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what's going on everyone Chase Reiner here and today we're going to be talking about how to make over 3 600 daily with chat GPT and AI now this is probably the laziest way to get started earning money online and the reason why I say that is because you don't have to do a ton of work to get this set up once you have this running you can choose how much time and effort you want to put into it but I'm going to show you a Facebook page that we've been doing this with I just checked this morning and it's completely automated and we're getting thousands and thousands of views look at this this is a brand new account 3000 views thousand views 900 views and you might be thinking hey Chase you're doing all these videos guess what AI is editing all of these videos and then we have our team posting them so I'm going to show you how to set up a very simple system where you can start getting views you can use AI to edit videos and then you can even use AI to follow up with your viewers the people watching your videos and you can actually sell them whatever you want and so the cool thing about this is you don't have to have your own product you can sell other people's products if you don't want to have to deal with building products and deal with customer support but if you have your own services or products that you want to promote you can do that as well so if you want me to keep you updated with this system with everything that I've been finding about earning money with AI and chat GPT just do me a favor and reply with the word yes in the comments right now so I know to make more videos like this for you all right so starting out we're going to head over to this checklist that I've built for you it's called scary toolbots.com free checklist again you don't have to use this if you don't want but most of these tools on this list if you click on them and then you scroll to the bottom of any one of the websites you will get a sign up link for um an affiliate and what an affiliate is it's basically a link that you get that anytime somebody clicks on that link you make a commission when they sign up for an account so for example our tool this is a tool that I've been building shineranker.com if you click on become an affiliate here at the bottom you'll get a link and you're going to take the link that you get just show you really quickly how easy this is you have to do this on an incognito browser or at least I do because I'm already signed in you click on sign up you fill out your information put in your email your affiliate ID and then you're going to get a link once you enter your PayPal account that you want to get paid out to so if I go here here's the link you just got to set up your PayPal so that's how you get paid out and then when you when you do that you'll get a link you just copy it and then you basically want to get people clicking on that link and signing up for this tool now the reason why people would sign up for this tool is because it uses chat GPT so most people don't realize that when you go to chat GPT the site goes down all the time and the reason why is because so many people want to access the tool and because of that it's hard to always get access to the tool so shine ranker we use we actually pay for Access for chat GPT and so you can go grab an account at shineranker.com you can go to the chat tool and you can start using it you never have to worry about it going down so I'm going to show you how to use chat GPT in a second to automate your follow-up but the first step we actually need to focus on besides getting something that we want to promote is building our short form content now when you're doing short form content you have two options you can either do the videos yourself or you can have ai do them for you okay now if you're going to do them yourself you're either going to want to record them manually meaning you would do a 60 second video and you would go and post that on places like Facebook Tick Tock Instagram so on or you would do long form content like the video you're watching right now and then you would edit a video out of that you would edit a 60 second clip out of that now if you wanted to do it manually you're going to need two tools and the reason why I try to show you how to do this manually so that you have options because usually when you're going to be doing things in an automated way you're either going to have to spend some money or you're going to spend a lot of time setting things up and and sometimes it's easier to spend money but I'm going to show you how to do this for free really quick so if I if I want to do this manually I'm going to use a tool called obsproject.com that's what I'm using to record this video currently and this tool just gives you a simple interface where you can click a button and you can start recording either your screen or your face or whatever you want to record and then you'll have a video now if you wanted to clip that content what you would do is you would use something like capcut.com and cap cut is a simple editor let me show you what this looks like you can drag your long form videos excuse me you can drag your long form videos into cap cut and it will go and automatically caption your videos and turn them into tick tocks okay now it's not going to automatically edit the video for you though and so you are going to have to edit the video yourself however if you want AI to do this what you could do is you could use something like this tool called Opus here and what Opus does is basically you take a long form video and it'll go and take different parts of the video and it'll turn them into 15 second Clips okay and you don't have to do anything you literally just click a button and it starts working but if you don't have long form content you can't use AI to edit it okay now what I actually do and some people might not be aware of this if you're new here you probably have no idea that this even exists but I have something called viralvideovault.com I've built this and what this does is it allows you to access my long form content so you can use it to build your own short form content and promote whatever you want and that way you don't have to do the long-form content yourself and you also don't have to do the short form you just use AI to build the videos and so ideally if you want this to spend a few bucks I think it's like 29 bucks a month or something what you would do is you'd get the viral video Vault you'd plug some long-form videos into uh something like Opus to automatically edit the videos for you or you could just plug it into cap cut however you want to do it and then you would have a bunch of short form content that you could post and that's kind of what we're doing here on our brand new Facebook account is we're taking the long form content we're clipping 60 seconds and then we're posting it to places like Facebook reels or Instagram reels Tick Tock all that kind of stuff okay and so what you're going to do is as you start to get views right so this counts getting you know a few thousand views on some of the videos you would start sending traffic to something called an email opt-in okay so email opt-in now what is an email opt-in email opt-in is basically just somewhere if people can enter their email right so here's an example of an email opt-in if you want to check out the viral video Vault you go to viralvideovault.com and you'd enter email and then you would go on to my email list okay now the cool thing about email lists is as you start to build a list of people that are interested in your offer you can start automating your follow-up right so these are all different automations I have running here and you can actually use chat GPT chat GPT to write out the emails for you okay so let me just recap really quick I'm just going to quickly go through this so let's say you go and you get the viral video Vault right you take a long form content and you plug it into something like Opus Opus takes two seconds right it's literally like so simple I don't know anybody that wouldn't be able to do this if they if they spent like a couple minutes doing this so you take a long form piece of content you plug it into Opus now you get 15 short videos right you go and take those videos and you post them to Facebook Instagram so on right now all the traffic you get right all the people watching your videos you can tell them to go to your email opt-in now how do you get an email opt-in all you have to do is use something like convertkit or there's there's plenty of different email crms are out there it's up to you on what you want to use there's MailChimp there's system.io there's it doesn't really matter as long as you can capture an email right so you're going to go to something like landing pages here you're going to click on create new you're going to do a form or a landing page either way actually let's do a landing page because we're not going to be putting this on a website and you're going to get all these different choices right now let's say you're promoting shine ranker right you got an affiliate link for shine ranker what you would do is you'd say check out shine ranker now get instant access to chat GPT with shine ranker okay so what's going to happen is this website's going to give you a link right the the convertkit or whatever the thing is that you're using all you have to do is get people to go to this link and what's going to happen is they're going to go to this link they're going to enter their email so you're going to capture their email and then in your settings you're going to redirect them to your affiliate link and so let me just recap here you take some short form content you post it on social media people are going to go to the link that you get for your email opt-in they're going to enter their email and then they're going to go to your affiliate link now if they don't buy right away the cool thing is they get something called a cookie and it's not like a cookie that you eat they get a cookie that basically follows them around and so if they go by in the next 30 days let's say they watch one of my videos or somebody else's videos it's actually called a first cookie that means because you cookied them first before anybody else you they were the first person to see shine ranker you still get credited and I think it's like a 30 to 60 day window it might be 30 days but that means if they buy in the next 30 days after seeing that website even if they watch other people's content on this tool you still get credited and the cool thing is it's 30 percent reoccurring right so you get 30 reoccurring profits and that's about normal for most tools like this I'll show you a tool that I'm actually promoting I always show this as an example because some people are new here and haven't seen this before but this is a tool that I've started promoting I don't know maybe a year ago year and a half ago and uh the cool thing about this tool is like I only pay I only promoted this for a couple I think it was like a month or two and I haven't promoted it since but they're still paying me out look this is the link they gave me I can just copy this and send it to people and look they owe me 4 366 look at all the payouts here one thousand nine hundred two thousand three hundred two thousand five hundred two thousand five hundred two thousand eight hundred and this is from me just promoting this like one or two times or a couple times per month for like a couple months and I've been getting paid out ever since and so you can kind of accumulate multiple tools paying you like this but even cooler than that right you can use AI to edit the videos right you don't even have to make the videos because you can get you can get the videos at viral video Vault if you don't want to make them yourself you can promote other people's products you don't have to build the products yourself you don't have to do the support and then you can even automate the follow-up let me show you how to do this with chat GPT so let's say we get a hundred people on our email list right we've been promoting this offer uh the shine ranker offer for let's say a month and we get through all the people watching our videos we get a thousand people opting into our email list so what we can do is we can start sending automations we can start automating our follow-up like this to all the people opting in and so if we go to shine ranker again and we sign in we can go into the chat portion Let me refresh this and I can say right out an email on why someone should buy our tool that integrates whoops integrates with chat GPT and so I could go build out seven emails right now in probably the next couple minutes and I can load these into an Automation and so every new person that watches one of those videos and opts in you know and they enter their their email they're gonna go get for the next seven days every single day an email and why they should buy and so not only are you automating your views at this point but you're automating your follow-up and your sales look at this we are excited to introduce our new Innovative tool that integrates the chat so I can take all of this copy it go into here let's say I want a new automation and I can start building this out and so this is very very simple I mean if you started doing this I would be surprised if you didn't start um seeing some results within probably the first week or two I mean we have people that are joining and within days they're seeing results actually if you go to uh I have a full system on this it's aikashcourse.com if you want to check out the full presentation I did on this we have like a full boot camp and a private um messenger group and all this stuff you can go check it out but uh you'll see in this presentation I did it's about a 40 minute presentation there's a guy in here that started out and within the first the first uh I think it was like the first few days he was already seeing sales and um and like thousands and thousands of views the average though that we're seeing for a group um if you look at some of the case studies we have in there it's usually about a week or two weeks before people start seeing uh results this was one guy that made three thousand dollars in sales he was talking about in our class the other day but go check it out aicashcourse.com it's a good place to be but whether you buy from me or not like look it doesn't matter whether or not you pay money what what matters is that you start taking action because this system actually really does work we've been proving it time and time again I've been building out brand new accounts in my own company I'm seeing other people build up brand new accounts it's not like this system is like a make-believe system but the the biggest reason why most people don't succeed at this stuff is because they don't start working on something like one of the things I saw the other day somebody was in our group which uh if you're not in our free Facebook group you should go check it out you can go to the scary toolbox list and go join the Facebook group here but one of the questions was uh you know oh I'm only getting a couple leads like why isn't this working and I looked at their account and they only posted one video they posted one like 30 second video on Tick Tock okay and so the problem is most people like think that they're gonna do one thing one time and get a result and so like just think about this if if if we were in any other situation like let's say we were at the gym and you're like oh I did one push-up and I and I'm not like super buff well yeah you only did one push-up right and so like look at I always tell people look at uh what I do right and follow what I do not what I say so if you see me out here every single day doing long form content if you see me out here doing short form content every day doing emails every day like you gotta think that's probably working right and so the the thing that I do though is I do it every day and so most people can't do something every day and because they're not putting in the Reps right if you were to go to the gym and do push-ups for one day I don't care if you do 100 push-ups you only did it for one day what happens on day 30 what happens on day 60 right and so it really does work this process is extremely extremely potent it works very very well but it's not going to work well if you're just doing it for one day okay and so if you're the type of person that's like well you know I want to do this and I only have a day well okay yeah you can get set up in a day but you have to make sure it's running right you have to make sure it's going and so it takes a little bit of work to set it up originally right you gotta you gotta go get the videos you gotta go cut them you got to go schedule them out on social media you got to set up your email opt-in and uh you got to do some stuff but it's not impossible and and like I said if you go to the AI cashcourse.com go watch the full presentation you can follow the walkthrough and see what we're doing you can also join our group and we'll help walk you through it but um you got to set it up right or you at least have to have somebody set it up and that's one of the other cool things that's um nice about this uh group if you join our our full program we'll uh we'll give you a template we have a full templates got a bunch of videos in there they're private videos and you can hand that template to somebody else you can hand it to an employee you can hand it to a VA if you don't want to do it yourself and I'll be honest with you I don't do most of this stuff myself anymore right so like I'm not going out and I'm not setting up all these videos I'm not you know going and uh using AI to edit the videos myself right I'm I have a team and so you can actually hire if there's a website called onlinejobs.ph and I have about eight people working for me they're called virtual assistants and virtual assistants basically help you do more of the manual tasks um but the thing is is that you want it you want to start doing it yourself first right don't start automating something until you've done it yourself because it's very hard to automate something that you can't prove right and so yeah it's working for me and it's working for different people that are running the system but you need to prove it yourself first right and so what I recommend is before you know fully automating everything having va's run this for you build up the accounts having everything you know even the emails having all everything automated through sequences I would just go and out and and start manually doing some of this stuff you know like take some long-form content and either manually edit yourself have ai edit it Go manually post it yourself go start making your email options maybe start writing out a few emails so chat GPT but don't try to fully automate everything right out the gate because you're not going to fully understand it until you actually kind of take the engine apart and work with it right and so again if you want to see the full system oh yeah it's about 48 minutes I recommend you go to aicashcourse.com the only thing about this is the price does go up uh once a week and so if you're watching this now and you're waiting it's better to get in now because the price does go up because we're adding so much stuff into uh this system and so the more stuff we add in and the longer you wait the more expensive it's going to get and so instead of waiting and paying more for something you could have gotten for Less get in now and get all the updates with it um when you get in now so go check it out again it's aicashcourse.com I appreciate you for being here and again if you want to see more videos like this in the future just let me know reply with the word yes in the comments right now but that's it for today we'll see in the next one till then Happy money making we'll see you guys bye