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all right what is going on everyone check this out we have high level and shine ranker in one place so we're gonna be talking about kind of the new stuff we're building how we're integrating with high level all the cool things that you're going to be able to sell to your clients and a lot of really really cool AI stuff that's going to basically automatically help you book appointments with people that you can sell things to okay so this is a live stream that we do for our community Tuesdays and Thursdays these are more announcement type videos on the other days that I go live I'm usually doing more Workshop type videos just me working on things so if you want to watch those videos you can always head over to YouTube and check out my previous videos by going to the live you can watch me working on different things and again those are more just calls or streams where I'm just showing you what I'm working on now I'm going to post this in our Discord Community if you want to get updated with our live streams make sure you join the Discord community so you can get updated when we go live I will leave a link in the chat right now if you're not in there this is the Discord Community thank you and we have two channels one for our VIP members one for our uh just regular members the VIP members are just the people that are using shinemaker paying for shine ranker so if you want shine ranker um the price was actually supposed to go up last night I haven't raised the price yet just because I haven't logged in and changed it yet uh it's still half of it it's half the the price that it's going to be uh after today so right now I think it's about 51 bucks a month we're raising it to 97 bucks a month so if you want to get that now would be the time to get it if you want to grab the links for it uh there is a Community post I made on YouTube you can go grab the links for either the monthly or the yearly which are right here okay so let me go send out these links to everybody and then we will be going live or uh we will be talking about all the cool new features that we're adding in and all the things that we're doing and if you're new here you are in the right place as well let me know where you're tuning in from what time it is for you wherever you're at hopefully everybody can hear me okay as well just give me a one in the chat if everything sounds okay for you hey can I get the link yes yes I will put the Discord link we are live right now so yeah we're just gonna wait for everybody to get in here usually we do these at 1pm Pacific Standard or Arizona time and we do these Tuesdays and Thursdays those are those ones are guaranteed the other ones are kind of just whenever I feel like going and working uh live sometimes I do my work Live on YouTube so you can see what I'm doing behind the scenes other times I will not go live but I try to I've been trying to go live every day most of the biggest reason is I just really like going live I I really do enjoy doing live streams I think they're a lot more fun than doing like the pre-recorded videos because I like to interact with everybody three three five five three nine sorry I'm just going ahead ahead and sending off these emails here welcome everyone thanks for helping me out Chase you're welcome mark hello from Andorra hello Eve what's up long time no see it's been like two minutes Fabiola what's up hopefully everybody's uh doing well have been having a good week so far I've uh I had a kind of a rough week the last week because I was trying to figure out what we were supposed to be doing because I was getting a little confused with like our Direction and I I feel like the new the direction that we're going right now is a really really good place to be or to be going all right I think we are good I'm gonna send that off and then hey Chase thanks for your hard work no worries thanks for being here I think you're going to really really like these uh so so by the way if you're just getting in here look at this so this is high level right with all of our automations everything and here is shine ranker or at least shine video which it with the new features that we're adding in that'll just do automatic video generation and voice cloning first website is being big so this is really really cool I'm super excited to show you this and this is something that you can actually sell to clients right if you already have a high level account or you're considering getting one you're gonna be able to sell this and it's and we're gonna make it credit based too so you can actually uh sell credits credit based videos right you could Mark those videos up if you want to do that um you send this over here just making sure everybody's in here so stoked to be finally in a live call we're stoked to have you what about us not going to high level uh well we're still gonna have this obviously Romy what's up dude uh in uh in shinemaker itself as well and so that's what's really cool is that uh even if you wanted to sell content to clients in shine ranker you're gonna be able to do that too okay I'm going to show you how to do that and we are focusing on building kind of a done for you closing Service as well where if you can get people to shine ranker with your affiliate link we're going to go and close them with our team via a phone call and I'll show you how that works so again like I think when you see some of the updates we're coming out with right now you're gonna lose your mind all right got 56 people on here welcome if you're just getting in here uh I'm gonna drop the Discord link by the way if you want to get notified when we go live like this make sure you join our Discord because I always put the streams there first all right all right okay so I think we're good we all ready to rock and roll what's up Chase educate me on high level yeah yeah we'll talk about all that stuff in a second what is ETA for the video portion so if you're a VIP right now you can you can go and start trying testing this stuff out uh it already works uh one of the things that we're doing right now is just integrating it and upgrading the resources to the main platform we just want to make sure that if these tools are running on the main actual website that we're not going and crashing the website because that's not going to be fun we have the light version how do I get the full version so are you talking about high level or shine ranker done for you closing is what we need for shine ranker and high level this is fantastic yeah yeah so all right so we got a few things we're going to talk about here okay so first of all we're going to be talking about the video features inside shine ranker we're going to be talking about the high level integration if you want to integrate shine ranker you can obviously still sell uh video content AI content all the stuff that you're going to want to sell to your actual customers to your clients we're going to be talking about the done for you closing service if you want to promote uh shine ranker and have Us sell it for you and then we're going to be talking about basically the scripts we're building and the packages we're building because uh we're actually selling a package now to the people that get on the phone with us and we're actually going to be giving you this exact script today to our VIPs that are you know using shine rank or paying for shine ranker we're going to give you a VI uh a script that you can go and use this to go and sell uh shine ranker with okay if you want to sell this to clients okay so in a nutshell what we're going to be covering today is really just how to use AI to generate leads and how to close those leads over booked appointments and so I'm going to show you the system that we have behind the scenes I'm going to show you all the stuff we're building and I'm going to show you how you can get started with this even if you're not a VIP right now and ideally if you're not a VIP um the price was supposed to go up last night I I it's because I haven't logged in and changed the price yet but literally when I go and do that today the price is going to double so probably right after this call if you want to become a VIP and you're not a VIP and you want to get at the current price and you want to get upgraded automatically to the new price without paying for that shineraker.com forward slash VIP go get that before the end of this call okay because you're you're going to have to pay double by the end of this it doesn't make sense all right uh oh I want to talk about the shine ranker plans as well we're going to talk about that at the end okay so let's talk about first of all the funnel here that we're using okay so inside shine ranker we have these new video tools coming right now this is inside high level I'm going to show you how to integrate this in high level and actually sell this um but right now you can use AI to go and and do some really cool things right so one of the things you can do is you can use AI to just basically automatically generate uh like top five website videos and the way you would do that is we have a web scraper tool where you type in you know a keyword let's say you type in AI image generators you click on scrape this will give you a list of the top 20 websites and it'll use Chachi PT to go and it basically scrapes the website and then chatgp goes and summarizes each of those websites so it says uh this website's about this this website's about that okay now after you get that description you're going to click on download after you get that list with all the descriptions you're gonna click on download then you're gonna head over to the video generator tool you upload the list like so you you type in how many of these top five videos you want you select the voice you can clone your own voice by the way if you don't want to use a pre-made voice you click on run and then this will go add this video to the queue now the cool thing about this is you can run this as many times as you want right we're going to have a credit based system so if you have 500 clients and you want 500 videos or a thousand videos you can just go and run a bunch of these and get a ton of videos okay now what the videos end up coming out as is whatever the cloned voice has so like if you have a clone voice of yourself it'll be the Clone voice talking with the with the top whatever websites and the first website is one and so the way this works is that this will randomly go and choose five websites off the list each time so the videos are always going to be unique because there's always five new random websites in a different order and uh the the descriptions are Rewritten again on the second time so when you run this off the list chat you goes and rewrites them a second time so that way every single run is unique and has different um you know phrases and words inside of the video and then I'll show you the video's a little choppy just because we haven't done we have we're using the um the the videos that have uh less images taken so what that means is that when we go and actually run this we go and actually take a thousand images and then we make it look super smooth right now we're only taking a couple because we're using it for testing purposes so it looks a little choppy in the actual like when it's scrolling through the website but it's not going to look like that on the final version Let me just play this for you so you can hear what this sounds like the first website is wepic webpic.com offers customizable designs and a free online templates editor for small so so you get like you could have a hundred of these top five videos in like a couple minutes basically right well you have to click them and then they have to all process and then then you would have them right now you could sell these to your clients right you could go and generate a list of you know top five or top 20 AI image generators you could do top 20 dog food websites top 20 whatever you want and pretty soon we're going to be able to do this as well not just for websites but also for anything so right so you could do top 20 side hustles top 20 motivational quotes and then that'll turn that into a video the only difference is that the video itself would not be a scrolling website it would be uh some of the other things that we're building in like the text to video generator which would go and then basically give you a background video that's like generated with AI that kind of looks like you know this like AI generated an AI generated cat or an AI generated like whatever you put in there okay um we also have a cloning tool in here now which basically you select an image of yourself you put in a script you type you click on uh or you you put in your voice it'll clone your voice it'll it'll clone your face in a sense you put in a script and then it'll it'll output a video of you talking and then the cool thing about this again is that because this is inside of high level right uh we can actually take a high level level phone number we can put that phone number in this video schedule it out right because uh high level actually has scheduling right now shinemaker live scheduling as well but uh then you can actually go schedule out this content as well for your clients or for yourself with their phone number with their leads on that thing and so you're going to be generating them leads with shine ranker inside high level or outside a high level if you don't want it in high level and then you would actually go and generate leads for your client and they're going to be paying you for those leads in their actual dashboard okay does that make sense so far let me just get some ones in the chat if that makes sense so far Alicia says my appointment isn't until 30th can I reschedule now so the only reason by the way uh the appointments are scheduled so far out and I'm going to talk about what we're doing with the scheduling in a second with the closing but we only have one caller right now uh that's taking phone calls so we have a full call script I'm going to go over for you so this is actually how you're going to be able to go and sell people on shine ranker I have the dfy closing no clue yeah yeah so I'm going to show you how to actually close people on this but step number one I have to show you how to generate the leads right so with uh with the AI video features you're going to basically be able to schedule out 100 videos like this like that okay once you start scheduling out these videos you can put your phone number or whatever your lead opt-in is okay and we're going to give you all this we're going to give you the lead form as long as you're a VIP right so again if you're not a VIP shinerinker.com forward slash VIP I'm literally doubling the price after this call so go get it right now before the price literally doubles for this okay so what you're going to do is you're going to start out by getting a bunch of content like this you're going to schedule it out now whether or not you want to clone your own voice or clone somebody else's voice doesn't matter you can use this video feature with anybody's voice so a lot of people will go in and they'll say you know chase this this video this voice this AI voice doesn't sound like me it doesn't matter it doesn't have to sound like you uh we have plenty of accounts right now with my AI clone talking and it doesn't sound like me but they're getting thousands of views it doesn't matter if it sounds exactly like you or if it sounds like somebody else or it doesn't even matter who's saying it as long as you're getting people to watch the video and then they're going and turning into a lead afterwards okay now the way we're doing this let me just show you an example of one of these AI videos uh let me take this one so this one got 40 000 views now look I put my face at the beginning of it you don't have to do that um these are these are pre-made videos where I go and make you know 20 hooks at once and I just have uh the video editor go and combine my first part of my video with my face so it looks more realistic you don't have to do that you could just go direct to the top five websites but this is one of those top five websites that shine ranker actually made so let me show you this well actually sorry that was one let me do this one this is one that shinemaker made so just so you can hear so this is website is Synthesia AI in just a matter of minutes Synthesia empowers you to produce videos using basic text the second website is D Dash ID so this is essentially what we're doing with the tool right now in there you get all these people to comment you say hey leave the word yes if you'd like me to hook you up with whatever it could be like a free training it could be I'll go and I'll go and get on a call with you and help you set this up and that's probably the best way to do it right because if you start telling people text my phone number or you give them a landing page and they can go into their information right now on shinrinker what we're doing is just a basic lead form so if I go here get started with AI today they answer their name email and phone number right so I can get all these people texting me yes I want help they'll go enter their information on whatever thing I give them and then I set up a basic automation inside of high level that goes and books a call with that person right now just doing this with a couple pieces of content we have we're we're at more leads than we can even handle right now right we're getting hundreds of people every single day uh entering their information and we're getting tons of people trying to book calls with us to the point where we're three weeks booked out now okay and so if you can't start getting leads with this that want to get on the phone with you I I honestly would be very very surprised and the cool thing is you can even um with these AI type videos like any of these AI videos here you can actually boost uh that content as well on Instagram on tick tock on Facebook on YouTube you can you can pay 10 20 bucks and probably get you know a few thousand views almost guaranteed okay now what happens is you start getting these people texting you right you get them into an integration inside the integration you say Hey you know I'd love to get you set up with a free strategy called you know for shine ranker right and so this is how you could actually go and sell shine ranker now do you have to go sell shine ranker no you could go and sell any tool that you wanted to with this if you went over to uh uh scarytoolbots.com it's a free checklist a bunch of tools that you can get paid to promote the cool thing about shine ranker though is we are creating a done for you closing service so a lot of these other tools are not going to do this for you we're creating a done for you closing service and uh we are forgot the other thing anyways what's going to happen is somebody's going to text your number they're going to get either on a call with you and you're going to sell a package right or they're going to get on a call with us and we're going to sell it package okay so let me just show you what that looks like let me get that script there I just had a second ago so you can see this hopefully this is making sense to everybody if it is please just give me a yes or a one in the chat just so I know we're all on the same page here uh bro can we get a few more days before the price raises just landed another sale uh yeah so give me a send me a message if you go to shineraker.com click on our live chat on the bottom right just send us a text and uh let us know that you just need like an extra day um okay so this is what's happening right so when somebody watches one of our AI generated videos right and we want to sell them to something now let me just tell you something if you're starting out and you just want to sell a free trial to shine ranker and you want to get credited for that that's super easy right all you would do is get somebody on a call say hey I'm gonna help you set up your AI generated content and you're going to give them your link to sign up okay so if I click on become an affiliate here uh click on wherever the the link is I can go and grab a link if I'm if I want to be an affiliate of shine breaker now what's going to happen is if you get some people on the phone because you booked them on a phone call you can just get them set up for with shine Rinker for free but you still get a commission you still get reoccurring commissions anytime somebody's paying for shine ranker right so you could be on the phone all day just setting people up with shine Rinker and setting them up with their own AI generated content now if you wanted to sell a package around this though and this is what we're doing uh and this is what's happening when somebody goes let's say somebody goes to your affiliate link and they go to shineraker.com we're going to try to schedule a call with that person right so let me just show you what this looks like let's say you use shine Rinker right now and you generate a bunch of videos now you can tell them hey just go straight to shine Rinker shineraker.com just go straight to shinemaker's affiliate link now when somebody goes there their cookie to you that means that they're paying when they're paying for shine Rinker every single month you're getting paid but here's what's really cool about this we're going to get them on a phone call right so if somebody goes to shineranker.com they click on your affiliate link they're going to go enter their information we're going to go set schedule a free strategy session with that person okay we're gonna go and sell them on a setup okay now you get credited for shine ranker when they're signing up every single month but you don't actually have to go and help them get set up okay so let's say somebody let's say you send them an affiliate link they enter their information here and then we get them on a call right because we have our automation that basically automatically schedules them on our calendar so we have somebody go close for you now what we what we say though is we have a script here now if you wanted to sell your own shinemaker service like this to your own clients you could do that okay we we have the whole system already set up uh good question cookies for how long I believe it's a lifetime cookie I have to double check on that so here's the sales call that we have uh the the for the pre-made script so uh we basically get on the phone with them we ask them what they want most people all they want is just to get set up with the system right so they want to be able to use shine ranker to go and create their own AI content that you want to use high level to manage their leads all that so we sell that for 300 okay now on that 300 call all we're doing is just passing this to our team of virtual assistants rvas will go and then set that person up with a uh a package right with a with a package of high level and shine rank are integrated right and if they don't want high level that's fine you know high level is just great because you can actually use shine ranker and high level and you can manage your leads high levels just a good CRM you don't necessarily have to have high level in order to do this right you could you could uh you could just use straight shine ranker if you wanted high level is just great for for setting up a way for people to book appointments with you but if you're just doing affiliate and you don't want to you don't want you don't care about managing your leads you can do that too uh Fabiola says sorry Chase I don't get this part what do you mean by set you up with it with shine ranker What would we be doing that they can't do by themselves what is okay so you have to realize that this system takes a couple hours to set up right A lot of people don't want to have to go and do all of this stuff themselves they don't want to have to go find all the keywords with shine ranker they don't want to go generate all the content schedule the content out they don't want to go set up their call forwarding number they don't have to go set up their funnel they don't want to have to set up their like automation right like getting people on the phone like the automation that they'd be running it's over 300 bucks we'll just go and set it up all like well our team of va's will just we're training them on this full process so we'll just get it all set up for you and that way you just log in and you're good to go um but obviously if you want to do it yourself you can do that it just there's a little bit of a learning curve that's the only thing okay it took me like seven days to learn high level I literally the last week before this I was sitting on my computer for like a week just staring at my screen being like I don't understand what I'm doing so I'm telling you I'm pretty I'm pretty uh technically Savvy I'm not trying to brag or anything like I consider myself pretty good at this stuff like I own my own software company so you would think I would really kind of understand I had I had a hard time understanding high level okay uh because just because there's so much in it and then you combine shine ranker on top of it for 300 bucks I think it's a super good deal you can get set up okay but the cooler thing about this is you can sell this CL this service yourself right so if you wanted to go and learn the setup right to set up shine ranker and high level or whatever you could go and learn that setup because I'm I'm showing you how to do this pretty much every single day on YouTube I go on live and I show you how I'm doing this um and then you can actually go and sell this to people right so you could get a bunch of leads uh with our AI content features right you could go generate a bunch of content get people watching these videos texting you you start getting leads and then what you would do is you would get them on a phone call and you would use our proven script right because we're already doing this to sell uh our own packaging and then the cool thing about this is if you did learn this yourself Not only would you make a 300 every single time somebody gets set up with this 300 but you would also uh get the Affiliates right so you would be you would get a monthly commission from shine Rinker and a monthly commission from high level which is pretty good right because literally all you're doing is just getting on the phone and just showing people hey this is what you do and once you get good at this I mean it should only take like an hour two hours per setup okay anyways I don't want to spend too much time on this closing thing because we're going to get Way Off Track uh Ergo confused okay hopefully I'm trying not to make everybody confuse you what part are we confused about so I paid the 400 to be a VIP member several weeks ago but nobody has called me to set up my clients on shine rankers still not even sure so so this is a brand new service like we we just started implementing this a couple days ago okay and that's why we're so booked like we have uh what 84 people scheduled right now on our phone so right now like we're trying to get everybody set up the issue is that uh like because we started getting so much demand now we actually have to go and hire more call people because we can't get on the phone with everybody at once if you want to schedule a call you click on this button you go to shineraker.com click on this button we will give you our calendar link it's just kind of scheduled far out we're getting more people to get on the phone like I was literally on the phone with multiple people yesterday trying to get more people to be able to go and get on the phone so uh don't worry like we will we're offering everybody a free 15-minute strategy session no matter what like whether you're a shine rank or user or not we're gonna uh get on the phone with you so anyways uh where was I before I get too derailed here so we got the scripts we're coming up with packages we'll probably have upsells here as well because I wanted to talk to you about the shine ranker plans because uh right now uh basically the way we have it if you go to shinebreaker.com VIP you can pay 400 bucks a year and you can have shine ranker at the plan that will give you access to all these features uh we are thinking of adding uh a white label feature okay so that would run between 297 per month to 497 per month and this would basically allow you to go and sell shine ranker as your own company right so what that means is that you could go in you could slap your logo on shine ranker uh and put your domain nobody would even know that it's Shine ranker Anymore you'd have the tool itself that you could go and then basically sell people access to this tool without you having to pay for the developers uh without you having to pay for uh the support right um so that's kind of a cool thing we don't have that feature yet right so right now the only the only plan is this one it's it's either fifty dollars a month if you're on the monthly or it's 420 a year if you're on the yearly after this call I'm literally going and doubling this price because with all the new stuff we're adding in here like it it's not it can't stay at 30 bucks a month forever right like that was the price when we first created the tools so this is really really cheap and you're going to automatically get upgraded like the new yearly plans can end up being like a thousand dollars a year you're going to get automatically upgraded to that but you're gonna stay price locked here so you don't have to pay the thousand dollars a month so if you want to get that shinemaker.com VIP these other plans though will probably actually give a special to our current VIPs as well um so that you can go and white label shine ranker if you'd like to and then the cool thing is you could actually you could white label shine ranker and high level together where you would have an AI content generator keyword research tool chat gp2 tool all these things that shine ranker offers but you could also go and white label high level and have a CRM as well on top of it and I mean you'd be spending what uh 500 bucks a month something like that maybe a thousand bucks a month to have two of like the some of the best tools on the market right now that you could go and sell unlimited to and then on top of it we're going to be adding a credit based system as well so uh with our new video features we're going to make it so that every single video somebody generates right if you generate videos for your clients or your clients generate videos for themselves uh what's gonna happen is you're going to actually be able to uh uh bill for those credits however you want right so if you wanted to if you wanted to go and say all right every video my client generates in here with our different video features that we're adding uh every single video they generate is going to be two dollars right but if the if the credit based system is only a dollar each for the videos what I don't know what the actual price is yet because we're still trying to figure out our API costs but you could essentially up you could double the API charge or the API double the credit charge and you could sell your these videos to every single one of your clients so if you had 20 clients all paying for videos every month and and you're paying a dollar for the videos for the credits and they're paying two dollars each you're now making double every single client every single month and you can make it where they can buy as many as they want right like if your client wanted to go and buy a hundred you know a hundred dollars worth of credits and you have 20 clients going and buying a hundred dollars for the credits every single month you're making a lot of money just reselling these credits on top of the money that you're making billing them for these tools or as an affiliate uh Alicia says yes thank you for being so kind Chase that's why your products are trusted and so yeah I mean that's the biggest thing right now we're only hiring two types of people and so now you kind of know the plans here uh the only two types of people we're hiring right now um is uh call support because we're trying to have the best support in the world where uh we want to make it like high level high level is really really cool and the reason why high level is unique is because if you go on High level right now and I suggest you do this by the way if you don't have high level go to firstai tool.com I have a 30 day free trial that you can go grab through that link but you can go grab the free trial and you can get set up on High level like right now if you go over to high level through that link and you click on uh uh get on a call they have people that are able to get on a call with you in the next five minutes on Zoom face to face that's how we want shine ranker to be right so whether you're trying to get set up with shine ranker or you're trying to sell shine ranker and you want people to close for you we're going to have such good call support that there's going to be people waiting on the phone ready to close the people that you're sending to us like that okay or if you want help getting set up and you're like look I need to get set up with this right now like I don't want to wait I'm gonna get on the phone I'm gonna I'm gonna get set up with shine ranker and high level you can do that like within the next five minutes right that's what we're shooting for and so that's why we're going and spending most of our money either hiring call support or we're hiring new Debs we have about I think 18 people now uh between our VA team and our um Dev team and we'll probably I'm thinking we'll probably get to 50 people by the end of maybe the next couple months um because that's all I care about I want to have the best customer support ever and I want to have the coolest tools possible and and we're going to specifically Niche down to uh content generation and content I don't want to be a CRM right high levels already an amazing CRM I don't want to compete with high level I would much rather create a complimentary tool that you can add into high level right like how cool is it going to be to be like the the go-to tool in high level that will go and help you do all of this stuff because here's the thing high level is the best tool ever when it comes to lead management CRM uh funnels all that stuff it's not that great at actually getting the leads though shine Rinker is going to be the perfect it already is complementary tool for high level that will actually go and help you generate all these leads and the best part is we're using AI methods that nobody else in the entire world is using right now okay I don't I would I would honestly challenge you to go and find people that are doing this kind of stuff and what are we charging right now for this four hundred dollars a year that's thirty dollars a month right thirty dollars a month to get locked into shine ranker right now to be able to get all these features that we've built and that we're building in I don't know like if we can make it even any cheaper than that because you have to realize most of this stuff that I actually have to pay for like we pay for the apis for all this so if you want to get it shinemaker.com forward slash VIP uh and again I'm going to double the price after this call uh let me answer some questions any questions so far uh White Label sounds awesome just got a sale shine ranker annual right on thanks Romy uh heck with white label can we also customize with our hex brand color so so yeah I mean the idea is with the white label plants on shine Rinker which again we we have we don't have them yet right but this is what we're thinking uh you would go and uh be able to just change to your domain with your logo with your colors with any with everything so if you wanted to go and create like your own website basically that that has all these features that you can sell with the video credits with the client management with the billing uh you can do that and and the cool thing is you can already do this in high level as well and so you could theoretically kind of do a two in one because high level already lets you white label right um and and to think about it now I almost wonder if it just makes sense to just build this as an extension in high level and then use high level to actually go and create the white label Agency for it because I guess you could say I don't know I don't know the best way to do that we're still we're still trying to figure out all the uh the things that we need to do for this um insane value uh uh I got the promo but I don't know how to get shine Rinker I log in and it doesn't let me to get to it okay so again shinerinker.com bottom right go to our live chat uh our our goal right now is to make sure that everybody who sends a message through live chat doesn't wait more than five minutes to get on uh at least a live chat with a rep um and then our next goal is to make sure that people can get scheduled on a call same day as well uh but again we are gonna have to hire a lot of people for that chase please talk about keyword research as vid IQ uh I'm not sure what you mean like how you would find good keywords to go and find content for uh would be great to push the price hike out for another day or so uh yeah I might do that just so that everybody gets a chance I kind of did announce this pretty quickly so um I do think that it would be good to let ever make sure everybody knows that we are doubling the price um because the new plans essentially are going to be a 97 a month probably a 297 and a 497.
um the the thing about those plans the only reason why we're going to make them more expensive the 297 the 497 is if people are white labeling our software and they're letting other users like let's say you get 20 clients paying you every single month for shine ranker and they're all using our keyword research they're all using our content editor they're all using our AI video tools everything it's going to cost us a ton in apis and and here's the crazy thing if you get clients paying you we're not making any money off of that right like if you get uh 20 clients paying you for shine ranker and your white labeling shine ranker with your logo and your domain that money is just going straight to you right and you're you're able to sell all this I've spent close to a couple hundred grand on this tool now and all the new things that we're building and you're not gonna have to spend any of that right and on top of that I'm spending I'm paying for the apis I'm paying for the people that are actually going to close your clients for you right if you're going to be doing the affiliate model uh I'm paying like for everything basically and you're still getting a pretty good percentage just to go and what spend a couple hundred bucks a month to get set up with this right so uh the the reason why I'm willing to do this though is because I want to see this platform grow like crazy I want I'm willing to spend a lot of the money we're making so that we have the the coolest tool the coolest environment and something that actually grows really really quickly um but that's why I have to increase the price there's no way I can keep the price at thirty dollars a month uh on the annual I mean what is that if you go grab the annual right now you get uh what is it all of the stuff I'm talking about so that's why uh we're raising it tonight or or at least we'll raise it uh maybe we'll give some people some more time but uh it's gonna be at least 97 a month and about probably about 9.97 a year um and so we're gonna automatically upgrade all of the current VIP members that are paying uh this they're gonna still be paying this but uh they get upgraded to this new plan and then the 297 plan will have a we'll have an upgrade option for the VIPs we'll probably make it cheaper than 297 but um or the 497 I don't know what what price points we're going to be doing here but then we'll be offering probably the white labeling features as well uh just raise it already oh right heck yeah bro thanks homie super stoked for this yeah I know and it's and by the way um so I don't know if I showed you but but this is already in high level right so uh right now if you get a client in high level um and you're billing them through high level for one of your projects you can actually already offer them uh shine rank or video features inside of high level okay the only thing that we're waiting on is we need to get the credit based system in here first because um let's say you have 20 clients in high level all paying you every single month you could actually go and build them as well additional API credits for access to the tool inside of high level so this is actually also a way where if you're already selling to clients this is something that'll just make you even more money because now they have to pay every single month for Content okay and it's all API based it's all automatically generated they could go in there and generate as many videos as they want and you're making money off of it and you can up charge I mean you could make it five dollars a video if you wanted to make it ten dollars a video you could do that right every time they click this run button you could have them charge them 10 bucks uh you get to set the prices that's completely up to you or if you want to do it as an upsell look you could this could be a way that you actually get clients you could say look your company you're a local dentist you're not doing video yet you're not doing short form how about we just clone you and put you on Instagram and start doing your video for you how does that sound we'll start getting you some that and you can help them diversify too right so if you're working with local businesses and they're paying you two grand a month you could say hey look for three grand a month we're gonna help you start selling online products so that way you don't have to start you don't only have to do local work you can go and start selling nationally to people or we're going to start getting you a way to book appointments with online consultations guess what that's another way for them to get reviews on their Google my business too because now they're on the phone doing consultations and they can actually go and offer that as a service that they can actually get reviews for with their GMB so I don't know I think that whatever like what we're doing right here is gonna literally like completely change the market and uh I'm just super excited to have you guys a part of it is there an annual plan for white labeling yeah so like I said the only thing that we have right now like literally the only thing that you can buy is either the monthly if you go to shinewrinker.com VIP you can buy the month the yearly right now for 420 but 20 bucks that'll give you access to the current features and uh you're gonna get upgraded automatically to this new plan the white label labeling option uh we don't have yet because right now the the only thing that we're working on in terms of like a new pricing is the credit based system that we're going to be adding to the video after we do that then we're going to probably put in the white labeling option um but we have to we have to do one thing at a time uh so right now the only thing that we really have is this there's a monthly option I think shineraker.com forward slash uh monthly I forget what the actual link is if you go on my community post on on Facebook YouTube you'll see it but there's another one that's like 51 bucks a month uh for the monthly you're better off getting the yearly though because then you get uh you get it for like 35 bucks a month right now and you get upgraded to this um and again anybody that's a current VIP when we do come out with the white labeling we are going to give you a special deal that the other people that aren't current VIPs are uh not going to be able to get so you can embed this live into a sales page for monthly and annually I think it may help to close sales um I'm not sure what you mean Romy what is the price you recommend to sell to clients at the end of the month uh we offer content lead generation SEO that is more that what people are usually getting um so I mean look there's so many different things you can sell right I think I think the first thing we have to figure out is what is a client right like are you trying to sell to local businesses are you trying to sell to affiliate marketers are you trying to sell to uh it could be a lot of things right and so what I would recommend is just figure out like what do you want to sell first um the cool thing about what we're doing here is everybody needs leads right doesn't matter if it's a local business or a national business or an e-commerce brand or an affiliate brand everybody needs leads everybody can benefit from booked appointments everybody can book from AI everybody can benefit from AI generated content because it's just more views and more leads so you could literally sell this to anybody it doesn't matter who it is and so you could literally just focus on selling the setup that's what we're doing that's why we've built this script here because what we're doing is we're just going and telling people look if you want to get set up with AI generated content you want to get set up with some of the coolest tools on the market right now we'll do it for 300 bucks it takes us a couple hours internally but you don't have to go and learn it all right so for 300 bucks they get set up and we get paid monthly right so you could be on the phone all day using AI to generate these phone calls which is what we're doing we're getting all these phone calls coming in and you could just be closing people all day on a 300 package if you got eight calls a day right which you could probably do really quickly with this with the system and let's say you closed half of them right so 4 times 300 that's already twelve hundred dollars a day okay and then you put on top of it the reoccurring subscription that you get on shine Rinker um or on High level if you're selling that too and then you put on top of that too you could upsell them on a bunch of API credits like on video credits if they want to do a ton of content generation and then you could even offer them a service on top of it right so you could say all right well I'm going to go and uh I'm not only going to go and do this for you for 300 but every single month I will manage your AI content for you I will manage your leads for you as long as you're paying for this software and giving me a 500 per month uh uh rebuild I'll go and just manage this for you right how many Brands would benefit from this how many Brands would benefit from being able to get a national audience with short form content how many Brands would benefit from being able to get more booked appointments right everybody and we have cracked the code we have completely automated this system where you literally you get set up you get the stuff running and you let the leads come in I mean romy's on here he's doing this uh let me see can we get Romy on here uh on the uh so romy's kind of doing this with our content uh the guys built a Facebook page with what 18 000 followers he's reposting our content which by the way I give you access to uh if you're a shine ranker VIP feel free to repost my content the only thing is Romy what you could be doing is put a phone number in here and use the automation we've built in high level to go and book appointments with these people that are watching this video right get on the phone with them offer a setup package you're doing this every single day or maybe you take weekends off let's say you do it 25 days or let's say 20 days just the setup fees alone is 24K a month what is that yearly you're making 288 000 a year just off that and you know you're going to make more than that right because there's upsells there's retainer uh retainer fees if you wanted to sell Services there's affiliate there's a credit based system we're building in I mean and on top of this if you didn't want to do the affiliate model and let's say you get a bunch of clients just go sell your own freaking white label version because for pretty soon for 4.97 a month you're going to be able to sell your own freaking software that you don't have to go and freaking uh build sorry I keep saying freaking does Jason's high level course take you step by step to set up high level yeah yeah so what we're doing is we're having our team right now my team of va's are going and watching Jason's course if you want Jason's course uh go to firstai tool.com he has a whole course on High level if you want to learn how to do this yourself and uh go grab our free trial when you go in here it'll ask you for a free trial uh or if you want to grab a free trial and then what you do is you check your email you'll get a link when you go grab high levels free trial through this you'll get a link to the full course just click on this sign up for the high level free trial here with a 30-day uh free thing and then you'll get an email with Jason's full course on High level and that's what that's what we're training our va's on right now for the system where are we at on time are we uh running a little low 48 minutes so I think we're pretty good so far so what are the ctas on these videos free checklist or text me um so right now I mean one of the best ctas you can use and this is kind of what a I was really working for a lot of people I've been seeing like even the people that are reposting our content or doing the AI content just tell people respond with the word yes okay so uh one of the other automations we're looking into with manychat uh shout out to Eve Eve actually one of our our members showed me the other day how you can actually use manychat to automatically respond to there's a news to respond to comments like this and so you can actually get people into your funnel right go to firstai tool.com uh they go to firstai tool.com they enter their their information and then it goes and tries to book a call right and this is a fully automated system again that you could use for anybody so if I went to automation click into here here and and the cool thing about this too is you can do some really really cool stuff where you can send emails SMS you can send voicemails all kinds of cool stuff uh so Tevin says what's up dude I haven't seen you in a while so would you sell all of this for 500 a month I was thinking between 97 in 1997 but I guess that 500 makes an ear result irresistible offer so uh for the white label option I think you're you're talking about um yeah so we'd probably do white label shine anchor for about 4.97 a month because we're basically just replicating high levels model because we've been seeing it's working really well for them um and yeah that's what we would do but we would have a way to actually make more money as well with the uh credit based system too so what that means is that if you get clients paying um and they want like you could have a dentist say hey I want a thousand videos I want you to go set me up with a thousand videos I want 10 Facebook pages you could say great we're gonna go buy you a thousand videos it's two dollars a video and so you're making let's say the markup is a dollar per video you're making you know whatever that whatever that markup is um and uh kind of a cool thing because we can continue scaling this brand with this credit based system uh you need the pro version of manychat I look I'm not in there yet this is something that I just found out about today Eva's showing me earlier so this is probably the next thing we'll probably get into where is the sales script located so we just got this built recently um I'm gonna I'll put it in the chat right now uh or actually I'll put it in our Discord VIP section again if you want to be a part of all the stuff we're building uh you get access also to our VIP group I'm gonna go put the link in here right now um but you get all the behind the scenes stuff you get to try out the beta features we've already released the beta features inside of the VIP chat uh what happens is you go get the shine ranker VIP package so again shineraker.com forward slash VIP and then what you do is when you become a VIP or join our Discord and you say in the Discord group uh please add me to VIP uh our team goes and adds you to VIP and now you are part of the crew and you get all the cool stuff that we're putting in there okay you get to be the first to actually see all the stuff that we're doing um if you get a Big Brand client could you charge 25 oh dude well yeah I mean think about this David because you don't have to just sell software right like you could sell them all these AI generated things and you could sell them on you know crms and and high level features but ideally you could sell them a year contract where you're like look I'm gonna go manage your content manage your leads do all this stuff for you it's 25k up front but you get a full year of me doing this for you and the cool thing is you can automate a lot of this right like you can automate you could go build a Year's worth of content in in in a few seconds right with our new features that we're putting in here you're going to go into your high level or you're just gonna go into shine rank if you want to do it through there uh you're going to create all of your content right and then you're going to go and just schedule it out automatically and I believe you can actually schedule this within high level two right now you're done right you schedule out all the content customers getting leads they're getting uh uh content posted every day they're they're happy and again you can mark up even in high level you can mark up how much you're charging per per text right so if I went into uh the SAS configurator here I could say look I want you to pay two dollars a phone call I want you to pay two dollars an email lead right or an email follow-up I wanna and so you could do all this stuff not just with shine ranker but with high level as well you can even offer them a free trial say like look I'm not going to charge you anything day one I'll get you set up for free I'm gonna give you all of this I'm gonna manage your leads I'm gonna do all your AI content I'm gonna schedule it out I'm gonna do all this stuff for you I'm gonna give you a free 14-day trial with me you don't even have to pay anything today but if you want my service you just you just stay on the plan and now they're paying you every single month you can choose whatever you want right like you could be paying 4.97 a month for the white label feature but you're charging them a thousand dollars a month or you're charging them you know five thousand dollars a year whatever you want to do uh you can also great chat gbt API into manychat if you want okay I knew that's sick I need to look at that damn I'm excited with the evolution of shine Rinker I'm making money with things you taught me many moons ago I cannot wait to see oh yeah I'm super excited I mean I've been I literally need to take a break because I've been working too much but I've been literally working like 12 14 hours a day lately trying to get all this set up for you guys because I'm so excited about what everybody's about to be able to do I think that once you start getting involved with this you're going to be so stoked that you got in when you did because I think that this really is going to be the future for uh for a lot of businesses you know everybody's still stuck on the whole oh you should go and offer websites a website audit and manage their website people don't even need websites anymore you know what they need content and the biggest problem with most businesses is they aren't offering short form content or any sort of video content and you're going to be able to automate video content you're going to be able to automate an entire funnel from from content to lead to follow up to booked appointment whether it's for your own funnels or whether it's for your clients funnel Okay and like we're already doing this that's the thing it's this isn't like a theory theoretical situation we are already doing this it's already working shine Rinker is already able to do this so if you want to be a part of I think what is going to be one of the next big things you need to get in so again I'm going to leave the link one last time shinerinker.com forward slash VIP I'm gonna post it in chat um but that's pretty much it that's all the updates I have for you today I'm going to try to go live as much as I can uh but I enjoy uh your company I'm happy that you're all here even if you don't buy from us I really am excited um for you to be a part of this either way even if you're just watching no big deal um and again if you want to get set up uh like I was telling you earlier if you want to get set up with a strategy call you want to get um uh help with this we're doing free strategy calls right now head over to shinerinker.com uh contact our live chat we'll get you set up with a strategy call with somebody on our team and we'll walk you through what you got to do to get started so uh if you're confused don't worry again get on a call we'll walk you through it okay you don't have to pay anything for that call either literally just go over there book it it's free and we'll help you out find time to rest there's no there's no time to wrestle we're building this kind of stuff I'm sorry I just gotta we gotta keep it going uh only 70 people on this call that means that we are early adopters yeah and like I said that's why we're um we're rewarding everybody right now with the current you know price because we don't want to uh penalize the early adopters but uh pretty soon it's not going to be early anymore right so uh everything you do as an example I've been around long enough to know Chase the real deal oh thanks Alicia all right everyone thanks for being here we'll see y'all very soon and until next time happy money making we'll see you guys bye