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what's going on guys Chase Rainer here and today we're going to be talking about the fastest way to start making over a thousand dollars per day with AI now I'm going to give you a simple step-by-step checklist that you can use you can follow along with and I'm going to give you a couple different options I'm going to show you how to do this for free if you want to do this manually and then I'm going to show you how to pay a few dollars if you want to make the process a little bit faster and automate it now this is my stripe account the reason I show this in all my videos isn't because I'm trying to show you how cool I am or brag about how much money I make it's because most people don't believe me if I don't show my income and even if I do still show my income people still don't believe me but either way I'm going to show you so that way you get an idea about how much money I make now I didn't make this overnight this isn't something that happened uh in really even the last couple years this happened recently I started making a lot of money but prior to this I wasn't making that much money at all I actually used to live in a garage if you look at my older videos I got started with a garage door in the background and again the reason why I tell you this is to tell you that it's possible it's to tell you that anybody starting out can get started and make money if they put in the work if they start uh doing the right things if they stay consistent but you are going to have to put in some work okay even if you're going to be clicking a few buttons a day but again uh I do want to eliminate the question or the concern that it is impossible to earn money online that's truly not uh the case you can get started and earn money um very quickly if you again do the right things so let's talk about what you want to do to get started so first of all you need a product to promote so you can either build your own product or you can promote other people's products I I recommend promoting other people's products because it's a lot easier and you don't have to do any of the Fulfillment and so you can use a tool to promote off of this list if you go to scarytoolbots.com and you enter your email you'll get a list of different tools that you get paid to promote so most of these tools have something called an affiliate program that means if you click on them you scroll to the bottom you're going to be able to sign up for let me mute my notifications here you're gonna be able to sign up for the partner program and I'm not sure why this is going to a blank link need to fix that but uh you'll be able to go to the program and uh let me just show you what this other tool and you can apply to be a partner now not every single tool is going to accept you as a partner Okay so if you don't get a link from one of these tools just go to the next one and eventually you will get a link that looks like this now anytime somebody signs up through the link you're going to make money but again this is only if you don't want to build your own products you can build your own products you could sell Services you could sell whatever you want this process uh you can sell anything it doesn't matter if it's a service doesn't matter if it's a you know an affiliate product does it matter what it is as long as you can get a product to promote you can sell it okay now what you're going to do is you're going to either create your own content or you're going to use content that I actually give you so let's talk about the first option so so far this is free right the all you're doing is you're going and grabbing this free checklist join the Facebook group as well I'd recommend doing that and then you're going to grab a tool that you can promote again that's completely free the next thing we're going to do again it's completely free is you can start creating content around these different tools so for example the way I'm doing this video right here I'm using a tool called OBS it's a free tool if you go to obsproject.com you can download this tool for free and you can start recording your screen so what you could do is you could start talking about one of these tools right you could say hey this is how you use this tool or you know shine rank or whatever the tool is that you want to talk about and you can walk people through and most of these tools have free trials too so if you're not able to pay for the tool again you want to do this for you know no money whatsoever you can get a free trial and cancel before the trial renews but you could go through and start showing people hey look here's how you use the keyword research here's how you go into the content editor all these different things right and what's going to happen is you're going to start getting content from uh just reviewing these different tools showing people how to use them now all you have to do is start doing 10 to 20 minutes of video a day in order for this process to work everything else from here is very very simple because you're going to actually be able to Outsource a lot of the work Beyond this point because we're going to be actually turning this long form content into repurposed content as well but if you don't want to create your own content what you can actually do is you can go to this website viralvideovault.com this is a subscription it's a I think it's like 27 bucks a month might be a little bit more might be like 29 bucks a month and what I actually do is I give you access to all of the My different uh pieces of content so my shorts my long form everything that I that I do my Tick Tock videos and what I give you the ability to do is you can actually repurpose this content I show you in here how to repurpose my content how to clip the content how to uh automate the content if you don't want to do it yourself which I'll talk about in a second and you basically get access to a massive library of content so that way you don't have to go and start doing these videos you can just take my content and you can even uh promote the tools that I've built for you like for example shine ranker or you know different um subscriptions that I've built and you can just promote my products with my content if you want to do that but again this is only if you don't want to do the videos yourself I'll talk more about this in a little bit but again that's viralvideovault.com I'll leave the links in the description so next what you can do is you can either and again I'm going to show you the free way of doing this once you have some content like let's say you have a long form video like the one that you're watching right now you could load up a tool like cap cut and cap cut will allow you to repurpose your content okay so the game these days is taking one piece of content and turning it into as many pieces of content possible and you can actually take a 10 to 20 minute video and you can turn it into a long form or sorry a uh a email you can turn it into a blog post you can turn it into uh short form videos you can turn it into all kinds of stuff podcasts social media posts and you can actually use Ai and chat GPT I'll show you how to in a second to actually do a lot of this stuff for you um and it literally all starts with just a 10 to 20 minute video like the one that you're watching right now okay so let me show you how so what you're going to do is let's say you want to start getting short made or or short form content made out of your long form content now you might be thinking why would I want to do that because short form content is something that you can post right now on a ton of different platforms so like if I do this video here the one that you're watching and I get uh let's say two to three short clips out of it right and a basically a short form clip would be like somebody going in and taking about 30 to 60 seconds of the video you're watching right now and turning it into like a 30 to 60 second clip now I could get two to three of those out of this video probably even more and I could go and post those clips on Facebook reels I could go post on Instagram reels I could go post on YouTube shorts I could post on Tick Tock you can even post on places like Pinterest and Snapchat there's like so many different platforms that you can repurpose your content on and the reason why this is great is because you can actually get a ton of traffic and people going to remember the affiliate link I showed you earlier this one you could have a couple shorts going to the your link right you can say hey links in the comments you put that in your actual edit now how you do that is you'd sign up for cap cut it's free you'd open up the tool you'd drag your long form content in there and you'd start editing it now I don't have all day to show you exactly how to do all this because it would take me a really long time what I would recommend is if you want my full boot camp I actually have a boot camp it's a live boot camp where I show I walk you through step by step live on Zoom we actually have a class tomorrow uh you want to go to aicashcourse.com and go sign up for the boot camp and you can watch the replays we give you access to all kinds of good stuff uh even once you get in here you even get access to the viral video Vault so if I were you I would get in here if you want to learn the full method because this is going to be a kind of a long video if I were to show you everything that you'd have to do but the short answer if you don't want to learn how to do cap cut is you can go over to Fiverr right so what you can do and this is what I do is I take the long form videos that I do let me show you like let's say I take this one that I did yesterday give me a second go over here click on this so I'm going to take this video here and I can actually head over to somewhere like Fiverr and I can pay people if I type in uh Tick Tock shorts or whatever Tick Tock videos I can actually go let me make the budget a little bit smaller here we'll do we'll do five to ten dollars I can pay these people to turn my long form videos click on here click on here click on continue and then I would give them the link I can pay them to take my long form content and turn it into short form content now I'm already doing this so like if you go and look at my Instagram if you look at my YouTube like you look at my Facebook I'm already having people take my long form videos and turn them into short form and I'm posting them I'm having people post them for me and they're already getting thousands and thousands of views okay now remember how I told you earlier if you don't want to do the long form you can go get access to the viral video Vault you can send people my links on somewhere like Fiverr if you don't want to do it yourself and you can actually have them do this for you and it's already working right you don't have to wonder whether or not it's going to work we already have people that are doing this uh I always show this one guy his name's David as an example David Wilkinson if you look him up on Facebook you'll see he's getting like hundreds of thousands of views on some of his videos and they're my videos that he's repurposing and I think he already made like a few thousand dollars I might even be able to look up as an affiliate account on uh on Thrive cart but uh he already made a few thousand dollars just repurposing content like this and and this is really just the beginning like there's so much more that you can do to repurpose content and I want to actually show you how to use AI right now to do some of the repurposing so I was trying to look up this guy's account on the side but I don't have time to do that right now um so let me show you how to do this so we're gonna go to the long form video right now let's say we took this long form video that we did yesterday clear all this out and let's say we got a few sales from people who watch the long form video and they bought some of our products and then we got some shorts out of it right some short form content and we we took that content and we got some sales from that as well and some email opt-ins now we can take this even further and we can start taking the transcript from YouTube and we can actually rank on Google as well we're actually building a tool inside of shine ranker that's going to help us do this too it's actually very cool so let me show you how this works so if we go to shows transcript on this we can toggle off timestamps and we can copy all of this right just go ahead and copy now if we head over to shine Rinker here we can go to content editor and we can say Okay I want to I want to rank for how to make a hundred thousand dollars now if you don't know what to rank for all you have to do is look up some keywords on shinraker go to how to make money click on submit give it a second now shine Rinker is basically looking for a bunch of keywords and it's going to tell us which ones we should try to go for and we can even calculate and see how difficult these keywords are but I'm just going to go for one I don't know really quick like this on how to get money fast now if we go to content or we can click on here click on start editing once we have the keyword in here and what this is going to do is it's going to actually calculate what we need in order to rank on Google so you can see it's 2 900 words the current blog post but uh it says we only need 2 000 and we need about 20 headings 20 images and and the way this is working is it's just taking averages off of Google and it's telling us what we need now check this out though this is the transcript how did I get this though because originally this is what the transcript looked like well what I can do is I can take the transcript like this copy it I can go to the chat GPT portion of shine ranker and I can say rewrite this with better formatting put it in quotes there we go and now this is going to actually give me the things that I said from the video but it's going to format them like this now we're actually building something in the tool right now we're actually it's in the works but something that will automatically transcribe a YouTube video like this and format it and create a blog post like this and by the way if you want access to shine Rinker you can either go and grab it I think it's like 75 bucks a month or if you want the annual pass you can get unlimited access to it for like 300 bucks a year or something if you go to chaserunner.com forward slash shine and basically you just get the unlimited pass okay that's up to you but either way you can see how much you can actually do here like this is just the tip of the iceberg you can turn this now into social media posts you could turn this now into an email like you could do so much with just a 10 to 20 minute video but the question is do you want to do the video yourself or do you want somebody like me to do it for you either way I've pretty much taken out all of the work right I've built I've built the products for you right so you have something like shine ranker that you can get paid to promote uh you have you can even promote the viral video Vault subscription you can promote and again you could promote your own stuff as well or other people stuff I'm just showing you how it works if you want if you want stuff that's already pre-made I've done it for you you can promote the AI cash course and then I've built the content so I build content pretty much every day or I have people build content for me that you can use so you don't have to do that um I've built the emails so when somebody goes and signs up to learn more about let's say shine ranker or whatever I have swipe files so that you can go and you can just load them up show you how that works let me go over to convertkit here I go to automate I have all of this stuff already made for you let me scroll down go to this and these are all things like you saw my income at the beginning of this video like these are all things that I actually do in my own business where if you just copy and paste and drive traffic to it it's pretty much already making money so it's not like you have to do a whole lot of extra work you just have to drive traffic with the system I'm showing you but here's a bunch of emails you can send you just load them up and they automatically send with testimonials blah blah blah but again if you don't know how to set any of this stuff up I would recommend you get into the AI cache course because we actually show you what you need to do so either way built the content built the email built the products built pretty much everything the systems and I'm continuing to build everything I've even built the group so like we have a live chat support group along with live Zoom calls when you get into the AI cache course you can actually go in here and ask me questions let me see really quick this is the Facebook group here or Facebook live chat check it out you can just go in here and start asking questions you can also ask questions on the live Zoom calls but I don't know how much easier I can make it for you um really at this point you just have to take action is it going to take some work yes are you going to have to get set up yes are you going to have to spend a little bit of time yes um are you going to be able to make money yes like look nothing's guaranteed but at the same time if you and I both know that if you start putting in the effort you're going to greatly increase your chances of being successful the question I have for you is when do you want to get started do you want to wait do you want to you know do you want to uh start working towards your goals I mean because they're not like nobody else is going to do this for you right and so you have to be willing to get started you have to be willing to put in the effort and the best way to get started like I said is with what I showed you here um but this is pretty much what all the very successful people are doing online right now to earn money uh like if you look at a lot of the big YouTubers you look at a lot of big tick tockers they're all pretty much doing the same thing they're they're doing long form content turning it into short form turning it into you know whatever else blog posts whatever they can social media posts they have automated emails and they usually sell some sort of online product okay and so if you want to set all that stuff up great if you don't you want to shortcut cut it spend a couple hundred bucks get into the AI cash course Ai cashcourse.com and I'll see you inside so until then Happy money making we'll see you guys bye