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going on everyone welcome back Chase with shifi here and today we're going to be talking about how I completely automated my income with AI and how you can get started doing the exact same thing even if you're a complete beginner and the best part is I have nothing to sell you in fact I'm going to be giving you a full free checklist of everything that you need to get set up and you're not going to have to pay any money for this I'm going to give it to you for free and all you have to do by the way to grab access to this checklist along with some other things that we're doing like a full free cash giveaway this month we're giving away $25,000 we're actually giving away more than that there's a few different giveaways we're doing and we're giving away a group as well with group calls all you have to do to get access to all of this is just drop a comment leave a like And subscribe and I'll send you access to all of this in today's video now in today's video I have a full system set up for you um that is going to allow you to get started with this exact system that I'm using that has been making me a ton of money and it's not just happening for me we have a bunch of people in our group as well that are taking action and they're already seeing results too so let me show you uh this system here what we're doing so first of all this is an affiliate that I'm promoting this is a link basically what I'm doing is I'm promoting links with my AI system and the links look like this it's just a simple little link right here and my AI system has already driven a 100 over 100,000 clicks to this affiliate link and you can see here they this affiliate actually owes me already $43,000 in the last 19 days and today I've already earned $6,700 and I have some other Affiliates as well this is another one here that I've been promoting they owe me6 854 on this side of the affiliate they actually have two sides of their affiliate program and another 1,583 and this affiliate just paid me out a little over I think it was like $14,000 so all of this stuff is reoccurring the idea is that you can get set up with these different um tools and you can actually Drive traffic to all these different links and you can get paid reoccurring buy these different tools and Affiliates and once you have enough affiliate Revenue coming in you can pretty much do whatever you want so uh what I'm going to be doing today is I'm going to be walking you through step by step how to get started with this system and I'm going to show you how easy this is because a lot of this is copy and paste uh really all of the systems have already been built so when it comes to the follow-up when it comes to the funnels when it comes to the offers when it comes to the emails I've actually built a lot of this for you and what I've actually been doing is I've been adding it to our Discord server which I would recommend you join this a free Discord server and uh if you want to join this server all you have to do is just go to the link below this video and join the Discord and again inside of here we have uh giveaways that we're doing so the $25,000 giveaway and then we have $2,000 giveaways as well um and all you have to do by the way to enter these giveaways is just follow the instructions all of them are free to enter and uh one of the giveaways right now that we're doing is literally if you just post whatever you're doing to take action you will get entered to win and so what we're doing is we're taking a lot of the revenue that we're generating with these um Affiliates and with the AI system that we've built and we're actually funneling a lot of that money back into the community so that people can get rewarded for taking action um so yeah go in here you can see all the different things going on case studies you can go check out the email swipe files we'll talk about what all this stuff means in a second the snapshots but everything is being documented in here and you can just click on these different channels and you can go through and see all the different things that we're doing but a lot of what's in here is also in the checklist okay so if this seems like a lot don't worry um just stick around it will make more sense as we go through this and just realize that uh nothing that you know is uh super easy is going to really be worth doing because all these people out there that are saying well you know you don't have to do anything you just you just click a button and and then you're making millions of dollars that's not how this is going to work really what you want to do is you want to set up this system and once you have the system set up it does run pretty much on autopilot but do you still have to do the setup and do the work to you know maintain it yes it's not going to just be that you know in the next day you're going to be a millionaire or you're going to make a ,000 doll a day it takes a little bit of work to set all of this stuff up but once you have it set up you're you'll be amazed by how cool this system is and how automated it is so first thing that we want to do is we want ahead to get started now in here uh when you join the Discord it just you just have to check uh have to check this little button here and what this will do is it'll allow you to join all the other channels um it just verifies you and then on the get started you can see it says step number one click on the check mark step number two read the rules this is just the rules of the group and then um Step number three this is the get started video so this is actually how you set up your funnel and how you get into the checklist and everything and then um step four you know grab the checklist if you haven't already and then uh inside of this check list there's three essential tools that we're using right now uh for our system the first one is this tool called high Lev Okay the reason why this tool is really important is because this tool is what allows us to actually sell things okay and what you'll see uh within our community is you'll see a lot of people actually talking about this but you're not going to make money on views alone okay you need a way to turn those views into sales and the way that you turn views into sales is you have a way to uh automate your followup and build relationships with people uh without actually having to be there okay so what does that mean it means that whenever I tell people to go grab this checklist right what happens is they go into this funnel here and this funnel says grab the free checklist and the $25,000 giveaway now if I click on this button here or anybody clicks on this button it asks them for their first name and their email okay now when they click on this button they get entered into our funnel and so that means they get entered into an automated system also they get to join the Discord okay now the reason why this is so important is because most the people that are going to be entering your system right if you're going to be using AI to send people places they're going to be very confused they're go well what is this I don't understand right and what we want to do is we want to send them to a place that we can continually remarket to these people and let them know what we're doing and who we are and that's why we have this full community and this full checklist now what's really important about this though is that all of this is a template that you can copy and paste on your own assets so uh the this the funnel the one that you just saw is copy and paste the checklist that you're looking at right here is copy and paste the Discord server is copy and paste CU what I do is I all of this stuff that I'm running right the the community the um the checklist everything I'm basically downloading templates that you can import into your own system okay so let me show you what that means so first of all if we go to the checklist here um I can click on file and then I can click on make a copy and what that's going to do is it's going to put a copy of this checklist into my uh uh into my Google Drive now you have to be signed into Google Drive for this to work but if I click on make a copy boom now I have my own version of this checklist and so this is what you can do you can go and copy this checklist and once you have your own version you can change this out so no so it won't any longer say shifi checklist it would say whatever your name is checklist okay now why is this important because you can teach people a similar system of using AI to help automate their leads and their sales and you can get the the Affiliates for that thing so all these links you can change out with your links so I if if let's say I was you and I I switched out your name up here from shifi checklist to you know new AI guy checklist or girl checklist let's just say new AI person checklist okay now I can go in I can sign up for the Affiliates for these different programs which I'll show you how to do but I can go sign up for the Affiliates and I can switch out these links with my links now if I give out this checklist because I own the checklist now right I can click on share and then with anyone with a link now I can send this checklist to anybody as if it's my checklist and if they go through it and learn all these things well guess what I get credited for all those sales and I don't even have to build the checklist now I'm talking as if I'm you right okay now uh that's the first thing is the checklist right now you might be thinking well how do I get the funnel right getting the checklist was easy I just clicked on make a copy well for the funnel all you have to do is click on the snapshot here um you can also go into the Discord server and head over to uh snapshots but uh here is our most recent snapshot you just click on this and obviously you have to have an account first uh on High level if you click on this link it gives you a 30-day free trial but once you're signed in uh all you have to do is just click on import it Imports the snapshot and this one should say uh shine ify snapshot 1216 so that's our most recent snapshot you can see it's 127 right now I guess you can't see it because my face is in the way but anyways um now I can click a create new account and this will make me a new sub account on High level or um I can go to sub accounts and I can import the snapshot um through the sub accounts if you don't know what that means pause this video go into the checklist and watch the first video cuz this first video explains uh you know what is a snapshot what is a sub account what is all this stuff how does you know what is a CRM like go watch the first video because this video will make a lot more sense if you go watch the first video okay now once you have this in your account once you import the snapshot what's going to happen is you're going to get a complete download of my entire account so that means you're going to get the funnels you're going to get the emails you're going to get everything and so now just kind of like the checklist you can literally just copy and paste and you'll have all this stuff available to you so if I click on uh you know the checklist or the homepage here you have this exact funnel in your account now and people can go to this page and you can get a website in high level I show you how to do that as well or a domain but boom now you have all this and uh and then you can change the redirect to your own group so um again if that doesn't make sense go watch the first video it'll make a lot more sense but overall that's how you can copy and paste the funnel and then even the automated email followup because all of the emails that get sent through here when somebody goes to your page that you now have it'll send them emails about your checklist and your offer and you're just going in here and swapping out all your links okay so how does the Discord server works so uh to get your own Discord server with the exact same um uh things that we have going on in here you click on server templates and then and then here you click on view template and guess what this is the whole exact server that that I set up this took me forever to build all this stuff by the way the checklist the snapshot the email automations this all took me like months and months of my time to build and literally all of this is just copy and paste for you so for This Server uh uh snapshot here under create a server you just click on Create and it'll let you create your own server like so boom look at that now you have your own server with everything in here oh I might need to figure out how to transfer all the you might have to just uh copy and paste all the text in these servers um in the in the text I guess it'll only create this but then you're going to have to go and transfer all that okay um but overall now you have your three things right you have your community you have your uh your email followup you have your funnels you have everything okay and so now that you have all this set up um ideally now you can start building out your AI system uh that will allow you to start um selling things online um because the hardest part like I said is setting up all this infrastructure but I've built it all for you so you literally just copy and paste it and then once you have it going it should take you maybe like I don't know a couple hours to set up if you're brand new it might take you a little bit longer because uh some of this stuff is a little confusing to start with but um you can always ask questions in our group and uh I try to do um behind the scenes calls as well to walk you through whatever we're doing I try to do calls inside of the Discord as well we actually did one uh yesterday and you can go to the replays here and watch the previous call from yesterday that was just for the Discord um server because there are are things that I I can only share inside a Discord I can't share you know publicly um so if you want to go watch those replays you can click on replays but overall uh once you have all this set up um you're pretty much good to go and from here what we're going to end up doing is we're going to actually create a um we're going to create an automated system to basically distribute content and we're going to be using a a combination of chat GPT and a few other pieces of technology to help us find viral content that we can um that we can uh create uh content off of and that Viral content is going to funnel a ton of people into our community into our checklist into all of our Affiliates into our email list and um it's going to be really cool uh once you have all this set up okay now one of the things I want to show you um let me just go into the um way that we actually uh create content so what we do um we're going to go back to the checklist here and we're going to go to the next link which is spotter okay this link right here this will give you a uh not only will it give you a 60-day free trial to spotter but it will also give you a uh entry into the $25,000 giveaway that they're doing um this month so if I click on this here you can see it says says we're giving away $25,000 to YouTube creators like you um now the caveat by the way is that you do have to have a video on your YouTube account because they will ask you to connect your YouTube account you can literally just upload like a 10-second video it doesn't matter but um just make sure that when you sign in because they're going to ask you to sign in through Google that you do have a a video on whatever YouTube account you sign in with okay now once you're signed in first of all like I said uh just enter the 60-day trial and you get entered to win the uh the giveaway but second of all we're going to head over to Labs here and then we're going to click on Trend Spotter and what this is going to do is this is going to allow us to basically filter by all of YouTube and the reason why this is important is because when we start creating content with our AI system we want to create content based on what we see is working okay so uh what we can do is we can head over to the search here and we can type in something like make money with AI okay for people that are looking to make more money with AI so we type that in and we got all these videos now if you look at what this says right here it says outlier score what this means is this is measuring this metric is measuring how well these videos are doing based on the first seven days that these videos exist and then um compared to uh after those first seven days so basically what we're looking for is we don't want to see videos that just have a big spike and then just you know a little like Drop Like what you'll see was some videos like people that are faking their videos and their views is you'll see a big spike and then you just won't see anything after like the graph will just look like you know trade across and so the all score is good at at checking against that and ideally if the video has longterm organic growth the outlier index will be higher so these are all videos that are showing it doesn't mean it doesn't mean that it's completely proven but it it it means that there's a high chance that these videos have a lot of organic growth and that if you create similar video you will do well with videos like this okay so uh what I can do is I can copy or I can screenshot all of this right let me just do a screenshot we'll do a Windows shift s because we're on a uh on a Windows if you're on a Mac it's command shift s um but I just took a screenshot and now we're going to head over to chat GPT now if you're wondering you know what version of chat GPT do I need to do this uh I get the $20 month plan I tried the $200 month plan and I don't know if it's really worth it from a chat GPT perspective maybe it is from a SORA perspective I'm not 100% sold on Sora yet either just because I think there's a cheaper way to create content um when it comes to AI video but anyways we'll not get super into that I either way I would get the $20 month plan if you can on chat chbt um I'm not affiliated with them I don't get anything if you sign up for their $20 month plan but I personally have it just because I think it probably works a little bit better um and I don't know if you can do do uh screenshots if you're um if you're not on the um on the Pro Plan but anyways uh we're going to click we're going to paste this in here and by the way if I do a control+v it'll just paste that screenshot I took into um chat GPT and I can say I need video titles like this please um generate me a list and um you know store in a spreadsheet now I really like having chat GPT update spreadsheets for me because what happens is eventually I'm going to want to store this somewhere and so you can actually have chat GPT update ideas for you but then as it's updating ideas it saves them all into a spreadsheet so you can reference that for later and if you ever want to go back to that spreadsheet you can always bring it back in so while that's uh analyzing the image um let's just kind of talk about what the plan's going to be here so what we're going to end up doing is we're going to really focus on a few different types of content okay so if we go into the checklist here's the main things that we look look to do okay so if possible we want to do a live stream every day that's optional by the way and this is obviously if you want to just get more uh output I don't have to go live right I I choose to go live because for me I think that the the conversion rate goes up and what that means is that if I just do short form content that's automated and image pose and emails I'm going to make money but I'm going to make a lot more if I show people that I'm a real person I'm not just an AI person okay because I do so much AI stuff that I think that having some live streams maybe not one a day but like if you even did like once a week or something I think it really adds a certain level of trans parency to what you do and I think you will get more sales do you have to no but I do think it is something that does improve the amount of sales I personally get and if you can do it great if not you know no big deal okay but um long form the way I do my long forms is I just edit my live streams automatically with AI I'm not going to talk about that right this instant but just know that's what I do but the main things that we're going to be using AI for um that I'm going to be recommending to you is short form Emil and image based posts okay now uh the way we're going to do that though is we're going to do this based on first of all um what we're getting as feedback here so here's a list of video titles stored in a spreadsheet download it here so I'm going to download this from chat gbt and looks like this is what we got so far okay so boom this is all based on the the vi the viral uh outlier scores that we got from spotter okay so new make $100 a day with chat BT how to make money so these are all proven to probably do pretty well okay now we got our titles now now whether we make an email with this whether we make an image with this whether we make a short or a long or a live stream chances are these will do pretty well because they're it's all working off of proven content that we're getting from um spotter okay and a lot of what we do by the way is based around video I don't I'm not a big believer in like let's go and make a blog you know um I think that was something that might have worked really well previously but I think right now that the biggest opportunity is doing video and I and this is why I was originally going towards video years and years ago is because I I just didn't see a long um future for text based content you know so we got our titles right and now that we have our titles we can choose what type of content we want to create okay so for me right following the checklist let's say I did a live stream in a long form and by the way let me let me reiterate this to you okay this is a lot of where your money is going to come from your sales okay you can build a huge audience with email short form and image-based posts but getting them to buy is a different story and yes you can automate your long form and automate your lives but my opinion is at some point you probably want to do one of these things just to get sales okay at some point you want to demo what you're doing and people always ask me like well can I use an AI voice for my you know long form for my live streams for what I'm doing yeah you technically can but I think it's more work to do that than it is to just go and do a screen record you don't have to show your face you could do like what I'm doing here and then you see how I'm in the bottom right I can just remove my face and you could just do a screen record like this that's what we're seeing some people are are doing and they're successful with it and making sales so either way I do recommend that at some point you know you just learn a little bit about doing a screen record and if you really feel uncomfortable you know record the video and then have text to speech go over it afterwards if you hate your voice or just use a voice changer um like you know you can get one in cap cut and by the way all of this is is is available for you to learn okay so when you go through the checklist um and you get to here OBS this will actually show you how to get started um uh learning how to do videos how to record videos because I actually have an older checklist this actually took me months and months to build but this is everything I do so my whole video setup how to go how to make short form content manually if you feel like doing it manually um how to do uh long form how to edit your Clips together like everything that I do is in these checklists um and I've spent a very very long time doing this and and when I was selling this by the way guys I made millions and millions of dollars um and the only reason I stopped selling it is because I wanted to start giving everything away for free uh because I thought you know why wouldn't that be a cool thing to be the first person to like really give away more value than everybody else for free so that's why I do what I do now okay um but anyways uh going back into the the list here uh ideally you do these a couple times a week if you can um but again you don't have to but when you're doing these right let's say you were you were taking those titles that we got from chat GPT I can schedule these all out for the week right so what am I going to need to do that though I'm going to need a thumbnail right um I'm going to need a description now by the way the descriptions for my videos they're all pretty much the exact same I don't really change them so really all I need is a bunch of titles or seven titles if I let's say I did seven videos a week right seven titles and seven descriptions okay or Sorry Seven thumbnails now the way I get my thumbnails is I have a tool called replicate that clones me okay uh if you haven't already I'd check out this tutorial here on replicate and again all of this is step by step by the way if you just go through the list it it'll show you how to do all this but I would go and click on uh the replicate uh tutorial and it'll and you'll get walked through by Matt wolf here who actually was the first person to find this um or at least talk about it that I saw uh but Matt wolf here will teach you how to go and clone yourself with replicate and then what's going to happen is you're going to have the ability to pretty much uh clone yourself into any any image you want so that here's an AI clone of me um and I just was able to make that based on me putting Chaser in front of a car and then from there I use canva to go and add myself into my thumbnails that's how I made the thumbnail for today and all of that by the way again is if that's confusing is in this checklist I show you how to how to use canva like if you click on this video here I walk you through using canva to go and make these thumbnails um so now you know how to make these thumbnails okay so everything that I I have is all step by step it's all it's all here to show you exactly what to do um but yeah we have our list then and then we're going to have our thumbnails and then we we're pretty much ready to go from a long form and live stream standpoint um but as far as the emails the short forms and the images let me show you what I do every single week so every single week I basically batch things out okay so for this week I did um actually a couple days ago I did all of the emails um actually did for 5 days but um if we go into the uh email swipes here here's all of the emails I got written for this week and so you can take these exact same uh emails and you can send them out now what am I doing in these emails well I'm just telling people this is all HTML because um I had AI do all the formatting of the emails but I just tell people about all the different things we're doing so the giveaways the um you know the tools that we're promoting all of that um and a lot of it's all just free stuff I'm just giving away a lot of free stuff but when people go and sign up for those things through the emails um obviously like I make money when they go sign up for a full free account um or when they upgrade their account and uh you can take these exact same emails to show you what some of these look like um if you haven't seen them yet but you can take these exact same emails that I'm giving um that I'm using trying to open up one of these over here so you can go use these exact same emails here this is the email one of them um and it says you know ready to automate grow and win boom so how do I do that well what I do is I figure out first of all what do I want to promote okay and then I I have chat GPT help me promote those things so the main things that I'm promoting right now are just the different um links in the spreadsheet so uh the top the top three so high level is one of them high level does a 40% reoccurring commission plus a 5% tier two um plus I have a sponsorship with them spotter does $100 a trial right now plus $5,000 every hundred trials you get uh plus a 30% Lifetime and then customers AI um their affiliate isn't amazing right now I think it's only like 10% but I am working on getting a better deal um for all of us uh because I am talking to the owner of this company but the plat the the tool is just really really cool and I I'll I'll show you it in a second because I wanted to show you guys how cool this tool is um but these are kind of the main ones and then I'm also promoting the Discord and you know some of the other tools okay so what I can do is I can take my different affiliate links from the spreadsheet and you can do the same thing if you want to write your own emails you don't want to use the swipe files and you can go and take these links let's say I took this this uh uh this this and this and I can copy all of that and I can tell chat gbt I need emails for these links and I am doing a 5day promo that ends on uh let's say 122 24 today is uh let's just say 125 24 um and the scarcity is that when the promo ends uh so does the entries to our $1,000 giveaway that we will will be pulling the winner for on 1220 so what I like to do is I like to base whatever um content I'm doing whether it's like short form emails whatever I'm doing around some sort of promotion so it's like it could be giving away money it could be a live stream but I like to have some sort of timer on what I'm doing because ideally you want to um have all these links be associated with a timer because people are going to go as the timer runs out they're going to go and sign up for all those things and the timer doesn't even really have to be relevant it just you just want to have some sort of timer there so if I do a control+v and paste my different links um I'm going to say here are the links I want to promote can you give me three emails a day for the next five days and save each of them into a CSV whoops I said CSC but um I don't know if I can fix that let me do oh it it it knew I said CSV whatever we'll just do it again um so this is how I'm writing all my emails though okay and so everything I'm doing whether it's like shorts whether I'm doing like titles whether I'm doing thumbnails um you can do this exact same strategy for for doing all your thumbnails as well you can take all your titles and have it give you um the prompts for your thumbnails but everything I'm doing I'm basically doing from a bulk output perspective right so like if I need to do if I go in here right and I need to schedule out all my live streams I'm going to do it from a bulk spreadsheet perspective with chat gbt if I'm going to be scheduling out all my long forms same thing emails same thing short same thing and so if you can start thinking about doing things in terms of bulking it out um once you have the system set up like chat gbt is going to really really save you time because a lot of people what they do is they try to do things from like a daily standpoint like what do I need to do today and you don't want to think about that like you want to have all this stuff set up so that you can literally just have it run on the back end and maybe spend like an hour or two hours a week just making sure like okay I bulk output this thing and then you schedule all of it out like all my emails are scheduled out um a lot of my content is scheduled out I actually need to do a bulk output on um radar which by the way I might do a working stream soon maybe inside of our Discord or inside of um our YouTube I'm not sure where but uh literally you can just go in and and and bulk all your content uh and schedule out with radar and it'll post all your platforms like you can post I'm posting like 40 platforms at once um or profiles at once and so uh that's why it's so important to learn the system because ideally listen to me like here's the thing all of this is really complicated to start with okay you're going to be looking at all this you're going to be like gosh this is so complicated but once you get past that right and you just go through and learn everything it's not that bad what it running it is super easy if you have all this set up I mean you're literally spending almost no time whatsoever because it's all running you have your group automated you have your checklist automated you have your course automated you have your funnel automated your follow-up automated you have all your content automated and then maybe you do a couple live streams a week it's pretty automated okay but getting the setup and understanding it's the hard part um and really at the end of the day all we're doing is we're just chaining a bunch of stuff together okay so um that's why this is a checklist though okay so you don't have to go and learn everything at once if you're getting if you're overwhelmed by this just go through and do the first thing you know go to go to this first part go watch the video and then when you're done with that first thing you just click on done okay maybe you do one thing a day right maybe you spend an hour a day on this and then you go to the next thing you click on done okay just go through the checklist one thing at a time you don't have to go and do everything at once right um this this is something that took the checklist alone the system took me years to build but the checklist alone along with you know the the Discord and the list of 400 AI tools and I mean this has taken me hundreds and hundreds maybe even thousands of hours to build um that I'm giving you for free so take advantage of it right because you know most people don't even have this in their paid stuff right this is I'm I'm working day and night I literally almost don't even sleep anymore because I'm working so hard on building all of this stuff for you because I'm obsessed with um helping people and trying to make sure that they're successful so um you know take advantage of it uh do what you can um and and don't get overwhelmed just just do one thing at a time do what you can and if you get confused again that's what our community is for that's what all of this all these resources are for it's so that's what I do my live streams um for that's why I do the group calls everything I do is for is so that we we can help you get to the next level okay that's what the giveaways are for so that you'll take action um literally you don't even have to do anything you could just say hey hey I I posted a video today or I took action you know and just say hash wins I took action and you know you get entered to win $2,000 this month just for doing that so like that's not even that hard to do you know so just get started like you know you're I'm trying to incentivize you to do this because most people are so scared of starting but you're never going to get anywhere unless you you start with the first step okay all right so uh going back into chat GPT we got our CSV here so we can click on download and there we go it says 5day promo emails and here we go we got the subject uh we got the body and and you can see this is a little you know a little short here we probably want this to be a little bit longer so what I'm going to do is I'm going to say before you know let's sometimes what happens is if you try to do too much bulk um what what what happens is chat gbt has a token limit and that means that chat gbt when you give it a a prompt it can only give out an output let's say I do a prompt you know give me 15 emails well what what chat GPT is going to say what what we're saying to chat GPT is this is what's getting past to chat GPT give me 15 emails within this token limit okay so your emails are not going to be very good if you have to do 15 of them and there's a token limit so chat GPT is making the emails as small as possible instead what we say is let's do one email at a time and start from the beginning okay so now ideally the new emails should be a lot better so look the th000 giveaway starts now this is it the countdown to a th000 starts right now okay but it's only giving us one link so what we want to do is we want to go back into the initial prompt and we want to say listen I need a link for all of the things mentioned don't just give one link and then eventually once we like the output we'll just start having all of this turned into HTML so we can upload this as HTML so it all has formatting um but here we go this is it the countdown boom high level and then it has your other you see it's using all of our affiliate links here high level spotter customers Discord you know your checklist all of this and so when you do an email all of this is going to be included in your email and even if somebody just signs up for a few of these things you can see how uh that alone is going to um you know make you probably a few sales at some point even if they only sign up for a few things but here's what most people do and this is what I figured out because I've been doing affiliate for a little while now is that um you'll see people and they'll they'll go and sign up for everything because a lot of this stuff is free anyways right so they'll sign up for this then they'll go to this then they'll go to this they'll go to this and so I I don't think you should be worried about just having one affiliate like why not go and you know if if you have one person go and sign up for even half of these things and only keep one of them there's a high chance that you're going to make a sale off of that one person at some point okay so here's another one uh tools you need boom boom boom and by the way um I can just keep clicking on next and and this is going to keep prompt uh keep building all these outputs and then I can eventually ask chat you be to save all of these into a spreadsheet okay um so there you go that's how you can build out all your emails and schedule am out okay uh now as so so so far we talked about the titles uh we a bulk output of titles we talked about the um the images and and then the way you do the bulk output of the images same thing you just ask for a prompt for all the images bulk output we talked about the emails um as far as the shorts go uh I mean the shorts are really really simple okay so you go to somewhere like YouTube you find shorts that are trending I like doing the shorts on like the top three or the top five websites type videos because they're so repeatable and they're so easy and so many people do them and they're successful with them um but like for example I could take uh let's say I don't know let's just find one that did well maybe this one um and again this is all AI let me just play it for you if you haven't heard these yet these are the top three shocking websites that will change your world number one shine.com okay that's the video so I can copy that URL boom paste it into YouTube now in order to get the trans script of this so we can regenerate it we just go into to the URL take out shorts and put video These are the top three it'll give me the actual video page for this short and then if I click on more here I can grab the transcript and I can have chat GPT do the same thing so I'm going to say I uh so we're going to go back to a new chat we're going to say I need uh variations of this video three uh day um for the next 5 days and I want scarcity around a $1,000 giveaway I'm doing that ends on um on the fifth day okay so boom we're going to copy and paste that in okay all right here are the three variations of your video for the next 5 days okay uh now here we here you can see it's kind of messing up it's giving us the hook so what we're going to say is we're going to pause this we're going to say I don't need this I need just the word the uh words output in plain text because I will be copy and pasting into text to speech uh and the site is shiny.
Okay because it misspelled it up there if you didn't see that um but here you see it says these three websites can change your life number one Shin ofy secret AI checklist uh boom it's just ending in five days so now we're putting scarcity in our shorts video two um so yeah uh let so here it's giving me all this stuff but you know maybe we should do like three day let's just do so it doesn't mess up the token limit um and it uses its uh resources well I guess cuz it's a shorter output it doesn't really matter but I like to kind of prompt these things as it goes so um let's just do let's just do day one because what I like to do is I'll do like one day at a time and then I'll read it the output and then maybe for day two I'll want to change the output for day two to be a little bit different um so here it says these three websites can change your life number one trying to fly a secret AI checklist with over 400 tools number two and and by the way all this stuff like you don't even have to have ai like um say this you could say this s like you could pull out your phone if you didn't want AI actually sometimes makes things more complicated uh but here we go uh okay AI checklist okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to say what can we do to make day 2's videos more interesting and then it's going to give us the next thing here are some way that we can ways that we can spice it up stronger hooks okay it's giv us better ideas here scarcity emphasis and then I'm going to say okay let's do that so usually when I'm doing my bulk outputs I do like one day at a time and I and I and I prompt the direction throughout the days because ideally you want to be in charge of like you don't what's going to happen is if you have chat gbt bulk output everything it's just going to be the same redundant thing over and over and so ideally you want to like steer the ship as it's going so video okay so here's how day two could look um here's the cheat code so now it's giving us kind of some cooler hooks here and yeah I mean this looks pretty good so now like I said I could do this myself if I wanted to do this myself I'd go into the checklist I would go to you know the older checklist and I would go to uh OBS and I would just learn how to do this myself if I want to record these myself without AI if I wanted to use AI um what I can do is I can go um and use the uh the things that I teach inside of here which is 11 Labs replicate gen 3 you just go through this section of the checklist it'll show you how to make um videos with your own AI clone um but ideally like at some point you want to bulk automate the output for these shorts as well where you don't even have to do editing um and that's when you would use a a you know a script which um I'm actually working on uh the bulk generator for you guys right now as we speak um if I connect to this server here oh I'm going to have to do this on a different day um but ideally I have a script built where and I've talked about this before if you go check out um our tutorial on Winder um this is the script here but it's a python script that allows you to uh basically bulk output these videos um and you basically just upload a folder of randomly generated uh videos AI videos and then you click run and it'll generate you um a bunch of shorts that you can schedule out automatically um so all of these videos here that you see that I'm posting they're all bulk generate I can generate thousands of these at a time that's actually um and so I used an AI python script to do that I used AI to code that app for me um but uh yeah I mean I'm just showing you what's possible here okay you guys can do whatever you want with this but just remember I'm I'm trying to show you guys like all of this is bulk right like you can sit down once you have all this set up um you can sit down on a Sunday like I do and you can have you can go okay all of my lives are scheduled all of my long forms are done right cuz you just turn your lives into long forms we use dript to autoedit um all the the live streams but um then you can bulk output your emails and schedule them out that's done you can bulk output your shorts that's done so every single week all of these things can be done um and and and they can be done well right like you can use because all you're doing is you're just taking my templates like the stuff that I'm doing that's making me all this money um you're literally just copying and pasting it okay and uh uh and and that's how I'm generating like thousands and thousands of clicks because um everything that I do it's literally just like uh it's a you know it's it's it's all formulated from everything that I've learned over the years and also another thing that I want to mention to you guys is um you know if if you're thinking well you know I'm not going to be able to do this because I don't have you know any followers um inside of our Discord server I actually talked about some strategies for uh things that I can't really mention here but if you go and watch the um the uh the replay um it'll talk it talks about how I'm actually able to basically uh growth Hack My Views um and and basically what I would do if I was starting out because uh you know I'll be honest with you if I was starting out I would not be just going and necessarily just starting a brand new YouTube channel I would be doing what I'm what I'm talking about in that call on that replay so um go check it out you know if you have time but um yeah that's kind of the system guys and again this is all like legit I'm not making this up I'm not like you know I'm not hiding anything I've made millions and millions of dollars online and um and and it wasn't because I was like you know uh doing ads or anything weird I was literally just going out and and using a a Content system and follow-up system to generate uh millions and millions of dollars in sales and I would have actually made um a lot more money this year if I you can see all my sales here dropped off the clip if um I was I was on track to be making you know Millions here um this year I was making at some point I was making like over $300,000 a month um but the the problem is that you know I I got tired of selling all the time I wanted to start giving away for everything for free and so the system this this checklist here you know there was a way lesser version of this checklist that I was selling that was you know that I was making millions of dollars off of and now I'm literally giving it all away fre to you for free so um take advantage of this you know this checklist you know theoretically I could charge thousands and thousands of dollars for especially because I'm adding all these Python scripts for the for the code the programs I'm building for you like it's all um there for you and and this is stuff that like you know you could build an entire business off of or even sell to other people I mean this is something that's really really valuable that you're going to be be able to just copy and paste and give away um or or sell you know if you want to sell this or do it as a service uh Anthony says Chase is pure genius this content would cost you thousands and he's doing it for free oh thanks Anthony uh finally made it to the live um work schedule not normally conducive to catching your live streams until they're not live anymore anyways just wanted to say thanks thanks David uh life of a boring old guy can you show how to import the new Snapchat into the sub account and go high level um yeah I mean it's pretty simple you just go into the uh go into the sub account that you have um and then you just press on import um I do show that in the checklist by the way on that first video uh but yeah I mean you literally just go into sub account you click on the the the sub account that you want to import it to and then you click on manage and then you click on actions load snapshot and then you just load that snapshot that I gave you and it'll let you import it okay where is your Discord server it's like the fifth link down in the description of this video um so yeah uh hopefully you guys got some value from all of this I still need to do some updates on these other things um but uh I really just need to create tutorials on how to you know set up your own Discord server um how to set up your Gmail how to set up all these other things I kind of covered the Discord a little bit today um but there are some settings that I do want to cover on some of these things uh but it's probably going to be a separate video um but overall hopefully you guys got some value from all of this if you did let me know um do me a favor uh one of the best ways you can support what I'm doing and all the things that I'm doing to give away everything for free is obviously use the checklist use the links in the checklist because it you know supports what I do um but also uh you know if you can just show the algorithm some love drop a comment leave a like And subscribe on this video uh it really helps me out a lot and I appreciate you all for being here but that's it for today I'm going to keep working on this stuff and we'll see you in the next one till we do happy moneymaking we'll see you guys bye