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[Music] can you really make $100,000 a year or more with AI generated faceless YouTube videos the answer is yes but first I want to take you back in time the year was 1436 people were working endlessly to share information by copying it down on paper one word at a time this process took forever and hindered the share of information and the publishing world as we know it today until Gutenberg invented the printing press the printing press created a simple template based on the works they wanted to copy and using this template they were able to turn the publishing industry and the spread of information into what we have today all using a simple template this simple template saved millions and millions of dollars countless hours of painstaking work and allowed companies to profit in a way never thought imaginable but what if you could use a simple template in your AI content creation process and make videos at the drop of a hat and not just videos that don't make money we're talking videos that people actually want to watch that will put money in your pocket and today I am going to show you my template process start to finish with nothing left out and not only that but I'm going to show you where you can download my notes for the template so if you're ready to learn exactly how to template the process of creating videos with AI that actually make money then smash a like button because we're starting right now all right ladies and gentlemen who is ready to get the old template that's going to help you make the money with AI videos now today is a follow-up video we're going to try to do our best I'm running on very little sleep and it's 3:00 in the afternoon so it's been a crazy day but what we're going to do is we're going to follow up on what we talked about in the last video if you did not see that video there is a link in the description highly recommend that you watch that after this one in that video what we did is we talked about the truth about creating AI videos at bulk you see there's a lot of videos out there that are talking about you know push button simple create a bazillion videos in 10 seconds so what we're going to do is we're going to cut past all the junk you and I both know that creating content at bulk just relying on AI to do all the work for you is not going to get you anywhere you want to be and certainly not for a long time now what we're going to do today is we're going to talk about looking at the data first so first of all we're going to use our tools we're going to look at data we're going to look at YouTube we're going to see what's ranking and what's out there what's doing good second we're going to go through and we're going to create content human directed AI this is something that is going to be huge in the up and cominging months and years as AI continues to get bigger and bigger and bigger once we have something like this and we've seen it happen time and time again what happens is everyone finds the easy path exploits it and it no longer becomes effective this is probably why you feel like affiliate marketing internet marketing and making money online is so difficult because everyone's doing the same thing and if you do the same thing get in line with with the herd it's going to be difficult to get ahead so if you're ready to finally get ahead I want you to smash that like button and let me know in the comments say I am ready because what I'm going to do is show you a template simple process now are you going to be able to use this process to create 700 videos in 9 minutes 100 videos in 20 minutes no but I am going to show you how to do this hands off and create good content at scale in a very simple way so what we're going to do is we're going to start off with keywords we're going to start off looking at what people are searching for now there's two examples actually three examples that we are going to use in this training I fired this stuff up and I said you know what what if I just show them how I do this in some businesses that I'm creating what if I just let you in on the whole process and showed you exactly what I'm doing you could copy the template we're going to get you the template so you can download it you're going to be able to use this in a very very simple way now what Video Creator you use or your outsourcers use does not matter I'm going to use Camtasia because it's easy to template and one of the most important things with Camtasia that I really like which I don't know if other tools have this it's the ability to do file export as a zipped project now the reason this is important in addition to the fact that the files are going to be huge if you're doing big videos what's important about this is it's going to zip the project with all of the files in it so I could literally make a template send it to my outsourcers send it to whoever's helping me out and they can edit right where I'm at in the process this is super super important okay that is the reason I like this the other reason I like Camtasia is because it's simple I don't need to make the next M Night Shyamalan movie or Spielberg or who ever we're not making Star Wars here we're just trying to make a good video that's going to work and how many of you guys enjoyed the intro video that I made in the beginning how many of you guys did you like that intro right it is pretty simple it had some some different things okay that intro is based on the the teachings that we have here this is the template I use that template for that video it took me about a half hour and I got to tell you I'm not on my game today so it might have taken less if I was on my game so what we're going to do here is we are going to start by understanding our market and looking at what we're doing the first thing we are going to do is we're going to go through and we are going to look at business number one now business number one is one that you've probably seen the LOL Biz sign in the background of my videos all right this sign here uh represents a business where I'm looking at different products that make lots of money okay so what I did earlier this year is I had an outsourcer create a bunch of Pinterest pins based on products that have make lots of money like weird stuff right so like here's one with the Emoji pillow okay and it's it goes through and it's a it's a very simple template so what I did here and pay close attention if you're taking notes okay we are going to go through and we are going to look at one the product to the numbers in Jungle Scout because that shows how much money they're making okay and three we are going to look at how much it cost on Amazon okay that is the simple template we literally take one two three give it to the outsourcer boom we are done okay very very simple now what we do is we just go through and say okay well what is an interesting product let's say a french fry car holder or whatever okay so I can go through and I can go to Jungle Scout and type in French fry okay uh we'll do french fry car that way we get the French fry car holder now if you don't know where to start what we want to do is we want to pick a niche that is very templatized to show you an example I'm actually doing this for an investment site who is a a client of mine and in these investment articles what we have is like Amazon versus Google stock uh stock performance by presidents and then we went through and we actually did another strategy which talked about different stuff Warren Buffett Dave Ramsey different types of investing right and if we go to YouTube and we look at what is out there so if we do YouTube and we do something like Dave Ramsey strategy okay you're going to see that people do watch videos about his investment strategy right very simple what is best investment strategy investment strategy on and on we go so all I would need to do is templatized fry car holder or car french fry holder or whatever it is that's making about $765 so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with J chat GPT and I'm going to say based on this product or let's say product french fry car holder price see what the price is looks like it's about 7 Bucks okay so it's $7 monthly we'll do monthly sales according to Jungle Scout and that was 7 6590 all right 7 where' we go 765 90 ah refs monthly searches on Google okay so we'll do car french fry okay so car french fry holder 15 60 so we got 210 270 8090 300 okay so approximately 300 searches per month based on this info please make a fun video script with just the audio audio parts about this crazy profitable Amazon product okay very simple do you guys guys see how I'm templatized this and it's like oh okay here we go it's got the music and have you ever thought where do I put my French fries while I drive car horn beeping oh no my fries spilled them again right and it's going to talk about the French fry car holder and how it's actually making money on Amazon so now all I need to do is either create the video or go through and templa it and give it to outsourcers so what we're going to do here is we're going to do a template because when we look at this we need to understand that this can literally be used for anything right I could go out there and I could use this for just about anything when it comes to products so when I look at this I want to show you guys the power of this because I can open a new chat and say find me 50 Crazy Drop Shipping products that are unusual but clean please right so that way we don't get anything weird um that sell well on Amazon okay and it'll go through and get me the list so we can go through and we will see hopefully this is clean we'll put it up here just to make sure right and we're going to see the products that are out there looks like it's okay so far okay looks like it is doing a good job of of keeping it clean right and we have all these different things so now I can go through and I could template this for the same thing right so like okay Moon lamps do the same thing we're going to go uh over here jungle Scout Moon lamps right like this okay so now we're seeing oh okay I see how it works now what we're doing is we're getting unique good content based on different things so the kind of niches that this would work really well for are like credit score people literally look up 690 credit score 550 credit score this credit score that credit score and when we go through and look at this here we go products Moon lamps pillows uh Emoji stuff you could literally do this just on different Emoji products right smiley faces and happy faces and plush and different things like that so now we see here Moon lamp $134,000 a month right there you go you need a Drop Shipping product it looks pretty good I don't know what the margins are like but we can go through and do this so now we have all this stuff right here's 50 video ideas I didn't even have to think about them all I do is either do the leg work myself or Outsource it and I'm actually creating this live stream to give to my outsourcer so that she understands this as well right so now I could go through and be like okay so now we got the um french fry car holder let's hope it shows up here we got the the video and now I could just go through new chat boom we we replace this with moon lamps we get the price okay so price is $15.99 so $16 monthly sales is 20 uh 3,100 3,100 wait that's just the sales amount so we'll do 134 757 so 134 134 757 monthly searches go over here Moon lamps and bada bing bada boom we see 3,400 searches a month great so now do you guys see how easy this is Boom now it's going to make one on this so it's very very simple and very easy and templated and now we can go through now you can also alongside what the AI is telling you you can add a little bit like what are some other products like this where is the place you can get it how much does it cost on um Alibaba and all different things like that and you could use uh the chat GP aai or you could use the MSN Bing browser and it makes it very very simple again same kind of thing we're going to do for every different Niche we're in so if we do something like um please explain Warren Buffet investment strategy and why it is different than others and what we can take away from his tips okay boom now we can do the same thing with everything right so we go through and we're like hey there we go boom value investing he talks about all this and it even starts out with Warren as the chairman whatever we don't even need to get it to create a video script because this is something that would work very very well well now once you're done with this let's say we get through and we're like okay we got the French fry thing here okay what we can do is we can go to something like 11 Labs 11 Labs right like this and you can log into 11 labs and you can create uh video or audio very quickly okay this would be using um computer generated AI audio all right it's getting better but again if it was me for the product one for the LOL Biz I'm just going to have my okay I got to remember my my email which I don't but that'll that'll create the audio for you now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take the audio from whatever it is I have right so like let's say for example I had the audio from today's uh intro okay so here's our Camtasia I would just go over and get the audio which I think it was faceless AI bulk okay so let's say your audio was like this we'll just pretend it was just an audio okay and then all I'm [Music] doing apparently my speakers are really loud there we go and then when we have the audio the answer is yes but first I want to take you back in time and all I did was literally speak into my microphone that's literally all I did so literally you could go through and I'll I'll show you guys how this works you guys want to create one live here if you guys want that smash a like button I want to see the lights the likes go crazy if you guys want me to just show you start to finish uh how this thing works it's actually very very simple okay so and again that that intro that you saw in the beginning of this video was utilizing this strategy so if we get enough likes we'll go ahead and uh and do that so here we have this and it's actually very simple like if you don't if you don't like your voice I'll show you a little workaround that can make it um to where it doesn't sound like you which I kind of use this one all the time because you know in my Beginnings I I don't want it to exactly sound like me uh but what we're going to do is we're just going to go to Camtasia hit record and then the record box will come up like this if you have a camera like I got this camera here so that's why you see me there but if you don't want to use that you just turn that off if you don't want to use the screen you can turn that off as well um however I mean if you want to use your screen and record like the jungle Scout or whatever uh we'll show you how to do that too okay so it's very simple it's very easy so all I would need to do is come over here and so we have the French fry video I'm going to hit record and it's going to countdown okay so we'll do right like this have you ever thought Where do I do I put my French fries while I drive oh no my fries spoiled them again huh introducing the French fry carh holder what that's a thing of course and guess what it's a top seller on Amazon with a monthly sales of over $765 according to Jungle Scout and 300 monthly searches on Google this isn't just another holder it's a revelation but why is it so popular because priced at just $7 it's the perfect gift for any fry lover say goodbye to messy cars and say hello to the perfectly placed fries okay so it goes on um and then it talks about the other stuff as well now I might go through with this and and I might say make it more about the Drop Shipping so I could do like please make this more about the dropshipping angle rather than the actual product okay so we're going to go through and and tweak it up a little bit and then once we have it right we could we could template it for everything there we go that that's actually better I like this one better so I'm going to do this one record excellent okay we'll wait till it's done okay so now we have like this ever thought about the magic behind one of those okay so we could go through and say like an intro right so we're going to do an intro we would do something like I'm going to do today we have a super profitable Amazon product for you so that'll be good today we are revealing a super profitable Amazon product that the sellers are using to make hundreds of dollars every month but first why are these french fry car holders everywhere ah my friend welcome to the world of Drop Shipping the French fry car car holder the French fry car holder selling for just $7 boasts a monthly revenue of $765 according to Jungle Scout and with 300 eager searches a month on Google this thing is guaranteed to sell but Drop Shipping yes entrepreneurs Source cool products like this and sell them online without touching the inventory it's the new age business model low investment High returns so you're saying wait a minute so you're saying I could start selling products like this without the fuss of stocking them exactly and with products as hot as the French fry carh holder you're on to a winner are you ready to dive into the Drop Shipping world and start with a bang and then what I'm going to do at the end is I'm going to have a a uh followup so I would do something like you want to learn about what you want to get my free report on 100 Crazy Drop Shipping products check out my website affiliatemarketing dude.com that would be the ending right so now we can beep uh we could beef these up a little bit and use you know maybe uh we'll go through and use uh the info on Alibaba or whatever it is and then all we have to do is take our audio here so here's our audio right like that today we are revealing a super profitable Amazon product that the sellers are using to make hundreds of dollars every month so that would be an intro that we can keep for everything so all I would need to do to start the template is go over here and get stock video Amazon right like this and make sure you have a paid plan for these that'll get you the rights to use them so we could take something like this download that there and then we can do something like profit or money okay like that and it's going to be super super easy so we'll just go and go to our downloads here and you'll see we have them right here in our downloads super simple and then all we're going to do is start building out the template so we'll do Amazon right today today we are revealing a super profitable Amazon product that the sellers are using to make hundreds so we put the money in there right like that and then if you want to template it out even more you can do text right so like maybe you'll do Amazon maybe you'll do Tik Tok or whatever and this text once you have it templated I can I could basically use this for everything right so let's say we want to do like this and we'll do I usually like like aerial black so it's it's easy to see right like that and then again copy and paste is your friend so you could just kind of go through like this and copy and paste these I think you guys yeah you guys could see that right let's see here so we're just going to put them here like this there's our text right like that and then if you wanted to make them show even better right obviously we could put the ABC down here and then we put uh this I'd probably put a background behind the lettering okay and again remember you might be saying well Marcus this looks like it's going to take forever well on the first one one it is but we're going to template the process super important right so we'll go through like this we can have a little box here so that uh that shows up even better and then you can move that up there if you want all right secret Drop Shipping product okay and you could do like this secret Drop Shipping products right like that and then we got today we are revealing a super profitable Amazon product that the sellers are using to make hundred right and then these are going to be your templates which you can change okay so we'll go like this tons of money then we'll go through car holders so we'll do the French fry car holder starts here first why are and then we could do like french fry car holder or French just french fries like this okay so we could do like these french fries here and then put that on our timeline let's see we'll do french fries or something right so we could put that in there make it work um have some french fries in there and then you're good to go right and then what you're going to do is you're going to template this out so that everything is super super easy right so it be like okay um why are these french fry car holders everywhere right so you could have product french fry car holder right and then we can go through and we can go to Amazon all right we'll open this up here amazon.com french fry car holder okay and what we're going to do is we're going to get the basics of this product in a super simple way so like I could go through with Camtasia this is why I like this I could just go here and do uh record the screen so it's going to record this area here see how it's got this little see how it has this little line here so we could go right like this record this area just hit record don't know if we have to move this but just to be sure why are these french fry car holders everywhere boom right then all I need to do is put this on the timeline right like this trim it up a bit like that right and you can make it as fancy as you want um if you want to not have the background you can just do like this first why are these french fry car holders everywhere right boom and then as you're going along you or your outsourcer could be like okay well what's the next step you have the the jungle Scout okay cool um let's see so we got why are these everywhere the French fry car holder sells for uh $7 okay so good so we'll do jungle Scout uh french fry car holder right like this then all we got to do is record the French fry uh jungle Scout thing okay so record let's go ahead and search and then zoom in a little and then we can even just do like this that way it'll just show this part okay so we'll go like this record and then we'll get the we'll shrink it down a little so we get the number there actually that one makes uh 7,000 so I would go with that number right boom put this in the timeline and then all I need to do is send uh my outsourcer my voice or if they want to generate the voice themselves that would work as well right so now we have this there's our french fry car holder car holders everywhere and then you can add like one of the cool things about these templates is if you're doing this the same way I can add an annotation so like let's say I want to Circle the amount right so this will come up and Circle the amount and this will literally be on everything right so we'll go through holders everywhere ah my friend welcome to the world of Drop Shipping right so now we can do welcome to the world of Drop Shipping go over here Drop [Music] Shipping right like this okay there we go boom and then what's going to happen is when we when we do this we're going to have all the scripts created based on this right so watch you guys want to see what we have here today we are revealing a super profitable Amazon product that the sellers are using to make hundreds of dollars every month but first why are these french fry car holders everywhere ah my friend welcome to the world of Drop Shipping the French fry so we could actually welcome to the world of Drop Shipping and then um if I want to shrink this down we'll do clip speed right like that if you do sound effects it works way better and then we're going to do everywhere everywhere ah my friend welcome to the world of Drop Shipping the French fry car car holder the French fry car holder selling for just SE so when you when audio messes up all you got to do and this is why I like Camtasia because it's just easy I don't need big huge stuff like this is this is easy okay and it's drop Shing theen FR fried car holder selling for just $7 boast a monthly revenue of and then we could put our boast a monthly selling for just $7 boast a monthly revenue of $65.90 according to Jungle scoutout so there's our jungle Scout then and with 300 eager searches a month so a a TRS french fry car holder and then of course make sure you have the rights to use the stuff obviously so french fry car holder um we could do record and then I like to keep the stuff moving so when I record it I'm G to I'm going to move it down okay and then we'll put that a h in [Music] there jungle Scout and with 300 there we go to Jungle Scout and with 300 eager searches a month on Google Google shrink that up searches a month on Google this thing is guaranteed to sell but Drop Shipping shipping okay so we could put our Drop Shipping or we can do guaranteed to sell so we could do like uh sell okay guaranteed to sell all here we go this will work that's perfect right and we're just walking it through making it super easy again don't want to over complicate it we just want good stuff like how many of you guys I mean you guys are interested in this how many of you guys would watch a bunch of videos If if I made them about crazy products that make a bunch of money like you guys would probably get addicted to them because I know how this works and a lot of people do um and it'll work the same way you know you could do like investment strategies or whatever it is gole this thing is guaranteed to sell but and then we'll do Drop Shipping or or you could do question face right like oh hey Drop Shipping right we'll get this guy here he looks like he's questioning the existence of meaning of life right so put him in there and let's see download so we'll do focused face right and then when we're done do you guys see do you guys see where I'm going with this do you see how it's like oh wait a minute so like all of this is templated these I change this I change change template template boom now all I got to do is is add the templated stuff and now we have it month on Google this thing is guaranteed to sell but Drop Shipping right yes entrepreneurs so we could do like entrepreneurs I'm not even to try to sell that let's do business like this yes entrepreneurs let's see this looks like an entrepreneur I don't know entrepreneurs are apparently always staring out the window I'm usually looking at my computer but you know whatever to each is own so put this here again these three are going to be templated shipping yes entrepreneurs Source cool products like this and sell them online without touching the inventory right so what we would do is just go through and template this and we're going to go through and make it in a very simple way now Stella says how are we making money from this what you're going to do is three things we mentioned this in yesterday's video we are going to make money with monetization which is why I heavily encourage everyone to use your own voice if you don't like using your own voice because you don't like the sound of it just do this watch if I take my voice like this okay I can actually change it a little bit by changing the speed so if I do like something like you want to learn about you want to get my free report okay so I can do click speed and it'll change the way it sounds want to get my free report on 100 and if you do an accent like it it it does it watch you guys won't like I did one uh years ago on my honey app video and people didn't even know it was me um and you can do an accent so if you're like hi there today we are going to talk about how to sell products in the Amazon something like that and then if you want to do it like that and you think you sound silly like I sound pretty silly what's going to happen is when you slow it down today we are gonna talk slow it down and then you won't even notice it today we are going to talk how to sell products in the Amazon right or if you wanted to make it longer whatever it's very very simple right so we're going to go through and we're going to look at this and be like okay this is very simple we're going to go through we're going to make it happen if you don't like using your voice yes you can use an AI generator or you can have an outsourcer do it it's actually very very very simple so very easy we're going to look at that um and it's going to be something that is super super simple okay so we go through and we are going to look at this here okay so now once we're done what we're going to do is go back to chat GPT and we're going to template it right so you're going to go through and say now um let's do okay so you ready to arrive into Drop Shipping now please make the second script templat so that I can enter any product name the searches sales on Jungle Scout and the cost on aliab Baba something right so it's going to template this out for us now what we can do is get this template and we can go through and be like okay here's the placeholders right like this okay ever thought about the magic Behind These Amazon products why are these whatever popping up everywhere okay so this is going to be very simple now if you wanted to do this you could literally use a find replace program and have it do this for everything now I I'm not a big fan of that because it's not going to take the unique part one of the things we need to pay attention to in the world of AI is the fact that unique stuff is going to win if I can go through and and make it like oh hey wait a minute Warren Buffett has this other idea about investing or here's this other thing then it's going to be different because if I go through and I say um something like make a 800 to 1,000 words video script on credit let's say credit score 509 the benefits what they can afford the downsides and how they can increase now if someone has a credit score of like 750 there's not going to be the same kind of info right so let's go over here I'll show you what I'm looking at right so we're going to go through and we're going to be like okay make me the script so we're going to go like this okay and we're going to make money on these so like this one what I'm going to do is I'm going to add the plus Factor the plus factor is I'm going to use AI to create a really good guide I'm GNA be like oh here's the master credit guide on on what you need to know about your credit score okay and then on every video there's gonna be a templated part where I say go to my website to get the template okay so what this is going to do is it's going to make the idea and then we would turn it into a script it's actually very very simple and what we want to do is keep that uniqueness to it where we can build and grow and make everything work in a very very simple way okay and then we can go through and be like oh now we're going to do it on 509 credit score now using this strategy I would think once I get the template I'm probably looking at 10 minutes per video if that right literally all you're going to do is is change out the template stuff if you're doing credit you would just oh hey here's the explanation of the credit score here's what to do now we're going to show how to grow then we're going to show you where to get this if you're doing a 1,000 to or 800 to 1,000 word that's going to be like roughly a five minute video maybe 8 minutes which is good and so now we have these here diversify different things like that and then you know you can template it and say now please make one for 720 credit score and the cool thing about chat GPT is I can come back to this every time and just keep this thing going um and then once we have the template right so now we have our template on this very very simple is everyone getting this smash a like button if you're like okay this totally makes sense I'm getting how this works it's actually very easy and then eventually I could go through and give this to my outsourcer and say oh hey here's all my stuff because what I'm going to do is I'm going to template this to where my outsourcer just gets a file like this and they're like hey make all these videos right does that make sense to everyone very templated very structured very easy and when you see this over here on Pinterest we have tons of products all I need to do is have them do the research follow through understand what's going on and say here is the template like you can see that these are very templated and she actually got pretty lazy with just having the same person there um but you know we we look at this and we're like okay this is looking pretty pretty solid and pretty cool and it is working like people are viewing these so if you have a question and you're like wait a minute does this stuff actually work yes people are viewing it we actually have a student of mine here I don't know if he's here on on YouTube but he was on our our call yesterday and um he used the Pinterest strategy just from my video and he's now getting over I think it was like was anyone else on the call I think it was like 690,000 visitors a month right just from from Pinterest and so what we're doing is we're talking about how to template this and you can link your Pinterest to your to your uh video and again the key is going to be in how you're going to make these things different how you're going to make them work in a very simple way and then what we do is we already did the work so now we would just compile them into a big list of 500 Drop Shipping products right people watching these would like that like how many of you guys watching this video would like to get my template process and all the stuff right like everyone I would think I think everyone wants stuff that'll help them make money right and that's why it's easy because then I'm like go to download my notes.com get the template and so what you're doing is you're making decisions based on data and you're going to find something that is super templat so if we do like credit score okay Watch What Happens we're going to go here and we're going to click on KD and we're going to drop the competition down to like five or less and watch all the scores are going to pop up boom okay 690 760 675 and you're going to see that people watch videos on this stuff it's crazy I don't know why they watch videos on it but apparently they want to watch a video on a 675 credit score right there you go and you look at it and they say hey wait a minute here's all the stuff that is getting the views and all we got to do is template it and do a good job right we don't want junk videos we don't want garbage we want good stuff uh yes the template's not there right now because I'm actually creating it live on this training um if you go to download notes.com put your name and email we will send it out to you once it's ready but you could see here this would be a super templated process and then once you're done you would take a look at what the script looks like like so let's say we have the credit score okay 590 has its challenges whatever okay so we would do how to increase downsides and then we have what can you afford I'm going to move this up here so that I can kind of show you what it looks like as we build out this template so what we would do is we would say okay it starts with it starts with benefits your credit is a numerical representation blah blah blah blah blah a score of 509 is considered poor ever wondered what a credit okay so ever wondered what a credit score means to you we'll go over to story blocks or wherever and we'll do like credit score okay and the cool thing about this is like if you're doing credit score stuff you go to offervault and affiliate Networks you're going to find like free credit score offers pay $30 for someone to get a free credit score or credit repair companies or whatever that is going to trigger expensive stuff the ads on the videos are going to be worth more again don't try to cheat or or do anything that's not what people want make a good video very simple so we go through we say credit score okay cool let's template this out here's one download that uh let's download as MP4 because I'm not a Mac User um here we go it even has like different ones right time to check your credit bad credit okay bad credit so for the bad credit ones we could do like this like here it's going to affect your interest rates boom um okay make your credit go up it looks like this is like perfect credit okay cool so like that credit monitoring and we'll just take all these and we'll say okay what does the template look like so ever wondered what a credit score of 509 means for you okay um this is kind of cool like that so we'll go through and be like okay ever wondered what a credit score means to you all right so we'll go over here downloads and you could see I just have all these downloaded here if you want you could literally just drag these up here and start working with them okay so ever wondered what a credit score means to you okay I think we had that like Little Wheel thingy where was that this okay credit score rating number so go downloads and we'll go credit score rating number and if you guys enjoy these types of videos smash a like button these are actually very difficult to do uh live because there's so many moving parts so ever wonder what a credit score means to you okay right like that and then all we would need to do is template it out so let's record it so you could get a little idea okay so we'll record this part ever wonder what a credit score of 509 means for you today we'll dive deep into the world of credit scores specifically focusing on your score 509 your credit score is a numerical representation of your credit worthiness based on your credit history a score of 509 is considered poor but what does it actually mean for you while a score of 509 is on the lower side there are still some advantages to consider one it's not the lowest while 509 is below average it's not the lowest on the Spectrum hint there's room for growth two awareness knowing your score is half the battle you can't improve what you don't don't measure three you do have some approval chances there are lenders who cater to individuals of lower credit scores while the terms might not be favorable there's still a chance for approval what can you afford with a 509 credit score with a credit score of 509 certain Financial opportunities might be limited but not entirely Out Of Reach One secured credit cards and then on and on we go so I'll show you how to template this so we'll get that audio right and the audio is here and then what we're going to do is we're going to template out the main video stuff right so we'll do like ever wonder what a credit score of five ever wonder what a credit score of 509 means for you for you right boom so that could be for everything and then if you want just go like this and then put 509 here 509 boom make it big and then if you want we can make it Stand Out by just putting a block behind it and then if you want you can even put like 509 credit score and then once this is templated it's literally the easiest thing in the world to change right so now all I got to do is change 509 ever wonder what a credit score of 509 means for you today we'll dive deep into the world of credit scores deep into the world of credit scores let's see if any of those match that'll work right like that got to have sound effects right ever wonder what a credit score of 509 means for you today we'll dive deep into the world of credit scores specifically focusing on your score 509 right and then you can do your score specifically on your score 509 so she would change this or whoever is doing the editing focusing on your score 5099 right and then your credit score is a numerical representation of your credit worthiness based on your credit history okay so we could do like credit worthiness put the bad credit guy there ever wonder what a credit score of 509 means for you today we'll dive deep into the world of credit score specifically focusing on your score 509 okay so 509 was there start the bad credit guy here your credit score is a numerical representation of your credit worth so I would probably get a different one for like credit worthiness and then again when this is done it's it's completely ready to go right so good credit bad credit you could do something like that or prime rates or whatever what's this got okay that that could work this this wheel here can work there we go nine your credit score is a numerical representation of your credit worthiness based on your credit history okay there we go and then all you're going to do when I get the new one change 509 change 509 change the one 12 threes it's actually super easy and then when you go through and you get to the parts where it's talking about like oh here's the benefits right we'll just go through and we'll get like maybe a chalkboard right like this animated chalkboard let's see what this one looks like okay we don't want that this might work because it's like a zoom in or maybe even something like this this could work like this keep moving is going to keep people watching which is good um and then we'll do okay let's get this one so the chalkboard right so when we get to that part A score of 509 is considered poor so there's that's actually working pretty history a score of 509 is considered poor but what does it actually mean for you okay then we get the chalkboard while a score of 509 is on the lower side there are still some advantages to consider okay and then all you're going to do is take different blocks so like number one this thing all right boom bold right like that one it's not the lowest while 509 is below average it's not the lowest on spectum spum hint hint there's room for growth right so they're all they do is edit that and what you can do when you're done is go through some awareness awareness so number two is awareness okay your the you can't improve what you don't measure three you do have some I'm gonna make this clip speed right like that copy we'll put number three approval chances there are lenders who cater to individuals of lower credit scores while the terms might not be favorable there's still a chance for approval approval boom match it up boop boop right like that and so what we're doing is we're templating it so all we have to do is add the other stuff because the videos will be the same how many of you guys are are digging this are you guys liking it I know it's different than my normal entertaining show but I I do want to give you guys some actionable tips you can actually use here um because a lot of people are talking about just generating these at at bulk and it can be done but I think putting a little bit of extra time is going to get you a better output and in the end make you a lot more money so now once we're done I can take all the stuff I want my outsourcer to edit and say hey all the stuff that I want you to edit is on line five right and then when I'm done watch this this is why I love some Camtasia here I could just go like this file export zipped project this is going to zip the file template credit boom I can give this to my outsourcer and literally they can make me tons of these and you guys are going to watch this is this is what I do for a living a lot of people think all I do is make videos for a living you'd be wrong I have a lot of businesses that we run one I just started um a couple of about a month ago that's all about content strategy um and it's really cool and so we go through and we're like hey wait a minute how can I template this and when you understand the power of being able to template something and being able to get it out there because even if you're doing it yourself and not using an outsourcer this is it's going to make your time so much easier how many of you guys already are like wow this makes it so much easier and a lot of people don't know this about me um but I actually edit my own videos a lot of people don't know this about me but I actually do um and the reason is is because I have it in a very straightforward process where I edit as I go along and while lots of other people in the industry spend hours and days some people I know spend four days editing a video I'm able to edit them much faster because I'm editing as I go and that's something that the template process can really help you with is understanding oh wait now I know what's going on and what we want to do is choose a niche that's templat choose something that's very easy something that's like oh hey you know um something maybe a craft oh here's how to do this craft or here are some things for Halloween or top Halloween costumes or top products right think about this you guys are how many of you guys are like yeah I know that Black Friday is coming up and lots of stuff's going to be sold and Jeff Bezos is probably going to add another 70 billion to his change drawer and everyone's Gonna Get Rich so how do you how do you get rich with this well if you go out there and you say okay well how could I templae something that people are going to want to watch we need to make sure it's something that people are going to want if I go out there and I do Black Friday deals okay something you can set up by Black Friday very simple and we can go through and do let's just do Black Friday because sometimes they'll type in like Black Friday computer whatever right so Walmart Best Buy so we can go through let's do KD so the competition is low maybe five or less maybe we'll find like Black Friday mattresses okay uh Converse okay great I could go here and say uh let's go chat GPT where did you go here we are chat GPT new chat um something like this now let me get you guys want a a bonus stealth tip you guys want a cool tip you guys are going to love this what we're going to do is we're going to open the Bing browser and we are going to go over to um this tool here so I would do something like um Black Friday Friday mattress deals 2023 okay so what we're going to do is we're going to go like this we're going to find a site that's got the deals or we could say what are the top sites or whatever okay we can find and compile a list of them right so you just go there and you would just go okay um get a list from here extract the list of mattresses please okay so we'll go like this okay so it's going to go through and it'll get the list we can put that into chat GPT and say uh what are the best mattress deals for Black Friday and where do you get them right and then what are you going to do you do the same thing okay we got mattress we'll do Converse then we'll do DeWalt then we'll do Nordstrom ring Crocs yetis all this stuff right do you guys see how it's like oh my God this so templat is not even funny like this is something that's super super easy very very simple right so we're going to go through and be like hey this is good this is looking great Cabella TJ Maxx and the chat GPT is going to work okay it doesn't give me the deals so we might have to use um Bing and again utilizing the tools together is going to be key how about from this page okay and it's going to look at the page and we'll go through and bada bing bada boom there we go right so now it's going to do the page and everything like that and we could just kind of guide it along and say okay well what are the best Black Friday sales categories or products from 2022 that should have the data there and then we go through and just start using that and the stealth tip is going to be utilizing uh bing which is going to be cool because Bing is actually browsing the web live now I know that chat GPT does have something there but like when you look at this it's like oh my gosh this is something that will work really good coupons calories right you can make an entire Channel about the calories in different food products template it oh here's the banana here's how much calories it has here's the the MacDonald's here's how much calories this has different things like that where it's like oh okay and what you're going to be doing is building a following around a certain product you can get paid with monetization you can get paid with affiliate marketing and you can get paid by having your own mailing list like you'll notice on my videos all the time I'm like hey go to download myy notes.com right down there and uh get my notes why do I do that because if you guys are on my mailing list I send you all kinds of stuff and those things have offers now I will give you a tip nobody wants you just to make offers nobody wants to come here to just watch me sell stuff they want to watch whatever the content's about so tell them about the calories tell them about the things that'll help look for the niches and and all different things like that and since you guys hopped on this webinar and we did it quite a bit later than our usual time I'll actually include a list of maybe 25 or 50 really good niches that you can template out it's not ready yet it will be ready later this weekend just go to download myn notes.com and we will have that but we can go through and look at this and be like oh hey now we're seeing how this could be templated one other thing like verses you could do credit card verses or Atkins verses like we showed in our other video and again you want to make sure that it's something super super templat you want to make sure that it's something easy whether you're doing it whether you're outsourcer is doing it make it good make it easy focus on the benefits focus on things people would really really want and then take it a step further and maybe you could go through and say well now create a table of common uh what do you call it create a table of common things you could afford now create a table of credit scores and average interest rates or something like that right and this is something that you can provide in your video in a very simple way and you can think about it in a different way and it'll evolve over time right your first video might not be as good as your 100th video and when you template this you could always add to the templ template that's why it's so easy right instead of trying to go out there and just having AI do everything for you put a little bit of uh elbow grease into it and make stuff that that's going to be good and now we could go through and say uh now do this or I could go through and maybe have something about the average American credit score right very very simple very easy uh let's see I can't find your article on Jeff Bezos I don't think I have one on Jeff Bezos I don't think I did an article on that um we did a video about Amazon but not about that um but we start to look at this and say hey this is pretty cool and it is something that will work like you think about it it's the same kind of thing as like a net worth video right you go through you do uh YouTube You'll see there's lots of stuff about net worth net worth um like this right and it'll be like Jeff Bezos net worth this guy's net worth this person's net worth um and it'll it'll be super super easy net worth uh Elon Musk right or whoever and it'll go through and these people are doing the same kind of thing Wall Street Journal is doing the same thing it's a little six minute video about the uh net worth of this guy right um Jeff Bezos all these people it's like there there it is it's traffic in a very very simple way and what we need to do is we need to be very strategic about what we're doing it is everyone out there is focusing on AI I like ai ai is great great but AI is not going to give you the strategy that you need the strategy is from going out there and understanding hey a bunch of net worth videos has people thinking about net worth maybe I can link to investment tips maybe I can link to this maybe that whatever and we start to understand hey okay now we could get them into something else notice here on my channel I do a lot of videos about all different topics about how to make money from video to AI to SEO to Pinterest pretty much anything and we understand hey wait a minute this is something that is leading to other things Stella says you have lots of niches yes we are building Niche sites all the time they work another one you can template so one of the things that I like to do um is go through and utilize a site with it right utilizing a site with it like this one new suv.com or.org sorry new sv.
Org or or Not O there we go new sv. org uh we could see here actually ranks in Google for all different kinds of terms and if I was to go through and do a video on the best SUVs for visibility under 40,000 above 40,000 under 100,000 we can go through and make that work in a very very simple way um and and you can see like I just go down the list now the benefit of using the site method is the fact that we're already going to rank so I can put my video on the site it'll rank boom there we go one of my recent students who bought Emoji edit um he bought this site which you guys have seen me build up we bought it as a domain we built it up it is ranking like crazy okay now when you look at this there are videos on emojis eyes emoji right and you have like here's the ey emojis and all this there's some weird stuff too but look at that emoji stack that's all they're doing here's another one emoji test and and you look at that and it's like wait a minute if he starts with his site make a video on imoji template it out today we're talking about the imoji doot do doot what does it mean oh here's what it means what are some similar ones oh here's some similar ones and you template it out in a way that like this guy's already getting traffic he's got 5600 keywords uh this is a a website that we built for him we put AI content on it is working and all he would have to do is go through and say okay well you know what is he ranking for he ranks for eyes emoji right and you can see I think he's down where is he Emoji something I don't know my eyes are now working right we probably passed him um but what you would see is that it's something that works in a very simple way where'd he go nine my eyes are like no there he is um and you you're like okay here it is imog meanings great here they are here's what you can buy and here's here's the content right super super simple and you just double down and you make it work and then you're like oh hey go to my site to learn more about emojis or buy cool Emoji stuff and you could see like guy ranks for a ton of stuff winking face emoji um and it's like boom there you go right winking face emoji boom and how many of you guys are like whoa wait a minute this is crazy like this is something that actually works the data is there it supports it it's got the searches it's got all the stuff and you could just make a whole Channel about flirting emojis or whatever it is and bada bing bada boom you are ready to go high five emoji meaning right and you can do all different stuff like this okay you can even do like emoji meaning okay how many of you guys are like dude this is like completely makes sense it's not just creating content for Content sake it's really thinking about what's working you could literally there's 303,000 searches a month for different Emoji stuff it's okay there we go we just build it out and make it work in a very simple way and because he has a site with it now it's game over you win and and um if you want to learn more about how we do our sites and niches check out High ticket nit.com a lot of good stuff there that's where he got his domain um and there you go right and when you start to understand that hey wait a minute this process can be templated I can provide good information and I can do this in a way that people are going to get value the search engines are going to be happy YouTube's going to be happy because I'm providing good stuff I'm thinking about it and boom there we go and you start to realize oh okay it's not as easy as some of those guys say but it's actually pretty simple and we start to understand there it is there's the key over at download my notes.com we will have the info the templates and the list of niches for this if you enjoyed this smash a like button subscribe check out video number one that is in the description it'll go into more detail about some of this stuff as well and binge watch my stuff see