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you can earn $100 a day utilizing contact forms and chat GPT that's what we're going to talk about in this video stick with me while I show you how to use the power of AI and automation to make money and do it the easiest way possible before we get into this though if you do me a favor and leave me a yes in the comments below just to let me know that this video is useful for you and that you're interested in it and then also of course that helps with the algorithm so I can bring you more videos just like this one my name is Ryan bordon and let's jump into this and let me start by actually showing you what's possible right so this is PayPal and this is one of our income sources we have others such as credit cards and that sort of stuff but if we go here we can look in the past 7 Days $11,000 now I said you could make $1,000 a day so let's go up here to 30 days for example and see it is 58,60 so $58,000 is obviously about twice that much not quite um $1,000 a day is going to be you know $30,000 a month this is $60,000 it's not going to happen overnight you got to do some work but um this is actually what's possible now let's look at the Automation in the AI so what you see running here is contact forms this is an automation tool this is another automation tool that goes with it that you see chugging along here and as we look at this we can see that we're actually contacting people so one of the most important things in making money is you need to sell something to somebody so we'll jump into this in a second but you got to sell something to somebody right that's how you generate money but the problem that most people have is they don't have a bunch of money to spend money on ads or they don't know how to do it or they have lost money on ads in the past so we're going to generate the leads and sell the things to people without spending any money on ads whatsoever so we're going to utilize an automation tool this one right here and it is going to submit contact forms so what what is a contact form let me show you how we're going to do this so if I jump over here to chaser.com for example and I go here to contact I see some things I see an email address some social and a contact button if I click the button I get a form like this so I can put in my name my email and message my bet would be that you have done this before this is obviously super common and then when you submit this it's going to go to Chase Riner support or wherever it goes right they're going to read it and they're going to respond and help you with whatever right if you have if you're buying a car or you're getting a plumber or you're trying to contact your grocery store I don't know right they're going to have a contact form more than likely now they may have other things like a phone number or whatever but they probably have a contact form and when you submit this it goes to them and they read it and then they reply and whatever right so we can use this to reach out to a business now you could sit here and go to all of your potential clients go to their website find the contact form fill it out hit submit and do that right if you did one per minute right which is you know maybe you could do two per minute okay so let's say You're really fast and you're copying and pasting the message and copying and pasting everything you could do two a minute then you could do you know that's 120 an hour so I don't know if you saw it but this right here was at 15,000 just before I started talking about this and I don't know maybe it's been 2 minutes um and it has already submitted it's rolled over to ,000 about 3,000 contact forms so just here in the 2 minutes while I've been chatting with you it has already submitted and you can see all the green ones are submitted and so it has already submitted 3,000 of these contact forms now this will just run day and night 24 hours of 7 days a week and I only have one project running here but you can see I have lots of others where we have sent hundreds of thousands of contact forms and we can run a ton of them at once but I didn't want to like overwhelm you with a massive amount of stuff running all at once cuz you kind of have to start at the beginning um to do this because it's an automation tool and while it's not complicated you know there are a few steps to get stuff done usually anything worthwhile has a few steps but if you stick with me I'm going to show you how to do this right so actually you're going to need a couple of things right so obviously you have to have the software okay no problem we can download the software and install it um I can get you through that but then we of course need websites to submit to you have a list of websites here I showed you chase Riner if you wanted to submit to his website obviously um you can go to Google and you can Google and get a list of websites and you can copy them all out um or you can utilize some keywords in the tool so we could just punch in our keywords so like let's say we're trying to sell to Plumbers right or roofers or I don't know who you're trying to sell to um and maybe you don't know who you're trying to sell to so maybe you just put in a whole bunch of keywords because we just want to sell stuff to anybody that's fine too um or we can even load in pre-done contact forms so you can go over to like um I think it's like shine contact wow if I could spell contact forms.com and then we get here and you can actually buy contact forms already done like millions of contact forms so you can use these to um go ahead and help you through the process and all you do is you just load them right in here and a way you go doesn't matter how you get the contact forms or the list of URLs that you want to sell to the businesses you'll load them in and we're going to go up here and we're going to hit start right so if I go to a new project for example I just load them in and I put in my message and I hit start and I hit this send message button right here and it's going to start it's going to do just like on this one you're going to see this cranking away and the scent is the scent so 19,000 messages have been sent um I think we sent another thousand messages just while I was talking about how to load stuff in and then once that happens of course we're going to see status in the URL and this program is going to run and you'll see all this good stuff so without getting too far down the track here and and losing anybody the way that that we're going to generate leads without spending money is we're going to use an automation software to go out to tens of thousands hundreds of thousands and millions of websites fill in that contact form and in that contact form is going to be a message right so just like on Chase riner's website here is going to be a message the message is going to say for example buy my stuff right and here's a link it doesn't say exactly that and you wouldn't want to just say buy my stuff there's a little bit of class there but you make a message Chat GPD can help um and there actually going to be a full boot camp on this as well um you can check the description down below for the link so we'll kind of walk you through like the messages uh it'll be live live on Zoom so you can log into zoom and we'll walk you through the messages and all these Steps step by step of course I can't you know this is like a 10-minute YouTube video so I can't do all these steps to set up all this software and to teach you the messages and get your you know set up with the AI tools and everything all in like 10 minutes because like I said there is a few steps you got to go here this is not a get-rich quick scheme like this is legitimate business and so business Tak some while if you want get rich quick this isn't for you stop watching the video now go away if you want to run a business generate a profit and make actual money online with some work right it's not magic I mean you're not going to spend 10 minutes and retire on the beach that's my favorite saying um I feel like a lot of people want to retire on the beach that's what you see in the movies anyways I don't know if that's what people actually want I person they love the beach and the ocean but so you're going to actually have to do some work right anyways Link in the description for the live zooms where we kind of walk you through that I'm going to kind of get you through the process today and then some of the finer points we'll talk about in that so we talked about how we can use contact forms to generate leads now what are we doing what we're doing is we're going to message people and we're going to sell them video service for their social right hey you know your social isn't working you're missing out on on tons of money because your Facebook page your YouTube page your Tik Tok if you even have a Tik Tok account because lots of businesses don't they still think it's for dancing um they don't realize it's for business if you know uh Instagram account all the rest right Twitter or X now um anyways if you you don't have these accounts we can set them up for you and then also then we can post the videos for you so we're going to make the videos and the business is going to be like wait you're going to set the account up if I don't have it set up then you're going going to make the videos for us and you're going to post the videos and then we're just going to get the traffic and the benefit of it and you're going be like yes so how do you turn it into money that is how you turn it into money let's look at that for just a moment here let's say we go to a website here and I just pulled up plumbers Detroit Michigan here just because I'm up here in Detroit why not I don't know all right let's get past all like the Angie's List and stuff like that and actually get to like a real plumber this is probably this is a real plumber for example here in Detroit Levine and Suns I guess it is um not sure there uh as far as they go usually you can roll down let's get out of this usually can roll down and we can see their social accounts if they have any they'll be on the website so they may not even have like anything even Facebook um so they're not getting traffic from that so all we would do obviously is use contact form to cont contct them and say Hey listen your Social account isn't working for you you're missing tons of customers you typically would say something you present them a problem and then you'd make it worse problem agitate solve and then you solve the problem hey did you know that you're losing thousands of dollars a month in customers because you aren't posting content on your Social account what's worse is that as social grows other plumbers in your area are actually posting content so you're going to start losing even more money over time so that was the problem they're losing money the agitate was now they're going to lose a lot more money and the solve is we can solve that problem for you we can get your Social account set up and we can post a content for you we'll generate the content for you and we'll post the content for you and we'll direct everyone to you and you can reap the benefits right so that is we wouldn't say that um necessarily in the first message but that's the concept right so message one is going to be something simpler like hey their social accounts broken they're missing thousands of dollars then they're going to email us back back so we have this campaign running so right now I have an email address in here and it is generating um I've only just started this you can see 22,000 but it really it's just started um we can see in here as it runs I'm getting all these thanks for contacting thanks for contacting um we'll get in touch all this sort stuff these are auto replies right and I've got you know hundreds more of them in here okay and so shortly it takes you know a short bit to fill up the pipeline also it's late in the day so people are probably not responding you know we'll start to see responses later you can see them there they are just continuing to pop in as we're submitting contact forms right now they're going to come back and they're say okay well what's wrong with the Social account or whatever why are we losing thousands of dollars and then you go back to them and say well you're losing thousands of dollars because your competitors are you know posting social and that sort of stuff that's what we're going to do we're going to use the contact forms to send them a message they're going to get an email they're going to reply to us and come back and say okay well you know what do you think what are we do that sort of thing and then you just send them back a message and you're just going to use a form message right so it's just going to be like the same message basically every time now what is the next thing that we need to do well now that we have said we're going to turn it into money we're going to use AI to create the videos for us so what does that really mean I haven't really talked about money yet so let's do this and so I pause the video here um just so I didn't have to waste time because it occurred to me this might be a minute there's a bunch of agency out here but like when you go there you know you're at high price agencies cuz they don't like give you any information they give you stats they don't give you prices you have to like talk to them you can get started with them and then they will you basically get on a video conference so they can sell you right so I went through and found a couple that um are giving us something here and this is kind of like a videography sort of thing but they're at $800 a day $900 $1,300 a day depending on the camera setup that you want to use well they'll actually come record for you um this one is is be creatives pricing is they're $89 a month or $117.99 a month and what do you get for this $800 to $1,800 a month well if you roll down to the fact what kind of videos can I edit that's just for editing that's not for recording the videos and their superpower is repurposing your old videos and creating new videos for you so if the customer has a ton of old videos then they will repurpose them for $800 to $1,800 a month and make them into short videos that they can use on Tik Tok and YouTube shorts and um because we're talking about short videos here so Facebook reals Instagram reals X posts Twitter X posts um YouTube shorts and then Instagram or Tik Tok which is uh you know the vertical videos like you do with your phone right they they're the same format as like this square right here so they're charging $800 $1800 a month just to edit your old videos they aren't even recording videos you're going to go the customer and you're going to point out some stuff like this here's be creatives right probably a great company but they're going to edit your old videos for $1,800 a month right we're not even going to do that plus you have to pay someone to make them so you could go over here to this company and come out here and pay someone you know probably $800 for a day come record some videos then somebody has to edit those into existing videos then you can come over here and pay another $800 a month and they're going to edit your old videos into short videos right so maybe for a couple of grand or three grand a month you can get video creation done with a service like this you can come in now I don't this isn't like crazy math but you can come in actually and let's do this and grab a calculator here and say I'll charge you only $1,000 a month right $1,000 a month and for $1,000 a month I'm going to create 30 videos a month total of creation and I'm going to edit them and I'm going to post them on your Social account so you don't have to say you're going to post them you can just create the videos and give it to them and maybe then the upgrade is for you know $1,300 a month you'll post them or maybe it's 1,500 because you got to come up with the great titles and you can just let chat gbt do that work so that's pretty easy so but let's say you just do $1,000 a month and you're going to create 30 videos and you're going to give them the 30 videos right all you have to do is use contact forms to reach out to the people and get 30 customers which that's one a day for a month the seven days a week okay fine you want to work 5 days a week Monday through Friday say you want to work four days a week right so that's four days a week so that's 20 uh no 16 work days in a month all right so it takes you two months to reach 30 clients right at $1,000 a month because you're this is reoccurring so this is $1,000 a month so if you have if it takes you two months to build up right two months to do it and that's only working four days a week because that's so you spend one day for a client right which is sending a few emails so you're almost doing no work um four days a week and then you're going to charge them $1,000 a month right and you might lose a couple of customers because that's actually going to be more than 30 customers but times 30 so just times 30 for round numbers time 30 equals $30,000 right that's $30,000 a month and that equals $1,000 a day which is what I said right here $1,000 a day and we're using contact forms and I'll show you the chat gbt part and then we'll be done this is the last step because the AI tools there for the video creation chat gbt helps create the videos but that's how we get to $1,000 a day right and that's only if you get one new client a day for thir 30 working days right so obviously you could do more than that obviously you could like I said charge them $1,500 a month and then turn around and post so that takes you even less time to get there um I mean going to take you a minute to sell the client you got to send some emails and like answer their questions and that sort of stuff but like how I mean one a day is not that bad um and you know you could use an automation tool to post I'm not even going to go into that we could talk about that in the live uh the live zooms anyways so how we going to do this we're going to jump over to scary tool bot.com and grab this AI tool right so go to scary tool bot.com and I just popped in here and and then right here I have this tool right here so I'm going to get this tool I'm going to go over here let me log in okay I'm logged in it is loading and this is um it's undergoing massive changes right now cuz there's lots of cool stuff being added and then if you go here to this AI video tools then we can see that here we can generate tons of videos so all you need to do is enter in an idea so we're going to enter in um an idea I don't know we were talking about what plumbers right so plumbers in Detroit in the fall right cuz it's fall the time I'm recording this video I I don't know what kind of Plumbing work you need to do maybe you have outdoor drains or clean out I I don't know right so then we're just going to go here we can do some different options I'm not going to go over this too deep um I like to add captions and add animations you can add Avatar avatars which is like a picture of you talking you don't even have to say anything um I'll show you that later I don't like I said I don't want to get too deep we can start cloning voices um we can add in our own scripts from chat gbt and music if we want when you punch this in right here it's kind of like a One-Stop shop you punch this in and you hit generate video it goes to chat GPT it asks chat GPT for the script just like I did then it goes and it generates these pictures it generates the text it generates the audio it puts it all together as a video and then you have the whole video so let me play one of these videos that already made because it does take it does take a few minutes for this AI generation like you queue it up and you hit go and then you can load up a couple I think like three at once and then you go do a few other things because it takes a minute right but it's running in the background um and then you just come back and download them so you just go here and you download the video but here let me just play this for you so it looks like this and this obviously is an A Plumbing video uh I don't even know what it is it's just I already I made it before actually my assistant made it but if you're struggling to make money online and can't seem to figure out what you're doing wrong you might be making one of the following mistakes spending hours is watching YouTube videos without applying what you learn or taking action lack of consistency with your strategies leading to premature giving up and okay so you don't have to watch the whole video if you want to watch the videos there's um probably several of them on this channel you can go watch those but the point is is that think about this what are we really doing here and then we'll wrap this up because I appreciate you staying with me here you are generating leads by utilizing contact forms so remember we started at 15,000 while we were making this video we got to 30,000 so we literally contacted 15,000 almost 16,000 businesses while we were making this video saying Hey basically saying hey do you want to buy our video service right in so many words um I'm simplifying it but 15,000 like 15,000 business how long would it take you to contact 15,000 businesses I mean it's a long time I've done cold calling before it's not fun um and I certainly didn't get through 15,000 businesses in a week and you know if you want to like manually send out emails that's going to take forever going to the contact forms what do we say you could do if you're super fast you could do 12 hours so if you work 10 hours a day what is that like 1,200 a day so to get like 15,000 done I guess that's maybe like well I don't know 13 14 it's a couple of weeks depends on how that's boring so anyways um as I divert here and get off track it's it blows my mind when I really think about it and stop to talk about it right so you can just let the automation tool contact the businesses then all you have to do is reply to them and say hey do you want to buy the stuff right and you can they've probably already looked at other competitors and we saw it was like you know you they can spend $23,000 a month and probably not even get 30 videos one a day for all their socials they could probably easily spend $4 or $5,000 a month with an actual agency and you can do it for 1,000 bucks a month and seriously all you're doing is plugging this into here so you can even like keep some tools in your back pocket and be like listen you know I know we were going to do $1,000 a month but um actually I could do it for like 800 bucks a month CU seriously AI is doing the work and there's just not that much like we put it in here and hit generate video and then um you could say also if you want um you know and then you could say later well for 400 bucks a month too we can go ahead and post all the videos for you and then they're back to 1,200 bucks a month right so selling tactics aside um this and this is just this isn't hard selling or anything this is is literally just offering because when you start contacting tens of hundreds of thousands of businesses millions of businesses and you have all these people going back and forth um you know some are going to buy some aren't going to buy that's okay we only need one a day to get to this number and you don't have to do this right if you don't want to get to $330,000 a month get to $110,000 a month $5,000 $1,000 a month I don't know whatever you want to do right and then you're just going to use the AI video creation tool to make the videos for you and give them to the customer or charge them more and upload them I'm not going to go into uploading on this video so then just rinse and repeat keep doing this this is subscription so the truth of the matter is is that after a couple of months one two three however hard you want to go with this you're going to just spend your time maintaining this or you could just hire an assistant to do it for you and then you probably could go retire on the beach but again it's going to take a little bit of work you got to do this so check out the link in the description for the link to the live zooms where we're going to dial this in and go over in depth live uh there'll be question and answer too where you can ask questions and then you know we can dive into this of course they'll be recorded so you can watch them later as well so check out the link in the description and until then Happy earning