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what's going on everyone welcome back Chase with shifi here and today I'm going to be talking about how I'm actually paying people money to go through my free course and I'm going to show you how you can actually get paid money as well to give away a similar free course and the best part about this is I have nothing to sell you literally nothing so don't worry put away your wallet I'm not trying to sell you on a coaching call or do anything sneaky behind the scenes I'm actually giving away money to people and I can prove it too because we just gave away money literally in the last few days and you can see here one of our members says guys you are crazy not to be taking action if Chase is literally giving you money to take action to better your life you're being paid to build something for yourself so what I'm doing here is basically I'm giving away a free checklist and as people go through the free checklist and they set up different tools that they can get paid to promote these are all different Affiliates there's over 400 different Affiliates that you can actually get paid to promote as people go through this checklist I'm actually giving away money to the people that are in our group our free group and they're posting about what they're doing to take action and in the last week I already gave over $1,000 to some of the people that have been posting their wins and in the next week I'm going to be giving out another $1,000 and what's really really cool about this is that you can do the exact same thing because what we do is we give away different uh tools we give away different promos there's another uh thous $25,000 giveaway happening right now over here at uh spotter this is a uh tool that allows you to find trending videos on YouTube and you can give away stuff like this with links and check this out this one link right here this is the link I've been promoting has 23,000 people that have clicked on it and all I'm doing is just giving away money I'm having people go and enter this giveaway and I've already gotten paid out4 thou $3,900 and I have $53,000 in pending commissions and there's another like $25,000 that uh I got as bonuses as well because they're giving out bonuses now you might be thinking like how is this even possible how can how can people get paid to give away free things and give away money and the truth is there's all these companies right now that b basically want to pay people to go and promote their products promote their links and a lot of these companies have free offers right so I'll show you another company this company is called high level so they have a link here where you can get somebody on a 30-day free plan um on their tool and this tool helps you with email Automation and when somebody goes and rebills on that tool right let's say they keep the tool you earn money on that and so you can give away free products you can give away free uh cash giveaways you can give away free tools and the idea is that you help people understand how to use these things before they get rebuild on them and so that's what we're doing with this checklist and I'm going to show you how you can actually give away this exact same checklist because inside this checklist I actually show you how to replicate this entire system so you can literally go into this checklist for free by going to shineiy.com go enter your info it takes you to the free uh Group by the way this is our free Discord group and then when you're in the Discord group uh you can get to the get started tab let me show you what this looks like so you go to get started and then right here we have the checklist so you click on the checklist and then you can go file make a copy as long as you're signed into your uh Google account and now what's going to happen is this is actually going to make a copy of this checklist and now you own this checklist and so what you can do is you can take this exact copy of this checklist and you can change out all the links with your links so every single one of these different tools here um you can go to let's say let's say uh let's go to high level and let's scroll to the bottom of the website so here's the 30-day trial here that you can get but let's go scroll to the bottom and most of them have something called a partner or affiliate program so I click on affiliate program here and I click on become an affiliate I can go go grab a link for free and now that I have that link it's going to take me to a thing that looks like this I'm going to have my link here and now that I have that link I can go and send this to people now there's all kinds of different ways that you can send this to people and what we're doing is we're using um automation we're using our group we're using a a bunch of different things um a lot of these tools actually um we're chaining these tools together and they're allowing us to promote these links and that's how we're actually getting thousands and thousands of clicks to these links so for example with this spotter link here um you can see I got 123,000 clicks to it and I've only been promoting it since I believe November 27th till now yeah so 123,000 Clicks in like three weeks and so this is just one of the things that I'm promoting though right so I can send traffic to this and then I can go send traffic to the next thing and so what happens is um let me show you my full partner stack account this is just one of my affiliate um platforms here but the the idea is like you can go and uh promote this tool and then you can promote this tool you can promote all these different tools and as people go through the checklist all they're doing is they're just going and signing up for different trials and they're trying out the tools and and so that's what all these timestamps are all these videos here are just walking people through using the tools now if they don't want to use the tool they just don't use it right um but ideally like the way this system works works is that you set up these tools so for example high level it allows you to build a landing page and an email automation so like for example when you're giving out a tool right you want a way to capture the lead so instead of sending somebody directly to like an affiliate link right what we would do is send them to something like this where it has a way for them to enter their email and their name and then it puts them into our account so we actually capture the lead because one of the big problems when you're doing affiliate marketing and giving stuff away is that and if you don't have some sort of way to capture the information you're going to lose that lead and so high level helps you capture that lead that's why it's the first thing on the list um and so you can choose you know do I want this do I not want this and it's kind of like they're all just suggestions right but ideally as you learn these different tools you can choose which ones you like to use and which ones you want to give away for free um another tool we use is this one called radar and I've made a little bit of money with this tool not a ton um let me sign in and just show you what this does this is just a social media scheduling tool but if I go to my affiliate link here you can see they owe me $700 right now again not a ton of money but um so far I think I've earned $1,500 with this tool and they all start to stack up right because again we're giving away a bunch of free stuff and so as you give away more and more stuff for free you know you start getting more and more rebills and let me show you here this tool is very simple you can start using it with the first I think couple social media accounts for free it'll just allow you to bulk schedule out your content this is what I do to schedule out my content to like 40 different social media platforms at once and I'm basically scheduling out AI generated images of me this is an AI image even the thumbnail on today's video is an AI image um and and the way we did that is we used another tool called replicate so you can go through here and you can see everything we're doing how we're automating our content how we're scheduling it out how we're automating our followup um and the whole point of this system is that oops I accidentally opened up python the whole point of this system is that you can um you can set up uh these different tools you can start automating your traffic and then you can basically give away free stuff so you don't have to sell anything you know usually when you see a when you see these kind of opportunities it's like well go and sell this to somebody right go you know go offer your friend money or not money uh uh and offer like a like a paid service you know or go offer a business owner go sell them on this thing the cool thing about this is we're not really selling anything right we're just asking people or we're telling people listen we can help you with these different things right we can help you with Automation and and the cool thing is you can you can do this both ways right you can do this as a service as like a free service and what that means is like you can go and set somebody up for free on one of these 30-day trials right so if they don't know how to um you know use high level right and you go and learn it you can go offer to set somebody up on it for free or if they don't know how to use um you know radar and they don't know how to schedule their content or connect their social media accounts you can go help them with that for free so you can offer a free service but the idea is if you help get somebody set up for free you could also charge if you wanted but I kind of like the free angle because you don't have to sell anything but um you help them get set up for free and then when they rebu whenever trial period's over let's say it's like 7 days or 30 days whatever it is then you make the commission so you can do it as a service um but you can also do it as a uh as an affiliate like just by doing content so let's say I did uh you know free affiliate so the way you would do that is you would do content and the cool thing is like a lot of the content we do now um we can use AI to help us create this content so like for example here's another affiliate here um this is is a free uh trial to a tool that does text to speech so you can clone your voice in here and then um you can start using uh AI generated videos to you know promote your different um free things and then ultimately you can give away free money which sounds absolutely insane but it's it's actually true right because essentially as people go through your checklist you know and they grab all your free offers you're making you're giving away everything for free but ultimately you're going to end up making money and if you don't believe me go check out some of the wins in our Discord we got um plenty of people in here that are talking about um you know either setting up their their things or you know making money with our system um you can see Alex Kenny here he just made a $38 uh affiliate on High level this is in his first couple months um but ultimately by the way you don't need to have a a money to win to get entered into our giveaway um you just have to say what you're doing to take action okay um so just go through here and uh and see all the things that people are doing to take action but um there are people that are earning money with this and uh you know this is another guy Trey I started last week I'm at $600 with spotter uh okay so I'm up $1,200 a month reoccurring just started okay so anyways that's the proof right but um what you can do is if you don't have money to give away right the only reason the cool thing about what I'm doing here is the only reason I'm able to make uh to give away money is because we're making money already if you're starting out and you don't have any money to give away one of the things you can do is you can give away the checklist like I am so like you see this you can have this exact page in cloned in your account because um inside of our snapshot you actually can clone this into your account and if you don't know what I'm talking about go watch the first video right here in the checklist it'll it'll explain to you how to um how to clone this snapshot into your account but um you can have this exact same checklist and then what you can do is you can give away uh your checklist right you can have this exact same page give away your checklist so this redirects to your checklist and then you can have people go to our group if you want to give away money and you can say hey this group's giving away money but the cool thing is they have your checklist right so ideally you can uh have go through your checklist they get cookie to your affiliate links and then you can still give away money right and if you don't want to give away money with our group you can give away money with some of the other promos that are going on for example spotter is giving away $25,000 so you could go give away $25,000 um so just go through this and start learning all the different things in here and just post your wins literally just go and watch all these things and you don't even have to set anything up you could just say you know hash wins I um I started with the checklist today and you'll get entered to win money because again we're giving away money pretty much every single week right now for you to just go into the checklist and start learning and I think that right now we are the only um we're the only group that's giving away money for people to take our free course I don't know any other place I mean pretty much everywhere you go somebody's going to try to charge you for something like this right this is actually something that I could probably charge a lot of money for and I have sold check like a checklist just like this and made a lot of money I was making millions and millions of dollars last year selling um checklists like this but what I decided to do is I flipped the script and I said you know I don't want to have to sell all the time I'd rather just give away everything for free and if you don't believe me look at this so like last year I had mons that I was making like 200 200 Grand and this is just on stripe I was making even more on PayPal um but you can see here my my Revenue dropped off a cliff because I stopped selling I started giving away everything for free um and so now instead of me selling this thing which I was selling before that people were having to pay a lot of money to get into I'm giving it not only am I giving it to you for free but I'm literally paying you to go out and and um and take action so you can go through the course and then like you you could literally say hash wins I just started the checklist and you get entered to win money that's all you have to do so I don't know I don't I don't know anywhere else that you can actually literally get just paid money just to go out and and and learn and get rewarded for it now I actually just to show you proof have been paying everybody out um when I did the giveaway last time uh I announced the winner winners and what I do is I just take all the people that are in the wins and I um uh and I just have chat gbt pull the winners let's see if I can find the uh the thread here because I I do have the uh I should just create another Channel where I show the the screenshots but I posted them in the public chat because I'm not lying I'm not like saying oh I'm giving out money and then I'm not like I actually am giving out the money um but I have to go next time I'm going to just create a thread in here so I can just click on it um but if you scroll up through the the conversation you will find it somewhere uh here it is okay so this was sent to Jason he was one of the winners I actually announced the full winners right here so these were all the winners here um here's another $100 that was sent to one of the winners Jeremy and all they did like I said is they just posted uh their wins what they were doing to take action so um go in there it literally just post if anything just go in there and just post hashtag wins whatever you're working on and like you know you don't even really technically have to go through the checklist you could just go post wins but the idea is like you are going to benefit from from going through this checklist right ultimately this system is what is earning me and others you know thousands and thousands of dollars and I show you all the proof right that's the one thing I try to always do is and this is what I've done for years um when I go live and you know when I do my videos is I've always kind of uh tried to show you what's going on behind the scenes um if you look at my YouTube channel I've been doing this for years um I started out like eight years ago on YouTube and and back then I wasn't making any money you could see I went live and I had zero viewers so you know I've been doing this for a really long time I've been doing a video a day for almost you know almost 8 years now and so I've made a good amount of money with this and and now the idea is like I'm trying to give back I'm trying to incentivize people to take action I would make probably more money if I didn't give everything away for free but for me it's just fun and I also think that it's funny because I think you're going to a lot of people are going to be pretty shocked about what we're doing here they're going to be like how is this guy giving away money for people to take his free course you know it doesn't make sense so um it's just kind of funny but look at this we just got another person in the group uh rusta says daily win got in the Discord so D so technically Roa is entered to win now um and again this we'll pull the winner at the end of the month um if you look at the giveaways tab here you can see all the current giveaways so we got the spotter giveaway this was the previous th000 giveaway that we just did and and then what I've been doing is the ,000 give I give away $1,000 cash but I give away5 $100 and then one $500 um and then ideally I'm going to hope hopefully give away more money as well as we keep growing this community because ultimately if we all start making more money together I'm just going to keep dumping a lot of incentives into the group um and if you're confused about Discord I know a lot of people get confused about Discord and they go I don't understand how this works um that's why we have this get started thing and uh or Tab and I would go watch this first video because this first video I did a full layout on how to go and use Discord and how to go through like all the different things in here um so you can go and learn like just the basics to using Discord because I know again when you're first starting and you're like I don't understand Discord like I don't understand how any any of this stuff works it can seem intimidating but I'm telling you like there's a lot of people that were never on Discord before that you know they spend a little bit of time learning and you know it's not that bad literally we just basically have a chat room uh you know you can come hang out we do uh we do calls pretty much every night um on our stage here uh where we interview different people in the group and then if we go to the replays you can go see the previous um replays of different people that we've interviewed um but yeah I'm spending a lot of time in this group because I do think like Community is such an important thing and I think it's something that um you know I'm trying to build like one of the coolest communities uh on the internet right now at least for you know starting an online business and uh just I just think it'd be cool to have uh uh you know more people in here to uh you know just help everybody because ultimately we're all trying to help each other win right and so we've created an environment that you can basically utilize where everybody can win right so like if you go and copy this spreadsheet you can go give away the spreadsheet you know most people I think would be like no you have to uh this is proprietary you can't use my checklist or whatever you know and then literally everything I do um the checklist you can copy it and change it to your own brand change it to all your own links and this is something that took me a long time to build um my community same thing you can go to um our server templates inside of our community and you can go clone your own server uh so you can see 79 people are using this so you can just click on template create and boom now you have your own version of my server that you can go and create your own Community with and this has taken me a long time as well um and then even like my emails my funnel like everything if you go to um the snapshot here and you click on here once you have a highle account oop sorry second one oh it's inside of our Discord server sorry uh we go into our Discord click on Snapshot here under snapshots um this has all my uh websites um all my templates so it has my email emails my automatic emails that go out it has my um if I click on import here you basically get everything so you get and again if this looks confusing go just go watch the highle video to explain all of this but you get my um my funnels so like you get all of these you get like a a free lead service funnel you get this funnel uh which is just the one that I showed you a second ago it's just like my uh free checklist giveaway um you also get my automations so when somebody enters the funnel it sends them emails automatically and all of this stuff is just set up for you so it sends them the first email sends them the second email and then um I also add my swipe files inside of the Discord and again all of this is free remember like you're not paying any money for this but you can go and and every time I write like my emails out I use AI to write a lot of my emails um you can just copy and paste these emails into your own emails um and they all have HTML and formatting and everything so you don't have to worry about like the design or any of that um and so think about this not only are you um able to get all this free stuff right you get the all of this for free checklist you get cash giveaway cash giveaways you get free tools you get free systems and you know cloned environments um but but most importantly you get to give all all of this stuff for free so you can take all the things that I'm giving you and you can go and give it to other people for free give out everything for free and so you don't have to sell anything you don't have to um you know you don't have to uh like walk into a business and try to pitch them on anything you can give all this stuff out for free and the best part is you can use the tools and the systems to do it for you because the the AI will help you generate the content it'll help you do the Outreach it'll help you pretty much do everything and then the idea is that you just go out and learn it right so you go you go through the checklist and you learn everything and once you learn it then you can go and set it up and then you go give it out so it's pretty simple right um the hardest part is just going and learning it all right so you have to go I mean we're already on like part 10 or 11 um but uh the hardest part is just like going through and learning everything right so like going and learning high level this was an hourong video here so this is part one it was an hour and 10 minutes this is part two so this was another 57 minutes um this was part three is another 54 minutes so yeah it's going to take a little bit of time to learn all this but that's why it's in a checklist right people I think look at this and they get overwhelmed but ideally you just do one thing at a time right so you go to the first thing when it's done you click on done and then maybe come back to it the next day and then after that you go done you go back to it the next day so you just keep going through it and you don't have to do everything at once um you just learn a little bit along the way and remember this is something that's taken me like eight years to build um between you know doing the processes and you know figuring out what works and what doesn't work like there's so many things in here that I've tried pretty much every business model um whether it's you know selling services whether it's doing courses and I was successful with a lot of it you know I made millions of dollars with um different things uh whether it's services or courses or you know software at a software company and uh ultimately what I learned is that this business model in my opinion is the future I think there's so many people selling things all the time and I think that if you can flip the script and you can monetize without having to sell anything right you just give away value just give away things for free um I think long term it's going to make the most money because like look at this when I first started this was like you know kind of back in the garage days here I wasn't making that much when I started um and this is when I was doing services and I made like you know at my peak of services I was doing like $50,000 a month uh between stripe and PayPal but I you know I just didn't want to deal with the the customers so I started doing courses but the problem with courses is like they're really up and down you know you'll make some money one month and then no money the next month um and then you know I started doing services and I made a lot of I mean software and I started making a lot of money with doing software but like the problem is my net profit was not good like my Revenue was really good but my net profit was really bad and uh ultimately I just wanted to do like the full affiliate model just give away free stuff um so oo says what's the catch so the only real catch is um is you going out and having to to go and do it um and what I mean by that is like you know you're not going to just go click a button make money you have to go and um learn and set up things and you know some of these things uh you might end up having to pay for down the line because again all this stuff is like free trials but you can choose whether or not you want to use them um it's kind of like this right if you wanted to build a house you're going to probably need a hammer you're probably going to need a drill you're probably going to need need these different things the cool thing is like with this with this online house you can you can basically rent the H not rent the Hammers you can get loan the hammer um and you don't have to pay for the hammer until you actually build a house and get paid for the house so the idea is you go you take the hammer like on a 30-day trial you go build a house you get paid for the house and then it pays for the hammer um and if you don't build the house you don't make money right you just cancel the thing um I don't know if that makes sense but ideally it's just like time based action and so hopefully you know you go into the system you take action and you can go and utilize what we're doing here uh before these trials run out but yeah I mean that's really the only catch uh the catch is really can you go and take action or not and and again that's why we're paying people to take action because the problem is most people will go and pick up a checklist like this they'll go they'll go join a community and then they won't do anything and so that's why we're giving away money to the people that are posting their wins um for example Bri here this was I think was somebody that actually won already uh I think Bri won like 100 bucks just added my checklist URL redirect link for shiny or for daily win and then here's the daily wins and so yeah um we're just paying people that are taking action basically uh Millennial money mom says most people won't take action yeah so that's the thing is like the majority of people will not go out and do anything they're going to just go and and they're going to grab all this stuff and they're going to go yeah I'll get to it later and then they never do anything um which is a very surprisingly large amount of people actually um so if you're one of those people right and you're like you know I want to do something but I just don't feel motivated because I found that a lot of people they just they know what they need to do but they just don't feel motivated to do it um this is kind of your opportunity to you know like join the group and become motivated because not only are you getting a proven step-by-step process but you're getting a full free support group to help you along the way and you're also getting you know cash incentives to go out and do stuff um and I don't know any other group that's going to basically pay you to go out and do things every day um and ultimately like I said you know the more people that are in here the more more people that are posting their wins and um taking action uh the higher chances you know that we're going to end up giving away even more money and giving away even more prizes and just creating more and more incentives so the cool thing about this thing this group is that like you taking action and winning helps the entire group because if you start winning everybody else starts winning right if you go and start you know utilizing these tools and you make money with them and you ultimately keep them right it it fuels the group um because all this affiliate Revenue that's coming in we're we're re we're putting that back into our group incentives hopefully that makes sense I don't know if that makes sense to everybody but like um for example like this tool spotter right let's say a lot of people that are using this tool are successful with it and they all rebu well then the the money goes up in the affiliate and as the money goes up we're taking a percentage of that and we're throwing it back into more group incentives so really we're all in it together we're all trying to win together um and and the environment that I'm trying to create is that you know we're all helping each other so that as the group wins and more and more people are winning and making money um you know we can keep reinvesting that into helping more and more people um take more and more action but it is dependent on people going out and doing stuff and so I don't know I just think it's a cool thing to do and I think I honestly think that once people see what we're doing here more and more people are going to probably even end up adopting this model because I don't even think people need to sell anymore I think there's so much out there there's so much free information that I don't think information should be paid anymore I mean it's like I it's weird to me that people are still charging for information because it's not necessary like you don't have to gatekeep your information anymore you can help as many people as you want and that's what we're doing in the in the checklist like ultimately you could go through the checklist for free and and like not even use any of these affiliate links you could just go learn this stuff and then go look the the links up yourself and there would be no affiliation you you know um but you know ultimately the the if you did go through the links that would help support the the entire community and as you start to grow right let's say you go and clone this checklist and you go clone the the group and everything you can go create your own environment like this where you know you're incentivizing all these people to win and and if you start making money as well you can start um reinvesting it back into the group and build your own big group and help a lot of people um and so the whole idea of this is just being being able to keep giving back keep giving back and as you keep giving back whether it's through you know doing content or you know people taking people through the checklist and and you can even add your own things in here right like if you wanted to go add your own column let's say you know you think somebody would benefit from a different tool or a different thing you know you can take people through this I mean you could even sell this like people would pay a lot of money for a checklist like this with course you know with with um videos and you know whole resource list of tools and even just our original check list here this is like 140 videos these were all uh videos that I did one by one they're all four or five minute videos I mean this this alone took me three or four months to build um so like even just giving away something like this is like is crazy um and so that's why we see people in the group like where they're saying you know in the past I've paid thousands and thousands of dollars for something like this that I'm now getting for free um let me actually highlight some of the wins here I just created a short video and working on creating more today so Diego is now entered to win um he's entered into the Thousand giveaway Breeze says just purchase my domain so Breeze entered to win um and Breeze already won before but Breeze entered to win again um just got my first lead from customers AI this is one of the tools that we told people about um it has a I think they give away their first 500 leads for free uh baldman 5K says signed up for a trial of Spotter and created my first project today also researched some new video niches and trending topics and Google searches um so pretty cool blessed makoro says I have registered on go high level trial Tom says I've just signed up I'd recommend taking advantage or the first three months 50% off so yeah high level is doing a 50% off thing as well right now if anybody wants to get into that um and again remember ultimately like all of these things like these are all things that if you get them you can give them out to other people as well uh daily win okay so downloaded the checklist after watching a replay of one of the most recent live calls with Chase um I don't I'm not sure if that was the live call inside of our Discord group or inside of YouTube but uh taken with the same name Chase as it serve good omen for me shared by one of the preferred Financial uh and going through that video realized there's so much to I need to catch up on next going to go over the checklist and signed up for ghl we'll continue to take action thank you Chase so that's another person that has entered into ,000 giveaway um another one from Becky Lee I just purchased my highle account I'm s super confused but excited to learn uh Camaro Jerry says got you thanks Chase for both the answer and amazing things you are doing here in an age where everyone is out to scam and still you are not only honest but literally giving away what you could be charging pretty high prices for and still have people lined up to sign up you're a true gentlemen sir and we all owe you more than we can ever rep pay so I even just like all these testimonials like it it makes what we're doing here worth it cuz I love seeing like everything that people are saying and how happy they are and it's just exciting to see all you know all this great stuff going on I have site set up in high level I feel like I've just invented fire just made a YouTube channel hope so again remember all these people are entered to win here and all you have to do to enter yourself is just literally it doesn't have to be about money I think everybody thinks like when I post a win it needs to be like oh I went I got a client or I made you know $1,000 doar or something like that you don't you literally just have to say hey like got up this morning and I started uh trying to you know learn something new uh y Li i93 says just made a YouTube channel hope to get some videos up soon wins awesome Telly says sup everyone pretty much done my landing page for my digital book super stoked next is simple email from landing page for freebie on the email list staying consistent on social media and working on getting this done um another thing I I want to mention too this is something that I think people often think is like they have to go out and uh you know sell a certain thing like you have to go and sell like these tools you don't like once you have this set up um you could go and clone this for pretty much anything whether you wanted to sell uh services or you know Affiliates or you know online products because the whole point of the checklist is it's just allowing you to help automate your traffic um so like when you go and see um my Affiliates that I'm promoting like this one 122,000 clicks or 23,000 clicks on that one um this is all like mainly automated traffic because the different tools we use like are helping us automate this whether it's email um you know with AI written emails whether it's you know like many chat it's another tool in our checklist um that allows us to send links to people who are commenting on our posts and so like everything that we're doing is like it's very very automated um and and this would apply to selling anything you want you know some people want to sell a books some people want to sell um you know Amazon products some people want to sell courses uh as long as you're able to generate traffic right you can go and sell whatever you want um look at this this one Tri this one automation here in many chat sent 35,000 messages um with links to products like this and so um you can ultimately you know send traffic to whatever you want with the system but um ultimately like I'm going to recommend that you you know uh help promote whatever uh is the best on the list just because these are where I'm earning most of my money and so I'm going to always put the things that I think are the most profitable towards the top um but does that mean you have to no not at all like you can go and promote whatever you want um so don't think that you're like having to follow like one specific outline um because ultimately I'm just showing you how to build an online business and then what you want to do with that you know traffic system for that online business is completely up to you Zach says Hey guys hope everyone is good I've been in this chat for one month now but haven't really spoke before I really like this group it's amazing been watching the replays and the YouTube lives and I've been inspired managed to create a Instagram account and have been posting um created my funnels created funnel website and have set up my email automations put many chat into my Instagram created a YouTube account and now I can go live use buffer to schedule my post um just want to say thanks guys this group is really motivating and I feel good now that I got the ball rolling so another uh person that is now entered to win uh money for taking action everyday intention says wi wins I attended the go high Lev Zoom meeting last night they are seriously 247 uh it helped me out oh yeah because they're open 247 got it uh Jason says oh I already read this one but I'm gonna read it again if you guys weren't in here uh guys you are crazy not to be taking action if Chase is literally giving you money to take action to better your life you're being paid to build something that's like my favorite one yet that's actually kind of the reason I made this uh uh live today is cuz like I love that testimonial so much right like we're literally paying people to go out and do stuff um sir Top Hat says hey uh hey y'all I recorded a video last night my first ever and wanted to share um awesome wanted to share Arty dub says wanted to share my last win of the day before heading off I finished recording uh and editing my first video on my channel and I'm working on using replicate to get a nice thumbnail so yeah I mean look there's so many people in our group that are doing stuff um all you have to do to join them is literally just go in here and say hash wins I started doing something that's it and you get entered to win money and hopefully you know as we keep uh growing this community we can give away more and more stuff more and more money um and you can give away stuff too because you can always give away the checklist and you can bring people to the group and you can say hey this group's giving away money or you can give away money with some of the other stuff like spotter so the biggest thing is taking action right um us Smurf Hood says that makes sense it also sounds too good to be true but I think you may have convinced me so I'm going to try I was looking for what you would get out of it and I believe you just answered that yes so like I said um the thing that I get out of it besides like a lot of fulfillment is um when you go through and you sign up for example let's say you sign up for this tool and you get the 30-day free trial now if you cancel this free trial I don't get anything right um if you go to any of these things and cancel the free trials I don't get anything or if you just go to the checklist and don't even go through these links and just sign up for something I don't get anything um but if you do get these trials right now right and let's say in 30 days you use this tool and you can go out and be successful with it and then you go and keep the tool and let's say you pay the whatever the the plan is let's say it's like 90 bucks a month or you know there's different plans on this but what what ends up happening is um if you if that rebuild I get a percentage of that okay but up front like a lot of these pretty much everything in here is free so you could go through like a whole month and cancel everything and I wouldn't get anything so um yeah I think the ultimate thing is like you going out and being successful and if you are successful then you know we all win but that's really the only sort of catch uh Dojo says hi Chase it's nice to meet you I have a net clip project you are the online solution with AI I'm not not sure I know what that means but you can always DM me um if you want to send that to me I don't know what that means though thank you for being so amazing we appreciate the idea you are giving us a complete and free program to make money with uh if we just put in time and effort yeah and all of it's dependent on you know whether or not our our our group is continually taking action if you're not going out and doing things then you're probably not going to you know make any money same thing with me if I'm not helping you get through this and teach you this in a way that makes sense and you're not able to become successful with it then then I don't make anything either and so really it depends on if I can teach you and you can learn and you can go do something with it and be motivated to do something but it takes both of us to take action in order for this to work and so really the only way that I can win is if you win and the only way that you can win is if I win um but there isn't like with most you know the problem with most of these like courses and communities is like you have this one person on top you know that's making all the money right up here and then all the people down here are making no money right and so you know all the money just goes to the top and it doesn't matter whether or not the people at the bottom make money it's like as long as the whole thing a lot of these courses as long as this person's making money at to at the top like these people don't really seem to matter um but with our system right instead it's like we're all in this together like we all have to win and so really like if we all win then we all make money together but if only one of us wins right then ideally like we're not going to we're not going to prosper okay so that's it um hopefully that makes sense and uh I'm excited to see you know everybody that's on this video in our community if you're not in there already and if you are make sure you post your wins um so that you can get entered to win and uh you know hang out with us it's a good place to be there's a lot of really cool people in here so that's it um I will be going live again uh probably tomorrow and continuing through our series I think we are on like part 11 now in the checklist there's a lot that we've covered and there's a lot that we have to continue to cover as we go through it um but uh either way I appreciate you all for being here and uh until next time happy moneymaking we'll see you guys bye