EASIEST Way to Make $1,000 Per Day With ChatGPT (Make Money Online With ChatGPT)

all right what's going on everyone welcome back Chase with shifi here and today we are going to be talking about making over $1,000 a day with AI and chat GPT and the best part is you don't have to spend any money to get started in fact I'm going to be giving you everything in today's video for free including a full free checklist that you can get started with that walks you through step by step everything you need to do to get started with our system and a lot of by the way what's in our system is a bunch of free tools that you don't have to pay any money for so you can start using these tools to help you follow up with people automatically uh you can use them to help you find trending content you can use them to help you schedule out content there's so many different things you can do with these different tools I'm going to be showing you showing you how to get started with all of this today for free so if you want access by the way to all of this and you want to follow along do me a favor drop a comment leave a like And subscribe lets me know to give you this checklist and also if you're somebody that's a returning person you've been here before uh do me a favor drop a comment anyways and just say hey what's going on all right so in today's video let me show you how this system works so that you can understand what we're doing here so ideally what we're doing is we're sending people to links that look like this and we're using an AI system to get people to click on these links and whenever they sign up for these different tools that we get paid to promote we earn a commission so right now this is a tool that's giving away $225,000 and you can get this by the way if you go to shineiy.com and go enter in your information right here what's going to happen is you're going to get taken to a $225,000 giveaway and so you can actually give away this exact same $25,000 for free um to anybody that signs up for a 60-day free trial on this tool and when they sign up for that look at this commission that you can actually earn on this uh it's a 30% lifetime commission um if anybody renews after the 60 days but it's also $100 for anybody that goes and grabs the free trial so that's pretty awesome right because if you can get people to just click on this link and sign up for a free $225,000 giveaway you can earn money so that's pretty insane right uh literally just give away money for free and earn $100 for anybody that signs up now this is just one of the things that I'm promoting now if you go to this list here the one that I'm giving you in today's video uh this is over 400 different tools and Affiliates that you can actually get paid to promote and again the best part is a lot of this stuff is free so you can go into this checklist and you can go and sign up for this thing this thing this thing and you can choose what you want to promote what you don't want to promote and once you choose all you have to do is just set up a system that basically loads up these links with traffic okay and this right here this checklist is our traffic system so each part of the checklist here is uh timestamped and what I do is I go live pretty much every single day and I walk you through these different tools so you know how to use them because a lot of these tools what we're doing is we're stacking them together so that you can earn commissions uh promoting these tools with the tools themselves and that might sound crazy because you're like well how does that work well like I said a lot of these tools what they do is they help you build traffic whether it's um using High Lev to help capture people's emails and send them emails in an automated way whether it's spotter to help you find trending content whether it's customers AI that helps you uh retarget traffic that hits a website um whether it's radar that helps you schedule out your content on social media many chat that helps you respond to comments 11 Labs that helps you clone your voice and so all of these different tools you can go through and click these links here watch uh the timestamps because again they're timestamped and then once you learn how these things work you can actually go and create content on this stuff with the tools themselves and you can use the tools to help you automate your content because the whole thing that we're doing in this system is we're using Ai and we're using chat GPT to basically uh help us in creating content okay and so really all you have to do like I said is drop a comment leave a like And subscribe but go to shineiy.com and then what's going to happen is when you go here um you just enter your email and then you're going to be able to grab the checklist it's going to send you an email um to whatever email you enter with the checklist and if you don't get the checklist um it's also in our Discord Community which you can join by going to discord.gg shiny and when you're in the Discord Community um what I recommend is go through the get started tab because I'll be honest with you when you first start out um in Discord it might be a little bit confusing especially if you're not techsavvy but that's why we have the get started here and what I would do is just go through the whole uh get get started uh checklist basically and it says step one watch the walk through step two click on the uh verify this is how you actually get verified on the server um step three read the rules or or two read the rules step three watch the get start the new get started video so basically just go through this checklist here and it'll show you how to do all the stuff we're going to be talking about okay now we're actually on part uh 10 of our Series today and so if you haven't watch the previous Parts what I recommend is pause the video right now and then go to the checklist and watch part one okay because if you haven't watched the previous part some of the stuff that we're going to be talking about in today's video is not going to make sense okay and by the way these are also live streams so if you're new um and you want to check out the live streams all you have to do is just go to our shifi YouTube channel click on live and then here's all the previous lives but again most of these lives are um things that I've Tim stamped and then put into the checklist so you can just go through the checklist okay um and welcome if you're in the chat right now uh let me know where you're tuning in from and let me know if you have the checklist or you're in our group yet I'm interested to see who's uh from our group and who's brand new just check out the chat here okay cool we got some some people all right so um yesterday last thing we did I actually still need to Tim stamp it here but we talked about setting up a Gmail account with all the correct settings setting up a Facebook page um and then we talked a little bit about Instagram and YouTube but um today we are going to be talking about the next part of this series which is setting up your uh Discord uh automation now here's the thing you don't necessarily have to uh create a Discord server if you don't want to but I really recommend that at some point if you want to get a lot more people buying things from you build some sort of community around a checklist like this one because what I do in these videos is hold on one second sorry I had to move my chair here um what I do in these videos is or in this checklist is I give you the checklist so that you can actually go and give it out to other people right so you can can go file uh make a copy and then you own this checklist and I do the same thing with the server so you can copy the server you can copy the checklist you can build a whole Community around this checklist here um and you can basically use the exact same system that I'm using to sell a bunch of Affiliates by getting people into a group getting them into a community getting them going through a checklist like this you can you can clone this exact same environment and so previously I actually showed how to set up your own Discord um server just like you know the basics to how the Discord server works that's actually uh this video right here if you go watch this this just shows you like the basic walkthrough of the server but what I want to show you now and sorry I'm trying to move my desk down here um I was standing I was like you know what I kind of want to sit today um so I showed you the first part which is just like the basics to Discord but what I want to do now is I want to show you how you can automate a lot of what's in here and and by the way I'm not an expert at Discord by any means you know I kind of just started um doing a lot of the automation stuff inside of it recently but I just wanted to show you um what you can you can do with all of this um and and by the way before you watch this part of the video uh setting up your Ro your Bot inside of your server one of the things I recommend you do is um go watch the the the the setup video for Discord so you can kind of understand and you know how to clone uh how to clone your own server uh with our server template and you know everything else okay and then once you're done with that uh let's talk about getting your automation set up okay so previously on the other Discord setup I showed you how to just transfer everything over I showed you like the basics to the channels and everything um when you do clone your server over let me just show you let's just pretend that you've already cloned your server over you can see there's already 51 people using this template that's pretty cool but um we're just going to go and let me just clone this really quick just so you can see what this looks like this will look like on your end so this is what it'll look like right you'll just have a blank like server skeleton okay um you won't have any of the rules or anything in here yet so what I recommend is when you do clone over the server uh go back to our server and then just transfer whatever you want over okay so for example on get started you can copy all of this and then swap it out with your links okay like so all right and then um one of the things I like to do is remove the imbeds because they become really annoying so we're just going to remove those and then rules again you can copy those over so just copy all this okay you might have to remove my name from some of this because it might say Shin ify yeah so you might have to just go like this and remove some of that um but yeah once you do all that you you should have uh basically all your rules um your your your get started here and uh you should have everything in all your channels right you're just copying it all over and then obviously like I said uh when you clone the checklist and you clone all this stuff over um you're going to change all this out with your links you can keep my videos on here if you want to use my videos for the tutorials because it doesn't really matter I mean if anybody's watching these anyways they'll know that you probably got it from somewhere and all that really matters is that your main links are your affiliate links so like high level and whatever else but anyways um once you have all of your channel set up with your rules and everything and you have your link swapped out with your checklist instead of my checklist that kind of thing um you'll have your your you'll have your Basics to your server okay but let's talk about before we go into the bot how to set up the bot let's just talk about um your settings okay so when we click on this up here this just says Chase rer server okay now if we click on server settings we're going to want to swap this out with your uh your server name uh Mr ree says link for Discord uh it's discord.gg shinfy so we're going to swap this out with your uh name so we're just going to say your Discord server okay and then we would have an image here uh we can have chat GPT generate this image let's just do um need an image for a new AI Discord server see if it'll just generate it for us there we go and and again I do recommend at the very least just going through this and following along because you know you don't even necessarily have to use the server but this is pretty much this is pretty much free to do and um and if anything you can go and help other people that might have some traffic that want a community for it okay so we got an image we're going to go into here change the image oh um sometimes uh chat gbt does this really annoying thing where it will uh it won't save as an as a PNG so I'm going to have to do PNG I think for this to save switch to all files save okay there we go now should be able to just I think I can drag that in can I I'm going have to do it like this okay so there we go we got our image Discord server um this is if if people are going to if if you have a voice chat you want to move people out of voice chat if they're inactive I don't usually have the voice chat Channel open at all times I just so I don't worry about this um system messages Channel okay so moderator only what this does let me let me save this so you can see this what this does is um it just allows you to see what's going on in the server so if I click on moderator here and I scroll down I can see who's joining when their account was created um and this is helpful for like you know if you're wondering if somebody's you know acting weird if they're maybe just like joining just to spam your server or something so I always try to check like their account creation date um and you can make rules as well around when their account was created like you could make it so that um you know if their account is created let's say a day ago you can't they can't join um I I leave it open for anybody uh because I do um some things to moderate it once people are in um automatically um but also that's why I have rules so people won't you know mess with uh with certain things if they see the rules but sometimes they'll do it anyways but anyways um so here we go we got you know who's joining their account created um and then it just gives you the status right if somebody posts something they're not supposed to and we have a rule in here it'll let us know that so um that's really only for you to see okay um but let me go back into our server settings here we'll go up to the top again server settings um so it says send a random welcome message when somebody joins a server uh I don't leave that on because we we actually use MI6 the tool that we're going to be using for this so we'll leave that off um if you don't want to use MI6 then obviously you can leave that on PRP member to reply to welcome messages with a sticker I'm going to leave that off send a message when someone boosts the server what a boost is is basically people can pay to like uh do something called a boost which will give you like certain things in the server where like um the server can be uh recommendable in in if once you get a certain amount of uh members um it'll also give you more emojis uh um it'll give you a background so there's like little things it's not really that big of a deal but um you could congratulate people if they boost the server I just boost the server myself so I don't worry about that too much um send helpful tips for server setup you can leave that on if you want uh these are kind of the helpful tips on this in this video though so I don't know if you really need that um Millennial mom money mom says wow I wish I had these resources last year when I paid a random person $400 to set up my server yeah so that's what I was saying though is you could actually charge people for this setup um so display activ activity feed in the server um I don't do this because if somebody's playing a video game what it'll do is it'll show it in the top right of the server and I don't really want to see people's video games so I turn that off um default notification so this determines whether members who have explicitly set their not notification settings to receive a notification so basically if you want people to always get notified when any message comes in like if you want there to be a beep where it's like beep beep beep when somebody um sees whenever a message comes in you would put that on all messages U but ideally you leave it on only at mentions because when somebody gets mentioned with the at symbol that's when they actually get notified and people will get really annoyed if it's all messages so I just leave it on there uh boost status bar you can leave this on if you want to see where the the server at on the Boost you're trying to encourage people to boost it but I wouldn't do that because again we're not trying to get anything from these people um so I just leave that off and then again if you want to have a server background like that background right here that you see um you would just click on unlock with boosting and then it would it would give you the ability to do a background again not really a huge deal okay all right so roles now this is what you get when you clone the server over you automatically get these roles in your server you can change these at any time and you can see um it says there's Elon Musk and Donald Trump and all these people in the server they're not in here unless you get like a certain subscription to MI6 I paid for like a lifetime access to these characters um I think it was like 100 bucks I'll talk about that later again it's not necessary I kind of did it more as a meme um but these are all the rules okay so when somebody joins basically they click on a check mark that we're going to we're going to set up with miix and then um when they join uh what happens is if they click on the verify button they get this rooll okay now the way rolls work is you click on a roll and then you can you can choose different settings for these rolles so I can say you know make the roll this color make the roll this color um and the reason why that's kind of cool is being able to change the uh being able to change the colors is cool because uh what happens is it it allows you to know where different people are at in the server okay so let me just get out of here so you can see this really quick so if I go back into into the server here and I click on chat um you see everybody's name here so like bill has a red name um whoever this h k has a blue name um so again on the right here you can see the different roles so this is based on a leveling system now the people that verify like I said earlier they're going to all be right here and when they start engaging with the community uh they start leveling up and they get uh ranks in the server and they get high they get featured up higher so everybody can see them and so that's one of the things we're going to be setting up as well with MI6 is um is the leveling uh because I think it's pretty cool to be able to let people level up it gives them initiatives if they're doing things and then what I do is I have people post wins and I'll talk about that in a little bit but when they post wins I'll even sometimes give people XP so I can do like a forgive XP to uh let's say Bill and because he just let's say he just posted a win right and then I can say okay well give Bill 300 XP and then look at that bill just leveled up and so this encourages people to take action and then you can create rewards around this and all kinds of cool stuff right um so anyways going back into our new server if I go into our settings up here top left server settings and then I go back to rolles um I can specify also what happens on these rolls so like for example let's say somebody verifies their account by clicking on that button I can choose the color right here I can choose an image and this will actually be an image next to their name okay so um it looks like you can only do this if it's a boosted server um but if you get a boosted server you can like put an emoji next to their name or an image right so in my server here as you can see let me go back here um you can see these little emojis right here so I actually set on my server since I have a boosted server I set different emojis based on what level they're at so the level fives to 10 gets a little um graph symbol uh level four gets like a muscle symbol level three gets a lightning bolt um and again this is just a way to kind of like differenti apprciate where people are at and um I think it's just kind of a cool thing that you can do and you'd be surprised how these little things like um just these little things you can do to gamify what you're doing will get people more engaged and more interested in what's happening in the community um but anyways let's go back into the settings again sorry to keep going back I just want to show you these examples but if I go back to server settings and go to roles again and then we'll click on verified which is the first role um I can choose the image that goes next to the name um it says display role members separately from from online members and what this does is if I click this on um it will show people in the sidebar okay so as I showed you a second ago um level 10 people are higher up than level fives right so I can turn this on and it shows them based on their level on the side and then the way that this gets categorized on the on the server the way this gets shown is if I if I put verified above everybody else that would move the verified people above everybody else on the server but you have to turn this on on for that to show up okay so let me just show you if I did uh let me just go into my main server really quick just so you can see an example here if I go to server settings and then I go to roles and then I go to verified here I can drag this up and now verified will be above all the level 10 so now they're at the top of the server but again because I want it sorry because I want to go and show the highest engaged people at the Top If I go back to server settings and rolls I can move these down below level one and now you can see level ones at the beginning or verified at the beginning I don't know why everybody's colors just change here hopefully that didn't mess everything up um let me uh let me get out of here and refresh this uh I don't know if that just screwed up the leveling system it might have everybody's green again um one of the things as well that you can do once you set up MI6 which I'll show you you how to do in a second is if we click on levels here um we can actually do forward SL levels and uh it'll show where everybody's levels are in the server so if I click on leaderboard It'll ask me to sign in and it should show me yeah so here you can see all the different levels so uh Logan here is number one um AKA silky noodle uh but he did he's done 28 um comments so he's really really engaged so his level is a lot higher than you know let's say Tina here who has 93 comments um and so again at the end of the month we could do some sort of initiative where we like reward the top three people that engage with the community okay so now you kind of understand how that works let's go back to our new server here we're going to click on our settings again all right what's up dunk good to see you you show the color of the highest level you are at yep um so anyways uh we got verified here um it says allow anyone to mention this role so this means that anybody can tag this person here um so that's kind of cool uh so I could so we could do any anybody can mention uh you know at you know verified right which I actually don't even know if we really want that on members with the mention at everyone here in all rules permission will be able to Ping this role I don't know if we actually want that that might actually not be a good thing I'm going to turn that off um that means anybody on the server can mention all those people um so anyways uh if we see here view channels so what this does if I turn this on it'll let people view all the channels on the left if I turn this off they won't be able to view any of the channels so we want to have this on because all these channels right here on the left if we turn that off they won't be able to see any of them okay so we want to make sure that they can see all the channels so um go back into here so we leave that on manage channels we don't want them to manage the channels we don't want them to edit them manage roles um we don't want them to manage the roles we don't want them to do most of this stuff uh really the main settings I have for everybody is that they can view the channels they can create invites so people so they can invite other people to the server um they can send messages right that way they can they can message inside of the server at least in the channels that are allowed we'll talk about that in a second um and then uh they can read message history so that way when they join they can actually go and wa like look at the previous conversation history because they might have questions that have already been answered and then connect this means that they can actually connect to the voice Channel when it's available and that's pretty much it okay so I do that on every level so I have verified level one level two level three they all pretty much have the same same permissions I need to turn off all that stuff um but or turn off Dimension roll but um the only thing that really changes is like the color and the Emoji in the name okay level 10 level five and by the way the reason why I started doing level five to 10 10 to 20 is because it it's annoying to have to create every single level and ideally like once you get to a certain point people are not going to level up as much because it takes more experience to level and so that's why I just do like 10 to 20 brackets you know the next one will probably be 30 to 40 nobody's past level 20 yet so I'm not going to I'm not going to worry about it yet okay all right so that's the roles um any questions about the roles uh links create a linked rooll this is uh this makes them makes people link their accounts if they want to roll we don't do that and then this lets you manage anybody that's you know within these certain uh roles all right so we should be good there give me a one or a yes if we're all on the same page so far and again if you're uh new on this live um and you're confused please go and check out the full step by step join the Discord again it's uh discord.gg shiny you know once you get in here I I really recommend just go to the get started Tab and just start learning you know watch the server walkth through read the rules watch the get the first video for setting up your funnel go through the checklist uh this system is confusing when you first enter it but once you have it you'll understand it more and more every day okay there's a reason why this is a checklist you just do one thing at a time you don't have to worry about it all at once um start with the video on the checklist that will explain a lot yep yep yep okay cool all right so going back into our new server here let's go right here um we're we're still in server settings so we just did Rolls emojis um you can upload your own emojis so like if we go into the server here we actually have one of our own emojis in the server if I go to this plus button and click on uh or sorry if I click on this Emoji here I can um use this one it's a shiny Emoji so it's our our our logo here um and the way we did that is we just uploaded that to the server I think you might have to have Nitro you might have to have Nitro like the server boosting for that to work for you to be able to upload it um maybe let's just try uploading this see if it works too large uh we might be able have chat gbt make us some but again if you want your own emojis for the server you can not really a big deal um stickers I guess this is uh you can get your own stickers for This Server a sticker is like an emoji but it's more like uh these little animated guys so you can have your own animated people like this again not really a huge deal a lot of this stuff be a lot of what I'm going to share with you beyond like the roles over here is not really that important okay um soundboard you can add your own sounds uh widgets again I don't really do a lot of this stuff um and then the server template this is what I actually give you so you can create your own like if you go and build your own ver variation of the server that I give you you can go and and create a template for us for it as well and give it to other people so you could say like you know new template from server Okay click on Create and then now this link anybody who uses this link it'll do the same thing um it'll basically allow them to uh clone the server okay so this is cool because if if you want to give out more resources for free you can just give out the server that you've created you can also obviously give out the one that I give you as well um but this is just more free stuff that you can give people and incentivize with if they're you know using your links or you know using your checklist you can give them you know extra things and I think the more you can give out for free the more people are you know interested in in sticking around and getting things from you okay um and then obviously they can get the updates right so like anytime I change anything um if I change something with the server here right like I move that over um you can see it says your server is out of sync so um this will automatically update if I click on server settings and then the server template it'll say sync and then boom that'll sync it with a new template and then I move it back guess what I wish it did did this automatically but I guess you have to do it manually every time um but yeah that way like people are going to stick around in your server you know some of them will will stick around just so that you can get um just so they can keep getting updates on your server template right all right let's go back into our new server so uh widget server template custom invite link um it looks like I have uh uh streamer mode enabled here so I guess it won't show me but um once you get enough people or you get Nitro I believe sorry I believe you get um a link you get your own link and so that's why um now if that's why I have this link discord.gg shiny I got my own custom link because of um I met whatever the requirements were here okay may actually go back to the other server just so I can show you maybe it'll show me there I need to turn off stream mode was I keep I keep clicking on my I always for some reason get confused and click on my own personal settings when I mean to click on the server settings um see if I can disable hold on let me see if I can disable streamer mode here streamer oh and I guess it has a search here which is kind of cool let's turn that off all right let's see if that fixes it okay there we go so you can see I can change this out at any time I can change it with something else uh and I do believe you need this yeah I think you need boosting um like a certain amount of boost I think I pay like 70 bucks a month or something for all the extra features again for most people that's probably not worth it and it's probably not even really worth it for me but you know I wanted the custom link so I could just mention this instead of having to have like a you know the default link the default link for most servers when you invite people is uh the way you get it is you click on create invite so let's say this is your new server here you click on create invite and then you would edit the invite link here and then you'd click on never and then generate New link and now that's your link so this is the link that most people will see and the one thing that's annoying about this right is that you know if somebody wanted to um like let's say they were watching your live stream or your video right like you guys are watching right now I would have to tell you instead of go to like discord.gg shiny you'd have to go to like I'd have to tell you go to discord.gg n5t RB eight right like there's no way anybody's going to remember that so that's the one cool thing about having that custom link um so going back into server settings Uh custom link integration so you can integrate we're going to be integrating with MI6 today I'll show you how to do that in a second um but you can integrate with different things you can like connect to Twitch you can connect to um there's all kinds of different apps and Integrations out there um some that I'm not even really aware of I'm sure uh because there is a lot that you can um hook into with uh with a lot of different apps and stuff um if I click on app directory there's different directory direct directory uh apps here one of the ones that I recently found out about was grow a tree um this is pretty funny and I kind of mentioned this on the first uh Discord setup thing that I showed you but if I click on add an app here and I click on add to server I can select my new server here and authorize and this should give us a tree that we can uh we can basically all uh uh grow together okay so if I do slash tree we now have this command here SLT tree um which we got these commands because we just installed the app and then I think to find more of the commands you have to like um probably go to the app and it'll tell you if I click on this app here that's now in here um it'll show me all the commands for slash treat so if I click on SL tree display your server's tree now um we have to name our tree we'll call it r r Community Tree okay and are you sure you want to call this our community tree we're going to say yes and now we have a one foot tree and the way the tree works is um if we click on water here uh it says you watered the tree last you must let someone else water it first so now now basically in our server people water the tree I think the tree is like yeah it's 129 ft here let's see how what it is now we have to refresh it whenever we want to see okay now it's 145 ft and uh it looks like there's a bug on it you can capture a bug this might seem really really weird to you but um I think it's kind of funny it's like the one weird random meme we have in the in the group and you know the whole it it's a symbolic tree where we can all grow it and basically you you water the tree and then somebody else is responsible for watering the tree and then eventually hopefully we'll have uh one of the tallest trees you can see we're number 46,000 of the tallest trees on Discord um so there's little weird quirky things you can do um with Discord and you can see already how deep you can kind of go with some of this stuff it's pretty weird um but overall kind of cool right and then um if you want to nerd out on more of the features with the tree you can just forward slash and then click on the tree and you can see all the different things that are happening um you know that are going on here okay anyways going back into the server settings uh let me go back to the main server just CU I want to show you what's on the main server um we have the apps so if you want to go look for new apps they have games entertainment you know social utilities all kinds of random apps so you can like watch YouTube together um they have like a whiteboard so you can like collaborate and draw on the Whiteboard together there's all kinds of cool stuff you can do so you can go deep into the app game if you want but I'm just kind of showing you what's here um after the apps we have uh the safety setup so I I I enable pretty much all of this stuff so uh capture um I always make sure I have twostep on everything I would recommend you do the same thing um I actually use the Google O app for a lot of my um twostep and I'm not going to go super deep into that but um I do recommend having twostep enabled and just going through here and enabling a lot of these things okay um and again you can see members must accept the rules before they can talk or DM I'm pretty sure that was supposed to I'm pretty sure meix covers that part but um one of the things I wanted to show you was the verification level we talked about this earlier um you can see here it says must have a verified email on their Discord must also be registered on Discord for more than five minutes um you know must have a verified phone on their Discord account so you can change the verification level uh based on you know whatever criteria you want you know obviously if you make it too strong or if the ver the the criteria is too strong you might um disqualify a lot of people that are new that haven't used Discord before and then they just go oh I don't want to I don't want to try this it seems difficult or I can't even talk I can't even get into the server um audit log this will just show you what's going on inside of the um server here just you know basically more moderation um banss this will show who is banned um overview now I actually have a community server and uh I'm I don't I'm not sure we're going to have time to talk about this today but uh basically once you get past a certain amount of people you can um you can transfer your server to like a a server that you can actually host um like on discord's actual website so if we click on view page here um you can see like this is an actual search searchable community on discord's website so um you can actually rank your your Discord server on you know Google or on Discord and so people actually end up joining um you know from Discord itself uh which is cool because now you have a way of getting more people in um Beyond just you know people that you're sending links to right you have a way of actually getting um members you know from an organic standpoint so that's pretty cool and I do recommend um getting this at some point if you can I don't remember the exact requirement on how many people you need for this um but I think it might be over a thousand or a few thousand um but anyways uh you can set up when you have a community server uh and I could be misquoting this it might not be a community server it might just be a server web page but um once you have this set up you can set up something called onboarding and I actually don't do this because I think it makes things more confusing um I actually watched some tutorials on this but you know you can do this whole layout where people have to go and do you know like a questionnaire and then it walks them through how to use the channels and all these things but in my opinion when I looked at this it just made everything more confusing and I don't recommend in my opinion I don't think it's a good idea to set up the onboarding um we can also check the server insights I believe this happens again once you get to a certain amount of people and it should give us our own web page for the insights as well um so I can see new members new communicators um retention engagement so this is just a lot of really cool information about um you know kind of what's going on with the server how it's doing um so yeah pretty cool um all right going into Discovery um again this is I think how you can actually get discovered and this might be available to everybody I I I'm pretty sure it's not I'm pretty sure it's only for um servers that are b a certain size it might be over 10,000 um now that I think about it but um you can you can enable this and again it'll help you reach more people that from an organic standpoint um server subscriptions I'm not doing this but you can set up subscriptions people can actually pay for different tiers um on on Discord and you can actually make money on the the server you can get paid out from Discord you can also set up products again I'm not really doing that you can have a promo page um and then you have your server boost status and your members Tab and everything who's in here um so yeah uh that's kind of the main stuff with the server settings any questions about that so far uh Tina says it's an awesome group thanks Tina so yeah sorry if I'm being very thorough with a lot of this um the reason I'm doing this is so I don't have to do more tutorials on this again in the future um and hopefully this is helpful to some people that are looking to do this so again this is where the Boost status is you can see I boosted all of these um and I think the max perk which is level three is 100 server emojis soundboard custom invite link that's the biggest thing um server Banner stickers uh audio quality I guess goes up um you can upload bigger files everybody can upload bigger files and then you get a bigger um stage which uh is something I want to talk to you about in a second but yeah that's the main stuff with the server settings and then a lot of the stuff on the left I believe is similar to um what we just looked at um there you know minus a few other things um like your categories and some of this other stuff I'll show you in a second um okay and then what I did is on the first tutorial if you watch the first tutorial you'll see like I showed you all these different things like the welcome the get started all of that um the only thing I don't think I showed you was the stage so this is something we've actually been using a lot lately and this is a this is where we've been doing a lot of our calls so if you go to replays here you can actually watch our previous replays so we did a call last night we've been doing um almost a call a night recently uh and we actually have a new another call happening tonight which you guys should join um but uh the way we do these calls is it's within this thing called stage so if I click on stage here um you can see it says start a stage and so it does little background music I don't know if you can hear [Music] this so I can I can turn that music off um but I can start a stage or I can create an event um and then uh what happens is people can join this so I can also create the event for tonight so let's click on create event um and I can say okay this will be on the stage Channel and it says great for large community audio events it looks like you can create an event on the text Channel I guess if you're just doing like like a text event like just people typing um but we can say interview with Logan from repurpose doio okay so that's going to be tonight at 8:00 p.m.

Pacific um hopefully that's my time zone and then um you guys don't want to miss this one I don't know we'll just put something random we can do a cover photo just do that I guess for now all right and then we'll click on next interview with Logan and I believe this notifies the server so boom there's the event I can copy it and then yeah up here it says one event okay so then people can um say whether they're interested or not interested here and I can tag everyone with at everyone let them all know that this event's happening and I also can put it in the announcements which is a different tab we'll talk about that in a second as well so again you can see there's a lot going on with Discord it's pretty crazy right how many things um how intricate this is and again this is the video we've actually done on this I don't even know if we're going to get to MI6 today with how much we're covering um but uh there's the event and then when the event's ready I can just click on stage um start and then I might actually have to do it from the event let's see if I click on event here and oh I think you just press start and then everybody knows that that's the event okay so I would do new and then I'd say new event with Logan or whatever start stage and then you can see people can join looks like people are already in here that's kind of funny I don't know how they got in here so fast um but then one of the cool thing about stage here is I can invite people to talk so if I right click I can invite them to speak just invite Brent here I wonder if he's even in here um but I can right click I can invent I can invite people I can also you can see people are joining here I can click on create invite like so and then it will shout out this event in the community see that join stage so everybody can click on that and then see there's already 15 people in here sorry guys I'm doing a I'm doing a recording I'm doing a live stream right now so I'm actually explaining how these events work um if you want to go watch the live stream I just left it in the public chat I'm gonna I'm going to actually end this so if I click on leave the stage I just left and then um again I can invite people up I can take them off the audience and then here's the chat on the audience as well that shows you what's going on in the actual event um but if I want to end the event I can click on the event itself I can right click end and boom the event's over okay and then again here we are people can wait again right here but um yeah that's how the events work now there are voice channels you can do as well um if you wanted to just do a straight voice Channel without an event but overall I think that the event is kind of the best way to do it um and then you have multiple speakers and it's just a cool way to do things okay um and remember everybody that's in the audience they can't speak unless you invite them up to the to the stage okay uh now let's talk about managing all of this like U setting up the rules setting up the different things in in like the different uh like new channels the the um tabs all of that so as you can see right now we have the community and then we have all the things underneath it okay the things on the left um are the types of things okay so uh let's just go to a brand new server I'm just going to just going to do create my own we'll just do it from the start just so you can see what this looks like just from just a blank slate here so I'm going to delete everything just so you can see a completely blank server all right so I don't even I don't think you can um you can yeah you can't hide events here so that has to be on there but um if I do a right click I can I can either create a channel or I can create a category okay so a category is what holds all the channels so if I do um new let's just say uh let's just call it public chat okay and I click on or sorry let's call it Community click on create now by the way I can make this private if I don't want people to see it but I'm I'm going to leave it open so we'll click on Create and now now this is the thing that holds whatever is in the community so if I do plus create a channel I can choose whether I want a text Channel or a voice channel so we're going to do a text Channel um you can see it says send images send messages images gifts whatever and we'll call it um let's just say public chat and then create and now this is where people can type in a second because we have to enable some things but um that's the public chat okay now if I wanted to create another thing where it's like um I don't know resources and links or let's just call it links click on Create and now we have links now theoretically people could post in either of these right now but what we want to do is we want to set up the settings for these different um channels so if I click on edit channel here and then I go to permissions I can choose what people can do in here so kind of like in the roles before um you can set the different permissions here so if you change Chanel if I click on this now anybody on the server can view the channel but if I click on this then I can choose who can view the channel so I can say well I don't want anybody to view the channel so just make it nobody um or I can choose nobody except for these people whoever the role is can view it um so and then I can I can say whether or not people can manage a channel and this is all just based on the default here so so for example if a rooll says if a if it says a roll can can te uh can type can send messages right then they automatically get um this little thing me means that they get whatever the role is they automatically have so if if their role says they can send messages on any channel then it'll apply to this if that makes sense um so if I don't want them to send messages I have to say x don't don't allow people by default to send messages but obviously in a in a channel a in a chat you want people to send messages okay um so usually with the chat you just leave send messages and view Channel enabled so now anybody can say hi okay anybody can type but let's say for the links I don't want people posting um in this channel I just want this to be like a channel where it's only things that I post what I can do is I can click on edit permissions and then uh I'll turn off send messages but I'll still let people view the channel so that way I can put my links there and that's how we do um these other channels so like all these channels here the only one that people can type in is this one and I can actually turn off what I do at night time so I don't have to moderate anything so I actually turn off the chat at night time so the way I do that is I click on edit and then I go to permissions and at and again when I go to bed I literally just say okay good night everybody and I turn off messages so nobody can type and then in the morning I turn it back on now obviously if you had moderat and other people managing the chat you can do that I just don't like having to worry about it so I I'll turn it off at night time okay um so yeah that's kind of like just the basics to you know to setting up your uh different channels um and if you want to emojis on these it's very simple you just click on edit and then you can just add an emoji here um so I usually will just like Google like you know Emoji tool or I'll just have chat gbt say uh you know emojis or links and then I'll usually just put an emoji at the beginning of this so usually there's like a little link Emoji oh it it it referred my other links like I'm going to say no just for a link in general I have the um capabilities turned on in um chat gbt where it references my other conversations so I can copy that link there and now my channel has a link on it okay save boom there's my little link thing okay so that's how you can kind of make things look a little bit cooler um but anyways uh you can have a channel topic so I can say this is the most important links in the group and then I can click on Save and then what this will do is it'll just add a little description up here so that's kind of helpful if people don't know what this is okay um I can turn on slow mode this is if you don't want people talking really fast it basically limits how fast they can talk in the chat um age restricted I guess this will check people's age before they join it um hide after act inactivity new threads will not be shown in the channel after being inactive for a certain duration I I think I just leave this default and then um invites again this is whoever's invited so I can like invite people to specific channels so if I want them if when I get an invite here and I want to um invite somebody let's say specifically to links I can get an invite there or if I want to invite somebody specifically to public chat I can get an invite there um going back into here I think we're going to need a separate tutorial on MI6 because this is getting really long Integrations again you can make Integrations specifically just for the channels and then um that's kind of the main stuff for for these these different channels here okay so um and I think a lot of these uh in the server template they come pre uh preconfigured so when you go copy This Server template over to your server um they should automatically have the permissions that I've already set on my server yeah they they do so um you'll basically get all my configurations and everything when you copy the server template over surprised there's already 52 people using this is actually kind of crazy um okay so we talked about the um server conf uh server settings we talked about categories um we talked about channels you can see here we can create a channel from here this is just more like your quick links notifications um you can choose how often you get notified you know if somebody tags you or doesn't tag you um that way if you get annoyed by Discord you can always change that um you can see the app directory from here uh you can edit your server profile which I think your server profile is actually different than your user profile because you can make a different server profile um you know what you want to displayed in the server we'll talk about that when we get to user settings in a second but that's kind of all the main stuff just on the left you know all the main configurations now there are a few other things that you can actually add in here um you know you can create uh uh once you once you get a certain level of boost I think or you get a certain type of uh uh Community you can get like fors and media channels and all these other things I don't think they're really that important only other thing I would mention is maybe the announcements Channel um this is just a way for people to check um just what whatever is being announced in the server and they can actually follow the server and then um when they follow this they can actually automatically send this to their server if they want to share the announcements that we're doing on our server um but yeah other than that that's kind of the main stuff uh just for like the server uh as far as the different things up here threads this is if you create threads which I absolutely hate um like for example I can turn this into a thread and then we can respond based on like I can be like um have a dollar okay and then you can see it's a thread now and people can communicate in the thread but the problem is then you have to like monitor all these individual threads and I think it's really annoying and so I I don't do that I just delete I don't let people make threads um but if you wanted to view all the threads you could do that by going here um if they were available uh notification settings this is just your notifications so you can choose to mute certain channels um until you turn them back on um you can click on here this is the PIN messages so they these are all the messages that I've pinned to the server like the important messages um and then if you want to pin message you just right click and then pin you can pin the message and then this is if you want to show or hide the member list okay now as far as what's going on in this server here uh we got the little plus button so we can upload a file if we're allowed to right obviously it's our if it's server we can upload a file um we can create uh share a clip I've actually never used this I don't really know what this is um but I guess it says you can capture a clip while streaming uh you can create a thread or create a poll so I'll be like uh I'll I'll I'll sometimes do polls uh like for example we have a gaming day tomorrow which by the way everybody's invited to that if you guys want to join um but I'm going to say let's say we're doing a gaming SL pizza party tomorrow um and playing rust who's going to join and then we'll say I am planning on joining I'll have to miss it I'll join but I probably won't game okay we can set the duration we can allow multiple an answers click on post and now this will PLL the server and when this poll's done it usually will pop up again at the bottom it'll just tell you the results of the poll um and so this is just a helpful way for you to gather information polls are really really good to um just gather data right this is how I figure out like what we're going to end up doing with certain things you know times and when people can meet and all that good stuff this little present button um you can send gifts to people I believe I I don't know how you can actually gift uh I guess if you wanted to gift the server you can click on this present button we already have Nitro so it doesn't really matter um gifts this is like if you wanted to send gifts and again it depends on the server some some people will enable it I disable the gifts for the server because sometimes they can get get really annoying um but yeah you can go and just type in like you know happy and then um and then you can post whatever right um and then we have the stickers here again and then we have the Emojis and then we have just the apps here on the right okay um now uh right here we have our name we have our microphone so if I want to mute myself or unmute um if I want to deafen this means I I won't be able to hear anybody else talking um and then user settings here now we have our user settings Okay so basically what I'm going to probably do guys is this will probably be part two I think I'm going to make a part three um because this is already getting really long but I will I'll cover the user settings here but I don't think I'm going to cover miix today just because again this is already almost over an hour and I try to keep the streams under an hour um but uh you have your account standing I guess this is just whether or not you've broken any rules um two Factor your password um your SMS authentic again I would turn on a lot of these things if you can um profiles so you got your user profile and your server profile server profile is what you want to show on these specific server so if you want to change anything specifically to the server and I do recommend setting up something for the server because um or for your user as well just because like when somebody clicks on this you want by the way I have a like little GIF here that plays because it's an extra thing but um I would recommend having this because if somebody clicks on your name and they want to know more about you you can put something here okay so it says hey there if you need help please ping me in public chat um after reading get started and rules okay so if I click on Anthony here Anthony says upon us all a little Rain Must Fall okay well and again this is where I would recommend maybe Anthony can uh might want to put something a little bit more like about what he's working on or I don't know something like that bill Creator real estate YouTube and he's got his at symbol okay that's kind of cool so we can see where his YouTube's at so yeah Tina I'd recommend filling something out there um so anyways uh I think I can click on um these profiles says mod view and it'll actually show me um you know when Tina joined it just gives me more information about Tina um or whoever I'm clicking on here um I can add friend I can do more I can invite to another server and I don't know if that works from any profile that might just be the mod um going back to profiles here so I do recommend setting this up so I do shifi my pronouns are AI thought that was kind of funny Avatar um this is if you want to have like your own personal image or your or a gif I just put an my AI image there um Avatar decoration um I paid for this if you want to buy little decorations you can buy them they're kind of pointless but you know it's five bucks so I got a little decoration cuz why not got this little angry decoration I don't know why it's just funny um makes you look more unique in the server too so like when you see me here you can see I just look a little bit more unique there's a little animation happening it's five bucks you stand out if you want to stand out um so also we have the uh uh profile Banner so if somebody clicks on my name um I paid for this as well again a little extra but whatever uh but what the profile or no sorry the profile Banner is the thing in the background uh profile effect is the thing I bought this is a little dragon guy that comes up again you can buy other animations if you want um and then Banner again this is if you get Nitro I believe you can get like the little GIF up here I have a dancing robot um you can change your profile theme so if I wanted this to be like white instead of purple you know I can choose the coloring there I can choose the accent make it purple on purple and then I have my info here and uh and then I have my server profile or my P my user so this is what's displayed in the server that I select and this is displayed when somebody just sees me as just you know in the DMS or whatever okay content and social um I don't really I'm not 100% sure on all this stuff I don't I haven't spent a lot of time here but um choose what you've SE choose what you see when uploaded or linked media contained since instead of so I guess this is just like how you view social media content and how you share it or something I'm not sure I a lot of this other stuff I don't I haven't really I haven't really messed with the settings um but uh yeah overall like shows you all your authorized apps shows your devices that you're logged into um shows you your different connections um shows you your clipping so when you're doing a stream I guess and you're doing a clip it just showed my Skype name this was a joke by the way I was gaming and this it's kind of funny that that showed up um Nitro so this is your Nitro plan if you have Nitro and I guess it just helps give you better settings or something I don't know um server boost I guess this is who you're boosting subscriptions I guess this is who you're um paying for if you're paying for any servers that have you know plans um gift inventory I guess this is this is if somebody gives you a gift appearance um I turn on the dark mode on on Discord I think the light mode is way too bright like I can barely see anything anymore so I leave that on that's just way too intense um you can change the coloring as well from here again I just leave it on the default the dark here um you can choose the app icon this is what's displayed on the top left um so if I change that it'll just I'll just change it to the thing that matches my emoji whatever thing um cozy this is basically how you're um how you can see things I actually like compact compact more I probably leave that on that um you can choose the spacing in between messages the font size the zoom level um the time format uh accessibility I guess this is just like more for if you need certain things going on again I haven't dived this deep into the Discord um hopefully so far what we've covered is a deep enough dive um this is kind of an important thing a lot of people will try to join like our calls and they won't be able to talk um and usually the reason why is because Discord doesn't always pick up your input like for what you're doing so usually sometimes we'll have to go to voice and set your input device like your mic and then your output device wherever your audio is that's a common issue I see a lot voice activity you can do push to talk so like I press a button to be able to talk but I like voice activity and then um this will automatically determine how sensitive the mic has to be for it to pick up my voice or I can check I can change a threshold here if I turn that off um video settings you can turn your video on and then I guess you can have like green screen backgrounds if you want you can turn on noise suppression I guess I have mine on crisp um chat so honestly I'm not I'm not sure we need to go through all this other stuff but um I mean I think in a nutshell we covered the most important things um I guess you can change your language but um hopefully a lot of what we I shared today was helpful um if it was let me know um like I said we probably will need to go into another video on U MI6 just because this one's getting really long uh but yeah this is a three-part Discord series now um so uh again if you're enjoying it let me know and uh that's it for today hopefully I'll see you guys tonight inside of our call and we'll see you on the next one till we do happy moneymaking we'll see you guys bye

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