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what's going on everyone Chase with shifi here and today we're going to be talking about how to start an AI business that earns over $100,000 a year now I've been doing this stuff for a very long time and I actually got started back in 2017 and I've been using Automation and Bots and all kinds of cool systems that earned money even before AI was a big thing but now that AI is out I'm going to show you how you can automate even further and how I was able to make millions and millions of dollars with my own AI company I'm going to give you five things that you can get started with today that are all free to start with and they're things that you can start selling to people whether they're online or in person now if you like these types of videos you want to see more of them in the future do me a favor respond with the word yes in the comments right now lets me know to make more videos like this for you and it also helps the video get more reach also I'm doing a boot camp starting on the 5th where I will be taking you and a group of people on Zoom live through A to Z doing everything they need to do to get their first client their first lead and ideally their first sale now one more thing before we dive into the video I just want to give you a disclaimer everything in this video is for informational purposes only I'm not guaranteeing you any results I'm not saying that you're going to become a millionaire or make $100,000 a year your first year all of this is dependent on you and whether or not you can become successful through the actions that you take okay so I can't take actions for you everything is going to be dependent on you so let's get into the five things first thing that we're going to be talking about is a service that we can offer for free to business owners that is again completely free to get started with and it's a lot of uh a lot of business owners don't have this set up for them yet now a lot of what I'm going to be talking about today by the way is based off of this road map here this road map will be included in the boot camp if you decide to join and inside of this boot uh sorry inside of this road map a lot of the things that are in here we actually use as ways to get clients now one of the big things that a lot of people are messing up on right now is that they'll be posting content on one platform but then they won't be posting it on another I'll give you an example of this so I just went and got Botox yesterday sounds ridiculous um but uh my wife convinced me that I needed to get BOTOX preventative botox for my wrinkles and I walked in and the woman that was doing my Botox asked me uh what I did for a living and I said well you know I do YouTube videos I train people that kind of thing she's like oh well I need to get on YouTube I um you know I'm just doing Tik Tok right now and I said well you know there's apps that'll allow you to post everywhere they're free to use and you know I can set one of these up for you if you want free of charge she said oh that would be great then I got her contact info so now what I can do is I can reach out to her and I can show her here's what I need you know I need um you know whatever access I need to the profiles to be able to set it up and then I can go set it up for her I'm going to show you what tool to use for this as well and then the other cool thing is I actually can get her as an affiliate for that thing because I can tell her I need her to create a profile on this website and I can make money if she pays for the service down the line um now obviously the first part of the app is free most of these apps are free until you use them a certain amount of time or if you add more profiles that kind of thing that's when you actually um have to start paying for them but getting them set up initially is usually free but on top of that what I can also do is I can offer a free road map and then the road map would go and check all these different things and then I can bring her on a call and say look you know we set up this free service for you which only obviously took me a very short amount of time and the reason I say Obviously is because you don't want to use services that take a long time to fulfill as a way to get clients you want to do quick easy things that you can help people with and so what I can do is I can say you know I did this free thing for you but I also did some checks on your on your all your marketing and I noticed some things that were you weren't doing right um can we go over these and then we can go on a zoom call and I can say you know well you didn't do this right you didn't do this right you didn't do this right and the more I can find things that are not working for that person the things that they need to set up the easier it is going to be for me to sell a high ticket or even a low ticket um package and the difference between High ticket and low ticket usually is that the lower lower ticket is usually like in the hundreds range higher tickets usually in the th range and you can offer different pricing structures as well I'll talk more about that later but ideally again what I can do is now that I have that person's contact info I can set them up on a tool like radar now all of these tools by the way are in the roadmap which you will get if you join the boot camp but here you can see this is the app here and I have an affiliate link how do I know it's an affiliate link because this parameters at the end so most of these platforms whether you're using radar whether you're using I'm going to show you a lot of different tools here but whether you're using shiney shine ranker um we're going to be using another tool called Opus I'm going to be showing you all kinds of tools they all most of them have something called an affiliate program where they give you a parameter so if you get a client to sign up for one of those things you're not just making money off the service that you could eventually sell but you're making money when they pay for this the the app and I'll show you what that looks like so off of radar you can see not a crazy amount of money but it's about $1,193 I've made off of this tool just sending people to this link okay now I can copy this link and I can send it to the client and say listen in order for me to get set up with your scheduling with you know being able to take the content that you're posting on Tik Tok and automatically post it to the other platforms or schedule it out I'm going to need you to sign up for this free tool so I send that link and then they go to the website and sign up for free okay now I have that person locked in as an affiliate if they ever pay for the tool down the line I'm going to get reoccurring commissions on that but I can also go in here and start connecting their profiles and connecting their profiles is really really easy you literally just get access to their profiles you go into the tool you click on connect a channel and boom you just connect whatever Channel they have so if they have a Facebook page if they have Instagram and this is another opportunity too for you to be able to upsell this person right because they might say well yeah here's my Tik Tok here's my Instagram here's my Facebook and then I could say cool we should also eventually create a YouTube we should also so this is already a way for me to start saying we need to do more stuff and kind of start bringing myself into the situation of I need to help you with more things and so we connect these and then we just start scheduling out their content so if this person is posting on Tik Tok I can download their Tik Tok videos and I can start uploading them into here new post real boom and I can select all the social channels so here you can see I have about 40 channels I'm posting to but that's really really easy well guess what maybe she's also not doing story posts well then I can go and do the same thing for story posts and there's all these different types of social media posts that I can go and start offering and start doing and maybe she's not optimal izing her captions maybe like there's so many different things that we actually check inside of this road map this is just one of the things but the idea is like if you learn the road map if you learn these different things that we're teaching again in the boot camp which I recommend you join um what's going to happen is you're going to have this huge amount of stuff that you can fix and and the idea is like if she would have said to me well uh what do you teach on YouTube and I said well I teach people how to rank their websites or I teach people I could have said anything and then she says well how does that work I say well you know ideally we start with keyword research and then boom she's like well what's keyword research and I say that's something that it allows you to figure out what you should actually show up for online oh I don't have that well let me set that up for you and again that's another free service that's why it's the next thing on the list but keyword research is something where I can go into something like shine ranker or shiny this is this is our app shiney uh for those of you who don't know who haven't seen the tools yet shiney helps you generate content using stock video or AI images and then um shine ranker allows you to find what people should rank for and it helps you do more SEO type stuff so search engine optimization shine ranker helps you rank on places like Google YouTube Instagram all the different search engines so if I go into the uh viral topic finder and I know that she's trying to get more leads for what right she's trying to get more leads for um Botox in Arizona so I could type in something like botox Arizona I could type in another keyword like uh skincare Arizona and then just to get a comparison here just to show you I'm going to put just skincare and general so that you can see just all the different searches that you can actually get this person to show up for but if I click on submit here after I select enhance with AI because we actually have chat gbt enhance these keywords and gives us even more ideas we're going to get a big list of keywords that we can send over to the Prospect and remember you can do all of this stuff up front it just depends on how much value you want to frontload what I do is I kind of gauge the person if the person seems like they really need marketing they really need help then maybe I'll do like one service a couple checks and then I'll kind of do this stuff in front of them let me do this the the keyword research in front of you let me do and and the more you can do with the person it just depends kind of how they are if they're really busy really quick then maybe you need to do a little bit more front loading you need to do a little bit more digging on the front end show them this stuff because they have a limited time schedule but if they seem really interested then what I would do is I'd spend more time on the actual call because ideally what you want to do is you want to do all this stuff in front of them kind of how I'm doing it for you right now I'm demoing all this stuff for you I'm showing you okay here's the keyword research here's the scheduling tool and and ideally what you want to do if you really want to sell services and you want to start making a lot of money is you start comparing what they're not doing to what people are doing right and so we can actually see where they're showing up for these different topics I'll show you how to do that in a second and we can also show them where their competitors are showing up and by doing that comparison and and and creating a competition with the common enemy what happens is you become on their team and you can start talking like we should do this we should do not do that not just you and so anytime you talk to people and you're trying to sell them on something I always recommend start talking with wi start saying hey look at this we could show up number one for let's just type in Arizona here as a filter we could show up number one for Botox in Tucson Arizona look there's a thousand people searching for this a month and there's $14 per click that people are paying for this so there's a really high commercial value if you were to run ads to this you'd be paying $14 anytime somebody just clicks on your website and so we can actually get you to show up for this for free like you don't have to uh pay for ads to do this we can do all organic so if I click on here on the left you can see these are all the AI keywords that uh chat gbt pulled for us but if I click on update selected difficulty here we're going to get a list of all of the keywords based on the difficulty and the difficulty just means this is how many people are actually competing for this topic and the way we measured is we actually use something called the G Google Keyword ratio go sorry golden keyword ratio and what the golden keyword ratio is we look for the title in the keyword in the title so what our tool does is actually goes out and finds how many websites have this exact keyword in the title of their website because we found that the biggest ranking factor and the biggest determination of whether or not people are doing SEO is whether or not they're actually optimizing for this topic with the keyword in the title so this is something very unique that Shin ranker does it's very expensive for us to do and uh not a lot of tools do this so it is really cool but um basically the gold keyword ratio it's not just the title it's also how many people are searching for that thing and so ideally you want to find something that's lower difficulty and below a thousand searches a month so either way uh you can see that this topic is actually not in not insanely hard to show up for we also have a lot of other topics here like best dermatologist in Arizona Arizona skincare Institute and and and you could even offer and say look maybe you don't do some of these services but we could actually get your website to rank for this and then we can start driving referrals to people that you know so that they'll start driving you referrals and you can take also cuts of the referrals you send to the people that are going to be taking this work so anytime you see things that are kind of outside of their service range I still throw those into the keyword recommendations for what we should get them to show up for because why not they can get they can get Kickbacks on it and so this is also a really really cool thing that we can just export Excel boom we can send that over to go look what do you want to what do you want to show up for you know what what are these look how many of these look interesting and then we could even take their website here if we actually go and track all these the cool thing about um shine rankers it gives you unlimited uh projects to track so if I type in let's just go find somebody that's showing up for this go down here let's take these guys okay and already you can see look they don't have the uh um exact match keyword in the title and it's also trunca it's a little long they're already kind of messing up on stuff here so but what I can do is I can go over to here and I can type in Project name so we're going to do tan I don't even know how to spell say that let's do create boom there it is and then all we have to do let's just do the regular website because that's a sub page but all we have to do is take those keywords we found we're going to go ahead and select them all and we can just track all the easy ones if we want um by clicking on track all easy or we can do more AI keywords here completely up to you if you want to multiply these or not that's in the checklist sometimes I recommend multiplying if you don't get a lot but I can go ahead and start tracking all of these go to the track uh topic F tracker and then I can go ahead and update the rankings boom and so now when I send them a spreadsheet I can say look here's where you're ranking for these things and it's going to take a second but here you go you can see they're not really ranking for any of these things here actually I don't know if this is accurate okay something's going weird with the rank tracking here I got to have send this to the developers but ideally when this runs correctly I don't know if the API credits are low or something but it should say you're ranking five here and then you know last this is last month and then this is the current month so either way we go check with the developers but either way you can send this to them and say this is where you were ranking last month this is where you're ranking this month and this is what we want to rank you for and again this is something where even if they don't want to you know have a website even if they don't want to uh do SEO for Google you could still say by the way you know how we started scheduling all this content out for you well why don't we optimize your social media content so you show up for this stuff because guess what if people are searching for this on Google they're going to be searching for it on YouTube they're going to be searching for it on Tik Tok they're going to be searching all the different search engines and we want to optimize your content so you show up for these different things okay so that's the second thing you can offer and remember I'm showing you five out of the 200 Point check list 200 if I were to do the full 200 Point checklist we would need a six we boot camp which again that's what we're doing go join the six week boot camp it's a really good deal it's an intensive boot camp you get the checklist you get live calls with me and a group of people that are serious about you know learning all of this and becoming really good at this stuff and if you want a bunch of different things that you can start offering as services this boot camp is where you need to start either way next we have ai clipping and so if somebody has a YouTube channel or or they have no content whatsoever right this is the two things that you should look for so it first of all if somebody has a YouTube channel let's say this person that um is doing the Botox has a YouTube channel what I can do is I can go to their YouTube channel let's say this is their YouTube channel I can copy the video URL here and I can go to a tool called Opus do Pro and I can plug this video into Opus click on get free clips now what Opus is going to do is it's going to I'm not going to waste my credits here because it's going to spend my credits but it's going to take a long form video and it's going to give me clips from that long form video so for example I'm going to take clips from this video and I'm going to use Opus to automatically give me shorts with these uh little Clips here okay now if the business owner has a YouTube v a YouTube channel but they're not doing a lot of shorts yet or maybe they don't have time to do a lot of shorts or maybe they're doing like one short a day and you know maybe they could be doing three or four you can use Opus to start supplying them with content it looks like you're editing all this content for them but you're not you're literally just plugging it into an AI editor now let's say they don't have a YouTube channel and let's say they're not doing any content let's say they're doing no content whatsoever on social media they're not doing YouTube videos they're not doing Tik toks they're doing nothing well what can you do you can do an interview with them and so what you can do is you can take this keyword list right so let's say you want to have them you know show up for all these different topics and you can interview them about each of the topics so you could say for the first topic you know what makes your location uh that does Botox in Tucson Arizon what makes it unique and then they're going to say well it's Unique because you know we do these special treatments and we help these types of customers and blah blah blah blah blah right now you're going to ask the next question by the way you can do all of this on a phone you just start recording okay and so do you guys do Dermatology do you do Advanced Dermatology yes so the what we do for Dermatology is this this this this okay um what are your thoughts on you know hair transplants in Arizona do you do all those treatments and so they're going to talk about all this stuff and let's say 20 minutes goes by you're just asking them all these different questions well now you have a long form video so first of all you can put that on YouTube second of all you can plug it into Opus and Opus will go and clip all these videos and so even if you don't uh upload it on YouTube you can just upload it as unlisted you could still get all these shorts from it it'll autoc caption it and it'll make them look like an expert you can send them all these videos just download them say look I did all these videos for you let's start scheduling them out on social media and then you can plug them into radar start scheduling them out there but what you can also do is you can use our tool shiny to transcribe this content and then you can use it as content that you can rank on Google as well as obviously rank on these other search engine so if I go into shiny and I go to the transcriber I can take that YouTube video or whatever thing um you know short whatever I want and I can plug it in here and transcribe it and then I get this now if I want to improve this I can head back over to shine ranker and shine ranker actually has a tool that'll tell you what you need to do in order to rank for that keyword based on averages so what that means is let me just go ahead and plug all this content in here I can take this keyword here that has a th000 searches a month that they want to rank for I can copy it and I can go over to the content ranker the content ranker what it's going to do is it's going to allow me to put in a topic I'm going to click on this Arrow here and the content ranker is going to take all of the top 10 pages showing up on Google and it's going to figure out how many words are those different pages mentioning how many images are they do they have how many uh headings do they have so you can see for this topic Botox Tucson Arizona on average we have let me move my head here 1,185 words on average now ideally what I recommend is don't just go for the 100% you want to over optimize a little bit because you want to beat the average so if the average is a th words ideally you want to go for let's say 1500s you want to slightly optimize over what the average is on Google and then here we go we got all the different sorry I got to move my let me move my camera here we got all the different topics mentioned here as well so that you know on average the botox is mentioned a bunch skin treatment wrinkles so we need to mention all of that on our on our Pages now the cool thing about this is we can take what we got here which is the uh transcription and we can plug it in and boom we're already at 8% now we need to go up a little bit higher so then we can use AI chat here which is chat gbt inside of shifi to go and elaborate on this topic and add to this till we have whatever we need to be able to rank number one for this topic and we can also use this for our social media descriptions for you know our YouTube descriptions all these different things which is really really cool because now we're not just ranking on Google but we can offer a ranking service on all these different platforms and you can kind of see how all these different things tie together and what is the end goal here the end goal is that we want to help them get more leads and the idea is that what we're doing is we're demonstrating all these different Services we're demonstrating all these different things that we can offer so that we can help increase their leads and by the way guess what a great question to ask them this is something else that we could put on the list and again I could make a 10-hour long video on all the different things we could check but one of the other things is are they even tracking their leads in the first place most businesses do not track their phone calls they don't track their email optins they don't track their contact forms and that's why inside of the checklist we actually talk about using conversion tracking so that we can start tracking all of those different things and we can establish a baseline for the business and this is why I really really really really recommend if the business owner doesn't know how many leads they're getting which is again you can ask them hey you know I did this video uh service free I started scheduling all this stuff out by the way how many leads are you getting off of Tik Tok oh I don't really know I mean I people call me well do you want me to set something up for you so we can track that you you know do you want to know how many leads you're getting because if we figure out how many leads you're getting you know there's a lot of easy ways to actually double those leads and and improve them but we just have to figure out how many leads you're getting and then setting up a conversion tracking service is usually pretty simple as well not going to dive into it because it is is a little bit longer it takes about 30 to 40 minutes and that's that's why we have these tutorials here in the checklist um you know another thing you can offer is an audit so if they have a website like this one and I go and copy this and go over to shine ranker I can actually go to the SEO audit here which is right here click on enter website and then what this will do is it'll just start finding everything that needs to be fixed on all of the pages on the website so it'll find you know if they're using Google analytics if they're you it'll tell you what um content management system you're on so you can see these guys are on WordPress it'll show you all their different pages it'll show you if the pages are ranking for anything or if they're not it'll show you how fast the website is how slow it is and the cool thing is this will actually also highlight in Reds and greens if it's good or bad so if the if the if the check goes wrong it'll highlight it in Red so it's very easy to show them hey look your keyword is not actually in your title and so we want to optimize that for you or hey look maybe your meta descriptions a little bit you know too big or too long um they actually have some decent SEO here it actually looks like a SEO company did some work for them so it's actually not terrible but even if they have SEO done chances are they still need other stuff right there's a 200 Point checklist right here that we could run through and I guarantee you that at least one thing is not being done on this at least one thing maybe they're not texting their customers maybe they're not you know having maybe they don't have email sequence maybe they don't have a meta verified on their Instagram yet and so even if you can find a few things to help them with that's already stuff you can charge for okay um now another thing that you could do is you could do like a free social media robot so there's another service that you can set up many chat um where you can set them up with a way to start having Bots interact with their customers and send them messages so many chat's really cool because you can set it up where if somebody comments on their Facebook post if they like their story post post if they send them a DM we can set up all these different things you can see my Min chat sent look at this just to my commenters 281,000 messages and if I wouldn't have had this bought I wouldn't have had this message sent 281,000 times which is funneling people either into my group my Discord my courses whatever I have to sell and so this is something where it's very quick it's very immediate you just go boom you set it up takes like two seconds and so the idea is that there's so many different things on this checklist that you can check there's so many different things that you can offer but if you can just start offering a one thing for free you can then chain that into all the other things that you can start offering now the question is well what do I offer first you literally learn the road map you figure out all the different things you can offer and you just have a conversation I mean it's so easy I'm I'm telling you I could walk into pretty much any business and say well you did that wrong you did that wrong and they're going to say well how do I fix it and as long as you position yourself as the expert and offer something for free it's very easy to make sales because you can offer pretty much anybody value because nobody's going to be doing everything right I'm not even doing all this stuff right there's stuff that you could find on this road map for me and I'm the one that made this road map and you could pitch me and I would probably say well if you can fix that yeah maybe I need help with it and so you find the stuff that they need to fix you offer the first thing for free and then you offer to find all the other things the road map and it gets your foot in the door gets their contact info builds the relationship builds the trust and then you selling them on things now the question is how much do you sell them for how do you price things out do you start do you sell something for $500 $1,000 $10,000 how do you price it out and I think it really comes down to the uh thing that you're offering okay so if you're offering an hourly service you could charge $100 $200 an hour if you wanted to that's reasonable I mean people that do this stuff get paid a lot of money the only thing is that when you start charging for your time people become very interested in the thing that you're doing rather than the thing that you're providing and I really recommend that if you want to start making a lot of money don't sell the thing sell the result of the thing and so I always tell people if somebody's wanting your help give them what they really want they don't care about SEO they don't care about YouTube videos they don't care about many chat Bots or Opus or shine ranker or shiney or any of that you know what they care about they care about leads and so they want more people showing up to their business or calling them or emailing them or contacting them now it's kind of hard to guarantee sales I don't I don't always recommend obviously they want sales but I wouldn't recommend saying you know we're going to get you this many sales because the sales are really dependent on them you know once you send the lead over to them they got to sell it but as far as the leads go yeah they want a lot of leads and so again if you can figure out how many leads this business is getting let's say they're getting 30 leads a month let's say getting 50 leads a month if you do a lot of the stuff in here you do the Bots you do the uh you know the the social media you do the Google the content you do the rankings it would be very hard to not increase somebody's leads and so if they're going to be getting more leads and you can say hey I'm going to do all this stuff but the idea is that I'm going to double your leads or I'm going to increase your leads month over month by doing this stuff and I want to get you on a six-month contract because usually with Organic it takes a little bit longer because we got to keep we got to post content consistent L we got to create content consistently we got to keep going for keywords you know we got to do all this stuff I would recommend offering them some sort of six-month contract where you're saying look within the next six months we are going to double your leads or we're going to shoot to keep increasing your leads every month over the next six months and ideally by the end of the six months we will double your leads if not even higher and so that to me would not be a hard thing to promise them or even guarantee to them um just because of the fact that if I look at the road map if I do the analysis I know okay I can do this but if you look at the road map and you think to yourself hey this might actually be really difficult maybe they're already at their Peak maybe they're already doing a lot of the stuff maybe you only found like 10 things wrong out of the 200 then I probably wouldn't offer a huge pricing thing I wouldn't say like oh you know it's going to be $3,000 and so I think you should make your pricing based on the result they're going to get if you're going to take them from 100 leads to 200 leads and that's worth you know extra $100,000 a year for their business and you're going to charge 10% of that well then charge 10 grand over the next six months and if you're going to make them even more money it just depends on what you think you can do and so that's why again it's important to learn this stuff to start getting into understanding how to do these different things because for me I could pretty much go into any business and I could know okay I could I could looking at where they're at and where they could be I know that I could increase their their their profit or their amount of leads by this much and if they're making this much per month with this many leads and we double their leads likely they're going to make this much and so I don't have a problem charging them this amount of money but I wouldn't just make a one-time price for everybody I would figure out what is the result you're going to give them and if it's fair for you to take a cut of that profit and that's what you think you should charge for that result but make it result dependent don't make it task dependent don't make it you know we charge everybody the same thing I I wouldn't do that would figure out and I would work with people that actually will have a huge upside if you know that this person's going to have a huge upside if you help them with this thing and they're going to make a lot more money I would charge them a good amount of money because you're helping them make a lot more money so work with high-profit type clients charge what you're worth so that's pretty much it again that was only five out of a lot of the checks if you want to go and join the boot full boot camp get the checklist and learn the entire thing all 200 checks I do recommend you get in because we are starting on the 5th there will be replay is available and uh I think you're going to get a lot of value from it so that's it for now I appreciate you for being here and again if you haven't already respond with the word yes if you watch the whole video let me know just say you watch the whole video I'm interested to hear if you watch the whole video and uh get in our free Discord group we have a free group uh and you can ask questions interact and I do a lot of the updates and everything that I'm doing on YouTube and all these different places I leave them in there so that's it we'll see you very soon till we do happy money making see you guys bye