How I Made $4,027,408 Selling Digital Products – Full Tutorial For Beginners!

[Music] here is a screenshot from the first website I used to sell digital products back in the year 2000 I didn't create the product I didn't package it all I did was use the sales materials to sell it and I'll never forget the feeling of making my first sale online it was automatic I was away for the day I came back and I had sales in my account which equaled money in my pocket it was actually super simple but obviously things have changed since then and I believe this business has gotten a whole lot easier in fact here's one of the products I created that I sold over $4 million worth it's a very simple book with some video instructions and bada boom bada bang it puts money in my pocket every single day now I've done this in many different Niche markets from puppy training to how to get your kids to stop throwing temper tantrums choosing the right car saving money making money mortgages you name it I've sold millions of copies of various different books guides digital products templates downloads yeah the whole nine yards and in this training I'm going to show you exactly step by step how to get started selling digital products so that you can make money online there's no fluff there's no course to buy I'm just going to show you step by by step everything you need to know to start selling digital products online I'm going to show you how I come up with the ideas how I set up the websites and platforms to sell the products how I automate everything and also how to use AI to make this process even easier yep that's right in this training I'm going to show you simple AI tactics that you can use to create products in minutes I'm also going to show you how to turn those products into full Edge businesses because back when I started this product it actually came about by accident the year was 2008 a friend of mine said hey can you teach people what you're doing with affiliate marketing and stuff like that on a teleseminar yep back then we didn't have webinars so I hopped on this Tel seminar talked to people about how it was making money with affiliate marketing and at the end my friend Harris says well Marcus where can they go and buy stuff I I said Harris what do you mean buy stuff I thought I was just sharing some tips and secrets and helping people out and he said well Marcus it's customary after a tella seminar that you sell things to the audience so I had told the audience you know I'll go record a video and make a PDF and if you guys want to buy it here's a link for $97 so I rushed over to my PayPal and created a link and sent it to everyone and instantly as if by Magic the orders started FL flooding in 97 97 97 97 and it didn't take me long to realize that if I want to make a million dollars a year online all I need to do is sell 27 copies of whatever digital product I create and since almost a billion people a day log on to the internet I don't think it's going to be that hard to find 27 people to buy a $97 product or if you're in a different niche maybe a th000 people to buy a $27 product or maybe you're not really shooting for the moon and you just want to make $100,000 a year that would be just 10 sales a day of a $27 product and not only that but I'm going to show you some tactics that you can use to turn these into businesses that make you money over and over and over again without doing any extra work so if you're excited and you're ready to start your digital product business Journey smash a like button let's hop over to the live set and I'll show you how this whole thing works start to finish so that you can put money in your pocket there we go come on let's get started all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today what we're going to do is we're going to talk about how to buy and sell or sell rather uh digital products online now this is something that I've done for many years I've actually made more than $4 million with it those are just the numbers I calculated on one of my biggest products so I wanted to show you how these work and really get into the nitty-gritty of what makes this work and give you a full step-by-step tutorial start to finish what you need to know to get started now I've been doing this for 25 years it's been going really really well I've sold many different products in many different niches again like I said this was the screenshot from the first website that I sold digital products from and I remember it like it was yesterday I was away for the day it was 4th of July I came home I had three sales for $7.95 which totaled about $21 my profit because we were using ClickBank back then and um it worked really well and it's funny because I still use ClickBank today we've actually I think we've made close to a million dollars with ClickBank somewhere around that number it's not my biggest Money Maker but it does work really really well hopefully the volume is okay if not just try to turn it up on your end I I think um it should be working we've had little issues with it but bear with it we're going to go from there now this product that I sold uh over 24 years ago was a resell rights product that I repackaged and sold on my website it was actually really easy it's sold like crazy now what we're going to do is we're going to talk about why you want to have your own product a lot of people are talking about um you know different things going on with Google and SEO and different stuff like that and they're talking about hey you know what a lot of people are losing rankings in Google a lot of uh people are are not getting traffic like they used to now a lot of people still are but there is one benefit to having your own product that we'll get into in just a little bit now what we're going to do here is we're going to take a look at the benefits of having your own product and why it's super important number one the first biggest benefit is is you are going to get more money if you own your own product you sell it on your own you get all the money and guess what you actually get it instantly if you're using ClickBank stripe or any other merchant account usually there's like a an instant to two-day delay depending on how your account is set up but if you're using PayPal you can literally use that money instantly and stripe even has a feature where you can get instant payouts that way as well so more money quicker money why is this important other than just having lots of money right being able to use it faster is going to allow you to invest in more advertising more promotion methods and more things that are going to build and grow this over time one of the most important things in business is being able to reinvest early profits if you go out there and you build something and and you know you just let it run and you eat up all the profits living on them you're not going to be able to build it as much as if you were able to reinvest in it number two you're going to have more flexibility you're able to Market your product in ways that other products might not allow you to you're able to use different things that are going to work in a very very specific way all right next up value creation a lot of marketers um talk about value what is value well if you have your own product you have inherent inherent something like that value uh that is going to pass on to the consumer and also you can chop that product up we're going to go about this in just a minute we're going to show you how it works there was a study of a guy who had a product and this is something I'm going to show you that I'm doing right now as well he had a product and the product was like a I don't know 250 page book or something like that and it was laid out in tips so it's like oh hey tip one tip two tip three tip four and basically what he did is he just gave the product away on his web website if you were on his mailing list long enough to get info much like I do on this channel here I don't hold anything back I teach you everything but it's not categorized and put in nice little boxes like in my courses and things but hey if you want to learn free dive in there's plenty of information here and by having that now I'm able to provide value to you which is the value they're going to get in the course only presented differently very very important so when we go through we can also use this for list building where we are going to create a mailing list based on what is going on very very simple and again um one of the things that we can do having our own product is also repetition and one track now having your own product will also give you the Google trust Factor whereas if you're just an affiliate or just doing aoic or ads or whatever sometimes that is seen as thin content however why does a store selling one shoe in one color well two shoes you get to have two right but two shoes a pair of shoes in a certain color in a certain brand and that's all they sell why do they get away with thin content when it's just one paragraph describing the product well because they are the product owner if you are the product owner you are in a different class of marketing a different class of uh advertising and it's going to be a completely different ball game for you also another benefit is that you can sell through Affiliates so I can take my product go to Affiliates or influencers who have traffic and they can promote it and I can give them a commission that's something that you can't really do without without having your own product now what we're going to do in this training is we're going to show you a super simple AI method to make this work this is something that is astronomically simple it doesn't take a lot of work we're just going to go through and make it happen now let's first hop about the types of digital products all right first of all the most obvious would be ebooks this is a digital book that can be a PDF it could be um something you put on Amazon something you put on Etsy it could be any type of downloadable document um in the form of an ebook now usually these are from $2 to $50 I have seen custom ebooks in specific niches go for $11,000 or more depending on the subject matter now the difficulty ranking of creating a uh ebook is actually very simple if you know how to use Microsoft Word you can make an ebook uh the next one we're going to look at is online courses creating a full course we're going to show you how this works actually um a lot of people don't know but I own affiliate and on affiliate well let's spell it right affili I8 there we go I just got to sound it out right on affiliate we have a demo of one of my toolbars now I have often said on this channel that um information structur differently can make you rich and what we did is we actually created a little toolbar out of one of my products this is actually super simple to do and it installs on a computer it's very easy very very basic and how many of you guys are like hey that's kind of cool I'm probably going to go use that after this training because it looks really good and we also have uh the Simple Sites course which is package the same kind of way where we are turning info into products and courses now you can do a course um in a simple way where you're doing something where you know maybe you're using a a course site like um you know what is it the the big course and corser um school and other things like this okay now I run them on my own and I'll talk to you about the reason why number three software okay now software is one that used to be hard but now that we have uh AI it's actually a lot easier we're going to show you that as well now sometimes software um online courses obviously you've seen them from $10 to $10,000 obviously I don't I don't subscribe to the whole charge whatever people will pay I think you should charge what it's actually worth what the actual value is um a lot of people like in the clickfunnels community they're basically like oh hey you know how much money you got in your bank that's how much my course is I don't think that's right I don't think that's ethical I think there should be some kind of checks and balances here um but selling online courses can be very lucrative I have had courses where you know maybe they get a website or something where we've been able to charge a lot more for that now software is going to put you in your own unique area and software costs a lot of money I would say that if I had to estimate how much I pay for software in my business right now I run multiple businesses we're probably to the tune of anywhere from $3,000 for our CRM software to big huge amounts okay very simple um and we're going to look at that next up we have digital art and Graphics this is where you see people doing things on Etsy stickers different stuff like that but on a digital area where they're getting a download rather than an actual product we also have music and audio products this includes podcasts and things like that video content which used to be medium to hard although right now I'm having my outsourcers and many people test tutorial videos with um with having uh AI so we're creating completely AI driven tutorial videos and it works like crazy I mean it's not hard to do I'll show you how to do that in a minute as well subscription services this is like um software as a service or uh where you are stretching out your product like we have in blog profit Network where every week we provide more value also tools and utilities this is a very important product category we're going to talk about with AI because as you guys have seen I've been using AI over on the profit to create little tools and things like that now one of the things that really helps add value to a course an ebook or something like that is going to be having tools like if I had a course on how to make simple videos with AI and YouTube and I say oh by the way in addition to this course which is usually maybe I charge $27 for it maybe we'll have an iframe generator an easy video caption maker a tool some prompts and some other things to bulk up the value of that course in a very simple way and these are tools that can be made with AI you can make them on your own you guys saw I made like the QR code generator um and different things like that which is really cool so utilizing tools and utilities is a great way to go about this we're going to get into this when we talk about the various different niches and things like that as well utilities photography um stock photography now again using AI we can make stock photography for a specific Niche we can also make stock video for a specific niche as well another one would be templates and themes this is super important if you're teaching people how to do Pinterest pins which we'll show you in just a minute you can sell templates and themes to them and and that could be your product so there's lots and lots of products including webinars podcasts interactive mobile apps and e- magazines or easin as it were now the ones we're going to focus on today are mostly going to be a Content based product where you're going to make content a template a theme a tool a book a guide something like that what I urge you to do when looking at starting a digital product business and I got to tell you starting a digital product business literally changed my life I was going from one thing to another I made good money but it wasn't until I started my own product that it put me in a different level a different category and we're seeing over and over again you've probably seen videos from I think his name is Noah Kagan who started um the what is it called it's a big store where you buy all kinds of tools and apps and plugins and things like that App Store something app Sumo appsumo um I think appsumo is doing like a $100 million a year in sales and it's all little tiny products very simple very easy same kind of thing with Etsy there's lots of people making little bitty sales and they add up now what I would recommend when you're starting your own product is to start with something simple and again if you're finding this to be a lot of information don't worry over at download my I will have these notes for you in addition uh to some tools and other things to help you do this so first off start with something simple I'm talking a $7 little product because if you can prove the concept and make your SE first $7 on your first product it's game over you win because now you see how it works and you can start lean very simple start very lean start very inexpensive a lot of people they go out there and they start with the cart before the horse and they go oh you know what got to have clickfunnels boom there's $300 a month oh now I got to have this there there's another $100 a month now I need this here's another pretty soon before they know it they're they're out $1,500 a month or more on all these tools and softwares and they haven't made a sale yet and this is a catastrophe because you're going to go broke before you get your first sale so here's what I would say do and I'm going to show you how to do it in this call get WordPress get web hosting okay we have instructions on how to do this at gohub that's go hbit something like that you'll see it just go to download my it'll be there um and that's going to get you all the hosting or you could just go get hosting wherever you want doesn't really matter to me get hosting and WordPress and PayPal or some other type of money uh thing I would say PayPal cuz it's super easy and we'll go over that in a minute now let's talk about the different types of files that we could be selling and again I'm going to have these notes download myot we're going to show you how to make this work everything is laid out and if you're taking notes follow along so the document and book file types these are if you're going to be selling a document or a book one PDF if you don't know how to make a PDF open Microsoft Word or the open source Source version of Word or whatever they call it on a Mac hit file save as choose PDF very simple doc save it as a doc not recommended I do not recommend you create it in a doc because it's not going to allow you to compile it people can change it you don't want that ePub is an ebook format you can use for mobile devices next up we have audio file types MP3 wave or whatever this flak thing is I've never really used that one okay MP3 is primarily the main one you're going to look at for video I would say MP4 why it's crossplatform it's easy that's the best way to go image and Graphics you could do PNG which is what I recommend or SVG these are the two higher quality ones that people will actually want and of course if you are doing um file types that people will want to edit just send them the edit file right here's a canva file here's the the snagg f here's the word dock or whatever they want to edit very simple uh I'll never forget this years ago a lot of people don't know this about me but I used to sell computers at Staples and I remember I was about I think 20 years old and uh I would sell computers and I was really good at it they wanted us to sell these customade computers and one night this this client came in and they wanted five custom computers I sold them and I made the biggest sale for One customer in Staples history and I got calls from the managers the regional manager came in to congratulate me and I got a check for a whopping $200 I was like I just sold 20 grand worth of computers and all I got was 200 bucks okay but there were some benefits to having that job and one of them is actually what you're going to see was the first site I ever opened you'll notice that the first site I opened which is still around today you could go to a who is search you could look this stuff up was PC money now why did I come up with PC money this story is important I remember I was at Staples selling computers one day this guy come in looking for a new laptop and I was talking to him about laptops and he was a nice guy and I was like hey man what do you what do you do he's like well I'm a lawyer I'm like oh okay yeah you got you got big money he's like yeah but actually what I did is I started this site called PC legal forms and sell legal forms online little templates of legal forms and I make $112 every time they sell and I'm selling anywhere from 10 to 50 a day and I was like oh wait a minute that's pretty cool and that's where I came up with the PC moneymaking domain and I was like oh okay this is cool this guy is making money and not only that but here's a lawyer who probably makes more money than the little ebook he's doing right now but he's excited about this because of the potential in the the profitability and and he was literally just selling a package of I think they were txt files which still sell today ladies and gentlemen um in the form of code right you ever buy a software code it's txt files which are known as code um and so we look at that and I was I was very excited to see how he did that because he was literally making money out of thin air with an idea and a packaged product from stuff people can probably find anyway now I will tell you that the number one thing that people struggle with when it comes to making money with products your own products and and digital products is they think that oh information is free online AI will give everyone information therefore I am not able to provide value because it's already out there well ladies and gentlemen I mean a lot of people thought this when the internet first came out they thought well the internet's out books are going to be obs Delite Jeff Bezos said yeah I don't think so and now we know he was right and people still buy books actually more than before and a lot of them are buying digital books we've seen that Audible and um you know their ebook platform does really really really well so looking at this we can't get into the Trap of thinking well the information's out there anyway therefore it's not worthwhile and you can't sell it that's a myth because information structured different ly can make you rich right I mean you could literally learn anything and everything on YouTube if you want anything anything you want you can learn on YouTube but is it structured in a way that'll make money case in point here on my channel you could literally um learn whatever you want like there is enough information on this channel for free for you to go and make money hands down not even a question but there's also 12200 videos to weed through and a lot of people don't know where to start so what I did is I made custom lessons these are lessons that you can't find anywhere else it's the same kind of information packaged differently and shared different and now what we have is start here here's a $1,000 plan and we have tools and all kinds of things in here um that work really well you could see oh let's go into lesson plans let's go into traffic getting shows you all the different ways to get traffic so structuring this information in a different way even though do I teach search traffic on YouTube yes I do do I teach social traffic all the time have I taught banner ads yes I have but structuring it in a way that you walk people through things is a GameChanger and adding to your product is what's going to help and we'll get into that in a minute so video file types I'm getting ahead of myself because this is pretty exciting stuff um images and graphic file F types PNG SVG software applications exe if you're going to sell an exe I recommend that you host it on a different domain than your regular domain because uh maffy and nort and everything they flag things that they don't know so even if it's a completely safe file they just be oh we don't know so don't download it or whatever um I have kind of moved away from exe and got it into more stuff like this and online things um and I will tell you if you're going to do an exe which is good it will increase the value also do an online version for your Mac users I learned this a long time ago most people use the online version now all right web and design and different things like that and also membership sites I've made millions of dollars with membership sites they work like crazy they're super easy to manage and uh people stay for a long time I mean if you have a niche where you can update people like one of the examples we're going to show you today where I actually show you how I'm going to build a membership site and product out of one idea if I was going to say oh hey let's do uh $7 a month what you're going to notice is that adds up a lot of people are like oh seven bucks what are you going to do you know go get a hamburger barely right I mean hamburgers are like $115 even at you know the the crappy places now but um looking at that $7 adds up because if I can get two people today right that would be two people a day times 30 that' be 60 * 7 now we're at 420 a month the next month it's going to build and grow and build and grow and all I got to do is focus one track on selling the same thing over and over and over and over again until I'm blew in the face and it will grow like crazy I make thousands of dollars each and every month from automated little bitty sales and it works like crazy so membership sites are something you're going to do so let's talk about how this is going to work in in the world here okay so first of all I would say start with a product in your Niche I'm going to show you how to find the niches in just a minute we start with a product that is anywhere from I'm going to say $7 to $97 depending on your Niche all right if you have a niche like how to get more business to your limousine company that you could probably get 97 for that and it's not that hard to do uh how to get more business to Etsy or something where there's like a monetized value how to save $10,000 on your next new car purchase yeah someone will pay 97 for that make sure it's good make sure it's up to Snuff next what we're going to do is we're going to see about how we can Branch this out can I turn this into a membership site okay um okay so maybe it's uh how to get more business to your limousine and in the members area we have templates and calls and helpful videos and different things like that now I took my 97 and I could say well for $27 a month or $17 a month here's what you're going to get and this stuff adds up like crazy then we can say well can we turn this into a software or some kind of templates or something custom that they can get that's what we're looking at here is building and growing from where we start and I know this is different than a lot of other digital product training stuff because I've been doing this a long time there's things that you need to know that are going to help you and make you a lot more money and going to save you from the hell that is trying to pick something to do right we're going to get to that in just a minute here so that's what we have there now let's talk about how do we start okay so how do you get started you've seen this you're like Marcus has made millions of dollars done this for 25 years other people have made even more than that and they've been doing this for a long time how do I start I'm new what do I do do well first of all we need to look at the types of different products and what we're going to do we can do educational materials all right how to this that or the other we can do creative assets this is where you're thinking Etsy only we're not just going to sell them on Etsy will I also sell it on Etsy yes but not just on Etsy we're going to talk about the differences between the platforms what the benefits are what the downsides are okay and like Ed said says stick to one Niche and do it really really really well at most maybe three niches but do one really well and then move on okay creative assets could be like stock stuff um graphic design fonts and icons which I mean this is so easy now that there's AI I could create icon sets in in minutes I've done it and creating those we can package here's an icon set for limousine company owners or doctors or dentists or whatever okay and we start to look at that maybe a podcast icon set and ladies and gentlemen like when you see these things that I create here these icons I bought them I've spent thousands of dollars on icons um and they work like crazy you know people buy them all the time and it's super popular people buy fonts all the time but the problem is is everyone out there thinks oh well Marcus you know fonts are free on your computer why would I buy them well I thought the same thing until my font saw that was giving away fonts sold one customer $600 worth of fonts I was like wait a minute who in the right mind spend $600 for the rights to fonts and it didn't really matter to me because I got my affiliate check and you know hey there we go it's pretty cool software tools and utilities we could do productivity apps um like this one here where I created like a little daily profit task that they can do very simple um very easy uh specialized calculators and data analysis this is key and AI excels at this like nothing you've ever seen before when we look at Specialized calculators we start to think okay well what are people interested in with like budgeting budgeting I got to sound it out it's a weird word when we look at budgeting we're going to see budgeting budgeting apps and things like that when we look at this I see a term that stands out right here zerob based budgeting which get 8 8 to 24,000 searches a month that's a lot of searches I can go over to Google I can figure out what Zer based budgeting is okay so it looks like zerob based budgeting is a budgeting approach that involves developing a new budget from scratch every time versus going with the previous one okay good so what this is zerobase budgeting is a pain in the butt you have to make a new thing each and every time okay so we look at this and we're like okay maybe I can make zero based budgeting templates ah now we're getting somewhere this guy has it smart sheet has it here's some others here and on and on we go great so what I'm seeing pay very close attention and smash a like button if you get this okay and I didn't plan on doing this one today I before today I didn't know what zero based budgeting Is So zerob based budgeting okay we have about let's call it 15,000 people a month searching for this that's a lot of people searching for it now we also have okay it's simple it's a budgeting strategy I could go through I could spend a day three days a week learn everything I can about zerob based budgeting till I'm blue in the face my goal is to get as good as I can about this and ladies and Gent gentlemen I can use AI then what I'm going to do is I'm going to say what else helps them okay is there a specific calculator I can adapt to zero B budgeting are there templates and word ducks and things for them to fill out based on zerob based budgeting what can I do in this to make it worthwhile I'm thinking I could probably do an easy 37 to $97 product or more maybe even have an attached zerobase budgeting membership area for 12 bucks or or whatever something cheap that's easy that helps them you know and then you look at your proposition if I can save you $120 a month is it worth 12 bucks yeah boom add to cart they buy the thing very simple okay now when looking at this we can go to chat GPT and we can say let's see I think I got to log in here otherwise we'll be using the old version which is fine I still use 3.5 um if I want a quick task like a list of a hundred things or or whatever it is um very simple okay so let's see here sign in and I'm going to show you how this works it's not hard to do at all even if you're not a king budgeter right you could still do this it's it's not hard to do the product is going to be um a zerob based budgeting pack of templates a guide probably some videos which I can make with AI right that's the thing people are oh well AI videos don't make money they do if you sell them and the AI video is the tutorial so I can go through and say tell me about zerob based budgeting okay and what I'm going to do is I'm going to learn learn learn learn learn learn very important you want to get something to where you are above the people that are just searching for zero based budgeting which a couple of days you'll have this in the bag especially using AI I would think that I'm kind of I do this all the time I could probably do this in a couple of hours so now we have this justification focus on value great what are some cool calculators I can make to help people with this and it's going to come up with calculators so now what we're doing is we're like oh okay so now I'm going to go through and say okay here's my book start with my book zero based budgeting it doesn't have to be a book once upon a time or a big howto book it could be a book of 10 budgeting spreadsheets for zero based budgeting or a planner very important okay then I'm going to add to it the more I add to it the more money I'm going to be able to charge for it and I can have upgrade get the regular book plus the other stuff 97 bucks just the book 37 bucks whatever it is very simple we're going to build it and grow it this is what takes you from a small product to a big one so now we're seeing okay so good it said expense justification calculator I like that one okay so here's this and when it's done we're going to ask it now what would this look like I don't know what an expense justification calculator would look like I'm going to have this help me and we're going to build that product together and then once we get to marketing it this is where the rubber meets the road is once I have this the marketing is easy what do I do I make a video on my expense calculator and I'm like by the way if you want this 25 other calculators and my book go to my website and get them for $97 boom boom boom super simple budget audit tool so here's tools it's saying we can give these people it's literally giving me the rundown now it is going to take some work right we're not going to go to Ai and say create me a product make me money and do the dishes and make my bed it ain't going to do that yet until Elon musk's robots take over the world but that's a whole different webinar for a different gloomier time we're going to look at this and we're going to say okay budget AIT tool okay how could I make this expens justification calculator okay and we're going to take a look and see this uh no this is actually a niche I just came up with now I did yesterday I didn't know what a zero expense I didn't even know before I started this training what zero expense or zero I still don't even know what it is uh zero based budgeting was okay so we're going through and we're looking at this so this is what it would look like okay excellent oh okay I don't even have to ask it to make it it's actually making the code for the calculator right there now obviously I have to test it make sure it works put it on my website which is a lot easier than you would think if you can take and move product or move images and and and files from one folder to the next you can do this that's all it is ladies and gentlemen the internet is nothing more than folders with files that's all the website is is folders with files WordPress is a bunch of files right and we look at that and it's like okay this is pretty cool now don't worry if you don't want to get technical and make calculator based tools I'm going to show you one that's super easy anyone can do okay so we have that software health and wellness um I would say stay away from health and wellness unless it's something simple like a meal planner a recipe book these ones here right we don't want to get into like how to fix your back pain or anything like that because we're not doctors or anything like that even in one of the markets I'm in um we disclaimer it and we say we're not Pros because um I've been sober oh man I can be 10 years next month and um I teach people sobriety and how to stay sober and in that course we disclaimer it we've got PDFs and worksheets it's it's exactly like this right and that's a niche that most people don't know that I'm in and it works really well are we selling a ton of them no I mean we have we've sold tens of thousands of dollars worth maybe more haven't done the math yet but it's it's going and I haven't had time to build it I'm going to show you um Friday's video is going to be about this okay so keep in mind Friday's video is going to be a Zinger it's going to be about how we do um the sobriety business and how you can use it in a crazy way to make money okay uh not this variety one but the strategy hobbies and crafts professional development personal Finance tools this is one of my favorites um Jill help RN students a th% yes absolutely um there's a test that nurses take and there's like a huge industry around helping people with that okay my Bob my friend Bob met you at an AA Conference in La I never went to an AA Conference in La I mean I went to yeah I never not in La I went to some in Northern California but yeah uh we your 10year chip I still have to go get that I haven't gotten a chip since year number two uh I go to meetings occasionally but um yeah Burbank no it wasn't I never went to one in Burbank uhuh so budget planners investment guides and different things like that gaming and entertainment now let's talk about the niche this is the million dooll question what Niche do you go into how do you make this work first of all take a look at what you already know um we got Jill says she does RN stuff go into that Niche why not why would you fight it if you know it you know it you can go into others later but go from there uh thank you for the congrats on my sobriety like that Niche is one that I'm very passionate about that's why I haven't marketed it like crazy because I'm like I want to get my ducks in a row I want to make sure that you know we're giving good information and good stuff that actually helps people um and we are we've been doing it a long time and it's it's really helped a lot of people which is great I do refuse to take that Niche into some of the ways people are doing it which is like the you know the bro you know sobriety Niche where it's like hey here's this thing because I I have a different look on it and I think it should be affordable because the main clientele we get on that is the down andout alcoholic that is ruining things you know um not the executive type um so interesting thing but at any rate when you're going into Niche take a look at what you already know okay very important take a look at plr or Master resale rights private label rights products with AI we can revamp private label products in seconds it's not hard to do number three look at keyword research like I did here where I found zerob based budgeting or um you can do templates or themes or whatever uh planners planners is a good way to find um niches because we could be like oh what kind of planners do people want trip planner okay how to plan your next vacation that could be a fantastic book and you can make it to where it's like hey if you don't save 10 times the cost of this book on your vacation call us up and get a refund right take take the sting away make it easy like in our blog profit Network that's a product where we're like hey if you don't like it get out of there right um and and very simple so we look at that and we're like okay trip planner is is very good um we got company cash flow planner that's a damn good one cuz now you're getting companies a wedding planner come on people I think the average person spends $50,000 on their wedding buying a $100 book to help them out is not going to be difficult um planner is a great one you can look at all this stuff here room planner floor planner um here's some kind of religious planners and on and on we go so very simple and very easy and AI can make this stuff like crazy you can even go into um howto you know howto would work really well um hard to price Jill if you're worried about price low ball it see if you get some sales right just put it out there get people in and let me let you do you guys want like a big tip here I usually teach this in my paid classes but I'm feeling pretty good about this one here right uh one of the things I do okay here's what you're going to do set your book up get the PayPal link and sell it now now when you sell it email each person who buys it because in the beginning you're not going to get a thousand sales overnight un L you're lucky email them go through it with them hey what' you like what didn't you like what would you like to see more of what is this is the key when I first started my course um it was a digital PDF book with a DVD which was online okay you could still see the DVD online I look like I'm like a lot younger back then and what I did is I said thanks for ordering now what is your number one question about how to make money online how to start uh nursing how to do this ask them their question get their answer in their own words this is important because you can write them back and get feedback that's going to build your customers are going to make your product better and then I can run all these through AI make an fa I mean guys when you think about it it's literally game over we win if you know how to do this most people aren't willing to do this most people are talking about go put a flower sticker on Etsy or make some planner and hope that Etsy gives you sales I am not a hope marketer I'm a direct response marketer that goes and gets traffic for the things I know will sell do I know that that Niche will sell with the zero budgeting th% do I know I can get traffic, % do I know I can do this process and turn it into $100,000 a year or more th% however disclaimer results not typical implier guaranteed the average person trying to make money online makes nothing so keep that in mind but I think you see that this is an actual business that can and will work when done properly now again make sure that whatever you're doing is not a trademark so if zerob based budgeting is trademarked I'd watch out for that now keyword research is a big one I'm going to have some keywords over at download specific to digital products next number four interesting we bought up brought up planners there was actually a domain name I found on sale utilizing spam Zilla last week I wanted to buy it really bad I probably would have bought it for $10,000 but it had a trademark now I'm still going to go into the niche I just didn't want the trademark and the domain was it was uh the content I was like damn that's a that's a good one and I was ready to buy it it had rankings for Content planning and I'm like dude I can make a Content planner I can get all kinds of crazy stuff for this now I'm still going to do that I'm just not going to use a trademark name um and so for Content planner I was able to find this Niche by looking at domains and often times when you use the domain strategies that I teach you here and in blog profit Network you can see that there's things that will go with different products right maybe we'll find Credit Plus okay you know fixing your credit fuel um some kind of you know battery stuff or whatever and you can go through and look at domains that already Rank and turn them into product sites it's like buying a little business that is not doing that great or people don't know how to run and making it even bigger um you can see here you know something about this maybe you could do like a stop smoking site or or whatever it is and you you start to look at different things here so when looking at niches and again watch my other videos on domain finding plr keyword research it goes into these in big detail another thing is notice things if you're going to be an online money money maker and a product developer you need to get in the habit of looking at the internet in a different way all right my family can't stand it because they want to show me things on the internet and every time they do I'm like how's he making money let's see how he monetized how many people Google that every month and they're like dude I just wanted to show you a funny picture of a cat would you just look at the cat I'm like no I have to look at how they're making money and starting to notice things is going to be a GameChanger absolute 1,000% Game Changer notice things on Pinterest notice things on uh Instagram and Facebook and Google and watch what people are doing and start to understand and use tools that are at your disposal like you could use e rank if you want to type planner you could see what is selling on Etsy Faith planner um this planner that planner and you can go through and go by average searches and you can do a planner like this okay digital planner Journal um all different things like that and you're going to see how these things work and how you can do this like right now in my sobriety one we're like okay let's make a sobriety planner or whatever it is and it's very simple and very easy and you can see oh hey they are actually making sales you can also use uh jungle Scout jungle Scout is good for um Amazon products and I think they also do Etsy but mostly Amazon and you can see okay let's go um product research we could do product database and we could type something in like planner or even budget budget right and what we're going to find is things that are already working Based on data and looking at the data and what already works is key so here is some kind of challenge binder let's go by Revenue monthly all right so budget okay that's some kind of workout thing um envelopes organizer for cash we want to get into the different um so here's a budget binder so budget binders could work budget planner monthly budget book with expense tracker how to build something there um and you can go through and you can look at these and say okay well how about um template are there templates or are there uh planners or whatever it is and you start to look at that and it works very very simple and you're like okay planners what types of planners are they selling and you're going to see there are people with silly little planners that make you know 500,000 a month or something like that um and it's crazy you know maybe some of you guys out there there are personal trainers and you're like oh let's make a you know workout planner or something like that you can see here um a lot of pens so the first one is 18-month academic planner 83 Grand a month weekly uh chore chart there you go so chore chart dry erase whiteboard we could do maybe printable ones or something like that um daily planners fridge calendar you can turn it into a magnet in 2 seconds like literally go get get your printer get a magnet sheet and print on the sheet and you can sell them that wouldn't necessarily be a digital product but hey let's make money where money's at um here's some other stuff you could do you know all kinds of things so looking at that looking at what I already know plr keyword research domain names with power um noticing stuff looking at the tools looking at the data now when we get into the tech how are we going to set this up first of all set up a WordPress site right go over to gohub get a WordPress site you're in business go to PayPal get a PayPal link just put the link on the site with your sales message very simple okay Gabrielle says what's the best way to sell the book ads Etsy group sponsor blog I'm going to show you in a minute okay we're going to we actually have a live example planned I didn't mention it I was supposed to mention it but you know sometimes your old buddy Marcus forgets things and we're looking at this okay so we're going to get get into the example here I'm going to show you how it works I'm going to show you how I promote it cuz guess what ladies and gentlemen what people don't realize and this is the the value of having your own product when you have your own product it basically promotes itself I'm going to show you how that works in just a minute okay so the tech we're going to need is WordPress PayPal traffic okay you're going to need some traffic we're going to use payperclick SEO Pinterest social YouTube Etc what we're gonna do is we're going to do exactly like that guy did where he used the product to sell the product remember in the beginning I said this guy had a product with 250 Pages let's say each one each section was five pages he would basically give the five pages away as content so I would come on here so how many times does five go into 250 50 right so now I have 50 pieces of content super simple I can go on YouTube and be like okay here's content number one I'm going to show you how to use my budget calculator content number two we're going to describe what zerob based budgeting is and ladies and gentlemen watch how simple this is if we were to go to YouTube and even on Pinterest let's do zero based budgeting okay zerob based budgeting here's people explaining it what is a zero based budget 13,000 views 154,000 10,000 and they're literally just talking about what zerob based budgeting is I mean that's not hard to do at all and since we have our product all we're doing is going in our product and saying here's how this works by the way if you want the calculator have a printable version on my website but the actual calculator is in my my product very simple okay you can also look at um Pinterest right we're doing this with Pinterest now this is the example I'm going to show you uh let's open another one and we're going to do um budgeting make sure it's clean Sometimes some Pinterest stuff is not as clean as it should be let's do zero based budgeting okay and again what you're going to do is you're going to have pictures of your product so you have zero based budgeting what is a zerob based budgeting worksheet on and on we go okay simple it's the same process over and over the sad part is is is boring to create all this stuff is a little boring lucky for you you don't have to create it we actually have a team who does this um and you can get outsourcers or you could use AI uh case in point a product that we're going to use here in just a minute I'll get to that in a second let's finish the tech WordPress okay very simple I have tutorials on that here PayPal simple just go to PayPal click on create buy now button make the button put it on your WordPress they give you the code you copy and paste traffic we're going to get to that in a minute these are the ones we're going to use four get an autoresponder why because not everyone's going to buy on the first visit it's going to take a while okay sometimes it'll take a while this is where you're going to have um sign up for my free calculator what's your number one question about X send them the calculator answer their question email them directly hey thanks for sending this in your number one question about zerob based budgeting is you have a spending problem okay here's what I would do in that instance by the way click here to buy my course I think it was a seven out of 10 close rate that I got answering questions because they were like holy cow some Guru answered my question whoa I'm GNA buy this product Guys these are tools that are free doesn't cost anything to email someone they already emailed you it's a communication and you can close the deal very simple uh Pro tip get your own membership site software um get one that's folder based you can use a WordPress one you can use whatever you want a lot of people they start with clickfunnels or something that I find confusing like I got click funnels and I I was just like wow this is just way too much uh for a new person to to try it is good for for what it's good for um infusion soft others like these these are very robust start small get a membership site software or Plugin you can use a WordPress one you can use uh a member you can use whatever you want okay this will make it folder based anything in this folder is locked they pay they get access to the folder super simple it's all automated okay um my membership site software was 140 or $179 one time and I've used it for 11 years actually more than that be 2014 H maybe 15 years something like that all right next up we're going to use ClickBank stripe or a merchant account be lean don't go spending a bunch of money trying to make this thing perfect until you prove the concept and get sales okay now let's get into the full example if you're ready for the full example smash that like button I'm going to show you an example that's super simple and you could do it in any Niche and you can use AI to do it and you can make a super simple product in this afternoon maybe a couple of days if you're slow there you go right how many you guys are digging that smash that like button let's see that light up type in the box say show me the money and we're going to show you the money in a super simple way so what we're going to do is we're going to take an example of Niche markets how many of you guys would like a list of a 100 niches with how many searches they get products you can run ways to make money and everything or for this video let's let's do a cool giveaway I'm going to show you this live as well how many of you guys on this training right now if I said I'm I'm going to give you a list of a 100 products how many times they're searched for products you can create an overview with traffic how many of you guys would be like dude that is something I can totally 1,000% make happen Okay type show me the money and what I'll do ladies and gentlemen I'm not even going to charge you for it I'm going to put it at download myn or actually we'll put it at LOL Biz or something like that and we'll give you these okay very simple so what we're going to do is we're going to remember that information structured differently can make you rich again I'm going to show you this in the Drop Shipping Niche I'm in we're going to make these in the digital product Niche and you can get them at download when they're ready just go there put your name and email you'll get them when they're ready what we're going to do is a very simple strategy we're going to start with data points okay what are our data points if you're in the domain industry find some domains that sold and why if you're in uh the budgeting find some info about budgeting if you're in um Drop Shipping find some products it's simple like you go in you're like okay I got a $39 or $29 subscription to e rank or jungle Scout good let's go in here let's do um let's find some of these so here is the basic layout uh 37 3570 a month with a burger phone so all I did was go over here and I'm like okay Burger phone boom I hit search here's product number one and guys this was done by an outsourcer okay so here's a burger phone 89 uh let's do Burger telephone something like that um and you'll see okay these are products that actually do get sales and they work okay so novelty phone novalty how do you spell novelty novelty novelty that reminds me of be sure to drink your ovine right novelty phone or whatever it is let's do fun telephone or gag telephone or something like that um and what you'll do oh hamburger that's what it's under hamburger phone so we'll do hamburger phone I think that's what they found it under and we wait but we're doing now is we're Gathering data points again my assistant did these all I did was give her access to the accounts and bada bing bada boom she made this work so what they're doing is they're finding uh data points here so we got um let's do Revenue click Revenue again likes to be slow today got the money in my shirt pocket yes there we go all right so uh here we're looking at this we'll do it again and okay come on now likes to be slow when you're on live you know what what are you going to do well we're waiting for that okay so here we got the uh Burger phones and stuff like that you find the product you get the info that's where she found the product here got the info there then we can go and find the search volume keywords Explorer we'll go through we will do uh ham Burger phone or Burger phone or whatever okay thousand searches a month so we get these points how many of you guys were like dude you're literally just getting data points on thousands of products people can drop ship yep then I go over and I'm like okay now let's go over here to the old uh what do we call it Alibaba we'll do it over here because sometimes they're not the cleanest of results Alibaba and we would get the uh details on Alibaba right here um hamburger phone there got to be a hamburger phone on there all right and we could find uh wherever the hamburger phone is uh on here just search for it find the details so you just find the data points and put together a a pin like this now I can also take this pin and make it a um a short video hey we're going to do a short video on thousands of different Drop Shipping products you will get traffic it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when and you can see because on ours this is getting 13,000 monthly views it is driving uh revenue and stuff like that now here is where the piece to resistance fantastic money-making strategy comes in so I got all these what I can do is take each of these and make a guide on them watch this so I go here and I'm like okay my outsourcer made this please make an outline on this Drop Shipping Niche from the image so now my outsourcer made I think 176 of these you don't need that many you can probably do 50 right and we're going to go through and make an a synopsis right so here we're looking at the Burger phone and it's going to go through and make a synopsis and I will have a cheat sheet on this thing by the time I'm done I will have a 300 page book on all these different Crazy Drop Shipping niches that's something I could probably charge $97 for no problem and guess how I Market it I already did the pins are marketing it it's like hey you want to go get my major Drop Shipping thing here you go and all I'm doing is structuring information differently then I could be an affiliate of Shopify okay hey guys to sell this you can go on Shopify to sell this you could go over here be an affiliate of all this other stuff and this sells itself and we're doing the same thing in many many different niches and you you can see AI is showing us how this works here you go right um and I can say now make this specific to this one here okay how many of you guys just got an aha moment smash that like button and type aha in the comments and in the box if you're like oh my gosh I get it that is not hard to do at all all I would need to do is make a short video on it put it on Instagram put it on Facebook put it on Pinterest share it get traffic to it and bada bing bada boom there we go and you could build a mailing list like crazy you could build a product like crazy and utilizing this you could say well okay let's start maybe you don't have all these pins or you don't have money to get an outsourcer to make all these pins okay you go get a canva counter whatever and you say um this is where we're going to go to chat gpt3 because it's going to do very easy data very quickly okay so we're going to go in and say share uh 50 budget tips with um for people who may be interested in zerob based budgeting list the tip three words and the um description 5 to 10 words Max okay so now what it's going to do is it's going to give me a list of 50 budgeting tips there we go that's why we're using 3.5 way faster so now I got 50 tips all I would need to do is structure the tips into a pin into a short video I can use AI voice to create videos saying hey here's a tip here's a tip here's a tip get a couple hundred of them right what is my product going to be it's going to be more of that with calculators so download all the tips plus get the calculators and it's $97 or whatever $37 a month or whatever it is you're trying to do okay the key is start with data points this is going to be a game changer this is why we have our high ticket Niche program where I go through and find your Niche for you because a lot of people don't know the data points they don't know what Niche they don't know how it's going to work they don't know how to do the strategy and so what we do is we go give you the niche we give you the domain we give you everything and help you uh work through it and you can make your own product with it so what we're going to do is start with data points in our Niche if I was selling a domain course I'll find domain stuff if I was selling um spiritual you know Enlightenment stuff I'll find some quotes all right what better way to get traffic than to talk about all the book I mean you think about it and you're like okay Marcus how do I become a a book seller you want to sell a book talk about the other books in your Niche you will get traffic if you're like oh hey Tony Robin says this and Jack whatever says this and Todd over here says this you're G to get all that traffic and you're going to build your Empire it's so simple it's overlooked and people don't think about it so if I'm going to do zero based budgeting guys this is where AI shines everyone wants AI to just do all the work for them I just want to sit back and eventually we'll get there and hopefully at that time we have someone that believes in a universal basic income because whatever but that's a far way off right now you can use AI to say watch this what are the top 50 quotes in the budgeting Market SL niche who said them and please categorize them and what's going to happen is you're going to piggyback on things that are already working uh let's see I hate that in order to grow I got to keep buying more products to learn more tricks you don't do what I'm saying here it's free all you got to do is do it right it's not that hard to do um this here what I'm teaching you here I've been in the niche I've been in the courses is probably akin to like thousand courses that are out there if you've ever bought a, course and you think this video is probably better than some of the courses you've paid a lot for type better than a course in the Box um so now we have all these different things that people are looking up related to budgeting okay so we could do like Warren Buffett um whatever Let's do let's regenerate it um it timed out right and we could go through and be like oh okay here's all these people Susie Orman okay so she's got a lot of budget tips I don't know much about her but I do know people search for her quite a bit so if we used this here okay you got 38,000 people a month searching for all her different things get some quotes you will get traffic there you go right obviously don't plagiarize or whatever but you can share a quote as public knowledge and so looking at that is super super cool uh Matt says I used this channel for over a year without spending money awesome and now you buy stuff all the time from our content business and he's making money right very cool so we look at this and we're like oh check this out now I can use this person or uh who's that other guy Dave Ramsey okay there you go boom so I could go through and be like okay now please just some quotes on from from budget money experts okay and it's going to go through and it's going to do the work now that's going to align it and that is going to build our product you could do a product on you know uh 50 budgeting tips that the gurus don't tell you or something like that and starting to look at that is very similar uh simple uh Ed says uh reaction vids regurgitating old content yeah reaction vids I mean it is a money-making strategy I I've had people and Friends people I know that that make money in that strategy instead of doing reaction vids you can describe a quote this is how we are going to build up my sobriety Channel because right now we're looking to grow it is we're going to do this strategy I was actually doing last night where we're getting quotes from videos and stuff again that's for Friday's video I think you guys are going to love it but going through here and and looking at that and saying okay let's build something of value quotes tips calculators U maybe I make a a calculator for a specific type of budgeting or whatever we're going to use AI to help us and then we're going to package it to sell how am I going to package it well I take all these pins make them videos and then I could go through or I don't have to make them videos that would be for extra traffic and I go through and I say okay now take the niche make a niche worksheet okay if you struggle like this is struggling don't think this is good um now make the worksheet for this Niche specifically and what you can do is give it the data points I'm going to give it the ahf's monthly searches I'm going to give it the price on Alibaba boom this will spit them out like crazy all you got to do is fact check it put them into a guide now I have a guide of 176 Drop Shipping products that nobody told you about that are making over $1,000 a month boom done product ready to go build grow and and guess what I can go and have my outsourcer find 50 new ones every month do you want 50 new ones every month for an extra $27 a month yes please I mean when you think about it I have to spend for all these tools if I give the data it's like they don't have to get the tools which is kind of cool and so we're looking at it and it's like boom now we see how this works and now 176 niches with custom Niche worksheets how many of you guys would probably buy that like if if I said 97 bucks how many of you guys would get that right now type 97 in the box right I'm sure a lot of people would that's less than 50 cents an inch super simple and again um we're going to have some for the other stuff as well so we're starting to look at this and we're like oh I get it I get it um very very cool very simple and we start to understand exactly how this stuff works in a real world way um so the question is where do we sell it okay well we can sell this in many different ways um someone says do you make the videos automated from pins I would do human interaction because I'm going to want to have some input like if I just go to Nvidia or something I'm not going to get the quality I want um but you know to each his own you can do that if you want I would do interaction but I don't have to use my voice and I don't have to use my face or anything like that so where to sell this what are we going to do what are we going to do well we're going to sell this where it makes sense so budgeting people watch videos on budgeting people are on Pinterest for budgeting people buy budgeting stuff on Etsy boom all of the above I'm also always 100% unless I'm completely broke I'm going to sell it on my own website even if I don't have a membership software or whatever I'm going to sell this thing on my own website with PayPal or whatever so that I can get money Etsy I will put it on Etsy because I want etsy's traffic not because it's easier to sell on Etsy it's not they take money if they're not giving me traffic there's no real benefit to be there okay I'm going to sell this on course sites maybe you'll go to um udem me or whatever that one is um sell them on your own site and other right other would be are there other places we could sell it what else is going on in our Niche also keep in mind use your research tools use your research tools make it work um here here are some niches that you can do again I'm going to have a full list of niches at download myot home in real estate you can make a firsttime home buyer guide uh real estate investment calculator a landlord starter kit for people that want to flip houses and be landlords and all the stuff like that Jill says can I sell on Amazon absolutely absolutely 100% um make sure the traffic is there and make sure it makes sense very simple uh retirement and investment retirement planning workbook um investment basically basics for Millennials understanding crypto stock market Forex all that stuff credit you could do credit repair I have a client right now who's uh doing a a full guide and membership site in credit repair he's making sales doing good we're going to help him make more uh Matt is going to do this in his podcast there's actually something I'm going to share with him uh for his podcast Niche that's going to do this in a crazy way um debt-free Journey navigating bankruptcy budgeting and personal finance this is a great Niche to in um also like taking care of your house insurance all kinds of things um Finance is a niche that people find easier to sell because there's a direct I give you this it saves you this or makes you this okay very important all right um let's see family budget planner personal finance for college students build your emergency fund Financial checkup insurance and legal career and benefits and there's lots of niches you can go into now I'm going to give you the list of niches again we will have those listed or you could go to High ticket and work with me and we'll give you a niche but let me give you some easy product hacks that'll make this work in a big big way okay could this work with Government Contracting that's above my pay grade I don't know much about government jobs but I mean it could yeah you could do like how to get government jobs if that's your cup of tea um but yeah so let's go through these easy product hacks then we get you out of here and get you the notes all right easy product hack number one add to something already out there you might think well Marcus everyone's talking about budgeting where am I going to fit well add to it how can I make something better different or more unique if you're not unique different or better use AI to help you learn that stuff ask it questions have the dialogue of well what would be different what would be a better add-on than just some budgeting book okay easy product hack number two compile something in a different way instead of just an ebook maybe I can turn it into uh software right like this here we got our little software maybe I could do this this is something people find valuable because hey it runs alongside your your windows and you could do work which is really cool people find this valuable and they'll use it the more people use your stuff the more you're going to make um so compiling it in a different way can I make it a video can I make it an audio can I make it interactive can I add to it add spreadsheets add tools anything like that uh product hack number three that's supposed to say three uh tools based on popular ideas or people oh okay so I can make a calculator on the zero based budgeting or I can make a calculator based on the things Ramsay says or the things Susie Orman says hey you know I like her stuff I made this calculator that talks about her XYZ strategy or whatever okay Pro tip number one turn it into software something that's very easy to do all you need to do is create it um on the web and then compile the web page into software which you could do with tools I I taught that in a different video um I'll link to that as well so you can make it software Pro tip two um and the tools are HTML exe and smart install install maker smart install maker basically turns any file into a software like so if you have a PDF it could run it'd be in the products list it'd be down on the product bar it'd have an icon um and all you need is that tool and I think this tool is like 90 bucks or something but again you don't have to have that um Pro tip number two is think about backend profits if I'm doing the Drop Shipping niches which I can make a product right away um I can go through and say oh maybe I could do affiliate offers like Shopify or web hosting or I can add P Personal Touch hey I'll have a call with you and help you find a niche for Drop Shipping or I'll a call with you and help you create your first zerob based budget or help you plan your wedding or whatever it is um these are things that can work really well also more of the same I'm going to give you more files and templates people love more right here in America more is always better apparently you know you go out to dinner they give you enough for 14 people you're like wow that's a lot of food who is going to eat that I don't own a farm so I don't think I could give it to the barn animals after although my dog would probably eat it all you know she does like the food but that's what you want to is more of the same um and go to download myn to get the list of niches and the notes um exactly Magnet or 502 cards of tips for niches that's what we're doing in the sobriety one where it's 52 cards for uh you know sobriety or whatever it is magnets work well a lot of good stuff um now use AI where you can because AI is a tool to help you you can use AI image generators we have a list here mid Journey Dolly all these um digital art nft things like that AI writing assistant you can use AI writers to help you compile this content always fact check always plagiarize check always make sure the content is good um AI powered design tools canva different things like that and um productivity tools noteworthy tools things like that okay using the tools is key again I'll have this list at download myot but when you look at it building a product is a absolute GameChanger because what it's going to do is it's going to put you into a niche all of your own and it's going to be a lot easier to promote it uh Joseph says how about domaining same thing we are actually doing this in the domain Niche let me see if I can find them I'll show you what it's looking like um let's see if I can remember where it's at but we're doing this in the domain Niche where we're basically just turning it on its side we're getting the um tips for them uh what was it you know I don't know if she uploaded them here but yeah we just went through and we looked at the top selling domains and stuff like that and it was a game changer really cool uh could you do this using Google Gemini yes um Friday's video we're going to use uh something in Google Gemini that's going to show you how to make this work like crazy um so a lot of them work good again the key is is build a product that you know you can provide value in and it's not that hard to do all you have to do is focus build it and then go sell it like crazy and selling it is not that hard you just create content about your product um do you think small new blogs will rank if they make good content in the future yes especially if you have um if you have a product because that's showing Authority which is great um very important now did some Niche sites get hit yeah there are still many many millions of Niche sites that are still out there um so pretty cool all right awesome stuff hope you guys enjoyed this go over to download Smash a like button if you like this um get the notes follow along start your first product and let us know how it goes I got some videos in the description going into more about products including some niches and things like that so check those out smash the like button and I'll see you on

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