Smartest Path To Earn $1000 Daily With Sora by Chat GPT (Open Ai Beginners Guide)

you can earn $11,000 daily with Sora which is a chat GPT product and this is an open AI beginner guide so let me show you what I'm talking about here Sora we're going to talk about Sora what it is and how we can use it to create AI videos we're going to talk about how you can make money this is just one example here let me just refresh this so you can see and over it's a little bit slow here over the average daily is $1,500 a day I said make $1,000 a day so just want to show you it's possible not trying to impress you just want to impress upon you that it's possible right it's going to take work but the cool thing is AI is going to do most of the heavy lifting to be honest because when you see these videos it's going to go crazy so let's talk about Sora and what it is so Sora is an AI video product that is created by open AI open AI is the people that created chat GPT so most people know chat GPT they may not know open AI but it's like open AI is kind of like the parent company and chat GPT is the product Sora is really like I can read you here and it says Sora is an open AI model that can create realistic and imaginative scenes from text instructions but what does that mean so what that means is when we go to chat GPT for example we can create stuff by punching in whatever right so let me get logged in okay so logged in and probably you know chat gbt you can do anything I'm just going to tell me a joke right but the point is AI is going to give us something here and I guess okay I was impatient and anyways so we got some stuff going on right I don't know why don't skeletons fight each other they don't have the guts okay right so we can also say generate an image for that joke right and it's going to generate an image and so it'll take a second I'm going to pause it here because it does take just a a few seconds to generate the image all right and uh there it is an image so the point here is I could say create an image of two skeletons with pistols and say they don't have the guts and put a moon in the background and and whatever right and I would get this image so the video is the same concept we're just going to generate a video with AI so if we look here here's some um there's lots of uh examples here and so here's one for example uh photorealistic closeup video of two pirate ships battling each other as they sail inside a cup of coffee I don't know why you want that but you know whatever it's kind of cool and so if we look here's some more options there's all kinds of stuff here and these are all basically it's text to video so that means you put in a gorgeous rendered papercraft world of coral reef rif with colorful fish and sea creatures you just punch it in and then AI makes this so this is a 19-second video Sor can make videos up to 60 seconds long now there are some some other AI video platforms out there already that have been around for a minute um and they usually make videos anywhere from 1 to 4 seconds right so this is obviously it's exponentially better right it's still AI so it's not completely perfect uh but it's exponentially better than what already has existed up to this point and it also is more realistic too so if you look at other AI gen video generators um you can see that they just don't they don't work as well so for example if we take uh let's take this exact same one here oh let's get all of it and we're going to take this prompt I'm going to pop over here to Nvidia it's ai.

Envidio doio anyways paste it in here give him the same prompt right let's create the video I'll pause it while it does that okay it's been quite a long time and it still hasn't generated the video um I don't know if they're down or what but obviously we can see that video generation uh by other platforms leave something to be desired of so let's look at this though and we'll revisit that so basically I already showed you how you can make $1,000 a day um because we're already making more than $1,000 a day so if you could do me a favor though give me a yes down in the comments right now if this is a helpful video for you because we're going to talk about all this stuff right here how to get access to Sor how to get set up right now to make videos how to turn videos into Cash um scheduling tools and redirect links and then early adoption here and the benefits are so if this is a video that you like if you leave me a yes down in the comments helps me out on YouTube helps me to know that this is the kind of video that you want and then actually there is a lot of resources available to you for free if you want to head over to scary tool you can actually get this list of videos that right here this is a list of tools that'll paid to promote it but there is guides on each one of these that let you get set up and get started and a lot of other resources over here as well at scary tool the safety testing stage right here they're basically working on safety to make sure that they don't get AI out there that produces you know stuff that would be unsafe or uncompliant or that would violate trademarks or break the law Etc like that so they've went through similar stages like this with chat GPT they pulled different features at different times when they had to rework it because it was unsafe or whatever and so that's where they're at right now there is no expected release date for this but we can still already have a better option at least a better current option right now Sora is going to be amazing but since it's not available right now we don't have to wait on it to become available to start making money what we can do is we can get set up right now to get videos going and that whole setup process is going to work the same once Sora comes out so as soon as Sora is out we just plug it into it and it just begins to make better videos but we can already build our system to start beginning to earning money right now and generate AI videos uh and it's better than the AI videos I was showing you there that didn't even work and so let's talk about that so how do we actually get set up to use this right now well basically when you have video you have a couple of things so with video you have Motion in the background right there's some sort of motion we can see this if we look at the the sore video right here it is we can see these are woly mammoths walking in the background and there's a snow cloud or dust snow whatever a cloud of snow as they're kicking it up that sort of stuff right and so we also typically have audio now now as you notice the sore videos have no audio so when it generates the video it just generates the motion background right it doesn't generate any kind of audio or anything like that and then you have um your idea or your script so the idea of the script is what's going on so in this case the stylish woman walks down Tokyo Street filled with warm glowing neon Etc right so that's kind of like the idea but you also are going to have some sort of narration right if I was going to make this video I might have some sort of audio obviously I'm going to have probably sounds but I'm going to have some talking in the background to actually make this happen because otherwise how are we going to tell people to make money because nobody's going to watch this have no sound and and just say okay what do I do with this right so we have to add these three components so Sora only does the motion it doesn't do the audio nor does it create an idea or a script of how we're going to use this video and leverage it to make money so we have to put these three components together so how do we put those three components together and make AI videos today well we could generate this and do this different ways so let me show you how to basically do this um if I wanted to say take this prompt right here and say let's expand this grab the prompt stick it into chat GPT and say to make this as an image so let me show you stick with me here let me show you how this connects together okay so I can make this as an image right and I can actually take a string of images which is really all video is anyways it's a bunch of frames of images put together in motion so I can take the images and I could use a tool like cap cut here and if I get it up use cap cut and bring these things together so I can download this image I can create a new project here in cap cut and I can import the image here and then this is a timeline down here there's other videos on how to do this I like this is more than one video in it of itself so I can't show you everything here but I would put all the pieces in here and then I would use key frames to give them motion then I would bring in here and go to 11 labs and do a an audio generation so I can punch in a script which I have to have in the first place to punch in a script and then create the audio for it because remember we need our audio and our motion so we have the motion from the images we make that in cap cut right then we will have the audio and the idea and the script come in together with the audio so first I'd have to go back to chat GPT now and I'd have to say okay give me so I said give me a 60c video how I can make money online right you can use different ideas and I'll show you actually what's working right now in just a second but I would give that and chat gbt would then make the script I would have to take the script and go over to somewhere and get the audio made and then I would have to take the audio and download the audio and put it in to cap cut here and import that as well add it to the timeline so I'd have my audio I'd have all my images that I key framed with motion and then I would have to caption it and then I would export the whole thing and itd have a video takes about 20 to 30 minutes once you have the process down pat maybe 15 if you get really good at it uh because you probably want to add some effects and stickers and filters and that sort of stuff so 15 to 30 minutes per video and by the and I've shown this uh in some videos that are on the checklist if you want to see how to do this specifically you can actually go over to the scary toolbot website and then each one of these tabs is different checklists of videos there are several videos where I take that are 45 minutes or longer and I show the process how to do this like step byep how to do it but I'm not going to go through that because that would take like I said like 45 minutes just to teach it and then um if you want it it's there in the checklist so going to get out of this so how do we actually do this right now today well we could use a tool called shiney and what shifi does is it basically glues all these different pieces together so it it manages all the different pieces it manages the motion it manages the audio so we talked about getting from chat GPT or uh images from chat GPT and sewing them together in cap cut we talked about the script we talked about producing the audio over at 11 labs and that sort of thing right shifi actually pulls all those pieces together and does it all with one click now I say one click because you can actually go to the checklist where I was talking about before and you can literally look at it and there in the video I go for like 45 minutes and I show how to do this all in cap cut and then I say okay here here's how you do it in shiny and I click the button and it just works and it was it was on a live class with a bunch of people and everybody freaked out because it literally took like seconds instead of 45 minutes so let me log in here and so we basically have videos like this and so let me show you some videos that are actually working cuz we talked about the concept here but I want to show you what's actually working because that's obviously the best thing to do so let's just jump over here to Facebook for example uh and let's do uh this video right here here basically what we're doing here is we are going to sell affiliate stuff now I'll explain that in a second you probably know what affiliate stuff is this will work for service industry stuff this will work for all kinds of stuff but I'm going to show you an example with affiliate so let's look at it websites will blow your mind turn your ideas into a viral video type in The Amazing Ideas that you have and let AI do its magic at scary you can earn money by simply promoting the hundreds of AI tools inside the best part is that you can use AI to promote them for you lastly the AI you can get $1,000 worth of AI giveaways when you join for free and get access to courses showing you how to earn money with AI if you want me to show you how reply with the word AI in the comments basically you saw it had the three components it had the audio the script or idea plus the motion and this is all generated with one click so we can actually take this video here I'm going to grab it and I can go over here to shiny and I can um go here to the transcriber and I can punch in the video URL here and let it actually transcribe the URL and it's basically going to pick up the script from that and then I can swap out my own website so what about my own websites well I'll talk about redirect links here at the very end but basically you can go over to the scary toolbot website get a list of products that you can promote so you can pick there's obviously there's tons of them here and it just goes on and on and on and on and on right and you want to be able to do more than one so you pick popular ones um which are generally towards the top and you sign up to be an affiliate of them I'm not going to go too in depth on how to to be an affiliate but basically it looks like this you would sign up you have some sort of product right and then they give you a link basically this is your custom link when somebody goes here and signs up for the product you get paid so that part's pretty straightforward you probably already know about that but the the whole list here is just available and ready to go and so you just grab some affiliate links and you set up redirect links again I'm going to talk about that here in a second uh but the redirect link is something like scary tool when you go here it brings up what's called a squeeze page where you're getting someone to put in their email address and hit submit in order to get what they want so they get the list of tools for example or they get to the actual ual affiliate product which is again all right here but then you have their email address and then you can send them emails with a CRM and just sell them all kinds of stuff over and over and over again and then you just get paid on each thing so for example here's one affiliate that we set up and it's been going for well 3 years and you can see all the payments that go out right and so they change over time we haven't promoted this in a long time and so over time if you do no promotion they tend to go down but we're still talking about like tens of thousands of dollars here that got paid all from the promotion that we did way back here three years ago because we just promoted it for a short time and then we quit right so a lot of these have reoccurring payments so that's the really amazing thing about Affiliates and you can start stacking them up it's going to take some work uh to get this going obviously you have to make some videos and post them on Facebook and YouTube and Twitter and Instagram but you can actually use a tool that will do all the posting for you so you just set it up once and it posts everything talk about that in a second as well but the long and short of it is we can basically turn um this I guess that's the AI video that never worked all right so now we have this so now we have this and we can actually edit this right here so we would put in here is for example and we would put in our own link so maybe it's uh amazing aiv video and then we would put in our link here instead of scary tool botx it might be uh tools that right and I'll again I'll show you how to set that up here um I'll talk about that and so basically we'd create a custom video from this so we put in our own links that point to our own affiliate links so stay with me we'd set that up with a redirect and then it's going to create a video for that for us with our specific links and all we did was click go so let me show you that all we do is Click generate video and create video and then we have different options here that we can do I'm not going to go into all of that but basically let us create the video here which is just ticking away and I'll show you the video here in just a second but while it does that let's talk about the rest of it so we talked about how we can make the videos literally we use an existing video we use a transcriber change out our own links for it and click go how do we turn this into Cash well we basically talked about that too because in the video when someone watches it they're going to go to amazing aiv video or whatever website we put in here and remember that is our affiliate link and so when they click on that and then they buy we get paid now how do we actually set up the redirect links and the scheduling well scheduling there's different tools you can use but one example is radar for example and we can just go here and what it does is it allows us to schedule out all the different posts so we upload our video and we can scheduled out to post to Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and Linkedin and Pinterest and YouTube and list goes on right so we can do that what about the redirect links basically we go to Squarespace and we're going to buy a link go to products here and find a domain name I say Squarespace because Squarespace gives you free SSL forwarding without having to go through Bunches of Hoops and most other platforms do not you can do whatever you want but I recommend Squarespace just because then you don't have to turn around and use cloud flare on top of it or your own hosting they do it all in one step and it doesn't cost extra so I think we said um amazing AI video probably that wasn't what we said but basically you pick a domain name it's available you click add to cart you continue to check out and you buy it I'm not going to walk you through how to buy products because I'm sure that you can do that that and so anyways once it's done you log into the domain name itself so let me get out of this and do one that's already done let's grab the list of domains I have here and so if I want to go here and click on it this is just one of them we click on it we click manage domain settings and then we click the redirect down here at the bottom for domain forwarding so we can add domain forwarding here and we just add a rule and we punch in app right here and I there's video on how to do this already also in the uh checklist but go to advanced settings make sure it's set to 301 SSL is on that is the key thing and we are done so we save it and now oh we have to put in our affiliate link right here so we grab that affiliate link let me get it and we just copy it and we paste it in here and we click save and then whenever somebody goes to let's get out of this I don't actually want to put that one in there I use a different one here when whenever somebody goes here to this website whatever website we register it's going to take them to our affiliate link and so in our video that we made it's almost done here it's created the images it's going to create the audio and subtitles here in just a second but when it comes out it's going to look something like this uh completely different images of course um and we can choose tons of different voices and that sort of stuff but what's going to happen is when we play these top AI websites will blow your mind shinei okay the website will show up here so this will be like what did we say best AI video tool whatever and then now that when someone sees that they like oh cool and they like I'm going to go there so they go there and then it redirects to your affiliate link and then they buy and you get paid so that's how you wind up turning it into cash now it's important to be an early adopter uh because why why would you want to do that shifi is a pay tool and so it currently has a let's see if if I can go here it has a $1 trial for 30 days uh it says two days it actually got changed to 30 days but so it's a $1 trial for 30 days but if you sign up now you get to keep the price because when Sora comes out it'll be integrated into shifi you be able to use shine ify to not only have use Sora to generate your videos but then it'll also still generate your audio and still generate your text and still put it all together and still transcribe the other videos so you can copy videos that are working because all we're doing is going to YouTube find and Facebook and the rest find the videos to get lots of views and copy those and this tool will still do it but the price is going to go up so if you set it up now you get to keep the price so it's important to be an early adopter and the same processes you're going to use you don't have to do anything different so we walk through the process now and we create AI videos now we start making cash now and then as Sora comes out we use the same process we don't change anything the videos just get better and better videos are going to get more views and more views are going to get more people going to the websites and when they go to the websites then more people are going to buy the products and then we're going to get paid more and so that is the smartest path to earn $1,000 daily by using Sor with chat GPT so jump in and get going and until then Happy earning

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