How To Use AI To Generate TikTok Videos That Earn Money (ONLY TAKES ONE CLICK!)

what's going on everyone my name is Chase Reiner and today we're going to be talking about how to use AI to generate videos for tick tock just like this one within just one click this tool actually uses chat GPT 4 to go and build prompts and text for videos that we actually then use another tool called 11 labs to do the text to speech with and then we're actually using mid-journey images as well to make these really really cool videos that we can post on Tick Tock Instagram Facebook wherever you want to post okay let me show you what this video looks like and I'm going to show you how I made it stepping into the year 2030 where the secret remits are fine present we Marvel at the intricate technology hidden within the stone structures centuries-old wisdom echoing in The Whispers of the Pharaohs is revealed however the celebration is short-lived as the sky darkens signaling an impending disaster suddenly a great flood engulfs the world swallowing cities and monuments in its wake the secrets once revealed are again submerged under the flood waters adding another layer to the Enigma in the end the year 2030 becomes a paradox of Illumination and obscurity so that's the video and again I'm going to show you how to make this I'm going to talk about some of the updates we're adding into this tool this tool just came out yesterday so it's still brand new it's in beta so there are a lot of new things that we're going to be adding into this over the next few days to next few weeks so let me just show you again what this tool looks like how to sign up for it how it works first of all you're going to head over to and if you're already on the landing page you don't have to enter your email but if you're not on the landing page you would enter your email and then below this video you would click on get Shine ranker for just one dollar and then you'd sign up for the dollar trial now once you're in you're going to get a dashboard that looks like this this is an intro video you can watch this it shows you how to sign in once you get the dollar trial but what we're going to be doing is we're going to be going over to the AI video tools section and we're going to be clicking on AI text to image now when we're in here we can enter in any idea we want so it really doesn't matter people have been asking me Chase do I enter in like a long you know idea do we enter in just like a few words that's completely up to you you can enter in whatever you want let's just say I want to create a video about an AI tool AI tool that generates video takes over the world and makes millions of dollars for anyone who uses it so we're going to click on generate now What's Happening Here is when we click on generate that idea that we just put in is going to get passed to uh chat GPT 4.

and it's going to give us a story basically about this thing now that story is then going to get passed to back to chat gpt4 and then it's going to give us some prompts for mid-journey and then mid journey is going to go and render render us out images for the video then we're going to be passing this script to 11 labs and 11 Labs is going to go and do text-to-speech for us it's going to read off the script it's going to use our voice if we want to use our voice right now it just uses my voice just because it's in beta but you will be able to add your own voice soon and then it will go and combine all of this into a video now right now the video tool takes about two minutes two to three minutes to generate a video in the future we will have the ability for you to bulk generate videos you know multiple at a time and we also will add some really cool things in here as well like uh multiple image prompts right now we're just using one image prompt and then we're pulling multiple images from that prompt um and then we might even do some animations and all kinds of stuff right now the animations that were in the current video I actually did inside of cap cut so I'm going to show you how I actually did this it's pretty simple the animations you you put in here are very easy to do but again we will be adding all those customizations in here as well so what I would do is while this is generating head over to download this for free other whether it's on Windows or your phone uh you can you can also use this tool on your phone within shine ranker if you don't want to use your computer and you can use cap cut on your phone as well if you don't want to again use your computer so once this is downloaded you're gonna go over to cap cut right here and then I'm just going to delete all of this for now because I'm going to start fresh this was the the video I made that I showed you a second ago so here we go this is what it's going to look like and again it's going to look the same on your phone as it will on your desktop okay now that's still finishing up while it's finishing up I can go to the music section here and I can start finding some music that I want to use if I want to use like scary music I can click on these different uh tabs here and I can see what this sounds like [Music] okay maybe I want maybe I want this one no a little too upbeat maybe this one and that's the one I used on the other video let's do that one so I'm going to drag that down now I have the music I can make a little bit quieter just by dragging here and then let me go back is it done yet not done yet and by the way uh part of the reason why these are taking a little bit longer you can see it just finished it's just because we have so many people using it the servers actually crash multiple times now since we got this tool live yesterday and it's because so many people want to use it we have upgraded the server so it should be doing better now but we might have to upgrade it again pretty soon just because again we're trying to keep up with the demand so let me click on download here it's going to give me the video and I might have to yeah there we go uh and then I'm going to go ahead and just copy that bring it into cap cut here drag it in like so there we go and then I can shorten the music here and then I can start doing whatever I want if I want to start adding you know effects I can just uh I can cut it like that press play see what it sounds like oh I gotta change the dimensions let's go to ratio we're going to do 9×16 here we go discover the future of content Creation with our revolutionary AI tool that generates video this Cutting Edge technology so if I want to add if I want to cut out those pauses make a little bit faster I can just Ctrl shift B on my keyboard and then delete that video opening Edge technology is about to disrupt the media landscape okay I want to cut out this pause let's say and this is something we'll probably add in as well automatic jump Cuts so you don't have to wait creating high quality oh imagine creating so there was a imagine creating high quality videos with just a few clicks no more Hefty production costs so it looked like there was an audio low point on that other one but I don't think there was more half action cost yeah it looks like those aren't actually ft production costs low points um but what I can do so watch is every time there's a transition here like an image transition I can just press Ctrl B do a cut there and then I can click on Transitions and I can kind of add different animations just by dragging this on top of the thing so now if I press play landscape imagine so there's like a little transition thing there um I can do like little like Swirls and kind of diff just different things just to make it more interactive tool that generates video editing Edge technology and we might need to make that a little bit smaller just because it's cutting over the audio video editing Edge technology I might have to just use a different one oh and actually I think this is just because video it's Cutting Edge there was a audio point there I'm not sure why it's not showing us because there is audio video this Cutting Edge so let's just do this here now this Cutting Edge and I might just have to redo this because there's something I accidentally did as something wrong here uh yeah let's just regenerate this whole thing just go like that start from the beginning and then discover the future of content Creation with our revolutionary AI tool that generates video okay so that's the end right there I'll just go back I'll do a cut right there Ctrl shift B and then I'll do maybe the flashbang video this Cutting Edge technology there we go and then if I click on effects I can also kind of make different things go on inside of this so I can like drag this effect here over it discover the future of content Creation with our Revolution maybe I don't want it to be that long I can kind of move that so you can kind of customize it however you want right future of content Creation with our revolutionary AI okay I want something else going on here like a flicker so we'll drag that on make it happen over here discover the future of content creation with our revolutionary AI tool that generates video this Cutting Edge technology is about to disrupt the media landscape imagine creating high quality videos with just few clicks and then I can drag maybe this one on so I'm just giving you an example you can see you can kind of do whatever you want doesn't really matter too much um how you do it just maybe making a little bit more interactive in creating high quality videos with just a few clicks and then when I'm done with this when we get to the end I can click on export and I can export the video and then I can post it okay now these videos again I like I posted this uh uh pyramid here a second ago and it's got you know a few hundred views on it but it's kind of cool because I don't actually have to be in the videos I don't have to actually use my own voice I don't really have to do much of anything except just post these videos and I can promote whatever I want right so if I wanted to promote like shine ranker I wanted to promote like an affiliate tool and by the way if you go into the um the shine ranker VIP in the bottom left of shine ranker you can see there's all these um tutorials showing you how to use these tools but also if you click on 400 plus AI tools here you can actually promote any of these tools and get paid for to promote them as well and you can even promote shine ranker so when you go to shine and you go to the dollar trial if you type in forward slash partner at the end of the checkout page you can actually get an affiliate link and you get paid 40 reoccurring commissions anybody who signs up for this tool so you just sign up enter your name whatever it gives you a link and you can just start adding that to your videos and sending traffic to shine ranker with these actual videos so again I just wanted to show you kind of a quick update show you kind of how the new editor uh or not sorry the new video tool works and if you want to edit them you can just do that inside of cap cut uh but yeah I'm excited to see what you think um I'm Gonna Leave a Discord link uh or a link to our Discord server in the description of this video uh definitely post the videos you make in here I'd love to see them we got tons of people that would love to see them as well I'm excited to see what you come up with and uh yeah we'll see inside till we do happy money making

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