Here’s how you make $1,726 per day with AI and Chat GPT 🤯

here's how you make 1726 dollars a day with AI and chat GPT start out by having chat gbt summarize you a list of the top AI tools and store it automatically in a Google spreadsheet now just have chat gbt select randomly five websites that you're gonna feed into a tool called 11 Labs 11 Labs will allow you to clone your voice and create an audio file that you can use in a tick tock video all you have to do now is use a python script to combine the audio with a video recording of the websites that chatgpt found as you start to get views with these automated AI videos all you have to do is send people to a link that you can get paid to promote if you go to this is a free checklist of different AI tools that'll actually pay to promote them in your videos I actually did a full presentation on how to get set up with this if you head over to you can start watching it right now and if you want more videos like this one just reply with the word yes and I'll make sure to keep you updated

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