$307 A Day With Ai ‘Counter’ Videos – Anyone Can Do This LOL

please make me a counter from the time someone opens the page enter hey that's pretty cool but how is this going to make us money today I'm going to show you how to make as much as $37 a day with AI counting videos and no you've never seen anything like this before but I believe this is one of the easiest ways to make money on online today and in this video you're going to learn everything start to finish with nothing left out so that you can get paid so if you're excited smash a like button and I'll show you exactly how this whole thing works all right so as I've said before data structured differently can make you rich and if we use data in a way to deliberately make money this is going to help us well yeah make money let me show you exactly how it works first of all here's a couple tools that I created little counters that we can use one was the billionaire wealth tracker this actually went through and tracked the wealth of different billionaires versus the average worker so you can actually see it counting up how much they're making every minute and everything like that we could see that since I built it earlier the average workers made about $7 and Bezos made like $5 million and if you refresh this you could see how it works in a real-time way it's actually pretty cool very simple I didn't need to know coding I literally just told it what I wanted it to do and bada bing bada boom it popped out this little counter I have some others that I created as well like this debt payment calculator that actually shows a real-time interest accumulation based on the average credit card debt and the average interest rate and if you go through and change the interest rate you're going to see that the counter is going to change as well now these can make a ton of money if you're paying attention we can also see that over here on Facebook there's a business called visual capitalist or a page rather and this page literally just takes data and makes little infographics and things like that now not only that but there's tons of things over on YouTube like over here where we can see the top billionaires and they are putting data of the top billionaires and how much they make very very simple very easy you can see these channels get lots and lots and lots of views but sadly many of them don't make that much money but that's about to change right here right now in fact here's another example I had of Google searches since opening the page and you can see it does the Google searches and how much the average companies are making there's the interest one again and of course we all remember the famous infographic of what happens on the internet every 60 seconds this is one I actually used years ago to make money it wasn't my idea but I used a counter based on the concept and it worked like crazy I actually made some money with it now the idea is very simple what we're going to do is we are going to take data we're going to position it in a counting type way we're going to make a faceless video and a faceless Channel about that data and then we're going to make money with it using a secret method I'm going to show you in just a minute in fact if you were to take a look at us debt clock right here you can see that they have a ton of data this one's actually pretty crazy this thing has a lot of programming behind it but if we were to take a look at how many views they're getting each month or how much traffic this site gets they're getting over 1.5 million visitors a month looking at the page with an average duration of a minute meaning people are coming here and looking at this for like a minute saying oh how much is the student loan debt and different things like that now what we're going to do is we're going to break this down so we might have one just about student loan or we might have one about the population or taxes or whatever it is we want to make this super simple and super easy to digest based on one specific thing much like the visual capitalist has where he's just talking about about capitalism and making money and finance and things like that we're going to kind of use that Playbook it's actually very simple so some ideas you can use and I'll share some more as we go along I have over a 100 ideas that you can get would be like degrees awarded globally maybe you could be like here's the phds for doctors here's the amount of people who got a law degree here's the people getting a finance degree or we could do something like coffee cups consumed globally per second and this is something super easy if you have chat GPT we we can actually go over here right like this and we can say in the USA how many coffee cups are consumed per day and it'll actually give you a number right like this and then what we're going to do is we're going to take that number of 400 million cups of coffee consumed each day in the USA and we could say something like now make a since you opened this page counter based on that data and it'll actually count up okay since you open this page 400 people have drank coffee or whatever it is then what we're going to do is we're going to say now make this in in PHP code and this will go through and make a PHP code of the calculator and the counter so that we can use it now what we want to do is we want to think ahead of the game of what we can use to make money with this it's actually very simple I'll go through that in just a minute so right here it says you know since you opened approximately this many cups of coffee have been consumed in the USA and we can say now make this a PHP code and then upload that to our website as you see over here I have a couple that are uploaded to my website like this one here of the Google searches since opening I just had it put my logo on there cuz I kind of like that I thought it was cool and it even goes through and shows the earnings and things like that now the cool part about this is these are actually really easy to create this one here shows the earnings of the popular billionaires and it Compares them with the average people here obviously make sure you do check your math I found that sometimes the math is off but if you give it a number and tell it what to do it usually will correct it in a very very simple way so what we're going to do is we're just going to take our page right like this like this is the billionaire one that we're using right here okay SL Bill and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to replace it with the new one so if I wanted to make my coffee one I would just take this code right here swap it out like this all we need is web hosting which I'll have a link for you below or you could get it at gohub site.com web hosting is actually very inexpensive and we can get a domain and things like that but more about that in just a minute let's take a look at how this little counter works so over here we have our earnings tracker it should now switch to the coffee tracker and it does have okay here's how many coffees have been consumed since the page is opened you could see it has a little wind down uh stuff like that and then we could say you know make it cool with a picture of coffee or something like that so I could say something like now make it pretty with a cup of coffee and then what we would want to do also is maybe have a domain name like coffee cups counter or coffee counter or something like that.com and then we would put that on the page that way it shows in the video as well and I'll show you how this works in just a second so we'll just create this little tool here it's going to make it fancy looking when it's done we're going to copy it and replace it with the other one it actually looks like it's having like a coffee with an animated steam that's pretty cool right I didn't even think about this stuff and it's actually looking really really cool so now we're going to take this here it's got the stylish background we're just going to copy and paste all you got to do is copy and paste right like this and that should make our coffee code look really nice let's see here reload and there we go coffee consumed since you open the page I don't know where the steamer is or anything maybe it's having a little issue but we could fancy it up as we go along as well I'll show you how to do that it's actually not that hard to do you just have to defeated an image and it'll make that for you but this does actually look better this would work pretty cool now going through we can make these for literally anything as you saw we had the time counter here and we had the uh internet counter here so we could literally make whatever we want like average heartbeats worldwide since page load that's pretty cool you can go in and ask it okay um how many let's do how many heartbeats per second in the world right and then we can have like a graphic heart we'd like to thing and have it beating and everything like that now make this a PHP counter since you opened the page with a heart beating and the number and this would really be really cool it's like kind of a a nostalgic Feelgood kind of thing and then we can get them into like life insurance or exercise or something like that or maybe have another counter that says hey the average um person needs to get more exercise or needs to lose weight or whatever it is something based on the counter that's what we're going to do to make the money and of course going here if we copy this paste it over top our coffee one we're going to see that it does change it and make it very easy to use so here we have heartbeat since you open the page we got like a million of them and we got our heart there okay very simple very easy you can see it's counting we can change you know maybe make it a tenth of a second so it actually rast rotates the counter but you get the idea there's the heartbeats in the world since you open the page pretty cool right and then maybe you could say hey send flowers to someone you love or whatever it is something creative that's going to make you money deliberately based on this we can go and we can find offers for like flowers or maybe something like uh let's say we wanted to do life insurance right like this you could see that these pay lots and lots of money and this is something that's in their mind anyway like if they're looking at the heartbeats and stuff like that it's very simple it's an easy crossover if they're looking at something like this debt interest calculator where they could put their debt and see how much interest they're accumulating per second maybe we can get them into something like debt and you can get them into some kind of lending app or a debt app or pay off your debt or something like that very very simple so what we're going to do is we're going to find these different ideas like degrees coffee heartbeats books purchased globally then you can get them into like buying book books or knowledge or whatever cyber attacks this one's actually really cool cuz if we have something for cyber attacks let's see what happens if we do this in Bolt we'll go over here and we're going to use bolt and chat gbt I can say please make a cyber attacks attempted sense page load counter and it'll actually go through and make this counter for us and using bolt AI we can actually have it put the affiliate link we can have it fancy it up I find that bolt AI makes a lot more complicated codes which is good because they look better and then all we would do is export it and upload it to our website or you could even use these on bolt and then get them to your website and and link to them on bolt if you wanted to if you didn't want to know coding so now we could see here this one cyber defense monitor it's actually doing the counter of the attacks since the page was O opened which is cool because I could go through and I could say okay cool now let's go to like uh VPN or or antivirus or whatever so this one pays $85 a sale so I could literally go in there give it my affiliate link and say add this affiliate link here with a disclaimer of course and then say hey if you don't want to get attacked click here to get nordvpn or pure VPN or Norton if you want to do Norton virus Norton I think is how you spell it and you could see that one is $95 a sale which is really cool and that goes perfectly with this kind of thing now the way that we're going to get tra graic is actually very simple we're going to take a look at some of these channels here like data is beautiful 2.7 million views on an 8 minute video that literally just shows data it's super simple you can even do something like cyber attacks today something like that and have like okay here it is counting or whatever something like that super simple and you can have a visualized data video showing hey here's the cyber attacks happening here's what you need to know and then you could even talk to them about the different types of cyber attacks maybe there's viruses or whatever it is it's helpful stuff that's making people think about something they wouldn't otherwise think about this happens all the time where the news is using data to help you think about X Y or Z or there's a commercial saying oh do you know how many car break-ins happen every 15 minutes in the United States maybe you need the fancy car alarm or something like that or car insurance what they're doing is they're using data in a way that is going to help here's we did for sugar consumption fat consumption and money not saved by people spending money on sugary food and different things like that and you can see that these are actually really good so in order to make a video from this here's another one I had what we're going to do is we are going to use a tool something like Camtasia which is what I'm making this video in and I would just use Camtasia and record the data and then have a little Watermark of my domain but we're we're getting ahead of ourselves let's get back to the notes here another one that we can do is cigarettes smoke globally per second or you could do like a cigaret one where you'd actually help people out watch this I could go over to bolt like this and I can say right over here okay we got our Cyber attack one Let's do let's make a counter since opened the page with maybe cigarette smoke globally per second and then also also have people with health issues due to smoking so this will take someone who's like looking at smoking stuff and they're like oh hey I smoke here's how many packs of cigarettes are consumed globally and here's the amount of people getting health issues maybe you can get them into health insurance maybe you can get them into life insurance and maybe you can get them into a product to help them quit smoking it's actually very simple this is the same kind of thing I did over at my sobriety Channel over at talk sober where it's got like the little sobriety date calculator maybe you could do something like people getting sober every day or or something like that and these tools are very easy to make and they give you good content that you can make videos about and get tons of traffic and what you want to do is think about where you're going to lead them next what am I going to do with this person after they watch the video how do I want to get in their mind they're thinking about smoking maybe we can get them to quit they're thinking about money maybe we can get them to make money much like that one I had over here where it's going through and showing affiliate marketing Revenue I mean that's a lot of Revenue people would be like hey I want to make some of that affiliate Revenue maybe have a button for here's the tactics you can use or Drop Shipping or whatever it is and we can go through let's hope this code works we got a little error here so now it's got like a lung thing and let's see attempt fix looks like it's having a little bit of an issue there maybe it'll remove the icon for us okay is it working now please remove the icons maybe this will help uh sometimes you can have an icon or something like that and as we go through there's other tools that you can use for this now some of the data aggregation and visualization platforms out there are like Statia USA facts or the outlas and some of the blogs and tools are like information is beautiful flowing data the pudding and other now as we go through we're going to use chat GPT and bolt but you can also use different programs like infogram and other programs that will visualize the data for you you just input the data it'll make a chart a calculator or whatever it is you can also do this using napkin AI so now we have this one here with global smoking impact cigarette smoked and then you have this here and then the new health issues and it even has like a little chart here so I could go through I could go over to like stop smoking affiliate program and I know there's some over on ClickBank and stuff like that obviously make sure you disclaimer it and everything like that but you could see there's lots and lots of quit smoking affiliate programs from hypnosis to therapy to whatever it is and this is kind of thing where I mean this would be a video that people would actually watch I could visualize like people sharing this video because back when I used to smoke my wife and kids would always send me stuff and be like hey you need to stop smoking cigars because you know look at what's going on and they would send me a counter or something like that and you can see that this stuff works in a really really cool way and I can have my affiliate program so here's something that is helping the community helping you know all the people and we're getting them into affiliate marketing stuff making a simple helpful tool create a video about it and boom there you go we could put a cool background different things like that and this is a faceless video channel that literally nobody talks about and it works like crazy and the idea here is to make the tools on your website use chat gbt and bolt.

New to create these tools and then record the website all right little hint have a little you know link to your website so if I was going to do this maybe I could say now have a link to my website big and bold something like um whatever www. stop smoking counter.com or something like that right and we would go through and we would get that domain and lead them to it and this will actually put this on there so they can go there now one of the ways that this works really cool is the fact that we're going to have these tools and these counters at our website so they're going to want to go there to see the other stuff right if it's all about like maybe habits maybe you do the Habit counter and you could go through and say maybe you know habit counter.com let's see if this one's taken or not um maybe we can use habit counter.com and we can have all these things from like ring to you know fingernails to whatever and we could use this in a super super simple way and if this one's taken you could simply ask chat gbt to come up with some other ideas like this one for finance I just generated a ton of different uh counter words or wealth tally or whatever and we could go in and bulk search for these domains and you will always find one that'll work for you very simple and we could see here stop smoking counter was now added and it looks like this site it looks like I could probably buy this right now at GoDaddy I don't think it's taken and I could build a whole site about um the dangers of smoking and maybe some counters and things like that and then of course there we go I could get it for one penny there right and then I could use this and flip them into other stuff that makes me money and again the idea is okay you saw this tool you saw this counter now go to my website to check out the other counters this works really really well then what we're going to do is flip them into something relevant if it's a mortgage thing maybe the amount of mortgage interest paid every second in the US or something like that then we can run ads and build our mailing list if we have a mailing list like hey you want to learn to quit smoking check this out you want to learn how to pay your mortgage off check this out something very simple and very easy and we're just going to record it put the video up title it and bada bing bada bang We're Off to the Races Now using this strategy is going to seem super simple but as we see it gets a lot of traffic there's a lot lot of ways to make money if we go here and we do something like this you can see that there's all kinds of things for um this Niche that pay lots of money and I'm going to go over some other ideas in just a minute which we will also have over at airofit scoop.com hey you see what I did there it's kind of the same thing I'm teaching you where you have a video it's got some information and to get more info you send them somewhere else it's actually very simple so if you wanted to go for like social media you could do Facebook post since open the page Instagram Tik Tok best time to post medium articles public blogs how much blogs are making how much affiliate marketing makes how much different businesses make or number of hours spent learning new skills patents filed total hours spent commuting that would be a good one for like maybe you can get them into ride share programs or something like that concert tickets purchased globally today books purchased you can get them into credit cards Bitcoin mined globally today this would be a really cool one if you wanted to get them into you know different courses and Bitcoin mining tools or whatever it is smartphones sold globally today software downloads and on and on we go you could even do something like plastic bottles sold globally since page load or since you watch the video and then you can get them into like those fancy water bottles that cost like 50 bucks like this one right here people pay a fortune for these they're pretty cool and they save the planet by Saving plastic so you can doing good things sharing good stuff that actually makes tons of money it is super simple don't over complicate it just use tools like bolt chat GPT and other data visualization tools to create a website that's going to help you make money with the videos that help people understand data in a super simple way and if you want to get this entire list including some of the tools that I created check out airofit scoop.com and if you enjoyed this video smash a like button check the videos in the description and let's make money with AI together thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video

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