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what's going on everyone my name is Chase Weiner and today we're gonna be talking about the fastest and easiest way to get started earning over a thousand dollars per day with AI and chat GPT I'm going to give you a simple step-by-step system that you can get started with today that allows you to go out and sell any product you want online and I'm even going to give you a list of different AI products that you can sell and I'm going to give you this list for free so you can get started with this right now now ideally today what we're going to be covering is how to use chat GPT to create a script to be able to automatically generate AI videos that are proven to go viral and we're going to be using those videos to actually promote these different products okay now if you're brand new and you've never made money online before don't worry you're in the right place um I'm going to show you exactly what you need to do to earn your first sale and then I'm going to show you how to scale this system step by step so that you can get to over a thousand dollars per day in the fastest way possible now I'm not guaranteeing that you're going to earn over a thousand dollars per day right out the gate I'm not going to tell you that it's going to happen overnight all everything that I do takes hard work okay so even if we're going to be clicking on buttons to generate these videos and generate these scripts and doing all the stuff that we're going to want to do it still takes work you still have to go and run the systems okay so this isn't some magical thing I'm not giving you like some get rich thing that happens overnight just know that you do have to put in some work but if you want me to keep you updated with this system make sure you respond with the word yes in the comments right now so I know to keep you updated on everything that I've been doing with these AI tools so step number one we're going to head over to a website called scarytoolbots.com this is going to give you a free checklist of different AI tools that you can get paid to promote so if I enter my email here I can go through all of these different tools 400 tools this is a free list again some people sell lists like this and I'm just giving it away for free because I want to help you become successful with AI so choose a tool that you want to promote I'm going to recommend that you promote the tool that I'm going to be talking about today called shine ranker and shine ranker actually is a really really cool tool because it lets you automatically generate videos with chat GPT so if I click on shine ranker here it's going to take me to the website I can enter my email and then below this video if you're already on the video page don't worry you just click on this button and you can promote the one dollar trial with shine ranker now we're getting a crazy amount of people leaving testimonials about this tool every single day we actually have a private Discord server that I'm in and I respond to people in pretty much every day and inside This Server we're having people constantly talk about using this tool to generate videos and generate thousands and thousands of views and their first sales with this tool now if you don't want to use the tool it is optional I'm going to show you a way that you can do this if you don't want to use the tool but ideally you would use the tool because it's going to save you a ton of time okay if you're going to be going and generating videos every day it's going to take hours to do this manually okay so let me just show you exactly how you would do this manually and then if you wanted to use shine rank or you could go and use shine ranker so what you can do is you can head over to chatgpt by Googling chatgpt or if you grab Shine ranker for a dollar which is a dollar 24 hour trial you can go just access chat GPT right inside of shine ranker so now what we can do is we can type in whatever we want chat gbt to make us a video script for so I could type in make me a story about a dog that goes fishing and finds treasure and I can just get a random story about whatever I typed in and I can use that for the video that I'm going to be creating now obviously this probably isn't going to make us any money so we want to have our script be a little bit more around what we're going to be promoting so if I'm going to be promoting let's say shine ranker or any of the tools on this checklist I can either take one of the descriptions that we already have here copy it and then have chat GPT rewrite that description or I can just look for trending videos that I already know are doing well and I can rewrite one of those scripts but here's how I would do this I would just type in rewrite this description here and I could use that for my video but again what I'd recommend is just use some of the scripts I've already built on my social media channels so if you go to my Instagram or my Tick Tock actually the reason why you'd probably want to go to my Tick Tock is because with Tick Tock you can actually grab transcriptions so if I go to profile here I can copy one of the videos that's already gone and done well so let's say this one with 146 000 views I can click on this video right click copy link re-paste it in here and now I can brand new AI tool let's sorry about that now what I can do is I can click on transcript right here copy all that and I can bring that into chat GPT inside shine ranker I can say rewrite this without the timestamps like so and this will go and rewrite this whole script for me on a video that already got over a hundred thousand views so now I can just copy this it's completely unique now and then I can go into the AI video tools inside of shine ranker I can click on the AI text to image and then I can copy and paste inside of the custom script area here this text what this is going to do when I click on generate this is going to generate a video with Unique Images which we're generating with mid Journey with a unique voice I can either clone my own voice or use one of these pre-made voices and with music and captions now if you haven't seen what this tool looks like yet it's actually really really cool let me just show you one of the videos we were able to build uh just a second ago you can see I entered this script in here if I press on play you can hear what it sounds like by the year 2023 an advanced AI video tool will make editors irrelevant the process of creating AI videos is simplified with shineranker.com quote S one click solution so I actually had to remake that video because I accidentally put a typo in there but all you have to do is upload a recording of your voice and enter your desired content this tool seamlessly converts your text into speech accurately imitating your own voice furthermore it generates AI images that vividly represent the concepts mentioned in the video in fact even this very video was produced using shineranker.com to start utilizing this remarkable tool and receive complementary training on its installation simply respond with yes now so you might be wondering well how do I get people to go to my link right because this is going to shinerinker.com and I want to get credited so that anytime somebody goes to that link I can actually get paid so inside of shine ranker we also have a spreadsheet if I click on shineraker VIP here this is a full step-by-step spreadsheet that shows you how to get set up where in here I even show you how to buy your own domain so that if you're going to be building a video instead of talking about shinerinker.com or any of the tools on this list you could buy your own custom domain that actually redirects to an affiliate link for this actual tool if you don't know what I'm saying here let me break it down for you so step number one what we're doing is we're building a simple script about something we want to promote right so let's say we want to build a script about Jasper let's say we don't want to promote shine ranker we want to promote this content writing tool here okay so step number two we're going to scroll to the bottom of this website and we're going to click on affiliate program we're going to sign up for the affiliate program and when we're in the affiliate program we're going to get a link that looks like this we're going to copy it okay now when we get the script we can either tell people to go to the link in the bio or Link in the comments or what I like to do is tell you I tell people to respond with the word yes in the comments and then I respond with the link or we can buy a custom domain okay so a custom domain basically it's just a domain that we can go to let's say GoDaddy and buy so if I go over to godaddy.com and I type in best AI video tool click on search we're going to get a list of things that we can buy okay there there we go bestai videotool.com is available for one penny so I can buy that and then what I can do is I can forward that domain to my affiliate link so that way when somebody buys the trial here it goes through my link and I actually get credited and I make the commission when somebody signs up now if you don't know how to do the forwarding the custom domain forwarding and you're confused you're like I don't know how to do all this step-by-step stuff you go into shine ranker click on the shine ranker VIP and just look for the domain redirect okay so getting a custom domain right here line number 46 so you'd watch this video it would show you how to do it okay so everything in here step by step how to get a partner link how to join our group how to do everything how to make videos how to uh edit videos everything you'd want and even in here as well we show you how to automatically respond to comments as well so there's a way that you can actually set up automation where if somebody's going and saying yes I'd like to learn more you can have robots automatically respond to all of your comments and send DMS to the people that comment so here's a video I just made with shine ranker all of these videos I made with shine ranker thousand views four thousand views two thousand views three thousand views four thousand views and all these people are responding with the word yes so what I do is I have a bot go and respond to these comments and send them a DM so you can see here in all these comments this is my robot going and sending them a message with my link okay and I can do this with these automatically generated videos now here's what's really cool if I take a video this is actually a remade video here of a video that got over 400 000 views on Instagram I just remade it I pulled the transcript remade the video and then I swapped it with a girl's voice instead of my voice okay because I was using my AI clone before now I can go swap this with a younger person's voice an older person's voice I can Target all kinds of different demographics and I can can even run ads to these as well so that's what's really cool is I can use Google ads and I'm not going to get super into this right now but I'll probably add this to the spreadsheet if you guys want me to leave a yes in the comments if you want me to start talking about how to run ads to these videos but I'm actually running ads to different demographics for people that are wanting to watch these videos that are women or men or younger or older and so look at this this is the one I just remade I think a second ago no here it is with a woman's voice and what I did is I went into audience here and I switched the audience from the gender targeting males and I excluded uh or I edited the demographics and targeted females and I can choose all these different demographics and then I can have my videos that I create match those demographics because I can actually clone different voices into these videos okay so I'm not going to go super down the rabbit hole on that I just wanted to show you kind of how this works but either way this video tool is really really cool because I can do so much customization in here I can write my own script I can enter an idea or a topic and I can have chat gbt just go build it just from the idea I can build the the script with AI chat and the way this tool works by the way what we're doing is we're either just generating a video just a basic video like this or we're adding in some API keys and if you don't know what an API key is it's pretty straightforward we're just taking a key that lets us access other tools so for example if I take an 11 Labs API key this is a separate tool here I can grab my API let me just copy it right here I can plug that into the tool and if I click on get voice models I can get all these different voices that I've actually cloned into this tool and cloning a voice is actually very simple if I click on speech synthesis add voice add generative or clone voice instant voice cloning I can upload a clip of anybody's voice as long as I have permission right you got to make sure that you have permission and necessary rights and consents to be able to upload and clone somebody else's voice but I can clone somebody's voice into the tool or into this text to speech just by uploading a a clip of somebody's voice I can call it AI Chase and then uh click on the I hereby confirm add voice and then I will actually be able to use a cloned version of my voice to say whatever I want so here you can see this brand new AI tool lets you type out whatever you want if I click on generate I can hear what it's going to sound like this brand new AI tool lets you type in whatever you want and it'll create you a completely unique video with your voice and mid-journey images so if I wanted to do this all manually how I remember how I told you earlier you can do this All manually if you wanted to do this manually you would download this audio file right you would download the MP3 like this you would drag That mp3 into a tool like cap cut you would then go generate all the mid-journey images right then you would go add the animations and add the music I mean it would probably take you over an hour maybe even two hours to make videos like this now instead you can just pull all these tools together the best way I can explain shine ranker is it's basically the glue that pulls all these different AI Technologies together okay and again if you don't want to use your own voice or somebody else's voice you can use a pre-made voice and all these voices sound very realistic as well there's tons of pre-made voices in here so if I click on the voices up here I can go test these different voices like I can test this one click on generate and it looks like this one's too far oh exceeded the quota I'd have to upgrade my subscription but either way if I copy this script into shine ranker and this is really just a script that I transcribed from Tick Tock I use Chachi BT to rewrite it so that it's Unique this is a video that I've already done well with before but now all I'm doing is I'm just changing it over so it's a woman's voice right and then I'm changing it over again so it's a different person's voice and I can keep remaking the same video but I can hammer on different demographics and I can promote all these different tools okay so the possibilities are really really endless with this and what I recommend is just go through all the different reviews and see all the cool things people are doing I mean we have people every single day leaving new reviews this person right here one of the funniest things I've read in a while 89 Pig videos ready to roll out I have no idea why Martin's making Pig videos but who knows I mean maybe that's something that's profitable who knows what you can actually do with this tool look at this 922 views 600 views on a brand new tick tock account already 114 followers with this tool generating Pig videos okay so we got so many different case studies of people getting thousands and thousands of views using this tool generating sales I can't wait to see what you do with this tool okay so um that's pretty much it I can't wait to see you inside the tool and again make sure you grab the dollar 24 hour trial and just start going through all of our videos in here because the videos are going to show you step by step everything you need to do to get started okay so I hope that makes sense if it does let me know in the comments we'll see in the next one until we do happy money making we'll see you next time bye