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what's going on everyone Chase here and today we're going to be talking about making over $1,000 a day with chat GPT and an automated system that allows us to send millions and millions of messages every single day to website owners and the way this works is we're going to be using this specific tool to send out messages through contact forms so we're not even using emails per se we're using a contact form on a website now if you've never made money online before and you have no idea what you're doing don't worry you're in the right place today I'm going to be showing you how to get set up for free and then I'm going to show you how to get set up if you want to spend a little bit of money and this will work even if you're just starting out now it's not going to happen overnight you're not going to just immediately start making $1,000 a day but eventually you could start earning a lot of money if you stick with the process and if you want me to keep you updated with the system just respond with the word yes in the comments right now and I will make sure to to keep you updated with all the tests that we're running so let's talk about what we're doing here so we're using this tool here and what we're saying is we're telling these website owners that we made a video for their website and we're asking them if we can send it to them and we're telling them it respond with the word sure if you want us to send it to you now we're getting all these responses here you can see these are all different responses people saying sure I'd like to see the website or the video for my website and then we're just sending a video that we're using chat GPT and AI to go and generate and we're offering them a service around basically AI generated videos now let me show you what one of these videos looks like just so you can see it there a little bit of a delay on the media player and let me just make sure the audio is turned on packed your world work with Dr Mark purle to cultivate a world where everyone Embraces their capacity capacity for decisive change healing and transformation learn simple effective mind training techniques and practical self-change methods grounded in science practice and you will rewire your brain turning you into the best version of yourself so this is just like a video that we made automatically with this tool here shifi and shiny can go and generate the script it can generate the images it'll generate the voice it'll do everything to be able to start giving them these videos that they can add to their website or they can post on their YouTube channel or on their Instagram or even run ads with so this is kind of just a cool service that only takes a few clicks that we can go and sell so let's talk about how you would do this for free if you didn't have any money to start spending ideally what you would do is you would start out by just finding a few websites on Google you type in something like chiropractors in my my area and then you would go on Google and you start clicking through the websites and you would start contacting them through their contact forms and you would say hey I'm offering a free video service now that's going to take a really long time right because you're going to have to go to one website then the next one then the next one then the next one and ideally it if you're if you want to scale this you want to go fast you would just instead use a tool like this now this is a little bit more expensive the tool itself I think runs about 90 bucks I'll leave links to the tool and everything you're going to need to be able to set up this system but I think the system to start start with is just with the tool I think it's about 90 bucks and then if you want to start using proxies and a private server and other stuff you can get anywhere between 500 to 1,000 bucks when you start investing into it but you don't have to do all that to start ideally you would just grab this tool again I'll leave a link to in the description and you would just start with just sending out a few messages and see how it goes so let me just show you the basics to this tool it's pretty simple the way it works is you have a project that you can create just by clicking on new and then you can name the project let's say we want to find chiropractors in Los Angeles and from here I can just start I can just click on okay I can click on start I can scrape and it'll just start finding me websites of of chiropractors in Los Angeles it's just checking places like Google and different search engines you can see it just found 36 websites with contact forms uh that are listed for chiropractors in Los Angeles and then from there I could just customize a message right so I could go to submission content I could change my first name change it to whatever I want change my email address this is where they're going to be they're going to be getting the email from or the contact tech form submission from I can change the message and then from there I can just click on start send and this will just start sending now you can see that it says no message defined so ideally there's not going to really be anything sent to these websites and it might not not even go through because of the fact that there's no message but if I fill that out really quick let me see I think there's predefined things um let's just do we'll just say hi all right and and and this is like the most basic way this is how you would go and send let's say see 12 13 15 so this just sent 20 30 contact forms and it's still sending more and that's in just a few seconds if I were to go and spend my time manually going to each of these websites and then like this let's just say I took this one and then I went to Google or to to the internet and I started entering this in it's going to take me a long time to go and do this manually right so it is easier to use a a tool to do this for you but if you don't have the money to afford a tool then you would just go and do it yourself right you'd fill this out email phone knee pain High okay so send boom it says thanks for submitting okay so I could do that all day and offer a free video service or I could just use this tool now there's another way you can shortcut this as well you can actually use pre-built lists of contact forms so instead of having to go and let's say scrape all those different websites you could take a list of let's say you know 14 million contact forms that have already been pre-checked and I'll show you how to get these in a second but you can just load them in right so like let's say I went to this chiropractor project add my own URLs I could click on one of these this is a million pre-checked contact forms and boom that'll load in and then I can just start sending to a million websites now these are random websites right um this is uh I think mainly us websites us-based websites but the this is a bunch of websites that we've pre-checked and made sure that these have contact forms on them so you don't have to go and check and wait so you can start sending out millions and millions of messages but you you want to have a more General thing that you sell when you do it that way when you're not going for like a specific uh Niche like chiropractors right and that's why we found with these more General contact forms when you have millions and millions of websites it's good to just offer a free video service so that's what we're doing we're offering the free video service and then we're going and generating the video so let me just show you what one of these leads looks like so this is a lead somebody said sure I'd like to see the videos and then what we're going to do is we're just going to take one of the websites that they have like this one copy it and then there's a couple ways that we can do this right so we can head over to shiney and we can just enter this website into shiney and this will go and generate a video by the way I'll leave a link to shifi as well there's a dollar trial for it if you want to try it out um also if you wanted to do this for free let's say you wanted to just go and make a video and you didn't want to use AI or any of this stuff you could always just use a free tool like cap cut and you could go do a screen record of the website and do all this fancy stuff but I found that it's easier just to use AI so it's kind of up to you but here we go this is his website I can go to about or blog or one of these different pages here and I can say or I can copy all this text and I can just throw it into shiny right and when I go into shinfy it's going to let me choose a few different things I can choose if I want captions on the video I can choose if I want animations meaning the video moves around kind of like you're seeing here see how it's moving in and out I can choose if I want accuracy this just makes the images more accurate I can choose if I want an AI Avatar in the video and I could even clone this person's um face if they give me permission and I can put them in the video I can add a different voices I can test what the voices sound like logic will get so if I want a British accent a man is not old as I can do that if I want to change the language I can change the language if I want to change the music I can add music and then I can click on generate and then that's going to go and start generating me a video and I can send that off to the person and say hey this is the video I generated for you and I can offer them a package where I go and do 10 or 20 of these videos so this is just a way to get your foot in the door you also can offer other services so if they say sure you can say cool I made some videos but I also would like to also give you a free website analysis and then you can use chat GPT to start um doing reports on websites and I think that might be with chat GPT 4 I don't know if 3.5 does it but um there is a ton that you can do with chat GPT where it will tell you what to actually pitch to these website owners in fact we're actually I'm making a um a program right now um with chat GPT which by the way I was thinking about making another video on this because I think it's really cool that you can actually do this but I've been building a program that will actually enrich and personalize these messages let me actually show you what this looks like here and that way you can see um just got to get rid of my API key here so I don't leak it okay so basically this program here I had chat GPT right for me what this does is it will allow you to add a list of um websites like the contact form websites that we have and it'll actually enrich the list with chat GPT and so what we're telling chat GPT to do here is we're telling it to basically get this list of websites it's scraping the content off the websites and then it's categorizing those into different niches so that way we can figure out which Niche we're actually going to be contacting if we wanted to filter because one of the big things with these um pre-built lists of websites is that you don't know what you're going to get right you don't know if you're going to get a Health Website Finance website entertainment whatever and so that's why we're going to actually use chat enrich these lists but also we can use it to personalize the messages and so some of the experiments we've been doing is um is using this tool the one that we're I'm showing you here and I don't know if I have any examples here but yeah it'll do a personalized message like this where it'll take the information on the website and it will offer a free free marketing service while also referencing something relevant to the website that it that it found out and with this we can upload these this CSV into into the actual contact form tool and it will reference all these in in bulk so we'll be able to show or we'll be able to M really customize every single message to millions of websites and when you personalize like that you see the responses go way way way up so using AI to data enrich um these lists is going to be huge for being able to send out these messages and then on top of it we're thinking of building a custom model that will actually go and analyze the responses and then figure out what is the thing that will increase our Outreach success basically figuring out um what chat GPT and what AI thinks based on the data that it's analyzing from from these millions of websites and the responses we're getting what should we do differently in our messaging so yeah lots of cool stuff we're doing um one of the things I want to mention is that we're going to be doing a live class on this on Monday we have a full spreadsheet um that you can go check out at viral ai.com it shows you how to get started with video and it shows you how to get started with what we're talking about and I would recommend that you get it it's uh it's a lower price right now I think in the future it's going to be a lot more expensive because we're going to keep adding to it and as we add more things to it and do more live classes and add the replays in there and everything we are going to increase the price so right now it is only 154 I don't know why it says 127 I'm going to go change that um but the price will go up in the near future so don't wait on wait on getting into it but anyways on Monday um when you get into here you're going to get a spreadsheet and we're going to be inside of there there's a there's a zoom link that you can join and we're going to be joining um live on Zoom so we can actually show you behind the scenes all the stuff that we're doing and answer your questions and interact with you live so that way you can actually be a part of this also you can go in there and just start watching the videos there's tons of videos in there you can watch how to do all of this but as far as what I mentioned earlier which is using the contact forms uh the pre-built lists there's a website that you can go to again I'm going to leave links to everything in the description of this video but there's websites that you can go to that have pre-built lists and the pre-built list you can buy in chunks so I'll just be honest with you the 14 million contact forms that I got cost me about 1,000 bucks um you can get I think it's two million of them for it's like 200 bucks or no it's it's 97 bucks and you can get two million of them which is more than enough to start testing now the other disclaimer I want to mention is that before you start going and sending these messages I would recommend that you also set up proxies if you're going to be sending out messages you don't want to be sending them from your IP address because you're if you're going to be sending out a lot right it's fine if you send out like 10 or 20 of them but if you're going to be sending out Millions you want to enable proxies and you eventually probably want to get a virtual private server so you're not running your CPU all day um and taking up all your computer resources um on your main computer and all of that again we will be covering inside of that training the viral AI clone program I also kind of covered this in our last video um on YouTube that you can go check out if you want to see a little bit more detailed how to run all of this I also have have um a ton of resources on YouTube that you can go through that um kind of show you all the different things you need to do around this but for the most part the the best thing I would recommend is just getting in into viral AI clone it will help you get started right away so yeah let me know if you're interested in staying updated with all the tests we're running around this um and if you're interested in joining us on Monday uh let me know respond with the word RSVP in the comments and um we'll make sure that we save your seat but that's it for today we'll see you very soon and until next time happy moneymaking we'll see you bye