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if you're a coach consultant or business Expert trying to leverage this platform right here Almighty YouTube to scale your Revenue to multiple six figures seven figures and Beyond this video right here is going to talk about the essential piece that is probably missing from your YouTube efforts and that is your high performance Dream Team behind the YouTube channel the people behind the scenes that are doing the day-to-day YouTube operations that are allowing the YouTube channel to grow and scale your Revenue if you're finally ready to hire a YouTube team that helps scale your profitability type in the comments YouTube team and let's get into it all right so first things first let's define what a YouTube team is okay a YouTube team is you you are the Creator you're the one that's going to be getting behind the camera and creating the content all right so you are the you know biggest piece of this puzzle right so first it's you as the YouTuber and then the other key person is a YouTube editor right somebody who is in charge of editing the video footage making it a masterpiece and also creating graphics and thumbnails the other person is a channel manager okay so this person is in charge of all of the backend SEO writing descriptions replying to comments engaging with your community a lot of you right now I'm just going to say are forgetting all about leveraging your community tab in your YouTube channel that right there is its own source of traffic that so many creators ERS are not leveraging okay this is free traffic another source of free traffic on the YouTube um platform right that can be generating you leads engagement with your community Etc so the community manager and the YouTube editor this is your high performance team right here right and you guys all work as one function one system okay so just to kind of go over the roles of each person um and this is kind of Step One in having a profitable piece right have making this team profitable right is setting the expectations right from the beginning um you could hire the best editor in the world the best channel manager in the world but if they come on and they don't know they don't have Clarity they don't know what their expectations are if they come on to something that doesn't have a system it's going to be a continue to be a hot mess and it's going to feel like you're having to manage an operation that you have no clue how to manage okay so um all that to be said is that let's talk about first like how do we Define each role for everyone so you as a Creator you're in charge of you know coming up with what you're going to say in the YouTube video okay um also like the you have to be thinking ahead of time all right how am I going to one structure the video the title Etc what am I going to say and also you're in charge of setting your YouTuber routine picking a day in time during the week that you commit to no matter what you block off this time to make make sure that the content gets filmed okay so scripting and filming um once you're done with filming your job is to then hand off the footage to the editor and make sure you let the editor know like okay um is there any special b roll are there any special images that you need to add and that's it once you hand off the footage the rest is simply taken care of okay so then um with the YouTube editor they have to have I mean really good experience as an editing profession if they're just learning how to edit they're probably not the editor for you okay they they're responsible for knowing how to edit I mean that might seem pretty basic but there's a lot of editors out there that claim they know how to edit a YouTube video and they don't their job is to take your b-roll and to make it really really good they have to really make that first 30 seconds an outstanding Masterpiece a lot of editors make the mistake of not putting anything engaging in the first 15 seconds even 30 seconds and it's like oh my gosh why is this happening it's really really frustrating okay they have to have um something in the beginning b-roll is a must right b-roll is a no-brainer overlay text um different music right different music that is going to hook and engage your audience in the beginning because all of these components is really crucial to someone deciding am I going to watch the rest of this video or not so a really strong intro um is crucial and this editor should have the knowledge and experience to make that happen Okay so they're also in charge of things like making your calls to actions really really enticing putting some animations in the video to help or to encourage your viewers to download the lead magnet okay they also have to make sure that they're not misspelling things okay this might sound obvious as well but a lot of times with all the different things going on in layers there there's misspellings that's not a good thing so we have to make sure that there's a system in place for them quality assurance in or Q&A their own production all right so that's the other thing too is at the end of the video they should be creating video assets that keep your viewers watching for longer so at the end of the video and you'll notice on this video and all of my videos I have a 20 second end screen that's very plain it's like go watch one video a lot of you right now are putting way too much on your end screen you're putting a subscribe button you're putting a playlist button you're putting a up next video button that's too much uh if you give somebody all these options they're not going to click on anything um you want to point them to one place and that's definitely your up next playlist or video preferably a playlist because then they're going to be um encouraged to keep watching right an entire playlist as opposed to one video and this now goes into the channel manager so this is what the channel manager is going to be in charge of they are going to be in charge of once the video is uploaded to the channel then they take over they upload the thumbnail they put the title of the video on the you know in the title section of the on page SEO they're writing a keyword Rich description they're put they're making share all your affiliate links your lead magnets all of your uh booking pages right strategy calls all of that is structured correctly in the description they're also going to be in charge of the secondary tags the end screen the cards that pop up within a video like you know right here by the way if you're looking to you know scale your YouTube efforts in way less time definitely check out my um subscribers to sell blueprint you can download it right here this whole card will pop up um or the first link in the description definitely check that out and so for example my channel manager will then have be know like hey this card needs to go right here during this time in the video so that way um people can download it because if you're not putting cards you're missing out on clicks you're missing out on traffic all right so then um the the other thing is that's so all of that is pre-optimization another big piece of their job is postoptimization okay so how are they are they posting this video to the community tab are they Distributing it to Facebook your Facebook fan page your Twitter your LinkedIn Etc all of these are really really important because when Google sees that these videos are being distributed to other places they're going to be like oh great this video is popular not just on YouTube let's promote it more on YouTube okay and get it more traffic so as you can see these job functions together they're a lot they're way too much for you to do on your own and that's why it's super important to um make sure that you're hiring these people and Outsourcing them and teaching and training them the correct way so that your channel can truly scale without you having to be in the weeds and with you only having to create content in two hours per week Max that is it the other big thing so now now that we've defined the roles the other big thing and mistake that I see with uh business owners trying to hire a YouTube team for their Channel and their business Revenue growth is not setting the expectations right from the beginning so what this means is like Hey whenever we put out a job description or a job announcement we literally have a place in the job description where it says these are the expectations what does it look like dayto Day on on what you do what is your like role doing for the bigger picture of the company right we always say like hey you overall you are on the sales and marketing team or you are on the client delivery team or you are on the product and services team the customer service team whatever it is they have to know their big big picture um and how they are driving and moving the needle forward in their company because when they know that they will understand like hey my role matters dayto day because of this right it's not just them you know coming to work every day or you know remote work most 99% of the time and it's not just producing a YouTube video right it's not just optimizing the channel it's so much bigger than that it's helping us as a company achieve our mission and our vision which is helping people's lives right it's helping people around the world um get results which is impacting the world right now I'm getting like deep in the layers but so setting that expectation as as like you know why their role is so important the other thing is company culture company etiquette like when you come to work every day you know do you have a check-in are you expected to meet in a client or in a weekly team meeting um what is their expectation as far as like how long does it take to respond um you know that's really important because if you have a slow response time from your team member during their working hours that's not good so it's important to tell them like hey if I message you during your work hours I expect you to respond within two to three hours okay that's super important um to to the whole entire operation is like what is you know the company culture and what does that look like um so they can understand from day one what they need to do so then part two of all this is measuring success right are they hitting their kpis so for a video editor a key performance in indicator AKA kpi could look like how many videos have you edited in a month all right how many um you know YouTube intros have you successfully made um what is the CTR that your thumbnails are producing um so just ways to measure success what does that look like so for the channel manager success could be um within the first 30 days have they gotten to know your brand your Niche um within the first 60 days their kpi should be hey you're expected to post six times a week in the community tab are they doing that okay are they scheduling out these posts um are they replying to at least 10 comments per day on the YouTube channel so there's definitely different ways to measure success and these are all very important to um make sure as as a whole as an entity you and your YouTube team are all moving forward and doing these things over and over and over are going to make your videos more than likely go viral okay the more everyone is having best practices the more your chance of every single video or not every single video but every video you post the likelihood of it going viral increases and increases you'll get new growth plateaus and I guess the key thing is that's the you know driver right the more quality organic traffic you're going to produce the more views you're going to produce meaning the more dollars um coming into your funnels and your your overall business um ecosystem [Music] so do you need a lot of money in order to Outsource the short answer is no but there's a couple caveats it's really important to understand you don't need hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to start Outsourcing it just means you need to be more intentional about where you hire because there's a lot of nice to have that of course we'd love to be able to take this off our plate and give it to somebody else but if you don't have the largest Budget on the planet then we need to look at where you can Outsource that's going to be the most impactful and pivotal for your business I think it's also really important to understand if you're even ready for outsourcing and if you're not sure go and check out my video that I talked about Outsourcing and General and you'll be able to glean some facts on whether or not you are even ready to Outsource or we need to look at some other ways of systemizing your business now with that other way let's talk about these four tips tip number one is understanding your Outsourcing options like I was just saying it doesn't take hundreds of thousands of dollars to be able to Outsource because not every Outsource hire is going to look the same I'm assuming for a large majority of you you're not going to need a 40 plus hour hire in order to Outsource your tasks for many of you it may be more of a one-off be semi-regular not necessarily consistent but maybe a once a month type of thing and for others it may be a very very part-time role now depending on your budget range you'll want to determine with the task that you're saying you want to Outsource one how priority they are and two which of these three buckets they fall into if it's a one-off job like say setting up a lead magnet page writing the copy for your bio on your website something that doesn't need to be done repeatedly then that's going to be one lump sum that's not going to cost you a lot in the long run but will have impact down the line if it's something that's semi-regular maybe you need somebody to batch write content for you need somebody who can take care of editing for you that's going to be more of a recurring cost similar to somebody who is semi parttime however this is going to depend on how many tasks need to get done the level of experience that this person is going to need in order to be able to get those tasks done there's so many different factors that you can be thinking about that can help you be able to find the right Talent within your budget range a great example is when Marissa was hiring for my position she was looking for somebody who was somewhat consistent however I could handle a lot of oneoff tasks in addition to the management of the team so I could handle writing emails I could handle um writing sales pages I could handle helping with launches and sales and marketing I could help with customer service so she was getting somebody who could do a lot of oneoff and semi-regular tasks in one so you could hire somebody who was more on the top end of her budget because of the impact that I would be providing for her business now not everybody is going to need an operations manager not everybody's going to need that level of support in their business right away but understanding the differences of how to be able to hire and the different Outsourcing options that you have are you looking for a part-time person a one-off project or somewhere in the middle tip number two is sourcing Talent within your budget pool there are so many platforms for outsourcing nowadays especially since more people than ever are looking to freelance and to contract and so you have more flexibility on these platforms to put in your budget range and then see the type of talent that is available to you you can look on upwork Fiverr freelancer.com go to uh different referrals that you have from other YouTubers or business owners that you're associated with there are a plethora of different options available to you on these platforms for budgets as low as $500 by the way if you're a full-time or established YouTuber who is starting to feel burnt out on all of the work that you're doing not just on content creation but just being able to run a channel in a business then you don't want to miss out on this private live training that Marissa and her team are doing on how to run a six-figure YouTube channel in business in less than 10 hours a week we're going to be talking about a plethora of different topics including hiring on how to be able to create scalable sustainable structures and a spacious schedule for yourself so that your channel and your business can continue to to grow but not at the expense of your sanity or enjoying life if you're interested in this retraining and learning more about how Marissa and the team can support you go to the link in our description to be able to apply today all right tip number three is an important one it is making sure you have your processes nailed down because not everything that is on our plate needs to be outsourced and if we can save you money on not having to Outsource by automating by heavily templating so that it's still giving you more time on your plate just not taking you as long to do a task then we want to make sure we have those processes as simplified and as optimized as possible before we even consider Outsourcing the reason for this is if you try to Outsource a task or Outsource getting help with a process and they come in and you have no process whatsoever then they're going to have to figure out a process themselves it's going to take them more time to be able to execute on the task which means that's more money that you're having to spend to have this person work for you I like to think of processes like an assembly line at McDonald's you know if you go to any franchise of McDonald's anywhere in the world if you ask for a quarter pounder you're going to get the same Quarter Pounder everywhere anywhere and everywhere you go it'll be the exact same Quarter Pounder you want the same type of repetitive quality inside of your processes you want to make sure that it doesn't matter if it's you doing the job or if it's somebody that you have outsourced for help doing the job they can slide into that assembly line and still be able to produce the exact same results and being able to have some slot into an assembly line as opposed to having somebody try to strategize or create a new process for you is going to be a lot cheaper being able to create this assembly line is going to be able to help you get talent and support inside your business without breaking your budget and finally tip number four is to start small y'all you do not need to be starting out with three to for outsourced hires in your business you do not need to start by Outsourcing 75% of your business tasks in fact Marissa when I started working with her when she's running her 750 Grand business only had three people who she had outsourced support for and then one off projects to a couple other contractors that was it that was it we run a very lean ship over here at Team Marissa Romero you can do the same and I think it's really important I as you're thinking about this that it's not about quantity it's about quality a bigger team does not equal faster progress it doesn't equal more things getting done most of the time it equals more headaches because now you need to manage that team you need to manage that those outsourced hires and that outsourced help is getting the job done and if you're not used to managing people if you're not used to having to um check in and make sure that work is getting done then you haven't saved any time think of about that you you're spending money you're investing your budget with people who are supposed to help you save time so you can focus on more high priority things but if you're just trading that time of doing the work to now managing people doing the work you've saved no time and that investment hasn't gone anywhere so we want to make sure that your budget is going as far as it can and we can do that by making sure that we start small with where we Outsource at the end of the day I want to make it clear that Outsourcing does not need to be expensive especially at the beginning I hope that was super super helpful this is something that uh my company and my team subscribers to cells that we help YouTube business owners coaches Consultants do like we go out recruit hire and train teams if you're interested in learning more definitely uh book a strategy call um you'll talk to one of our YouTube Consultants um about what it is we do how could we serve you and if you're a good fit for us and if we could be a good hit for you so um you can check out more information in the links in the description and so anyways I hope this peeled back the curtain on like what a YouTube team is what they're supposed to do um and why their success matters so much all right so if you like this video uh definitely check out the video that's coming up next And subscribe to the channel while you're at it I mean as I mentioned we're doing a 30-day content Blitz Blitz here um All About You Know profit optimization YouTube optimization and behind the scenes Lessons Learned um of my business okay so um again check out the video that's coming up next all you got to do is Click right here and we will see you on that next video