instagram profile Okay so specifically my profile and we're using a tool called Phantom Buster to actually go and extract the content from my account okay so if I go log into Instagram and I go look at real Chase Reiner that's my Instagram profile you can see there's tons of posts on here now look at this these posts that I just posted uh in the last couple days this was actually yesterday thirty two thousand views 13 000 views 19 000 views five thousand views and I'm not doing any ads or anything to these videos look at 691 comments 135 comments 425 comments and these are all videos that I've posted already in the past okay so I'm just reloading content that I already know is proven to work okay and I can do this on multiple Facebook pages as well if I go over to Facebook here and I click on uh see profiles I have all these different profiles running so here's another Facebook page that I have same thing I'm taking that same content I'm using this tool I'm scheduling it out with random time intervals because I can randomize the time intervals over here by clicking on randomize and I can get views and comments look at this this one just posted uh like an hour ago 16 comments seven comments uh let's see this one 12 comments nine comments 38 comments 25 comments 43 comments these are all leads right these are all people that want to pay for or learn how they can pay for different things like shine ranker or tools that we're using or products that we're using and you can actually get paid to go and promote these tools okay so how does it work so what we're going to do is we're going to go to a tool called Phantom Buster and by the way this whole step-by-step system is in the free checklist if you go over to the free checklist and click on extracting pre-made content and then bulk automating a bulk automate content you can go through the full step by step it's all free and go grab it again at shineraker.com go through the checklist it'll show you how to do this but essentially we're using a tool called Phantom buster that goes and extracts content from my Instagram then once the content is extracted from the Instagram we're getting a spreadsheet so we're uh we're exporting a spreadsheet from Phantom Buster and we're importing it into our radar account now radar we then go set up random time intervals for this content to post and then we're connecting all of our social media profiles in it we're also setting up a tool called manychat which by the way if you go in a manychat setup instead of the checklist you can watch this but manychat will automatically go and respond to all these comments so look at this all these comments here 425 all of these responses are used with our manychat account every single one of these responses is automated by a bot so our Bots going in responding to the comment and dming them and what we found is that we actually get more reach uh with our videos with these Bots because of the fact that when we're automatically responding to the comments and what happens is when you respond to comments you actually get more reach than if you don't respond to comments I don't know why the videos just seem to do a lot better when you respond to the comments so our Bots actually going and responding Bots responding and dming uh are people that are that are sending us messages and then we're just sending them to our links okay and the way this would work for you is when you go and send a um DM or you go send a link to somebody what you can do is instead of sending them to uh like for example shinerinker.com you could send them to shinerinker.com forward slash your affiliate so let's say your affiliate is I don't know uh best SEO guy or best SEO girl or something I don't know whatever your name whatever you want your affiliate to be and then here's what's really crazy when they go to opt in to learn more with your affiliate link and they go buy our dollar trial to shine ranker and they go through the checklist and all that what happens is within the net if they buy within the next 30 days you get credited reoccurring okay and we have people right now that uh this one guy I just posted this in our Discord group the other night he earned look at this eight thousand dollars in commissions promoting our products and so imagine if you had an automatic content system that would go and do this for you and and and that's this guy's earning that money that much commissions right now without even having to do the content yet he's going and actually manually doing content and so this system really automates that um so anyways let me show you um just really quickly so Phantom Buster extracts the content it Imports it into our radar we schedule that with random intervals we can do this for anybody's account you collect the leads and then you send the traffic to an affiliate link to get your affiliate link by the way it's inside of our checklist if you go inside of our check checklist click on getting your partner link it'll walk you through how to get your affiliate link and then all you have to do is just send traffic to that link okay and we'll go close the traffic for you because I actually have automation set up right on the back end where uh when somebody enters their email to learn more I'm gonna go and email them for you I'm gonna go and do the videos like this one for you um I'm gonna go and do everything uh live streams everything that I'm gonna uh try to do to get that sale for us and you're gonna get 40 reoccurring commissions whenever they pay because it's a dollar trial then after the 14 days they're paying 97 a month now if you don't know how shine ranker Works what we're building inside of shine Rinker is a way for you to automatically create content okay so right now we're just scheduling content out with radar with the content I've already built for you but shine ranker is going to allow you to do a lot more it's going to make allow you to do custom content within your accounts because as you start to build up these accounts as you start to get views coming in and followers what's going to happen is you're going to start warming up the account it's going to be very easy for you to get views for whatever else whatever other content you build that's why we've built the AI video clipper this AI video clipper will take content like you're watching right now and it will go and automatically cut that content and turn it into shorts so that you can start promoting our content or our tools with already automatically made short form content from long form content okay we also have an AI video Tool uh and it's a generator that'll go and build you videos like this top five videos where all of the content is automatically made by Bots and we actually have um some new features in here that we're building right now I'm going to make a video on it very soon but we're giving you the ability to add your own intros add your own outros uh put your own call to actions put your own titles and this is made so that you can export all of this content and import it directly into radar and you can combine this with the content I've already built for you okay so we got a lot of really really cool stuff coming and so again if you haven't checked out the checklist make sure you go grab it shinerinker.com go grab the checklist by entering your info and then also get the done for you setup if you just want us to go set up the system for you if you don't want to go through the full step-by-step checklist there's like 60 videos in here just go to the link that I'll give you below sign up for our done for you setup and we'll just go and set up all this stuff for you so you can just let it run while you're making sales and we'll go and close the traffic for you okay so hopefully that makes sense if it does let me know reply with the word yes I'll see you very soon till I do happy money making see you next time bye