A VLOG ✈️ day in the life of a full-time YouTuber (from LA to Dallas)

this is a strange way to start a vlog but let's do it are you ready to travel are you gonna go in the suitcase yeah in the suitcase oh I don't think you can fit in the suitcase maybe the bigger one over there all right so this is the morning of uh our trip to Texas yay it's an excuse for Kai to be in pajamas all day long because that's how he's comfortable on the plan they're new pajamas don't worry and yeah I mean this is the part where it's like yeah I'm done packing but you're like no I need to pack my office the lights what else your stuff your last minute thing so it's like the Chargers the the webcams oh okay okay we're [Music] done no no no oh my face is so shiny yeah um yeah the flight is tomorrow and I pack in cubes not a lot really to explain just that um you know I start really with organizing the clothes make sure I have room for all the clothes and shoes um accessories like if I need an extra purse or backpack or whatever then I go with the electronics it's like okay I got to pack the light the camera um makeup of course for makeup Glam but also for Halloween cuz we're all going to be aliens and yeah so it's kind of like clothes go first and then we systemize and pack everything else um and I like to pack in a separate room if possible to just keep the Clutter away from my main working space and uh that that's this is getting typic typical routine before the flight tomorrow packing clothes Halloween costumes gifts uh Kai's clothes it's a lot going on this isn't even half oh my gosh currently 10:10 our flight leaves today at 2:30 so we got to drive to LAX it's a stressful trip I don't feel ready the way I felt for past trips and um we are just scrambling to the last minute got to go downstairs and pack Kai's food just snacks oh we're going to make it we're going to make it so we're on the 405 this is the big busy is freeway in LA and um so we're almost there like we only have 11 miles but it's going to take us like 35 minutes to get to our terminal so that's that's [Music] that what do I have here I had breakfast and coffee here what kind of breakfast well I came here because I was early first of all and all these other places have breakfast sandwiches mhm all right we are boarding the plane what a crazy arrival but we made it no so it's been an extra crazy trip because um ladies and gentlemen from the now it's my turn to welcome you on board this so while I am on the flight just want to mention my team because they're awesome when I travel they you know only message if they have something urgent um but you know as I've described somewhere in this video like this is a very busy time for us so um you know I don't mind just being on the grind right now like responding to messages um when I need so slack you know is our main tool of communication and there is you know where we have the the core team and Al it's also where we host our our clients right now and our subscribers to sales programs it's really great to know that whether I check in on the slack or not like the team is holding it down they're taking care of the clients answering questions um with you know taking care of the YouTube channel etc etc so that is [Music] great those cowboys howas so it's nice to get this moment of Peace on the plane I'm drinking black coffee at uh 5:00 p.m.

And that never happens U but basically it's been it's been a crazy week um you know as we're building out the subscribers to sales agency uh we it's at the moment we're um basically how I would describe it actually my husband described it best Abraham Lincoln said at best it's like you have 4 hours to cut down a tree you spend three sharpening a sword and that's exactly how I can explain what's going on right now because um I just feel like I've been sharpening our systems system system systems like it all boils down to systems right uh because if you don't have strong systems and a team and the tools to make a you know multi6 fig seven figure agency work it'll never work period right so that's why I've been like so busy and so yesterday was crazy because literally the first guy we brought on board on our sales team um he quit and it was no hard feelings but it was still like very stressful a hard pill to swallow mostly he just I I was frustrated because you know he quit because he was getting a big Nosh show rate like there was a no show of about 50% on his calls and he was just like hey I can't use my talents like this and I'm like I get it so it's back to the drawing board um but the great news is um Elizabeth our office manager has hired a an appointment setter an appointment setter and SL virtual assistant slash amazing person and he's hired and where she's ecstatic about him and I am as well I have not met him yet um but that happened yesterday so someone quit but also someone came on board and at the same time we're trying to get in contact with um someone who to help build the sales team or get at get me at least help because right now all the traffic is going to the calendar and I'm the only one taking sales calls which is fine like I like sales calls it's just um my goal is to get myself out of the sales and doing sales um you know as fast as possible really so that we can scale this thing to big huge levels and so um what else is going on um oh we are also building out um the Fulfillment process and systems right we're always building out the systems but the Fulfillment process to um fulfill video editing services for our clients this is going to be super exciting um and it's going to provide an incredible editing service and and they're going to be able to not only have editing but a manager ladies and gentlemen from the to manage their projecte because you know as you know as a YouTube entrepreneur video video marketer Creator it's like you just want to Outsource everything and not think about it you know film hand off the footage and be done and make sure things happen within deadlines and on time and so that's why we're really excited to offer and to build out an inhouse editing component of our subscribers to program that's really exciting so um yeah there's just so much in the works right now and I guess I would have to say that computer shows us touch down out the and so basically I'm working a ton right now and not like a lot a lot like 16 hour days nothing crazy like that but you know I would say I'm working like 9 to 4 sometimes 9 to 5 sometimes 10 to 5 and that's a lot a lot compared to you know working like 10 12 hours a week from when I first got back from maternity leave and so um you know it feels like a lot and I'm not spending as much time with my son and I feel guilty you know cuz I want to be with my baby boy but the whole purpose of me going so Allin right now um just work grinding um having to film content on the weekend sometimes it's because I see this vision this is the most exciting vision and I know we're going to achieve it I see this vision and um and it takes it takes unexcusable working hours so um although I'm working a lot it's very very fulfilling um as we build and so um I don't mind the work because I know like my ultimate goal is to be in a position where I'm only filming content um I'm able to work with the clients in a capacity where it's just like I'm their creative director and helping them increase watch time and Views and subscribers like that's pretty much the funnest part to me um and then yeah be able to have just easy you know 20-hour work weeks and feel good and have everything um in the hands of our team because our team is just crushing it right now like they are um you know our our da our success coach she is just absolutely crushing it our clients love her and um yeah that's where I want to be and also um doing things like more podcast appearances and I want to be a speaker as well and I want to write a book and so that requires time and um I guess I just I want to get to a point where I'm not working in the business and but instead working on on it being the Visionary and um that's going to happen I know it is but right now it's just a lot of you know it's it's a time where I'm like okay um when when I put my baby boy down to sleep sometimes I have to uh work after that like at 7 8 at night and get uh finalize things send out emails and get ready for the next day and I'm totally okay with that not a problem so as long as my my spiritual is good my spirituality I'm flowing through the day I'm not stressed and I can handle whatever comes my way as long as all that is continuing to go on I'm fine so um anyways that's that's been a snapshot of what you know life is like right now with building the agency relocating um to Texas and um it's been fun it's been fun challenging of course but fun so traveling with a baby is tough but it's not impossible Kai is a great traveler this is his seventh flight and he crushed it he didn't take a nap he didn't scream didn't cry kept himself occupied um he watched some movies he yeah he was just a really great baby he loved looking out the window um climbing on top of us you know back and forth so he was a really great baby but it's you know the the diaper bag is the most important thing when we travel it's like making sure that diaper bag is packed with all his Essentials toys wipies disinfectants and uh yeah butai he was a great uh travel baby as always we know you have a choice Cho there's my God mommy all our bags say hi so retired how was everything good how about you okay all right so here we are Weeks Later approximately 4 weeks after that travel day and that uh flight from Los Angeles to Dallas and I got to say like I this is my first time filming since then and jumping in front of a camera so it feels like a little bit Rusty in a way but yeah it was all my intention to definitely film keep producing content but we got sick like as soon as we got here you know 2 3 days later we got hit hit with major allergies like just the weather here at this point in time in Texas is super bipolar so very shortly after I was just like and then we got even more sick and it led to sinus infections ear infections for my son so here we are finally feeling better and like I had to you know go to Urgent Care get antibiotics and it was just so insane like even my husband got sick so um but yeah we made it so I'm just recapping here like what the heck happened the past 4 weeks and so by the way if you are liking this style of video I would love to know like comment Vlog in the comments because I would love to do more like I'm even thinking of doing maybe two to three videos a month of like day in the life of myself as a CEO YouTuber and like what happens behind the scenes and so yeah I love it if you comment Vlog if you're enjoying this style of video so moving on to kind of the purpose behind just nomading like recently meaning this past summer so right now we're at the end of November just for context so this past summer uh we went to medine Colombia and I can leave a link to that video in the description and up here but basically we were there all summer and that officially kicked off our like digital Nomad family okay it's um that was the kind of the idea of coming here like we are with my godparents here in Mckenna Texas they're amazing it was a win-win situation we had to come visit my God family um stay with them get to know McKenna get to know know like North Texas because the whole point is you know one it's fun to you know travel be remote because we have you know right now we we are uh Nomad is you know we are able to travel and take our businesses and operate from anywhere and that's really fun and then coming here we were able to kill several birds with one stone like get to spend time with my God family after years of not seeing them and reconnecting and that's been really fun and special and you know getting to know Texas another state my husband's brand new to the US so it's been really cool to have him like see a new state um and then yeah my son it's been great to to share a travel experience with him I think that the more travel for a family and especially for a child the better like the more exposure he gets um yeah just the better it is in my opinion so that's the I guess purpose of us doing this cuz a lot of people have been like well like why why are you here what's your what's your plan and so I've been telling them like hey you know we're honestly just looking for a home base right now in the United States you know California is where we're we're um um home basing right now you know my my parents live in Southern California my whole family lives in California I just don't love California because it's I mean the cost of living is just crazy there and so it's just after you've seen and traveled around the world and had you know you see how far the dollar goes in even in other states like in other countries right it's just hard to justify paying so much money for gas living rent and um just other things that are high way higher in California I mean here we we came to Texas and I I saw the gas station and I almost fainted cuz it was so cheap I mean gas here is like $22.70 that's wild like who has gas for that cheap anymore I guess Texas does California no I mean we crossed $6 a gallon which is wild you know it's probably in the five range but you know that's that's just how it is so um anyway that's kind of the whole purpose around things also things just quick tips about nomading that I think are important and when you're wanting to remote work from different places it's definitely important to just check out this is more applicable to overseas but also very much so if you're traveling within the United States just checking out the availability of co-working spaces internet what the weather is going to be like this is going to affect what you pack um like how safe it is safety and just what your resources are going to be once you get to some place than you know how similar they're going to be than as what you're used to meaning gym Community things like that it's really important so it takes us a while to get into the flow sometimes more so now with a baby like we want to get set up like where's our Works Space going to be how strong is the internet is it reliable do we need any extensions do we need to go to a co-working uh do we need to go somewhere to film YouTube videos so all these things to consider prior to move is is really important we also try to map out gyms that we think we might like and that's really important as well but again we've been super sick so we haven't even gone to the gym hardly at all but uh hopefully next week we'll get back into the routine but anyway there's that and so how has Dallas been so far like well we're north of Dallas about 40 minutes so um I I really love it here I mean there's so many different it's so different it's it's the same but it's so different you know it's how the way I can describe describe it is like when I come back to the United States from being overseas I'm like wow everything's so big and there's so many products and it's like when you come to Texas it's like bigger it's like wo I mean there's like 50 pumps at a gas station it's wild but McKenna is and a lot of the surrounding towns are very nice like there's just very nice stores like nothing feels old um resources feel very available um I love the housing here it's just so the houses are huge they have like this Southern feel and East Coast feel um they're gigantic right uh I've heard like the cost of living or yes the cost of living is much more affordable here than California the weather has been rough obviously I mean right now it's in this weird cold hot season leaning towards cold um but I've liked it I've really enjoyed it I mean when we got here we celebrated Halloween with um the god family that was really nice and we got to um you know go trick-or-treating with Kai's you know God cousins and it was really cool to see like what the Suburban feel feels like in a different area area but um I also appreciate the diversity here like you know North Texas is very diverse um lots of different cultures like honestly more than I expected another thing that I appreciate about here is like there's tons of things to do like there is a water ski park where you can go water skiing in a park and it drags you around and there's just so much to do right just from I can't even name the activities right now but like indoor go-karts like indoor skydiving malls just all kinds of activities for whatever age uh we also did hot air balloon riding like that was a super fun activity like my godfather hooked us up with um a an air balloon hot air balloon ride and we went over the McKenna area and Allen and it was really awesome I mean that was my first time doing hotter balloon and it was phenomenal like we went you know higher elevation and back down to the trees and so it was cool like we got to see uh the landscape and different residential areas and people were saying like hi to us from the ground and so that was really nice a really nice date night and evening and then one of the other things that I love about this area is it has Fort Worth which is like true Texan culture like it's the cowboy booths it's the old country western it has the Longhorns like the horses um they're you know hurting the cattle you know you got the the ribs um just the uh it's it's really cool it's a really cool Town there's so much to do we were there for like four or five hours and it was not enough time to do all the activities there it also has the only like year-long Rodeo um so every Friday and Saturday night there is a rodeo and we didn't get to see it cuz they're in championship and tickets were like super expensive so we were like maybe not this time but it was really quite fascinating um walking through the town super enjoyable great way to disconnect and you know go shopping go eat and do all these activities so like that is a really cool area I would totally go back to Fort Worth and um yeah so we're looking forward to it but it's been a fun like trip so far it's about an 8 week trip and so we'll head back to Southern California but I've definitely appreciated it and I'll probably make one more Vlog before we leave just on you know cuz there's we're going to be doing other things like going to see San Antonio and VI other cities around the area so I will definitely update on that and then as far as business business has been going super well like our brand new YouTube agency the one I was talking about on the plane like we've welcomed amazing clients this month and it's honestly been a dream um to work with so shout out to my clients if you're watching this like love you um but it's been fun and it's uh you know I'll do a deeper dive into what's been going on and how I'm building this out but we've recently assembled um the sales team like I've never had a sales team in my life right it's always been uh just automated through a webinar funnel and so like this month we brought in an appointment s Setter uh named Mustafa he is incredible another uh member to the team an official sales closer named Mike he's awesome as well as well and that's been so great because that was consuming a ton of my time the past 90 days like doing sales calls and stuff you know on top of Building Systems and fulfilling work and so it's been great to set the foundation of Systems Support and team and if you guys want I could do a separate video but um by the way if you're interested in you know 5x in the growth of your YouTube channel and leveraging a YouTube Team like a superstar team that knows what we're doing that's exactly what we do in our agency so in our program we hire recruit a superstar team to do the heavy lifting for you and to grow your channel well all you do is focus on filming epic content so if that's something you're interested in and you're like all I want to do is film work 2 to three hours a week on your YouTube channel definitely check out um what we have to offer book a strategy call up here um I highly recommend it because if you're a business owner and have a YouTube channel that's stagnant and you're overwhelmed and you're struggling Now's the Time to get that fixed so definitely hop on a call with our team so a very like up and down and up and down business here is feeling so aligned right now and this is the most aligned I've ever felt in business and it feels so good and so I hope that this Vlog gave you perspective like if you're interested in The Nomad and traveling more I made a really amazing video about this topic and the reality of being a digital nomad like what they say versus the reality and that video is coming up right here I used to be a make money online digital Nomad traveling to you know several different countries around the world so check out this video right here it's coming up next see you there I have the story to tell you about how I went from uh back in 2016 a girl who had a desperate me

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