The Prompt, Ep 2 — We see you, sneaky AI users (& other musings on Jasper’s AI trend report)

foreign welcome back to the second episode of The Prompt we are back for more and if you made it to our second episode we are so happy to have you basically our only focus this episode is to not make the entire time talking about the submarine Saga so we will do our hardest um today Krista Alton and I are super excited to review something that Jasper put together called the AI Trends report we basically went out and surveyed 500 people about their sentiment on AI their thoughts uh their best use cases and their worst fears and so really excited to unpack that with you guys today yes it was very insightful I feel like there's so many fun nuggets to kind of pick apart with y'all and I'm super excited to hear like y'all's thoughts on on all of it um yeah I'm excited yeah yeah should definitely be an awesome conversation um I think we can kick it off with a pretty pretty big question so what based on all of the Data Insights that are in the report what what surprised both of you the most so one of the questions was um like how satisfied are you with the quality of the content that you're getting from AI tools from gender AI tools um and I think I was really surprised at like how how there weren't a lot of people who were unsatisfied with the with the outputs I think unsatisfied was like the lowest possible option they could choose um and some of the you know I think we surveyed everybody from Freelancers all the way up to c-suite and there were certain levels and tears that um you know people it wasn't even one percent of the people who were unsatisfied and that really shocked me not because I think they should be unsatisfied but because there's so much discourse around these tools and the quality and whether or not you can create high quality content with AI um that it was very it was very intriguing to see that like okay the people who are using them they are actually very satisfied with what they're getting and not many people have issues with it so um I don't know that was like something I didn't expect to see yeah I think the cool thing about generative AI is you know even coming from a background and working in B2B SAS basically my whole career right you're like selling these really expensive pieces of Enterprise technology that promise productivity we're we're going to make your employees more productive we're going to make your customers more productive on your platform and more efficient and most of these software realistically took years to implement and then years to see Roi on so I think the really really cool thing about generative Ai and why chat GPT has taken Everyone by storm is because those productivity gains are realized in a matter of minutes versus years right you can like quantitatively say I saved x amount of hours today just by using Chachi BT or by using another AI tool um so I think that that's 65 that feel like generative AI makes their job easier I'm like you are liars I feel like that should be up at 90 and the 10 is the times that you didn't use um AI which is sort of what I find um something that I thought was interesting is maybe it's like just some of the negative sentiment I've been seeing in the media lately you know I think with Congress the Congressional hearings and sort of everyone talking about this AI Doom I thought that number would be higher in terms of I'm scared I'm going to lose my job and I actually didn't find it to be as high as I thought so that was a little surprising to me because I think you know the The Click bait right now is how quickly you're going to lose your job and what can you do about it um so yeah I was I was pleasantly surprised to see that yeah that that's what stood out to me the most and really surprised me the most I really thought that number was going to be higher across the board and not only that but I thought it was going to be higher across the board for like individual contributors and Freelancers specifically because in that discourse it seems like people are most afraid of like those types of jobs disappearing as opposed to the higher level jobs and what was another thing that was really interesting within that same chart was the fact that VPS and directors seem to be the most afraid that their job is at risk from AI which is like I don't know almost like funny to me because to me if you're at that high level and you're worried that AI is going to take your job then are you really doing the best job in in that role like that might say more about about you than it does about the the technology so I thought that was funny but then when you go to c-suite professionals they are the least concerned about AI taking their jobs which makes sense because I mean to me like c-suite VP director roles they're all people based they're all based on relationships they're based on like time management um and humans are like really really well adapted to doing that stuff whereas like a tech tool isn't the best at developing interpersonal relationships maintaining those relationships so I just thought that the the differences in um that fear between c-suite VP and director was um really really surprising for sure yeah and with the VP role it was um what surprised me about that was how how polarizing that was because I think that was the one where it was like split 50 50 almost where 50 were worried and then 50 were not and so it's like what's what's going on there where like half of you are concerned and the other half are like I'm good no worries here um but yeah I I found that interesting I also found it interesting on the question of like how often do you use generative AI tools um the IC level was shockingly low um considering I would think like I would assume I see individual contributors are some of the highest users of of General gender of AI um but it that kind of went to Freelancers and solopreneurs so maybe the ICS are the ones managing Freelancers and then the Freelancers are the ones using the tool more um you don't really know what's going on there but I was like very surprised to see that not as many ICS uh at least they don't report using it um in their day-to-day which I don't just I don't know it was strange to me and something that like is correlated to that was individual contributors rated the highest level of dissatisfaction with the the outputs and the quality and things like that and to me that kind of makes sense because I at least see individual contributors being more in the weeds and Freelancers and stuff too to a certain degree when it comes to building out like net new blog posts building out net new um social media posts and things like that where the quality like and whether or not outputs are generic whether or not they're in brand voice that stuff matters a lot at that level because they're the ones responsible for producing that stuff at a higher rate than a manager or a VP for instance so because they're they some might be using it less because they have experience in all right I need to produce x amount of blog posts this week I've been using this tool to use it it hasn't been given me quite as many good outputs as I would like so I'm gonna step away from it um I think that is going to change probably pretty dramatically over the next year as these models get more advanced and and things like that but um yeah I definitely found that that pretty interesting as well yeah do y'all think there was any level of um people being a little bit hesitant to admit that they use AI a lot in their jobs because I I think they're um I don't know if that's still true as of like today now that it's so explosively popular but I do think there has been a time where people were testing it but they didn't really want their bosses to know they were testing it or just some like hesitancy around yes I'm using these tools um uh and yeah I'm curious if that found its way into that data at all uh and it's so funny how that flipped yeah like just like what you were saying Krista right you're like sort of nervous to say like wait I was an early adopter I've been experimenting with AI or maybe it was some people's like secret weapon that they didn't tell anybody about or they just expensed on the you know company credit card and it was a couple hundred dollars a year and sort of just went unnoticed and all of a sudden the message that you're really hearing from leaders is your team should be using AI how are you using AI how are we incorporating AI into not only our product but the way you work day to day and so you're almost penalized if you're not using Ai and I think that's pretty pretty normal right for like every new piece of technology um but I think how quickly it's happened is is wild where it's completely flipped um a super interesting conversation I had last week we were all in New York we hosted this um dinner focused on generative AI for just like folks in New York and it was really cool we got together with a ton of people from a bunch of different different Industries not just Tech and a conversation topic that came up is uh a woman ahead of ahead of marketing was saying listen I came to this dinner and tomorrow I'm supposed to sign on the dotted line to hire a new content agency I haven't asked the question of do you use AI in your content I'm using them from SEO I'm using them for editorial content are they using AI are they not using Ai and it started this really interesting dialogue at the table around you know I think one way to look at it is hey if agencies are using Ai and they're not telling me and there's still charging me some sort of market rate I have that emotional feeling that I'm being gypped and I think my my focus was if I have an agency and I have in the past they aren't using AI I don't feel like they're they're adopting technology the emotional connection I have is maybe you're not a cream of the crop agency like maybe you're not a team of early adopters that's going to go out there and that's what I want from my agency I want you to be more experimental move faster than me take more risks use all of the tools out there available to you and teach me about it so is this really interesting like push and pull where all of us saw each other's side and ultimately we were like have the conversation with the agency tomorrow and let us know how it goes so I think that's also a really a good Evolution that we should keep our eyes on yeah yeah that is very interesting because I feel like um obviously like we worked with a really great uh SEO and content agency and they obviously were using Jasper and testing a bunch of other tools and I yeah I was very excited about that just because okay great now they're gonna understand like us better and they're gonna be um they're just gonna be like you said ahead of the curve um which I think is really important right now that makes sense yeah and I think there's way more leniency toward AI because of the fact that Google you know has barred now that is a widely accessible thing that people have tons of access to and there's so many other platforms that have ai baked into it now it's it's becoming more of a common thing almost in like an uncommon thing it's almost like every your favorite software platform if it doesn't have ai in it and hasn't announced that it's coming out with AI that it probably will soon so I feel like that is making it a lot easier for people to accept that this is something that is going to be part of the the workforce for for the foreseeable future and there's less skepticism around using it and not only using it but like telling other people that you're using it instead of being like kind of sneaky with it you know yeah a couple things are coming to mind Alton from your statement kind of tying back to our report you know that statement that I find to be so true I mean it could be applied in like so many different contexts but you're usually afraid of what you don't know and I almost feel like some of that fear around AI is going to take my job was because people didn't understand it they didn't know how they could practically apply it that it was sort of our weapon to be wielded in our own hands it sort of felt like something scary and unknown I wonder if even that um you know my comment on wow I thought people would be more afraid and that number has really gone down is because there's more education around it there's more ability to interact with these tools and get in there and see how um how you're able to wield it so I think that's a really really interesting point I also think to that point of you saying you know we're seeing every piece of technology or technology providers saying like and now we have ai and that's the new fancy product release like it's the AI um it's really interesting from a marketing perspective around marketing teams getting having to get really defensive with the rest of the organization around having Ai and slapping the two letters within ads or within marketing copy or within landing pages and expecting that messaging to convert isn't necessarily the right angle I think that's maybe something CEOs are hearing from the board and exec teams are talking about right like how do we stay above the curve and I think the Mark I think marketing teams have a really important like space here where they really can push back on okay great AI is part of our solution let's get back to the problem that we're solving instead of just pushing out that our products have ai like what issue is that solving um yeah and we've been I mean the three of us can speak to it but we've been seeing it all over lately yeah I know I know and that honestly makes me think of something that you mentioned earlier samutha around how um you know since our last uh episode Apple had a big event and they didn't mention AI once which I thought was like very Apple very slick uh but yeah like what do you think the the thinking was behind that like just they didn't want to be another like hopping on board the AI train um or or what do you think was going on there I feel like apples that cool girl in high school that's alternative and like it does never does what everybody else yeah and like is on her own time and just oozes that like cool Factor um I I almost feel like apple did it specifically to retain like cool Elite oil you know factor that they have which I have a deep respect for um but but yeah I think it really speaks to like almost every single company's marketing strategy is augmented by including those two letters and so I I almost feel like it was in it was an a slight nod to some of the performative AI functionality that I think is just shopped around places um I also think that potentially Apple being sort of this like huge incredibly thoughtful organization even if that means they aren't to Market first they like really think through every action being incredibly design oriented I wonder if they don't want to come out with AI until they're really sure on what that means for them or or they're sure on what's Happening and that doesn't mean don't get me wrong I think apple is working on generative AI capabilities to a t which is probably on floor 54 and not necessarily like on the main stage um so yeah I do think it was like a a really thought out marketing move to not mention the words AI yeah and I guess that makes sense because I mean even with the rollout of like Bard and um you know Bings AI there were some hiccups because they both wanted to be for first uh you know first out with that stuff um and I think maybe they have had some issues haven't been as thoughtful but apple is so brand oriented that you know they're gonna they're definitely gonna take their time to make sure it's rolled out to a t so yeah I think that's a really good point yeah definitely that was that was really interesting to see and I think it makes perfect sense AI is definitely becoming that term is becoming more of like a buzzword these days um as far as companies just using it to like hype up their their own products where it didn't exist within those products before potentially um and I think in in kind of tying it back to the the report I'm looking at a chart right now that says um the Third like biggest concern or obstacle for people not using generative AI was I don't know how to use it the fourth one is skepticism and the fifth one is I don't see value at 31 30 and 24 and I think um as like as a former and still kind of current contrarian um I am one who is like whatever the buzzword is whatever like the biggest Trend that's going on now I'm like ah I don't I'll look into that in a year when and and see if it's like actually still of value you know um so that could potentially be what other people are doing or at the very least like because everybody's talking about AI it might not necessarily be what is it it's on the tip of everybody's tongues but then there's the conversation around like okay where does the value actually come I don't I don't know how to use this and I think as the dust kind of settles around the use cases as it settles around like ironing out some of the the the answers to the burning questions of like can this actually take my job and when people realize that that it's not gonna be it's not going to be the demise of humanity and all these other lingering questions it'll be there'll be more room for that general education there'll be less skepticism there will be more room for people adopting it or at least like seeing where it would make sense for them to adopt it either in their day-to-day life or in their professional life um so the yeah the the the the idea of it being a buzzword right now I think will will die down and as it does then adoption will increase along with it and without this turning into a Jasper plug at all I also just want to say that I empathize with the idea that it AI maybe wasn't making me that much more effective at my job in the very beginning and that isn't because it's the technology it's how I was using and how I was interacting with it and I think when Jasper rolled out brand voice and I was able to upload to Jasper complete brand documents on how on what my tone of voice was on how I like to write on different facts um and different knowledge and feed that to Jasper and ha and use the generative AI technology in the context of the project I wanted to get done referencing a very specific set of um of facts that changed my game like at that point I did feel like okay I'm able to actually write a title and an abstract for a speaking session in 15 minutes and it would have factually taken me an hour to do it um that's when I started to see these like really big Roi gains so it's it's funny even when friends ask me like hey can I use Jasper or like can I I want my company to have a trial of it I I genuinely say I'm only going to give you the trial if you promise to use the CSM support and use Jasper brand boy otherwise it's just gonna otherwise you it's just gonna feel like any other tool so I think also a big part of it is like really committing to say like how am I going to make the most of this tool and how am I going to adopt a tool for my entire team that I can grow with that I can invest in um and so that's like that's an interesting angle I'm excited to redo this survey in a year and see what changes and my my hunch here is that a lot of the questions we asked will be like so irrelevant by that point because to your point I think uh of the category awesome was just talking about where it's like why aren't you using this stuff the biggest one was um just like around generic outputs and like factual inaccuracies and stuff and like brand voice really kind of takes that out of it when you know I can upload five of my tweets and Jasper can spit back at me exactly my tone of voice and then I can go edit blogs using like humor and sarcasm and everything else that kind of goes along with how I actually speak and write and talk um so yeah like you said this is gonna look so different a year from now and I'm super excited about it but was there anything about the report I guess we kind of talked about what surprised us the most um what was like the least surprising thing that you saw yeah totally expected that for me it was the fact that um let's see what aspects of generative AI are you most concerned with and the number one answer at 36 was factual inaccuracy and for me like that makes perfect sense because whenever I'm using these tools I am always keeping that in mind that is definitely my biggest hesitation as someone who professionally like writes articles that tries I try to incorporate as many objective facts statistics things like that into my my writings as much as I possibly can and I have to be really careful about what I ask a tool like Jasper chat GPT because of those factual inaccuracies and to get personal for a moment I like I tore my achilles tendon a month ago and it um I and you know whenever something like that happens I I feel like a lot of us go down the web MD Rabbit Hole of like how what what are my symptoms or like how long is this going to take to to clear up stuff like that so I was like hmm should I ask Chad GPT what my like healing is going to be like and I was immediately like no that's a terrible idea because it might tell me that I'll be doing I'll be able to climb Mount Everest like two weeks after surgery and no absolutely not and in mind yeah yeah exactly so and and even in my discussions with um certain like experts in and around this space they were saying don't ask it ques like higher Stakes questions questions around anything to do medically anything to do legally because because of those hallucinations so that can even translate to even just you know the the more basic questions that might hallucinate on so the fact that that showed up in the results at the number one thing wasn't wasn't too surprising for me at all one that I'm surprised um didn't rank higher was well two of them bias and plagiarism because when chat GPT initially came out I feel like those were two of the biggest conversations that a lot of people were having were like bringing up old examples of um an AI chat bot that Microsoft released that was immediately pulled off of Twitter because it was spouting a bunch of racist and biased stuff and once people found out that the models were trained on data like basically the internet everyone was worried about or at least a lot of people were worried about plagiarism so I was really surprised that those didn't rank much higher than they did but I think with top like time is what kind of allowed those to dissipate because we did this survey or at least like released the questions in early spring of this year so that was a few months in between those conversations in November when Chad gbt came out and when we did the survey results and I think there's been a lot of like work to show that yeah the buy there still needs to be some work done on biases but it's not as big of a deal as we initially thought and plagiarism is not nearly as much of a concern as it was initially thought as well also just Security in general is something that I see that's creeping up as like the new kind of media take that we're seeing across places for example you know we're talking a ton about how AI tools can help you at work which also means like the company you work for is now assuming responsibility for the data you put in there for the output for how it's used for your credentials and you know entire I.T departments are now like okay what do we have a procurement process for these new AI tools like what is a secure AI tool what isn't um I know we've seen headlines in the news about you know leaks of different AI tools and credentials like it it makes it tough to be a champion of AI within your team saying like let's go get it let's get the tool we're going to be sort of this like you're pushing the envelope type marketing team and then to be faced with all of these things that feel so out of your control that you're like hold on a minute I don't want my name attached to the tool that causes some sort of like severe security threat within my company like that feels out of my wheelhouse so I empathize with that a lot yeah no and and I think it makes it just makes perfect sense as the adoption grows especially among like Enterprise level companies like I don't know that we're going to be seeing a lot of that and I think that's the next um little messy bit that gets that gets fixed uh in all of this um but yeah I know lots of people are working on that including um yeah well I'm curious we've talked about this a little bit but I'm curious to know um you know next year when we do this what what are y'all like excited to see what changes or like what do you think will change the most in terms of the questions that we've asked and the responses that we get I think for me the big one is it feels hard to ask Roi related questions right now I mean we can measure time saved and things like that but I'm excited a year from now to understand all the content that's been created with an AI tool and to be able to measure its impact uh measure the quantity and quality increases there measure like the time saved within teams like I don't know I have a feeling that those metrics are really going to add up to like something substantial in society in terms of productivity gain so that feels like a really exciting one for me to track year over year yeah that makes sense um I think I'm super excited to see uh responses to how do you like are you afraid you're going to lose your job to AI um because I am very hopeful that there will be tons of education and tons of just like reassuring use cases and um around it and people will be more comfortable with it and aren't going to be like as afraid of it as they may have been in the past you know a few months um yeah I'm excited to see like more enthusiasm about it next year versus just like fear and skepticism um I think those numbers are going to Skyrocket in terms of usage and and um lower a bit in terms of like fear around losing your job oh sorry go ahead you go I was just also wondering like how many people are then gonna say like I actually got a new job because of AI like I was certified in XYZ AI tool and that got me ahead and I got a new job or I got a promotion or me being an early adopter paid off tenfold and I now lead own departments like I wonder how many jobs will be created if this is going to be a new JD around like forming an AI task force like we're already seeing some of those like vigilante AI task force where it's like an early adopter saying hey let's get a task force together and like figure out you know how we're going to answer these questions like yeah will that become whole departments will that become leads within specific Niche departments like I'm curious how the job market will evolve to to match that's such a good point job growth in this because I mean even we're hiring an AI content marketing specialist like you're starting to see titles pop up for AI Specialists and marketing you know Specialists um and I do I think it'll be similar to like any other new type of Department right like analytics or project management I think you will start to see like AI project managers or uh you know people specifically there to own adoption and implementation um which is so cool like that's probably one of my favorite parts of not only the time that we're in but also just working at an AI company is that like man things are changing in a way that I've never experienced in my career nor like thought I would experience so it's just so cool to be like In This Moment a part of all the stuff that's happening and to like think about how things might be different a year from now um yeah big big changes and ones that seem like more than just a flash in the pan changes that seem like they're gonna they're gonna stick um changes are already being made as you you both mentioned around like people coming into businesses with these skills in hand already and how they could potentially like evolve within the context of a business one thing that was mentioned in a supplementary interview that I did around this trend Report with um excuse me three three professionals um Kelly Kelly O'Halloran was was one of them and she mentioned that there will even potentially be room for like AI consultants for people to be individuals that work with companies and just tell them like hey you can use Ai and X Y and Z ways to do to see X Y and Z Roi within your business or within your teams and I think that is super super interesting um I I'm also curious to see some more of those Niche use cases both within businesses and within people's and like personal lives I mean just in the last couple months I've heard so many stories about people being able to apply for double or triple the amount of jobs that they could previously because these tools help them evolve their like resumes and their cover letters and stuff to be more personalized for whatever job they're applying to and I just love hearing stories like that because things like the job process the job application process can be grueling it's a full-time job in and of itself so being able to see more people and hear their stories of just how they've benefited personally and professionally from from these tools I think will be will be really cool and I definitely want to create some space in in next year's report for for some of those use cases because the more people learn about that stuff I feel like the easier it is to see yourself using a tool like this for something that we can't even think of right now well I'm curious Krista like what are you looking for when you're hiring your AI content writer like that job description is pretty net new in the last couple of months like who's coming to interview for them what are you looking at what are the skills that are non-negotiable and what are you seeing yeah I mean honestly like seeing tons of people who are just so excited about this space and just want to be a part of it which is amazing and so fun to talk to people about it um I think honestly what I'm looking for is um you know obviously this is all still new none of us have a ton of experience in this space yet so mostly what I'm looking for is like curiosity are you curious about how these tools work have you been testing them have you been using them in your own work even if it's not Jasper you know like I think that's probably the biggest thing is just if you're going to be an AI marketing specialist like you need to be curious about the tools and willing to learn them um and then also just looking for people who not only are curious about the tools but like actually want to um actually have a desire to like learn about content Automation and just like actually using the tools to automate um other aspects of your of your work um yeah I think finding you have candidates that have been like yeah I used to use dress for my last job or I use Hitachi PT or I used another tool that kind of helped me put it together yeah I mean definitely like of the people that we've been talking with a lot they've all at least used um chai GPT to some extent and several of them have used Jasper um I think one girl was tasked with teaching the rest of her content Team how to use Jasper and this was way back like in the beginning you know a year and a half ago two years when Jasper was very very new when it was still Jarvis even um so yeah getting lots of people who kind of were the took the initiative at their past companies to learn the tool and then kind of teach the team how to use it um and then I've I've had people who use Jasper to write video scripts like they turn their blogs into video scripts for YouTube um which is probably something that we'll be doing quite a bit of um so yeah it's been it's been really fun to not only hear other people outside of our team I love our team but it's been so cool to hear other people outside of the company and and how they are using Ai and like how they're excited about it and how they use Jasper um so yeah it's been super fun and I've we've had way more applicants that have actually used AI than I thought you know I thought it was mostly just going to be people who were curious about it or wanted to get into it um but no people are out there testing and using it for sure it's only gonna only gonna happen more and more yeah I'm excited about it awesome well before we wrap up um do we have any like hot takes on all this data like is there is there anything that you're just like I don't know that maybe you feel that you weren't expecting to feel about all this I can start if nobody has anything yet um I think that I I'm a little bit like I see y'all out there like pretending that you don't you're not into AI or you're like you're too cool for it but like you're out there using it and you're out there like satisfied with the outputs that you're getting um I think that was probably my biggest take of like okay people are out there like talking smack and kind of hating on it on Twitter and stuff but they're using it and they're liking it um if you're hating on AI on Twitter Kristen knows about you she's both I've probably made a meme out of you or something but yeah yeah I see you I see you I think a big one for me is um we kind of covered this on our first um episode of our podcast but just that uh sometimes AI does feel like it's in the middle of like such a hype cycle that it's almost like I it's hard to dive into it and have an opinion or or be an early adopter or bring it to your team because it's so highly saturated it doesn't even feel like you can have a point of view on a lot of things I even feel myself trying to describe this and even I almost can't even formulate my point of view but I'm putting myself in the shoes or maybe of my last company of a team that's a little bit more status quo you know markets the way that that has a B2B manual on how to Market and to be the one to bring in AI but then all of a sudden I have my day job and then I have to Champion this whole new tool this whole new approach and I'm now the evangelist that everyone has to come to to spread the good word around and I I just can empathize with how heavy that might feel sometimes is like being the AI person within a company or even coming to the marketing team with a really great idea and all of a sudden having the burden of being this AI task force on top of just doing your day job that AI is not going to completely do for you by any means like you still have a complete day job so I think that's kind of my big takeaway here from like serving all these marketers and like seeing what their response is and kind of like inferencing like what the or inferring like what the emotional background of that might be that's sort of my take there that is that is spot on and I definitely agree agree with that too um and I think one thing that popped up into my into my brain too based on that is kind of the idea of like P A lot of people are paranoid about it taking their jobs and there's just a lot of discourse around like these really heavy topics but we see this a lot with a lot of our topics far outside of AI is that a lot of people who are doing who are the loudest and who are doing like the most fear-mongering and things like that are the minority of people for the most part like the vast majority of people are not the ones online like ranting and raving about this stuff and so I feel like that is kind of where we are with a lot of things around AI specifically right now so I was based on the fact that there is so much discourse around all these negative aspects of AI I expected the statistics around people thinking it would take their job to be higher but when I after like seeing all the the results and like writing the report I feel a lot of optimism I feel like people have a lot of optimism around these tools and there's some some charts in there that I don't have in front of me right now about like people's um overall optimism and saying like I feel more confident using this next year like what's your your confidence level in using a tool like this next year and there's a lot of confidence there so I feel like right now there is yeah we're experiencing a case of a lot of people a lot of people that are experts a lot of people that aren't experts being very vocal about some of these downsides um and that may be influencing the greater Collective of people and how they might perceive these tools or how they might use them or not use them but um I think that will hopefully not be as severe in in the future you know yeah I feel like that's a really good segue to kind of close things up Alton your whole commentary on um the fear-mongering and like will it end the world will it save the world um actually Amanda slavin who's an incredible AI educator and influencer in this space had this really great LinkedIn post the other day that resonated with me so heavily and it was around the concept that AI is not going to save the world and it's also not going to end the world and a lot of that sits with humans around what we train AI to do and the Angles and the influences that we're having on AI and I just thought that was a really good perspective to have on it it's not like it's somewhere in the middle of that spectrum and it feels like a really fun time right now to be the group of people that are primed to to see where on that Spectrum AI will go and I know we talk about things like AI specific to marketing teams and like diving into marketers because we are marketers but I think we're like people first and um like all of us care about those same things so I think that's just a good perspective to have going into all these conversations yeah totally yeah I like to say that AI is going to end up being a lot more boring than people think like it's just gonna be like you said it's gonna be in the middle um and yeah well to our conversation the other day on the cover of Time Magazine of the world's most Innovative companies was Kim Kardashian with skims and openai was like third down on that list in small prints so so maybe we're all onto something you can't argue with Kim K is Sam Altman the Kim Kardashian of AI I mean the question we will answer on our next episode spoiler alert he is he is the Kim Kardashian of AI I love that well it was great chatting with you both today and I'm looking forward to our next episode all right most definitely

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