I Tested The Top Money Making AI Tools Live (Make Money Online With AI)

today we are taking a dive into some of the most insane new AI tools that are coming out and these tools are not just cool to use but they can help us earn a ton of money and check it out this is just one tool that I discovered I think like three weeks ago now and they already owe me between the paid commissions and the revenue they they're going to pay me out around $60,000 right now and this isn't even including the reoccurring because we're actually giving away a free trial here and also the bonuses so I think we're actually around 80 to $85,000 before the reoccurring this is just one of the many tools and if you don't have this checklist yet all you have to do to grab access to it is just drop a comment leave a like And subscribe and then head over to shineiy.com and it'll take you to our free group you join the group and once you're in the group you go to the get started Tab and it'll tell you what to do and you can follow along because again what I'm doing is I'm giving away this checklist for free and I'm actually paying people to utilize this checklist that might sound crazy but what I'm doing is everybody that uses this checklist here I tell them to leave a win in our Discord you just do daily win say I started with the checklist or you know maybe I set up one of the tools or whatever you're doing to take action and you get entered to win inside of our uh giveaways here and we're actually giving away another, in the next few days and so we're giving away a ton and ton of money to people that are going in using the checklist for free you don't have to pay any money for this and uh you just have to post your wins inside of our um server just whatever you're doing to take action and uh you get entered to win so that's pretty cool now again if you're brand new here uh you're in the right place this might come off as a little technical when you first start but really all we're doing is we're just exploring all of the new tools that are coming out and we're adding them to this checklist that's why we have like 400 different AI Tools in this checklist and then what we're doing is we're putting the top tools on the main checklist here if you see the tab here on the bottom it says new resource checklist we're putting the main tools here at the top and here you can see these are the tools that we're actually earning the most money with so the first one is this tool called high level and if you want to go check out this tool all you have to do is click on the tutorial here all of these tutorials are timestamped and it just shows you how to use these different tools and you can decide if you want to use them or not and then when you're done with the setup or the video you just click on done and you go through the checklist and you can choose which tools you want to use and which tools you don't but this is a step-by-step checklist I'm constantly working on it I'm constantly adding to it and I think you're going to be surprised by how much value is in here and don't take my word for it go to our free group our free Discord server and click on the daily wins and you can see here all the different people that are talking about what what's going on so here you can see Mark here has taking action just started posting his videos call me Dev is taking action did the kickoff call looks like he set up one of the tools that we're talking about Peter here started and again all you have to do is just say hey look I'm taking action you get entered to win um but there's a lot of really good feedback in here some of the testimonials we're getting for this group is insane like look at this person Lisa this has to be a joke why because the last 4 years left an abusive relationship I've been trying to learn the digital affiliate marketing on the free side either it's too expensive or too complicated we're trying to make it on SSI $628 a month now you're saying I'm paying money to people who take my free course wow a double win totally grateful what do I need to do so people are pretty Blown Away by what we're doing here because I don't think there's a single other community out there that literally pays you just to take a free course so yeah go check out the other testimonials here we have a ton of and if you're skeptical if you're like I don't understand how this works you know this seems weird it's all legit you can go ask the people in the community and look we just have another daily win by blur completed the high highle kickoff call and by the way what they're talking about here is a lot of the tools in here they have free trials okay so as you go through these tools you don't have to pay for anything right this tool has a 30-day free trial if it doesn't work out free you cancel it after you know 29 days or whenever this one has a 60-day free trial this one has a month-long free trial they give you like 500 leads for free and so the thing that I do in this checklist is I try to put all the best tools that I'm earning money with towards the top but also the tools that generally you don't have to pay any money to get started with okay so pretty much everything in this checklist not only is the checklist free but a lot of the tools are free as well and I'm constantly looking out for new tools because there are so many coming out uh and I want to show you some of the tools that I've been discovering and I want to add them to today's checklist so we're going to be continually going through this checklist I'm always up dating it and as I update the checklist I also try to post the updates in the Discord as much as I can so everybody can see what's going on what's up Dustin what's up everybody in the live good to see you guys uh Jason let's go j17 said made it welcome Sor Bruce says hi Chase welcome Ralph says I'm in nice Fred says nice sweet Jason says Dustin yeah that's funny you guys were in the same group for a while weren't you all right so we got a lot to talk about I want to talk about one of the coolest updates that I've seen here this tool here it's a Chrome extension it's called do browser okay and remember what I'm going to do is I'm going to update the checklist based on all these new tools and if I think the Tool's good I'll add it in if I don't think it's good I'll remove it but this tool seems pretty promising if we click on do browser here click on sign in with Google what this tool allows us to do is it pretty much automates any task okay so for example I can go to my Facebook account or I can just say open Facebook go to my Facebook group and you can use speech as well right I can say open Facebook go to my Facebook group and send people a link to send and look for people who haven't had their comment responded to then send them a link to my fre checklist at shi.com now one thing I want to say is I think because this Tool's kind of new still it does seem to glitch out every now and then but I mean for being a tool that's only a week old I think you'll be kind of surprised by this the the only thing about this tool is this one is paid I had to pay like 20 bucks or it was like 25 bucks I think for a month of it which doesn't seem like too bad but you know that's one of the things I don't like about is that just that it's paid I also don't think it has an affiliate so that's another downside because obviously like a lot of the stuff that you know I like to use I like to be able to you know make money with as well and here's one of the things you'll find is like you'll find good tools but not all of them are tools that you know want to help you make money as well they just want to make the money for themselves and ideally like I like to have tools that not only can I use but tools that I can talk about and get paid to promote as well but anyways let's just go ahead and press this send here see what happens it's asking to uh be able to utilize my browser here and looks like it says it's thinking let's go to my Facebook click on the groups link to access the group let's see if it gets my main group I didn't actually did I tell it what group I didn't even tell it what group so I think it found the main group here which is kind of cool and now it's scrolling down to load more post see if it finds any comments and it says I will now identify comments with responses and send the checklist link to those users so it looks like it found this one but this is one of those things too where you don't want to leave this completely unattended because I I was testing this last night and while it does a lot of cool things it does seem to bug out a little bit sometimes for example it's saying this multiple times you see like it looks like it might be hung up on this oh there we go it did it check out the free checklist for AI tools and boom it looks like it said that as a comment but not a response so I didn't even click on the reply button so we might actually have to train it to like maybe understand this stuff a little bit more I'm not sure I don't really know what these buttons do yet I don't know if these settings really work yet but yeah like I said I had it open up the group it might be better to be like giving it instructions within the actual group and it looks like it stopped here so I might tell it you know maybe I'll just open up a tab like this and then say inside of this tab or window B the comments with no response hit the reply link is this a this is a link right reply link and then respond with a comment telling people about our free checklist at shineiy.com and then maybe we should give it some text as well to go with but yeah overall I mean like where this is headed is pretty cool but check this out let's see click reply button type the promotional oh yeah you see that it kind of gave it like cuz I don't know how much AI is actually in this like ideally the AI should kind of digest that and then say it in its own way but maybe you have to tell it to do that so again I'm not sure you know how you're supposed to prompt this because again I don't really know how it was built but you know I think if we kind of mess around with this eventually we'll probably figure out how to prompt it a little bit better but overall this is a pretty cool tool okay I'm I'm very impressed with with this and I was really impressed when I was using the handsfree option too where you just kind of like talk to it without even clicking on anything or typing anything um but anyways check it out if you want it is like 25 bucks a month I'm sure something else will come out like this at some point also you could probably code your own thing like this with wind surf I don't know how hard it would be I've been doing a lot of coding with wind surf this was a actually I'm about to show you another app too that I just coded this one but yeah I think it's just kind of cool to see where AI is headed but again like when you look at this you can tell that it's still not really 100% where it needs to be but the concept is really cool speaking of recording your screen I want to show you another thing that Google's doing now this was something else that I was messing around with last night if we go to Google what was it called gen Gemini that was it Google Gemini there's a new app that Google has I don't know how old this is but I just found out about it last night and what it does is it allows you to actually record your screen it lets you record your screen in real time it was I actually post it in our Discord let me find it in our Discord but but kind of like at the new chat GPT update if you haven't seen it the new chat GPT update yet you can actually like you can basically Point your phone or your camera at anything and chat gbt can kind of analyze in real time what's going on so you could like Point your phone at a plant and say what plant is this and chat GPT can kind of tell you like oh it's you know this type of plant you can ask if it's edible it it's like a just like a scanner in real life but this this new Google Update does that with your screen record so instead of the camera being like in real life it basically records your monitor in real time I'm trying to figure out where this update is because it's really really cool oh here it is multimodal live API with Gemini 2.0 okay so let me go grab that multimodal 2.0 I think this is it yeah you see how it says stream real time so I can't remember how I access this though is this it right here open and collab I had it open on my Mac last night I just can't remember where it was where the heck did that thing go maybe I took a screenshot of the actual URL okay it's AI studio.

google.com live okay here's the link I'm going to have to put that in the spreadsheet because I don't know why it's so hard to find but there it is so if I click on share your screen here and then I just record my window and I have to turn on my mic as well I believe and you can do your camera as well but we're just going to do our screen here and then here we go all right then I think we can start talking let's see can you hear me Google I might have to it says it's recording sometimes it is a little buggy too like sometimes like I would start it and then it wouldn't do anything and then I'd have to disconnect and reconnect and then it would work let's try it again share your screen entire screen let's just let's share the YouTube stream here hey what's going on did I share the wrong microphone maybe that's the problem testing oh yeah that's the wrong microphone let's share the correct one I think that's the right one all right testing testing oh here it is not working can you hear me Google I don't even know what you call I don't even know what this calls itself let's try resetting it one more time all right can you hear me yes I can hear you is there anything I can help you with yeah can you can you talk to some of these people in our our live stream can you see them I can see the chat on the right side of the screen would you like me to interact with the people there yeah maybe just answer a few of their questions okay I understand I can chat with the people in the live stream I'll start by addressing the first message I see from Dustin minich that says learn to use the checklist would you like me to respond to that yeah and if you're not familiar with the checklist we have this free checklist that people can get at shineiy.com and it has a bunch of different AI tools and walkthroughs that help people learn how to utilize AI okay I see that you've pulled up the checklist I'll mention that to Dustin minich and the other viewers I'll say something like hey Dustin minich if you'd like to learn about the checklist it's available at shineiy.com it has a bunch of AI tools and tutorials does that sound good yeah I mean I think that sounds pretty good can you talk to some of the other people yes I can do that I'll Now respond to the user Jason McLaughlin who said first last I signed up for legit even with another affiliate how do I sign up with your link instead I'll ask him to clarify what he means by legit [ __ ] would you like me to do that now yeah why don't you ask him okay I'll ask Jason McLaughlin to clarify what he means by legit I'll respond with hey Jason mclin can you clarify what you mean by legit when referring to an affiliate link oh I don't know if Jason said that I think you're talking about Leonard here you are right my apologies I see the message from Leonard J Brisco 3 not Jason McLaughlin Leonard's question is about the Google Gemini on Android should I ask him to clarify the question like I did with Jason yeah I mean if you want to do that you can let's see what he says it says if that's the Google Gemini I have on my Android it's really dumb I legit asked it a question I already knew the answer to and it said it didn't know went and googled this question and the answer popped up okay it sounds like Leonard had a frustrating experience with Google Gemini I can respond to Leonard with a statement like hey Leonard it sounds like you had an issue with Gemini not knowing an answer you already knew it seems to be a new tool and it's still being developed is that a good response I think that's pretty good do you want to just quickly address these other comments in here maybe I can zoom in so you can see them a little bit better yes that sounds great I'm ready to respond to the additional comments go for it okay I'll start with the user j17 who said hello Chase new here I will respond with hey J 17 welcome to the stream then I'll address the message from Chris Lewis and say hey Chris Lewis yes this stream is about AI tools how does that sound so far yeah I mean I think Chris was asking about UFOs being real but maybe you can't see what he's writing there you are correct Chris Lewis's message says Are UFOs real I apologize for misinterpreting that message I will now respond by saying hey Chris Lewis I'm not sure about UFOs but the focus of this stream is on AI tools how does that sound yeah I mean I feel like Ai and UFOs are pretty similar don't you think that is an interesting observation but I don't think it's my place to give my opinion however I can now respond to PW Fox who asked what is AI by saying hey PW Fox AI stands for artificial intelligence and it's a technology that enables computers to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence no let's stop talking to the audience I want you to look at this AI image generator I created and maybe see if you can explain what it does it was made with the replicate API okay I see the image generator it looks like it is a tool that allows you to input a text prompt and then it generates an image based on that prompt it seems to have various parameters that can be adjusted including the number of images to generate the aspect ratio the output format and the optimization preset set it also has some quality parameters such as the lens scale guidance scale output quality prompt strength and inference steps do you think I have a good understanding of how it works okay I can definitely explain it in simpler terms think of this image generator like a really Advanced art tool you give it a description which is like telling an artist what to paint and it uses AI to create an image that matches that description the settings are like different tools and brushes in an artist's studio for example you can choose the number of images you want it to make and how they will look the aspect ratio like landscape or portrait you can also adjust the quality of the images the API key is how this tool connects to a different AI service specifically replicate where all the magic happens and the model settings let you choose what type of AI is used to create your image okay I understand it sounds like you're showing how you made this image generator with code and that an AI coder can help with this type of task I see you're displaying some python code in the window now do you want me to explain what I see on the screen to viewers yeah why don't you explain it I was able to write about 800 lines of code with wind surf Ai and I was thinking it'd be cool to show people this oh looks like our session died so anyways I wanted to just show you guys how cool that is because you know you could literally be talking to freaking Google all day like that and I was actually doing this last night in fact I actually got a flipper if you guys aren't familiar with these they're pretty cool but flippers oh hold on I actually don't know if that's the right website flipper zero here we go this tool it's like a tool that lets you do a lot of really cool Tech stuff and you know one of the things that it can do is it can clone like pool keys or you know different types of keys that you can open doors with and I was actually able to clone a key today and use it to open up my pool but it does a ton of really cool things I was confused about it I was like I don't know this works and so I actually use chat GPT for this but chat GPT I I pulled it open on my phone and let me let me show you this chat gbt video but there's a streaming there's a a feature now where you basically just you turn it on you click it on your phone and it will let me see if I can actually show you this on the desktop if I click on use voice mode I can talk to chat GPT in real time but if you're on your phone here let let ask chat GPT here hey chat GPT can you talk about the new video model that's on the app so people can like talk to you about what's going on in real time absolutely the new video model in the app allows for real-time visual interaction you can share your camera feed and the model can help with tasks that involve visual input like identifying objects guiding you through physical tasks or providing feedback on things are showing it's like having a virtual assistant who can see what you see nice so I was actually actually using that feature today to help set up my flipper zero can you explain how I was able to do that sure using the video model you could show The Flipper zero to the camera and it would help guide you step by step through the setup process it could recognize the device provide instructions on what buttons to press and offer troubleshooting tips if anything went wrong it's a handy way to get realtime interactive hey I'm ready to hit the ground running ho ho oh Merry Christmas Christmas is a magical time filled with joy and wonder it's a day when families come together share love and exchange gifts and of course it's when I Santa hold on that's a little much can you can you actually talk about the new flipper zero I got for Christmas oh of course the flipper zero is quite the Nifty Gadget it's a versatile tool a bit like a modernday magic wand for Tech enthusiasts what do you think you use it for well I was able to clone my pool key which was kind of cool but I'm definitely going to look into using it more for other things it's amazing how many creative uses okay that's enough but yeah so you can see you can talk to to AI in real time now and you can have it like monitor what you're doing whether it's a screen share whether it's a you know like for example when I was troubleshooting The Flipper I didn't know how to set this thing up cuz I I just got it so I turn I pulled out chat gbt and asked it like hey can you walk me through this like can you explain what this is explain what that is and then in real time chat gbt told me like how to use it and like what to do and you know that's really cool because anytime you have a problem it's like real time Google and so I'll give you another example the other night we actually had B blew a fuse in the wall and there was like a charring on my on my outlet on my power outlet and I got really scared and I was like dude is our house about to go you know on fire because it was like 2 am when I noticed it and I pulled out chat GPT and asked it like hey can you look at this and tell me what this is and it told me it said like this is what you do you go and break you know flip your breaker so that way you know it basically told me everything and so just think about what you're going to be able to accomplish now that you have this let's say you're building an app with like some sort of AI coder like this and you have a question you can bring open you know AI in real time and say like look at this tell me what wrong so just being able to learn like this is insane now I actually want to show you a is chat gbt free well I don't know if their if their video feature the streaming feature is free yet but I know like I have the $20 month plan and there might be a certain amount that's free I'm not sure I pay for chat gbt so I I'm actually not sure this is an image generator I want to show you this thing's really really cool because what it does is it allows you to generate infinite images of you that you can schedule out on social media with a tool like radar and so you can actually schedule out thousands and thousands of images and even reals out at a time I'll show you how to do that in a second any questions about this stuff so far everybody e e all right so let me show you how this works so inside of wind surf if you guys haven't seen wind surf yet I've actually done a full tutorial on it but what wind surf does is it allows you to code anything you want if you want to check it out just go to the free checklist again shineiy.com and then you're just going to go find the part that says wind serf go watch the video you can see how it works but basically you just go in here and you can prompt this tool to generate whatever you want so I told it to generate me a basically an infinite clone generator so if I type in run here let me go here type in run you can see it says I'm running the image generator applic click on accept all right so this is the image generator now what this basically does is it hooks into a tool called replicate and if you're not familiar with replicate go to the checklist go to the replicate section but basically what it does it allows you to train a image model on you AI image model on you so I can type in something like Chaser YouTube thumbnail trying out the best AI tools okay and I can have chat gbt improve that prompt but we'll just do that for now and then if I want it to be a YouTube thumbnail I would do 16 by No 9 I would um choose a quality optimization because I want this to be quality and then I would enter in all my things that I need to enter like my API key and everything and then what I can do is I can choose a folder so we'll just browse let's go to YouTube thumbnails select and then I can choose how many I want to generate at a time so if I do a 100 it's going to cost a dollar total if I do four it's going to cost 41 cents if I do one 41 cents so I think it costs a certain amount no matter what you do but let's click on generate and then you can see it's starting the way I built this tool is it does multi- threading so it'll go and batch multiple out to run at a time whereas like the normal replicate you can only do four at a time and every four you do it takes a long time so this will do all of them at once so you can see there's a progress bar down here below and then pretty soon we're going to have all of our thumbnails generated and I do this for Instagram I do this for YouTube thumbnails I do this for like everything let me show you some of the outputs here this was the outputs I got from earlier but they're pretty good so this is AI me this is all AI cloning testing AI tools live the thumbnail for today's live was from this tool and it generated a bunch of these at once so I could just choose the one I liked and then I can put it as my thumbnail okay and I do the same thing with all my Instagram post so I go to our regular generated images these are not regular but our Instagram so I generated all of these so I have like two months worth of images going out on Instagram Facebook everywhere so if I go here check this out AI made me Rich now I'm giving away everything for free let's go check out some of these other ones Let's see we got I'm an AI clone and I make $1,000 a day comment with AI and I'll show you how I'm giving away money to people who take my course comment free if you want if you're interested and like if you see any of my other videos like using many chat you'll see how I respond to all my comments with Bots but what I do is I just take all these images that my mask cloner is generating and I go over to radar which again there's another video inside of the checklist about this but I just click on bulk upload click on multiple file upload grab all of those and then boom now I have 105 posts scheduled out for the next 105 days and I could do two a day I could do three a day but being able to bulk output like this is very helpful especially if you're trying to create an AI clone CU you could generate a full year worth of thumbnails and images and everything you need in a couple seconds and then I actually have another tool that basically turns all of these images into videos with AI and then it does all my reels as well and all of these get lots and lots of comments let me go show you just one of my Instagrams because on radar I'm posting these images to 40 different platforms at once so so not only am I posting one a day but between like let's say like two or three posts I'm posting you know between 40 platforms that's like 120 posts a day that I'm generating in in like a millisecond right so check this out like we got this one 168 comments this was yesterday and then I have a bot that goes and response to all these people sends them my my checklist and my links right and then when when they go to My Links then we have even more automation right because I'm going to show you today like how I'm moderating and and automating my my Discord but I use another tool with Discord and you know with email and all of that to basically automate like a ton and a ton of stuff on the back end and then the way we make money is like as people go through the checklist that we're giving away for free you know we're getting hundreds and thousands of clicks to these different links and we're getting paid from all these different tools that have Affiliates but but again all of them are free but yeah let me just show you like this is just one of my affiliate accounts here so this is spotter here you can see we started promoting it like three weeks ago 130,000 clicks and a lot of this is just from Automation and over like $660,000 well sorry with the bonuses like over $85,000 before the reoccurring even hit there's another tool like high level so this is 8,500 59 597 th000 clicks from mainly Automation and another 2500 it's funny to me that people are always like well Chase you're getting all this traffic just from your YouTube channel it's like like no I'm getting all my traffic from posting 120 times a day on social media with automation like that's where a lot of my traffic comes from the majority of my traffic does not even come from these videos if you look at these videos I'm only getting a couple thousand views a video but the reason I do these videos is not for clicks really it's more because all these people going into these different things like I'm trying to teach them I I use long form video just to teach people because you know traffic alone isn't going to really make any sales like you can get a lot of clicks but people aren't going to sign up for stuff until they understand how to do it and how to use it let's see if this is done yet okay it's generated 44 images let's go check out the thumbs all right so these are the new ones oh it looks like it put YouTube actually in here that's funny it tried putting like YouTube actually in here so I might have messed that prompt up so sometimes you got to you know work switch up your prompts a little bit okay I want to show you another thing I discovered I don't know how legit this is but somebody told me about it actually Dustin told me about this if you want to check out all this stuff make sure you go to the links in the description because it helps support what I do if we go to the checklist and click on grass here I did do some digging on this and I discovered that somebody actually made money with this in our group it was Helen Helen sent me a message and said that she's actually earned around $3,000 with this and what it is is it's a network if I click on this it's like a a crypto that basically just uses your extra internet and it mines these things called grass coins I guess and apparently the internet that it's using is training AI models and so it just runs in your background it's actually been running this whole time while I've been on this stream so it hasn't even been messing with my stream at least I don't think I think the stream looks okay you basically just run this in the background it says I've earned 12,000 grass and the cool thing is it has a referral link too you actually have an affiliate for this but every month I guess they let people withdraw this and I guess some people are earning like thousands of dollars every month just withdrawing these coins and it doesn't utilize your Hardware or anything so it's just like a free thing that you can install it utilizes your extra internet and there you go it looks like I have 30 people referred to it already we'll see I'll keep you up guys updated on this but hopefully I can withdraw this whenever the next one is I think it's on the 17th but if I go to the exchanges here I can see it's worth $247 cents and every day I'm mining like I guess I've mined 12,000 so far so we'll see I don't know again I have heard that some people are making money with it and again it's free so you're not paying any money to use it if anybody has any experience with this please let me know send me a DM or whatever in Discord I'd be interested to hear if anybody else has used it so that's another one that I discovered what else what is another thing that I wanted to show you oh miix so I've been spending a lot of time in miix I actually have almost a three-part series now I have that so far I've done part one and part two on this checklist and part one was just like Basics to Discord part two was like setting up your own server and using a server template I actually give away a server template inside of our Discord group inside of our server templates here you can click on this and you can actually clone this template looks like 108 people are using it it's a free template and you click on Create and it just clones that template into your own server so this is the Clone server here and then you'll have your own Discord like just like this and I show how I'm moderating this and setting it up the only thing is I haven't done part three yet because I knew I was going to have to put a lot of time aside for this and I'll probably have to do part three maybe tomorrow or something but I'm using another tool called MI6 to do a lot of really awesome automated things within the community and again this is going to be like a whole other video it's probably going to take me like an hour to cover but there's some really awesome stuff you can do inside of me6 I'll show you a brief overview really quick um real Vicki says I'm not going to lie but this is a lot to take in yeah so I understand where you're coming from that's why we have the checklist right I always tell people like don't try to understand this all at once like we're already like 15 hours into this checklist in terms of content so if you're confused or you're like I don't get it it would it's going to make a lot more sense if you if you just go and watch like part like click here to start go watch part one then go watch part two then go watch part three and like don't do it all at once like click on you know click on this first one switch it to done and then take a break come back to it later right Dean NEP says can you answer my question you're well I didn't understand your question can it help with marketing um that's everything we're doing here like everything we're doing in this checklist is doing is automating your marketing so I don't I'm not sure I understand Tech time with Tina says yes it can help with marketing yes I mean everything that we're doing like in these videos in these trainings in this checklist like everything is automated marketing it's starting an online uh business that basically automates traffic followup relationship I like everything all right so MI6 let me show you this using the checklist what we're doing is we're putting the top tools on the main checklist all right so check it out MI6 basically this is our server here this is our clone server but this is our main server this thing does some really really awesome stuff and like I said there's a lot in here but I just want to show you kind of like the main capabilities first of all it'll do the AI characters so if you're in the Discord at all you'll see a lot of the responses are from AI clones let me just show you an example of this please put out link for accessing that shine it's shineiy.com that's it just my name.com so you see how it says not definitely not shinies clone that is my clone obviously right but what we what what you can do is you can actually train these clones inside of Discord servers to help like moderate what's going on and help people you know help them along so for example this person says hi I'm new here and it says hello there we're glad to have you if you need anything please reach out to us and then go to our get started tab so you can set up all these automations within your group for example you can like welcome people so this is something that's active right now hey user I'm shif I clone so it actually sends them a DM as as well here's how you get started it sends them a welcome message in the actual server too so these are all the welcomes looks a little messy but let me show you this if we go to automation this is like one of my favorite things about this tool is if we go to automations we can start setting up rules based on what people are saying so this one right here it says welcomer template so if somebody sends a message and you know they say the word start hello you know I'm new checklist any of those words and we can set different conditions right so we say they don't have the role that they're level two 3 four five because we actually do leveling in here I'll show you how that works in a second but basically if they're new they're level one or they just started send them a reaction like a waving symbol and then reply to their message so all these new people coming in they're all saying the same thing like how does this work you know I want to get started all these things right this will go and respond to all those people so this person says hi I'm new here so it says hello but if somebody that's like level two or three or they have some experience already in This Server it's not going to message them because you know if somebody else says hello and they've already been around for a while we don't have to tell them where to get started right so this is really helpful because when you build a community what's going to happen is you're going to see more and more people ask the same things or they're all going to be kind of like under the same umbrella and so what we want to do is we want to figure out how to interact with those people and help them without having to answer them every single time another one right so we have our wins Channel this one's really cool because ideally like what we're doing is all these people that are doing these wins I want to be able to make sure that it's a good win before I throw it into the daily win Channel and so what I do is like if I like the win right this person says thank you so much for the information your YouTube channel has become my favorite from now on so like that's a win what this does with our automation is if I add a reaction or if anybody with my role as a reaction with this Emoji the fire it automatically reposts it as a win in the daily winds channel so if I go let's say let me find somebody that does a win let's just say Alicia let's just say this Merry Christmas is a win I can click on this fire and then check this out boom it gets transferred to the Daily wins so now it'll just automatically like I won't have to screenshot every single one like I was before I can just do the fire emoji and then what I was working on but I actually started running into some problems but I was working on making it so that any of the winds that went into the into this uh channel here it would automatically turn it into an Instagram post and social media post but I was having some problems with it and I I think for me it's just not really worth the effort I might get back to it at some point but yeah I'm just kind of showing you what you're kind of able to do with this bot some other automations right so when I knew everybody was going to start sending Merry Christmas so when a user sends a message this message contains one or more of these sentences merry holiday Christmas it gives them a tree emoji and a present emoji and then it says Merry Christmas whoever the name is so yeah I mean like you can do all this stuff inside of your community which is really helpful because if you're trying to build a community you're going to have a lot of this same stuff going on every day and it's just an easy way to moderate all of it there's a leveling system in here as well that lets you assign like level one level two level three and then you can make rules based on how people are interacting right so if people are interacting more often they gain different levels and then you can even do contests based on the leveling system this is our leveling our levels here for the month so we can see all the top people we can see how many comments they have so like Logan here has 265 comments Mark has 246 comments so he's 10 and so the more comments you get the more you interact with the community the more we're likely going to be rewarding the people that are engaging and so like I said I'm going to have to do a full other tutorial on MI6 I just kind of wanted to show you how it works if you guys are interested in a full tutorial on me6 let me know just drop a comment and say that you're interested and I'll make one as soon as I can but like I said there's so many new updates happening in in AI right now that it's so hard to keep up with all of this I'm essentially working like 247 just to keep up and and to keep this checklist updated um and so like my biggest thing is just giving you guys stuff that you know is good um because there's a lot to choose from these days and you know some things are good some things will make you money some things won't and at the end of the day it's really about just finding the best stuff and utilizing it you know quickly because we don't know how long um this kind of stuff is gonna is going to be good you know at at some point some of this stuff's going to get outdated and so it's important to be on top of it while you can um Jason says I'm gonna go sign up for grass tonight yeah like I said it's free so you know you just go in there uh if you can use this link here and if anything you know make a video about it or any of these things right because pretty much everything in here as an affiliate real Vicki says I'm trying to develop my computer skills yes I can hear you okay cool Jason says I'm about 30 videos behind I will Q8 oh I'll watch them all but I got to finish the security sht coming up soon yeah so that's why the checklist is you know check one check two check three you don't have to do it all at once all right so that was me just kind of giving you guys an update with where we're at like I said I'm going to keep going through this checklist and do my best to keep you all up to date with everything that we're doing here and again if you haven't already go over to Shin ay.com you enter in your info here it'll take you to our Discord server and then what I recommend is if you're new and you haven't used Discord before just go into the server and click on get started and then just follow the step by step so you know watch our Discord walk through click on the check mark to verify read the rules um go watch the next get started video I just go through all of this and do it one at a time so that's it guys appreciate you all for being here and hopefully we will see you very soon and until we do happy moneymaking we'll see you next time bye

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