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what's going on everyone my name is Chase Reiner and today we're going to be talking about the easiest way to earn over a thousand dollars daily with an AI newsletter and we're going to be using chat GPT alongside the newsletter we're going to be AI generating an automated sequence that we can send to people and then we're going to also be sending out emails every single week as well manually but we can use AI to write out all of the emails Okay so if you're brand new here you've never been here before and you're interested in Ai and earning money with AI or maybe you've been around for a while and you want to get to the next level let me know to keep you updated by replying with the word yes in the comments right now and I know to keep you updated with all the things that I've been finding with this AI stuff okay so what we're going to specifically start with is how does all of this work I'm going to show you what a newsletter looks like I'm going to show you how I'm actually earning money in my business I'm going to show you how to use chat gbt and I'm going to show you everything I know when it comes to earning money with email okay and I actually I have a massive email list I have about just on this email list alone on my software company about 62 000 people on my list on my other company I have about close to 200 000 people okay and so first of all let me just show you what this looks like when we're going to be generating these emails I'm going to use shine ranker this is my software which allows you to access chat gbt without having to worry about the tool going to capacity or having to worry about being on the wait list you also get multiple Tools in One dashboard and what that means is that you can access chat GPT but you can also access some other cool stuff that works alongside chat GPT within shine ranker so if I click on shine ranker in here and I say write me out and email newsletter for why someone should use an AI tool this will go and generate me an email now it's not that simple right because we're going to actually have to find some tools that we want to promote we're going to have to figure out you know what are we going to sell how are we going to sell it but this is just the general sort of premise right we would be taking something like Chachi BT or some sort of AI uh chat right because there's multiple you could use Bard if you wanted to not use Chachi BT I wouldn't recommend it Chachi BT is probably the best tool for this but here you can see it's giving us a bunch of reasons on why somebody would want to use an AI tool to uh do things online right and so I can go and plug a tool in here and say go grab this tool that helps you do these things and then when somebody signs up I can make money on it right now I'm going to actually even be giving you the tools that you can promote in this video in a second but let me just show you what this looks like so if you want to promote your own stuff great it's completely up to you and I honestly think that if you have the money and the revenue and the time to build your own tools and your own products then you're gonna obviously make the most money doing that but if you don't which most people don't have the resources to go and start building their own products then I would recommend promoting other people's tools but let me just show you one of the tools that I have promoted in the past this is one of like the first AI tools that started really becoming popular about a year ago and this tool actually helps you create AI generated content this was kind of before chat GPT came out but you can see I have made two thousand seven hundred dollars in unpaid earnings just in like the last month if I click on payouts here I can see all the payouts over the last year so three thousand seven hundred three thousand three hundred you know 2 300 and the idea here is that if you're starting out and you don't have the resources to build your own products then you would start promoting other people's products and you would stack different products right so you would go and promote this one then you'd go promote the next one then you go promote the next one and like I said this whole list I'm going to give you here at scarytoolbots.com I'll leave a link in the description of this video we'll give you a bunch of different tools that will actually give you their affiliate programs for free and all you have to do is just get people to click on these links and so what we need to do is we need to start building an email list right we need to get people on our email list and then what we need to do is we need to send people to these links so we can get paid right and so step number one though is we need to get people on the email list because oh yeah it's great that we can start sending out emails with chatgpt but if nobody's on our email list how are we going to make any money right or I can't send out emails to people that don't exist and so let's talk about how to actually get people to enter their email okay so first of all what I would recommend is pick something that you want to talk about right so let's say you wanted to talk about shine ranker or you wanted to talk about I don't know it could be anything Jasper and by the way one of the easiest ways to figure out what to talk about is not to necessarily just choose a tool off this list but to go into something like shine ranker and start looking up different topics that people are searching for so part of the reason why this video is being made right now is because I saw inside of shine ranker that a lot of people are looking up the the phrase AI newsletter but I also saw that not a lot of people are competing for this and so what I can do is I can create content these are called Golden keywords and I can create content around you know things that people are searching for look 1900 people are searching for this a month but not a lot of people are competing for this and there's some actually really really cool golden keywords that you can find that have thousands and thousands of people searching for them I'll actually show you an example of this if I look up this phrase 11 Labs I found this the other day ninety thousand people are searching for this month the difficulty is very very small you can see it's in green and it's only 24 other websites are competing for this phrase so all I have to do is make a video on this or a web page or a tick tock I mean there's so many different types of content that you can create but look at this if I look up this phrase now I'm number two and I've created this video a couple day or three days ago now this might not be here long right if a lot of people start competing for this it might push me down but the point is is that I was able to get into this before other people found out about it because I started doing my research with this tool and so you can actually find tons of secret golden keywords that people don't know about using something like shine ranker now there's a couple different ways to do this right step one is you could go to keyword research you could type in something that you think you might find some good stuff around right so I can type in let's say AI tools or AI anything right AI robots make money with AI and what's going to happen is I'm going to get a bunch of different phrases that people are searching for and I'm going to see how many people are looking for those a month now the cool thing about shine ranker is it has a difficulty Checker built in right so when I click on this check mark here and I click on update difficulty I can actually see how many people are competing right and then what I want to do is I want to go for the ones that have over you know a few hundred searches a month but are easy I don't want to go for the ones that are super super difficult and a lot of people are going for and so if I can find these golden keywords right and and by the way shine ranker will also just automatically track these if I click on track all these keywords look at this I can Autumn I can automatically add all of these to my project here and now I can keep track of all of the easy ones and I can start going for the easy ones first right so you find some things that you want to go for right and again that's just one way to do this you can also spy on your competitors right so if I went into uh the traffic Checker here what this will do is I can take any website so like let's say I looked up I don't know AI tools here and I found a website that specializes in talking about AI tools I can copy their website into shine ranker inside of the traffic Checker and it'll spy on their searches and here's the cool thing is because we're using Google to determine the search rates right we're seeing how many people are searching for this on Google every month well what I can do is I can create video content that will probably rank on Google but I can also rank on places like Tick Tock Instagram Facebook YouTube and a lot of the people that are going to be searching for on Google are also gonna you're gonna see similar search rates on these other platforms as well so if I click on update difficulty here look now I have a bunch of my competitors Search keywords that I can actually steal from them right and I can go okay they're showing up for this right and it's super easy so I could actually probably rank above them just by creating content that's a little bit better than theirs right so anyways I'm going to pick some keywords let's say I want that one and I want I don't know whatever else I want this one and then I'm going to go and start creating content for this right so inside of shine ranker what I'm going to do and this is what I did with uh with this video specifically AI newsletter I'm going to switch the status of this keyword to in progress that means I'm building content for it right now or somebody on my team is right I can actually add writers in here I can share a dashboard with them um or video writers or video creators doesn't really matter right and then when I'm done with this I can put the video of the what the video URL that you're watching right now I'm going to be putting in here so I can keep track of the fact that I did this I can switch this to done right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go and create content for this now how do I do that well it's very simple I figure out what kind of content do I want to create now I usually create a combination of long form and short form content right because I want to show up not just on you know YouTube or Google I want to show up on Tick Tock I want to show up on Instagram I want to show up on Facebook I want to show up everywhere people are searching and so I'll do a long form video like this and then afterwards I'll go and do a short form video you know like under 60 seconds on the same topic so I can show up on all these different platforms okay so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to either create a long form video showing people how to you know earn money with whatever or how to use a tool or whatever the thing is that I'm trying to do like show with that keyword and then I'm going to use chat GPT to write out a tick tock script and I don't usually have to do this because I have these things scripted very well where I know what's going to work but if I didn't know what to say I could say write out a tick tock script about why someone would want to use an AI newsletter right and then this is going to give me the script now I could either just record this myself like I am right now I use a free tool called OBS project at obsproject.com and this will allow me to record my screen and record my face and whatever I want I could create content using my phone if I didn't have my computer if I didn't want to use my computer or I could just copy all of this into something like 11 Labs now if you haven't seen some some of my previous content you should go watch it if you go on my YouTube channel and you look up how to clone yourself with 11 Labs it's this video over here I actually show you this process this full process it's uh this this video right here and the cool thing about this is you can literally instantly clone yourself or your voice and you can have this AI read off that script and then you can turn this into a full video okay so if I click on generate here this will go and generate me an AI voice basically explaining what we just got from Chachi BT and let me actually just play this for you so you can hear it scrolling through their phone looking bored voiceover hey there are you tired of aimlessly scrolling through your social media feeds with so that's not me that's my AI clone talking right and then what I can do is I can download this audio and I can start using something like cap cut or um you know any sort of Video Editor to actually go and start turning this into a short form video and what's even cooler than this is that you can also use I in in my other video before this one I believe I did a video on something called hugging face text to video synthesis and what this tool actually do is it will go and create AI text video content and what that means is that you can actually now take any sort of text right like so you know maybe this is about an AI newsletter right and then I want a video of a robot reading a newspaper this will go and generate it's actually super overloaded because everybody's using it now but this will go and generate a robot a video of a robot reading a newspaper or whatever you want right so I'll show you an example here this is a video of somebody who wrote you know I want Spider-Man surfing right so that's what that looks like it just generated a video of Spider-Man surfing or an astronaut riding a horse and then you get a video of an astronaut riding a horse and so you can take all this stuff and kind of put it together right and by the way I just want to mention really quick if you get access to shine Rinker we have a special deal go over to shineranker.com we have a VIP special it's a yearly uh deal we're going to be doing a boot camp uh when you get in on on on the VIP pass we're going to be doing a boot camp where we're going to be showing you how to use all this technology so how to create your content how to you use AI to build you know your short form videos how to uh you know basically take everything that I'm doing and sort of automate it and I'm going to be showing you step by step live on Zoom how to do that okay and so that's what we're going to be giving people when they join uh inside the VIP pass you get in it's like 300 or 400 bucks a year and you get access to shine ranker all year you get our boot camp you get our live chat you get all kinds of really cool stuff but we're not going to be having this you know forever right so so this annual pass is going to end up you know normally we have these available for thousands and thousands of dollars a year on the shop website so if you want to get this right now we have a special deal and if you want to get in before it close shinraker.com and then click on become a shine ranker VIP so what we're going to do is we're going to actually go and build this video right we're going to go to here and cap cut we're going to take the text of video synthesis uh put some videos in here and then we're going to take that audio we got a second ago with 11 Labs with our cloned voice we're going to go to text we're gonna build some you know captioned videos and then we're going to either turn this into a long form or short form video now what's even cooler by the way is that what we can do is we can build out long form videos and then we can build uh use one of the new features that's coming to shine ranker very soon which will actually use AI to automatically cut your long-form videos into short form content so either way let me just show you what this looks like if I click on here press play opening shot of someone scrolling through there so you see how it said opening shot of somebody scrolling through their phone you would put that into hugging face text to video synthesis and then that would be a video of somebody scrolling through their phone and this would would play opening shot of someone scrolling through their phone looking bored voiceover this would play the thing are you tired of aimlessly scrolling hey are you tired of aimlessly scrolling through you know social media but then the video would be of the AI generated person scrolling through their phone right so afterwards you would export this video you can also use moobert if you're not familiar with AI generated music yet you can use mover to generate music with AI if you don't want to um have this video be boring and have no music but you could put this all together you export it and then what's going to happen is you're going to start uploading it on places like Tick Tock Instagram Facebook YouTube right now as you start to get views coming in let me actually show you an AI generated video that I created on my Instagram you're going to start getting all these views coming in right let me yeah this one right here 98 000 views so this is with an AI clone of myself I didn't actually make this video let me just play this for you if you haven't seen it yet lead clone your voice in a few seconds today I'm going to prove it to you with just one click we're going to create an AI clone of ourselves so that that's not me talking that's the AI cloned version of myself right and that got 98 000 views and so as you start to get all these views coming in and you're posting this on Tick Tock you're posting on Instagram right you're posting on YouTube you start getting all these views and what you do is you send people to your links right you send them to like an opt-in page basically and what an opt-in is it's basically they have to enter their email to learn more about the thing right so I could go to the comment section of my different videos here and I can say if you want to you know grab this tool or you want to learn more about this go to this link right so if I go to my shorts here on YouTube every single short I will go and put my opt-in I guess I didn't do it on that last one but this one I sure I did no maybe I didn't where the heck is my hold on some sort of weird error going on uh I don't know why it's not showing my opt My Links but I put my links in the comments on all these videos and usually it's just like this you know if you want to learn more about this go to you know this link right so let's just say this is shinerinker.com now if you don't own your own tool right like shinerinker.com what you can do by the way you can see I can pin this but what you can do is you can start building opt-ins that go to the tool so what does that mean so what I can do right here let's go into uh convertkit this is my email newsletter management tool I can click on landing pages I can create a new landing page and I can say hey if you want to go try out shine ranker or you want to go try out you know any tool that you're talking about right let's say you're talking about hugging face text to video synthesis or you're talking about moobert or cap cut or any of that instead of sending people to directly to the tool you can say go check out my favorite tool right or you can do what I'm doing with my AI tools right go grab my list of my favorite AI tools that you can get paid to promote and so what's going to happen is people are going to enter their email right they're going to go okay well I want to go check out that person's favorite tool now what you can do is you can also redirect them to an affiliate link right so instead of sending them to the tool itself like let's say shine ranker you would send them to your affiliate link so it would be shinerinker.com forward slash your name right because you would go and sign up for the affiliate program you would grab your affiliate link and then you would forward them and so what happens is not only are you grabbing their email when they answer their email but you would also get credited if they bought that tool right and so that's what I'm doing with this Jasper tool or that's what I was doing I don't really promote Affiliates anymore because I don't have to because I have my own products now but back when I didn't have my own products I would send people to an email say go check out the best AI tool and then I would redirect them to this link and then anytime they signed up I would make money right so as you start to get people buying your stuff right as they start to go in and they start to buy those things you start rotating out your offers and what you can do is you can start to automate on the back end all these different offers so if I click on automate let's say in this email tool I can set up something where let's say they enter their email they get emailed for the next seven days let me go to sequences here I'm trying to show you this send sequences they can get emailed for the next seven days about you know the first tool that I'm recommending right so I can say okay you know day number one send them out an email about let's say shine ranker and I can have chat gbt write out all of this right and I can every single day that's day one right every single day let's go to day two now I can send them out a different email now you can have these going on for literally months and you could have chat gbt write you out a newsletter around a the top AI tools and every week you're promoting a different tool and as you start to get more and more tools being sold right like if you started going through all these different tools and you sold let's say week one this tool and then week two this tool and then week three this tool you would start stacking up right imagine you had five or ten tools paying you out every single month like this right you get you know three thousand a month off of Jasper three thousand a month off of shinemaker all these different reoccurring products right as you start getting more and more money coming in you start stacking and that's how you start making over a thousand dollars a day but you're not going to make a thousand dollars a day starting out right from the beginning you have to start building this stuff you have to start compounding it right so that's kind of the method hopefully that makes sense to you again uh you know if you really started building out a newsletter like this and you started taking multiple products and repeating this over and over right doing the short form content every day maybe doing some long form talking about different products use shine ranker to find these golden keywords and these trending topics you're going to start getting a ton of stuff showing up on places like YouTube Instagram and there's so many different like keyword opportunities out there right now and all you have to do look at this all these are great keywords and all you have to do is go to the keyword research function inside of shine ranker or the traffic Checker and start siphoning keywords from your competitors you're going to find so many easy things to start getting views with but um obviously you got to get started right so uh again step one if you want to become a shine ranker VIP you want access to our tool you can get an entire Year's access right now with access to our new boot camp that we're going to be running on Zoom you're going to get access to our live chat so you can get help you can get support you're gonna get all of our courses you're gonna get our updates that we're adding into shine ranker you're gonna get access to chat GPT well thank you you're gonna get access to everything and again it's only 391 bucks right now and you'll get access for the full year so that's it thanks for stopping by and again if you want to see more videos like this in the future reply with the word yes right now we'll see the next one