How I Use GSA Website Contact to Send Millions of Messages (Automate with MILLIONS of Bots Today!)

how to make money online while you sleep today I'm going to show you a powerful method to earn over $1,000 a day online this system uses automated tools to send messages to business owners making it possible to generate income even while you sleep I'll be sharing real Cas studies to prove how effective this strategy is here's how it works the tool I'm using sends messages to website owners every Green Line you see here represents a successfully sent message all you need to do is create or promote offers and I'll show you a few examples today to help you get started if you'd like access to all the resources I'm covering in this video here's what to do drop a comment leave a like And subscribe to this channel once you've done that I'll send you a list of over 400 tools you can promote and earn from don't miss this opportunity take action now and start making money while you sleep all right let's talk about what's Happening Here you might be looking at this and thinking wow this looks really complex but the truth is it's not that difficult what we're doing is simple we're finding websites and sending them messages and we're using Bots and automation to handle most of the work what I'm going to share with you today are some of the tests I've run with this system that have been highly successful I'll also walk you through how you can use similar strategies to promote different offers this includes promoting Services affiliate products and even building an email list full of people ready to buy from you and the best part I'll show you exactly how to get started with this system right now let's dive in let's talk about how to get get set up with this system the first step is setting up a private server where you can load the tool this tool has multiple functionalities and I'll walk you through how it works you can start by loading in keywords for example let's say you want to find websites related to SEO or AI you'd stop any current automation create a new project and type in your keywords like SEO or AI once that's done you click next and the tool will ask you what type of websites you want to contact you can specify your Niche such as AI SEO or topics like making money after that you can choose regions or languages though for now we'll leave these options blank next you'll type in the message you want to send for example hi I have an offer I think you'll like now when the Tool starts sending messages the process might be a bit slow at first because it has to find websites related to your keywords once the tool begins running it will scrape websites that match your terms before running this process it's important to load in a few proxies this step ensures your IP address doesn't get flagged or banned once everything is set up you simply click Start to scrape for websites the tool will then find websites related to your keywords and you'll see the scraped data the next step is to check whether these websites have contact forms by clicking check the tool identifies sites with contact forms once confirmed you can start sending your messages now while this method works it can be slower than other approaches for larger scale Outreach I recommend using pre-built lists the these are lists of websites that others have already scraped and compiled saving you significant time we'll dive deeper into pre-built lists in the future but for now keep in mind that there are various ways to approach this and this system offers Endless Possibilities to explore if you want to get access to the full system I highly recommend checking out our infinite traffic system we've just launched a new product that not only helps you master this strategy but also allows you to earn by promoting it you can get a 50% affiliate commission for sharing it now let me show you what it's all about if you check out the page you'll find tons of case studies from people who've used this exact system they've successfully landed clients generated affiliate sales and achieved amazing results this system is structured as a boot camp where we'll guide you step by- step in a live environment on Zoom you'll learn everything you need to know to implement and succeed with this strategy I'll leave a link to the infinite traffic system below this video so make sure to check it out and see how it can help you achieve your goals let's talk about the different tests you can run with this system when you're sending out messages with this tool it's similar to cold emailing but with one major difference instead of directly emailing a business owner we're finding their website and submitting a message through their contact form that message is then sent to their email as if it came directly from their website the great thing about this approach is that it significantly reduces the chances of Landing in Spam folders most business owners have their websites whitelisted in their email settings so when they receive a message it looks like a new lead generated through their site the goal here is to get these business owners to respond or take action on an offer one of the simplest ways to do this is by asking questions for example in some of our tests we've asked questions like are you interested in a website audit when people respond we import their information into a CRM such as high level and follow up with them automatically there are tools available that can scan responses from your email and Export leads directly into your CR RM I won't go too deep into that now because it's covered in detail during the boot camp but here's what you need to know this method generates a lot of responses in some tests we've received over 100,000 emails in our inbox while many of these are autor responses we've still managed to generate thousands of quality leads these leads have allowed us to sell services and even promote affiliate offers effectively the key here is to get people to respond even with something as simple as a word when they do they're potentially opting in and we can export those leads for followup this is just one of the many ways to leverage this system and start driving results another powerful strategy you can Implement is directing people to book a call while using contact forms to get responses is effective you can also leverage them to send people directly to a link for example in the past we've set up websites offering a free lead generation service when someone submits their information to access the free service we direct them to book a call with with us let me share the results of a recent test we ran about a week and a half ago we launched a campaign offering this free lead generation service and we successfully got 15 people to book calls with us in total we generated 83 leads from this test once these leads submitted their information we followed up with them using an automated email system that included our calendar link this link led to a page where they could claim a free call or service from there we connected with them directly to discuss potential services or Solutions we could provide this method is highly effective because it combines automation with a personal touch it streamlines the process of turning a simple lead into a valuable business opportunity another approach you can use is sending messages directly to promote an affiliate offer however I don't recommend promoting large affiliate programs straight off the bat especially with cold traffic until you've refined your leads into a warmed up email list here's why when you're promoting affiliate offers you can technically OTE anything but you need to consider the type of affiliate you're targeting with big affiliate programs it's not ideal to send cold traffic directly to them because many of these larger Affiliates don't want to deal with unqualified or cold leads instead start by promoting smaller affiliate offers that are more tolerant of cold traffic as you begin to collect emails through a bridge page or a similar method you'll build a list of warmed up leads once you have this list you can then send traffic to bigger affiliate programs that are more likely to convert just remember many larger affiliate programs want traffic that's already somewhat familiar with the offer not cold leads but for smaller platforms like Warrior Plus or ClickBank cold traffic is usually acceptable and can still generate results another method you can use is setting up a redirect link between your offer and the target page we use a tool called linkly which allows you to place a tracking pixel on your link here's how it works when someone clicks on a link the pixel collects data for example We R a test with a warrior Plus offer and got a substantial amount of clicks 3,000 to be exact with redirect links you can drive thousands of clicks and use tracking pixels to gather important data the tracking pixel is a small piece of code that you add to a website or a redirect link it helps you build an email list automatically by tracking visitors who click on your link once your tracking pixel is in place you can integrate it with a system like high Lev which will automatically import these leads into your CRM from there you can follow up with them through automated emails making the process completely hands-off while continuing to build your list if this seems a bit complicated don't worry the setup may seem complex initially but once it's up and running it's actually very straightforward all you need to do is load the websites you want to contact each day input a message and hit send from that point on the system will send messages on your behalf generating leads and clicks every day with minimal effort beyond the initial setup if you want a free checklist to guide you through the setup process feel free to check it out however some Advanced setups like GSA highle customer Ai and the pixel setup are covered in the boot camp you can watch some content for free but if you're serious about learning the full process of sending messages while you sleep I highly recommend joining the infinite traffic system boot camp the Boot Camp starts soon with twice weekly sessions every Monday and Friday at 1:00 p.m.

MST if you can't make it live there will be plays available and they work just as well for learning the system I'll be sharing exclusive behindth scenes strategies that aren't available on YouTube or anywhere else I hope to see you there until then Happy money-making and take care.

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