Make Money Online Without Payment Details (Free Checklist & Step-by-Step Guide)

today we're going to be talking about earning money without having to enter any payment details and the reason why I want to make this video is because I think there's a lot of people who think that they have to spend money in order to make money or they have to sign up for a free trial or do something sneaky behind the scenes they don't I have a full free checklist that I'm going to be giving you today that is 100% free the first part of the checklist you don't have to sign up for anything you can start creating social media accounts and you can start using posts that I've created that are already proven to work and you can recreate those posts and you can make a lot of money with these posts promoting different tools that you can sign up for their affiliate program and get paid to promote their links again without having to sign up for any paid thing or pull out a credit card or any of that now to get started today what we're going to be doing is we're going to be heading over to shiny.

Comom and we're going to be clicking on grab the free checklist and then we're going to go into our free group which is on Discord and once you do this what I want you to do is just drop a comment below this video and let me know that you were able to get in and you were able to get the checklist because when you click on accept invite here what's going to happen is you're going to get taken to our group and inside of our group here you're going to have our get started tab right here and this is where the checklist is okay so inside of this checklist I'm going to be walking you through step by step everything that you need to do to get set up with just basic social media posting as well as I'm going to show you how to start building a following on these different social media platforms even if you've never got a bunch of followers before I'm going to show you some really easy ways that you can start building up followers I'm not going to show you how to go Hack YouTube or Facebook or any of that I'm going to show you how to just simply go into these platforms and start going into different groups and how to start getting people to follow you with different types of social media posts that you can create and you can actually use AI to help you create these posts and then what we're going to be doing is we're going to be recommending different tools like this and you can see this one tool here I have 140,000 clicks to in the last month and I made over $60,000 promoting just this one link just this link right here okay so if that sounds good to you and again you want to stay updated and follow along for future streams let me know do me a favor right now drop a comment leave a like And subscribe to this video and it lets me know to make more videos like this for you in the future and by the way these are live streams I try to do these at least a couple times a week if you haven't checked out the lives we have a full live tab on our Channel you can head over to shifi click on live you can go watch the previous live streams and I try to give as much value as I can inside of these lives good to see you cool so let's talk about the setup okay so ideally you followed the instructions on the first part of this video and you went to and grabbed the free checklist okay and now that you're on the free checklist I'm going to show you what's in here now inside of this free checklist we got a lot going on right here on the bottom left we have the main checklist this just has all the different um things that I'm walking you through and here on the left is the different platforms that we're setting up and then this is the check right here on the right so you can just say done whenever it's done or if it's not done switch it to not done and then we have the affiliate links for these different things if you're going to be selling them and then on the right here we have all the different tutorials now what I do like I said earlier is I do live streams and when I do a live stream I Tim stamp that part of the live stream where I'm teaching one of these things so for example if you go to G setting up a Gmail obviously you need to have an email if you're going to be signing up for all these different social media platforms when you click on Gmail tutorial here what's going to happen is it's going to take you to the timestamp here 14:30 and this is where we start covering how to set up your Gmail with all the optimal settings and then from there we switch this to done and then we go to the next one which is Discord okay so here's how you set up your Discord so part one is right here you go watch that part of the Tim stamp this is just the walkth through on Discord and then after you watch that walk through you go to the next one and you watch part two which is the second one and then you go through and watch that and then once that's done you switch it to done okay and so that's how you do this checklist you just do one by one so I've been doing this stuff for almost 10 years now and I found a ton of different ways that you can leverage these platforms 100% for free without spending any money without you know doing anything weird I'm going to show you uh how you can literally just do very very simple posts that work really well and again I've been doing this for look at this I started on YouTube eight years ago so I've learned a lot over those eight years and there's certain things that do work and there's certain things that don't but where I've made the majority of my money is with social media with doing free stuff I haven't really ever done paid advertising I've dabbled in it I've spent some time you know trying different things uh like Google AdWords Facebook ads but overall I found that organic is always sort of the best route and you don't have to pay any money right you can just get started today start setting up your accounts and I've seen people who do what I'm talking about today make money in their first couple days literally just going onto Facebook and joining a few groups and interacting with people in those groups now remember I already have talked about this a little bit on my other tutorials in here which I recommend you go check out go check out the Facebook tutorials ideally once you go through and set up your email and you set up your Discord so you can join our group then you would set up your Facebook and the reason why I do these in this specific order is because YouTube in my opinion is the hardest platform for beginners to start with why because you don't have the ability to really add anybody like you can't DM anyone you can't add friends and also you have to do videos which videos when you're starting out are very very difficult I know people that have been doing social media marketing for years and they still don't do YouTube videos just because they're terrified of putting videos on the internet which you know I understand when I started out I had a hard time doing videos too if you watch some of these previous interviews I did I had a really hard time talking but YouTube is an acquired skill right like if you start doing videos every day eventually you will do pretty well with video but it's something that you have to work on and what I recommend is if you are going to end up doing YouTube at some point follow what the one of our guys in the uh Discord is doing Mark is a great example of somebody who started out I think it was a week or two ago and he started a 30-day challenge for himself he just took initiative and check this out Mark here has been doing videos for the last two weeks straight and yeah some of them get 80 views some of them get like 50 views it's not like it's a crazy amount of views but it's about learning the process about going out and practicing every day okay another example of somebody who went out and took action was Alex Kenny another guy in our group and you can see he's got 1,000 subscribers now he started two months ago and he just started posting videos every day okay yeah some of them get you know 50 100 views whatever but remember like YouTube is a long-term play these other platforms and and actually any platform that we're going to be focusing on these ones will probably make money more quickly but ideally you want to be working on all these different platforms at once and and there are ways that you can repurpose your content I I'll show you how to do that but overall you want be focusing on the long term which is like how do I build a following how do I start building an email list how do I start building a group and what's going to happen is the longer you start to build up these assets the easier it is it's going to be for you to go and post a link for example something like this and then get paid out from these people and really like a lot of this stuff you can give out free stuff right like for example in this checklist these tools down here are optional but they're very helpful when it comes to automating what you're doing on online and so for example if you start posting on social media at some point you're going to want to have an email list so we use this tool called high LEL for building up our email list and so when somebody goes and signs up for a trial on this tool what happens is we get credited if they end up paying for a full trial and so we can make money giving away free stuff like a free trial to this tool or a free trial to this tool or a free you know all these different tools we have different links for free trials and so you can get paid to give out these free things and look at this is another tool here I have plenty of examples of this but this is another tool that's paying me out like over uh $10,000 a month and I'm literally just getting people to sign up for the free trial okay now again is it is it something that you have to pay for when you start no you don't have to pay for any of these tools in fact you can just set up these accounts and then you go grab a link on one of these tools and promote one of these tools and if you make money with it you know then you can go pay for it if you want to do it that way but it's completely up to you okay so some people have a little bit more money and they can go and sign up for these tools right away which is going to help them you know accelerate the process right having an email list having a landing page all those things are going to help you get more sales but do you is it 100% NE like do you have can you are you disqualified for making money online if you don't have these tools absolutely not so let's go through the step by step so step one or Step Zero go to grabb the checklist now step two we want to start building our uh profiles okay so what I recommend go set up your Gmail right set up your Discord the Discord is really important in my opinion because when you join a group you become accountable okay this is really important in my opinion I think it's more important than anything else here's the issue I've seen with a lot of people that end up failing they watch a video like this they start taking action and then all of a sudden they're gone the next day or a week later right I've seen so many people over the last eight years join our groups join what we're doing they start posting they start taking action and all of a sudden they're gone and I think the reason why is because they don't have accountability and so what I recommend is getting into this group and then start posting in here there's a thing on here that's called levels right so if we go to the levels tab you can actually see who the most engaged people are on this group and so for example right now we got Logan here he's got 289 comments in the group he's basically the most engaged person over the last month and actually I would say Mark is actually higher in engagement than um Logan is because I actually gave Logan XP as a test so I think Mark actually might be the highest engaged person and then it's Logan and then Tina but my point here is that the people that are engaged the people that are the high levels right they get points every time they respond to comments and interact these people first of all they get highlighted in the group right so people go and follow them and message them but second of all there's a lot higher chance that these people are going to stick around long term and the reason why is because they're holding themselves accountable right people are are following these people and that's what you want is you want to be in a position where you are really highly engaged and you start creating an environment where if you leave the next day all of a sudden people are going to go Hey where's Mark where's Tina where's Alex where's Logan and that's the most important thing is that accountability aspect because this again this isn't like a short-term thing this is a longterm plan longterm you want a way to to create sustainable income and so that doesn't happen overnight that happens by by continuously working at something that's why I've been doing this for eight years right people ask me like if you're so rich Chase why don't you take a break and for me it's like well if I take a break I stay at the same income which is cool because it's reoccurring but I like to keep growing the reoccurring and for me I like doing this stuff so ideally you also want to figure out a way to like enjoy what you're doing and so right now we're doing a giveaway to everybody that's posting their wins so if you just say whatever you're doing to take action you just do hash uh daily win I posted a video or I created a Facebook profile or whatever's on the checklist if you just post one thing we highlight you inside of our daily wins and these are all people that are taking action and then you get entered to win a giveaway so right now we're giving away over th000 we're actually pulling the winners tonight so if you haven't posted your win yet whatever you're doing to take action go do that okay all right so that's Discord I do recommend joining that and just posting in there and being accountable you know just saying hi to everybody Facebook going into Facebook this is what I really wanted to talk about once you create a Facebook profile you can start going out and getting people to click on your affiliate links literally within the same day and this is how I've seen people make money within 24 hours I don't think I've ever really seen anybody make money within 24 hours on YouTube it's usually on Facebook okay so uh Facebook's a really important profile to to get set up Instagram is also important I wouldn't say it's as important but it's definitely important and then YouTube is also important as well but if you're the type of person that says I'm never going to make a video I'll never do it I don't want to I'd rather have ai do it and then you go make one of those you know AI videos with an AI Avatar those videos I just haven't seen get a lot of Leverage I see people all the time where they'll go and set up an AI Avatar that's just like on the screen and it's like this would you like to earn money today in 20 seconds like it's weird nobody watches those videos so instead like you want to you want to figure out a way to create content that's more what people are actually looking for and so with Facebook the cool thing is you don't actually have to create content that's video you can create text based content so let me give you some examples here let me log into my Facebook here now here's a thing that people often get wrong with Facebook they go out and they create a Facebook page and the problem with Facebook pages is you cannot add friends as Facebook pages I don't care if you make an AI Avatar that's called random name don't make a page at least when you start because ideally here's the thing anytime you make a Facebook page or an Instagram business account or a YouTube page whatever these all operate usually off of you already having some engagement right and so building up these things organically is really hard to do if you're doing it from zero followers and so ideally you want to start building a personal friend group that interacts with you right you want to add friends right something like with Facebook because those people are going to be more likely to interact with you when you start forwarding traffic somewhere else but ideally you want to start out in a personal setting inside of groups so whether it's like a Discord group a Facebook group a telegram group you want to focus on groups because groups are where you can grow without having any sort of previous following right because most people in groups don't have big followings they're just people that are just in groups so if I go to for example like the highle group let me go into go high level we're going to look up the official Community here there's 93,000 people in this group right 93,000 people interested in high level now if I start going through this group check this out there's all these people making questions but then there's also people that will randomly post like their whatever look at this big news to share after a lot of hard work and dedication I've created my own self- selling demo this person's just plugging themselves and look 6 five comments now I don't recommend you do this okay this is going to eventually get you banned from the groups why because what you're doing is you're doing a testimonial for yourself you don't want to do that because it you're basically just siphoning people blatantly out of the group instead what you want to do is you want to do a testimonial or some sort of review or something positive about what's going on where the group doesn't really mind you taking people from it if that makes sense so for example if I went into my own group I have a group here make make money online with AI by shiny let's say I was somebody else let's say I was Alex right and I said just used chifi system to land you know a new thousand client his Discord is amazing if you're not in it yet so now what you're doing is you're plugging something that I'm doing right and then all these people that are going to go see that they're going to go oh I need to go join that Discord but then in the process you're getting all these people following you and then messaging you and so this is how you can start in a like in a good way start hijacking other people's traffic because people want that positive PR and they want you to plug their products but they don't really mind if you're taking a few followers off the top in the process and so if you start going into these groups and instead of just complet like this is where people get groups wrong and I see this happen all the time they'll go in a group they'll join a group with like 300,000 people in there and they'll go buy my AI right or they're going to post something weird like their AI Avatar or something don't do that like it's not going to do anything so ideally you figure out what they're promoting and you try to help be a testimonial for that but secondly you can do engagement bait and this is where AI comes in and this is something that you can do that's really helpful is if I go to um my own group here and I go to let's say one of these posts that I see is doing well so this one did really well check this out this is literally just a text based post um it says we are removing people in the group that are not engaging if you'd like to be removed do not interact with this post right 89,000 people reach you're obviously not going to see this unless you're an admin but if you see all the likes and comments you can assume there's a lot of reach so I know if I copy this exact same text it's probably going to do pretty well but I'm saying that if you find things that are working well you can use AI to help you recreate those things a lot of what you'll see people do on places like Facebook is they will create questions where they'll say you know uh AI just took over the world you know what are your thoughts on this it'll literally just be like a text post you'll see that post do really well so what happens is if you go into a group and people start interacting with your post let's say you're in a random group and you have thousands of people seeing your post what's going to happen is all those people you now have a way to notify that you're trying interact with them does that make sense so if I go into the high level official community and I find one of these posts so this person has 148 comments right so I could say to this person awesome I just sent you a DM about this now I I don't know if I would do that to everyone because you might start like the group might start seeing that you're mining people out of the group but do you see what I'm saying there's like millions and millions of groups on Facebook and if you just start going in here and just like even if you don't even message them if you just go like awesome you could just add them as a friend and then like their post they'll usually get notified like most people on their Facebook they'll get notified if you go and try to friend them and then what happens is when they become your friend they also become your follower and now you start having people that are going and seeing your personal profile posts okay so if this seems weird trust me it's not that complicated literally all we're doing is we're just taking proven to work posts we're going out interacting with a bunch of people every day adding them as friends mess like messaging them if we want and then and then we're taking proven to work posts like like this one we are removing people from this account that are not engaging right all these people interact with it and then what's going to happen is you might be wondering like why do I care about people interacting with my post because if they go and see this post what's going to happen is you go and post another thing and they're a hundred times more likely to see that other thing because Facebook wants to keep giving people the same thing like the same profile they interacted with before and so you could spend four or five posts just getting people interact with you and then what's going to happen is by the fifth post when you go and say hey guys I have this new thing this new training you know this new tool okay now you have all these people commenting and you're sending them links and now you're getting Affiliates okay so I'm going to probably do a deeper dive on you know doing like I was going to do a post on like my all of the tips I have around like how you can like go and hack the engagement on Facebook if you want that let me know it's really simple like if you think about it you're just going in there and you're just finding a bunch of groups and you're and you're just cre creting engagement okay now how you get your links though is all these different tools right so whether you're promoting high level whether you're promoting you know radar whatever the tool is right most of them have Affiliates so if I go to high level here and I scroll to the bottom of the website and make sure you go through this link if you are going to get high level because when you go through this link you get my Snapshot which is it's like a full download of my funnel and my emails if I click on become an affiliate here I can click on create an affiliate account and I'm already signed in let me sign out let me actually just go to I'm going to go to this on a private browser basically it'll allow you to create an affiliate account for free now not every affiliate's going to do this some of them require that you have followers some of them require that you have an email list so you know just find the ones that don't require that right out of the gate and also by the way you don't even have to necessarily sell affiliate when you start another thing that you can do is you could just sell Services where you help people get set up with certain things you could help somebody get set up with their own AI clone that's a big thing right now that people really really like like I've seen a lot of people pay for it where they want their own AI Avatar we use a tool called replicate to do that but a lot of people don't want to spend the time going through the tutorial and learning replicate so you could actually reach out to people on Facebook and you could message them and say hey do you have your AI do you have an AI clone yet and if they say no you could send them what an AI clone looks like right with replicate and then you could charge them like 100 bucks 200 bucks whatever it is is to help them set up their own AI clone or set them up on any of these tools really if let's say they wanted to get set up with something like high LEL you could also get them as an affiliate on top of it too if I go to email here and I just type in I don't know new email test and we just fill this out what's going to happen is we're going to get taken to our dashboard and inside of our dashboard we're gonna have our link and then that's what we can start promoting on social media okay and and by the way like you can go and and interact with people all day on these different social medias like you could go and spend you know an hour a day on Facebook just going and dming people joining groups commenting interacting and then go over to Instagram do the same thing you know you can't really do there isn't really groups inside of Instagram that you can interact with like that but you can go and follow people comment on their posts and then go over to YouTube go you know subscribe to people channels comment on their channels comment on their videos right and what's going to happen is you going out and doing all this engagement every day is going to eventually get you a lot of people coming to your profile and seeing what you're doing and then interacting with you and by the way if you have some money and you don't want to spend every day interacting with people you could eventually also head over to online jobs and you could hire a VA to do this for you in fact Alex when he was before he started doing videos he was was having a VA virtual assistant go out and send DMS to people every day about he was doing photography before but this is kind of the same principle right if I type in VA click on search I could have somebody for let's see $2 to3 an hour and you could have somebody for one hour a day just go on your Instagram or just go on your Facebook for two to three2 to four dollars a day and they will go out and do all this engagement for you so you can just build the profile right and focus on the content but that do you see what I'm saying there's a plenty of different ways to do this but anyways going back to our affiliate link now that we have our affiliate link wherever that went there it is that's our new account so it says zero referrals zero customers zero clicks so you're going to send this link to people and then what happens is if they sign up for a free trial you don't get paid right if they sign up for a full account like let's say the renewal happens in 14 days right if they pay 14 days later let's say they paying on the $97 a month plan you get 40% reoccurring of that person's money and then eventually if you get enough people on there what is that 100 people let's bring out our calculator here 100 people times let's just say they're all on the 97 plan and then you multiply that by four you're at with 100 people you're at $3,800 a month reoccurring right so now that's all Cookie to those people and a cookie basically means it follows that person around for 90 days until they buy okay so that's pretty cool and as far as what to do next you just focus on going out and and engaging and recreating ideally engagement bait so what engagement bait is is like you'll see this all the time people get so mad about it and I don't think people realize like anytime you go on social media and you see just weird stuff where people are like fighting for no reason or like you know they're going and like pouring a cup of water on their dad and they're like haha that's funny and then you see all these people in the comments they're like so mean why would you do that the way the algorithms work is like the more you can get people to argue and engage and comment the better the more viral the posts are and so that's what you want to do with your content is you want to find ways to get people to engage and there's a bunch of different ways you can do this right so for example you know with this post we're removing people that aren't commenting boom they're all commenting now right so that post went like really did really well another one you know let's say and these ones I just posted today so we're just going to see how they do I actually had chat GPT rewrite these but it says a surprise gift is on its way to random commenter but here's the catch you have to share your boldest goal for 2025 so now we have 149 people reached not amazing but we'll see if it does well in the future see like oh does this work does that work okay and ideally you want like a one to one ratio so what that means is you want to figure out first of all what works no matter what so for example if I go and take this exact same post and repost post it like in a couple days the the chances of it doing the same like in terms of views and people it's going to be very similar because it's already proven to work okay so your one: one ratio is one having posts that you can always recreate okay so and you can have ai recreate these right or if they're just text based posts you don't really need AI you can just go and repost it right so you want to always have those loaded where you're like okay I know if I do this post it'll work I know if I do this post it'll work and if you don't know how to find those posts literally just go into somewhere like Facebook or any group and find the posts that get a bunch of likes and comments and you'll know that those are the posts that do well okay so I know that if I basically recreated this exact same post it would do well again let's take another one and then ideally what you do is your other one so your one to one so let's say you're two um is like new posts that you're trying and then if those posts work you're basically adding them to this and so you're you're kind of just trying to figure out a bunch of posts that you can keep rotating over and over and over that you know are going to work and then you just keep creating variations of that that's why you'll see like people always ask me they go chase why do you keep creating the same content all the time because ideally here's the thing when you create content right let's say let's say you have I don't know 100,000 people following let's say starting out you have a thousand people following you right let's say you've been doing this for like a month or two and now you have a thousand people following you well what's going to happen is if you create content that's always new and like new and you know you're like oh this is this is the brand new thing right and and it's not proven like it's not algorithmically proven to work what's going to happen is a lot of the time you're only going to reach to 2% of the people that actually follow you but if you do stuff that you know algorithmically work because think about it the algorithm is just ones and ones and it's just numbers right does it work and if the answer is no don't show it and so your job once you start building up followers whether it's on YouTube Instagram Facebook wherever it is is your job is to go and find what works and then post it that's it like literally that's it okay you don't have to be trendy you don't have to be unique you don't have to reinvent the wheel you literally just go out every day and find the stuff that's working and then you repost it and and you see if it works for you because here's the thing you're going to repost stuff and it's not always going to work for you sometimes it will sometimes it won't but I'm telling you that your chances go up 100% higher when you're finding what works algorithmically and just like creating that because it's already proven to work I've done it m like a ton of times I could take the exact same video and I could repost it once a month let's say the video got a million views I could repost it once a month and I know every single time I post it it's going to do a a million times better than if I were to do something brand new and unique and just off the top of my head I'm not saying you can't do stuff off the top of your head I'm just saying you want to do stuff off the top of your head based on what's working or have ai help you with it so when I did this post here I had chat GPT come up with new ways to do that post so I can go find what works let's say it's in a group take this screenshot it go into chat GPT and say please give me 10 variations of this and then it'll give me 10 other versions that'll probably work so that now when I post it it's Unique we're cleaning up the group if you're not engaging wish to leave simply ignore this boom now you got all these people engaging you see what I'm saying if you just did this all day every day went in started engaging with people started recreating trending content or reposting trending content and then started grabbing affiliate links that you can start getting paid to promotee what's going to happen is you're going to start having all these people message you right you're going to start getting a lot of views and people will organically just start messaging you literally like I just started this personal profile recently because I was like you know I need to recreate my personal profile cuz my other one got banned because of some of the stuff around money Facebook doesn't like the stuff around money but look at all these people just like hey I saw your post you don't even really have to ask people to DM you you could right like in these posts you could say you know I I personally don't ask people to DM me because I don't have the ability to talk to everybody but if you're starting out and you just want leads and you want people to like you know hit you up you could say in this stuff like oh thanks Jerry you could say we're removing people from the group if you don't want to be removed do not interact with this post and do not send me a DM we're kind of using reverse psychology here but then they would send you a DM right and then you go hey how's it going you know I I've been working on this thing and then you could show them the tools that you're working with your affiliate links whatever um or you could just help them with the service help them get set up on things ideally you should just be getting on the phone with these people like all day every day okay so hopefully that makes sense any questions about this so far by the way just left you cookie crumbs what does that mean oh cuz we were talking about cookies I was like wait you left me a cookie so yeah this might be a short one today but I just wanted to keep you guys updated I'm going to keep working on more ways to kind of like you know show you how to leverage these different platforms but I really wanted to address this because there's so many people that join our group and they say you know hey like I can't get started cuz I don't have any money or hey I can't get you know I don't have a credit card so I can't get high level or I can't get this or that and that's why I'm doing this video is cuz I I want to address everybody that keeps thinking that you don't need to have money or a credit card or sign up for any trials or any of that literally just start start creating social media platforms that are free start going engaging with people and you can get affiliate links to things without having to pay for them some of them they might require like some platforms do require for you to get a trial but not all Affiliates do okay okay some Affiliates like high level will give you the ability to promote them without having to pay for anything or sign up for anything now if you do sign up for the tools great they will help you but if you're starting out don't disqualify yourself because you're saying well I can't do this because I don't have money or I don't have a credit card you can do this for free if you have a Facebook if you can create an Instagram you create an email you can start going interacting with people make a few sales sell a service sell an affiliate and from there you know start investing in yourself start investing in the tools eventually you probably will want tools right can you build a house without without tools yes it's just going to be a lot harder okay at some point yeah you probably want to buy a hammer at some point you probably want to buy you know a drill right but do you need those things starting out no just start with something okay before it was all these tools at the top and then people were like oh I need this I need that no you don't you just need to get started and then you know go at your own pace okay so you're only in a race with yourself don't worry about what other people are doing okay that's it guys thanks for stopping by we'll see you in the next one till we do happy moneymaking see you guys bye

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